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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Give Falkie an orange t-shirt and orange pants and he'd make a perfectly good construction barrel. Until he fell over from exhaustion. Which would probably take seconds.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on August 24, 2015, 11:43:17 AM
The vultures on the Falkie thread
Would rather see George Senda dead.
They make fun of his life,
And his medical strife,
But should fix their own problems instead.

Ol' Gerry thinks he is so witty
But his 'comebacks' are really all shitty
He makes no bloody sense
'cos he's so fucking dense
He's as clever as Kathy is pretty

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: b_dubb on August 24, 2015, 11:05:55 PM
Give Falkie an orange t-shirt and orange pants and he'd make a perfectly good construction barrel. Until he fell over from exhaustion. Which would probably take seconds.
Even after he passes out and is just an orange lump on the road, he'd still be useful as a speed bump.

Jocko Johnson

Damn falkie, boy does your "blog" (I just re-post others hard work, {news stories} as if they are my own and try to get discussions going where I can then tell the world, or the 50 or so dopes reading my overbearing, of course I am correct, opinon).

Bulkie you are a huge loser.

Hey what ever happened to that opaque pointing right, outward right half closed eyeball of yours?  Does that that thing even work, at all? 
Well since the whole snoory, "I'll buy you glasses" thing, some people have been conducting a small investigation.  The results are as follows...it is being reported that when you "ran away" from home at 35yrs old after you "killed" your father, you had to give blow jobs on street corners to stay alive. And that you one evening met up with a "man" or a reasonable substitute for a man, near your former home in the DC area. The guy was dressed as a sailor of some kind. At the time he told you to just call him, Pop-eye the Night Hawk...years later it turned out to be a much younger LT, jg dave snorge as a young man, he was on a lunch break from his duties as weekend janitor at the public information office at the Penagon. One thing lead to another and he offered you $2.00 for you to suck his tweeny weeny pee pee, but you counter offered & managed to haggle and got him up to $3.27. Roughly a $ dollar an inch when fully inflated. During this haggling process, snorge got so excited and with all his pent up fury, poked you in that lame eye socket...then shot his sizzling jizz load into the eyeball causing that damage we still see today. During that alleged usetubes "interview" with him and "ten ton" a few months ago, he realized who you were hence his willingness these many years later to pay for those eyeglasses. He didn't do this of any kindess, but in an attempt after all these long years to rid himself of the image of the wild looking samsquatch screaming and clutching his bleeding jizz filed eyeball from his dreams, that roaming wandering creepy eyeball had huanted him since. But not anymore. Now, like the rest of us, he just looks at it as part of that monstrous face of yours and laughs his ass off like all of us...ha hah!!!!!

So go take a nap after you get up around noon-ish, make a video, nap some more, mind your own business and then a go and STFU.


Sounds like Kathy is stockpiling the government checks while living with George.


Falkie's Trump UFO video is about to be the most popular video he's posted since his epic Noory/Tommy interview.  It's even gaining attention outside of BellGab: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2935398/pg1

Give the people what they want, Falkie!  More TRUMP videos!

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: SnapT on August 25, 2015, 02:18:40 PM
Falkie's Trump UFO video is about to be the most popular video he's posted since his epic Noory/Tommy interview.  It's even gaining attention outside of BellGab: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2935398/pg1

Give the people what they want, Falkie!  More TRUMP videos!
What a fucking retard. Talks about a ufo in a video, re-reads comments people made who watched the video...but never shows the video!!! Just a shot of his fucking fat body and face...what a douche.

Meanwhile the people on GLP they tear him a new asshole! I don't know if they know of or about him but they pegged him dead on...they got his number just from one glance at him and his ah... work!!!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 24, 2015, 05:37:44 AM
If we can stick to this story I think George'll go for it.

Hello. Welcome to Kathy’s Korner.  I want to thank Open Lines Gerry for the coupons to the all you can eat Chinese buffet.  George and I went there.  Their food was good.  Uh………they had lots of dishes.  I liked them all.

Uh……………OK……………I………....haven’t been doing a lot lately, except playing with my new, pretty little English boy toy.  George has been busy with some asshole who is passed out all the time.  Probably a drunk.  (snort)

Anyway, he got me my own bit on the side to keep me busy…..Uh….. some fancy pants from England who made the mistake of taking a vacation in California. The joke is on him. (snort) He got too close to a garbage man who hit him over the head with a metal garbage can. It was really George dressed like a garbage man. He was only dressed like a garbage man and did not do any work. George is allergic to work and screams in pain if anyone mentions the word.  He is a disabled senior citizen.

I……….Uh……………now fancy pants lives with me in George’s closet. I am not used to having the attentions an actual man since George is packing a limp 3 inches. I am enjoying my new boy toy. What we do with mayonnaise is none of your business, but when I am not on top of him I can hear him praying for sweet death. I didn’t know he was religious.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on August 25, 2015, 04:19:45 PM
What a fucking retard. Talks about a ufo in a video, re-reads comments people made who watched the video...but never shows the video!!! Just a shot of his fucking fat body and face...what a douche.

Meanwhile the people on GLP they tear him a new asshole! I don't know if they know of or about him but they pegged him dead on...they got his number just from one glance at him and his ah... work!!!

I wonder if having a forum mod call him a fat fuck and deliver harsh but needed criticism by reply number 5 is a record there.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: weeberwubber on August 25, 2015, 10:43:58 PM
I wonder if having a forum mod call him a fat fuck and deliver harsh but needed criticism by reply number 5 is a record there.

I read that and almost felt sorry for Senda. I think it's because he's shit, but he's our your shit, and no-one else can pile in.

Jocko Johnson

You guys are killing me. SLOB-O deserves everything he gets, because he brings it all on himself in an efforts to always promote his fat ass to get over on others.  Like his big blog, just posting others work. He is a blowhard. Ask for and Give No QUATER.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Jocko Johnson on August 26, 2015, 01:08:01 AM
You guys are killing me. SLOB-O deserves everything he gets, because he brings it all on himself in an efforts to always promote his fat ass to get over on others.  Like his big blog, just posting others work. He is a blowhard. Ask for and Give No QUATER.

I did say almost. I didn't quite go the whole hog..hog/Senda..damn.



the most intense point during sexual excitement for a female, characterized by violent squirting, and back-arching convulsions. Almost always accompanied by the phrase, 'yeah, give it to me, big guy!'.
(rare) intense or violent excitement, often produced by hearing your name on the radio, or getting free hand-outs from the government to spend on Apple shit.

Derived Forms
Sendasmic, adjective
Senda, verb

Word Origin
C17: from New Latin Sendasmus, from Greek Sendasmos, from swollen, unable to move off the couch, or do anything useful except post crappy videos no-one gives a fuck about.


Lady Chatterley's Lover: "As he began to move, in the sudden helpless Sendasm there awoke in her strange thrills rippling inside her..."

Women on the train: "Oh my god, last night I Senda'd like a motherfucker!"

Books: The Science of Sendasm; The Elusive Sendasm - A Woman's Guide to How She Can't and Why She Can Sendasm; Five Steps to Achieve the Perfect Sendasm.

Also related: The female 'G' (for 'George') spot.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 25, 2015, 08:16:21 PM
Hello. Welcome to Kathy’s Korner.  I want to thank Open Lines Gerry for the coupons to the all you can eat Chinese buffet.  George and I went there.  Their food was good.  Uh………they had lots of dishes.  I liked them all.

Uh……………OK……………I………....haven’t been doing a lot lately, except playing with my new, pretty little English boy toy.  George has been busy with some asshole who is passed out all the time.  Probably a drunk.  (snort)

Anyway, he got me my own bit on the side to keep me busy…..Uh….. some fancy pants from England who made the mistake of taking a vacation in California. The joke is on him. (snort) He got too close to a garbage man who hit him over the head with a metal garbage can. It was really George dressed like a garbage man. He was only dressed like a garbage man and did not do any work. George is allergic to work and screams in pain if anyone mentions the word.  He is a disabled senior citizen.

I……….Uh……………now fancy pants lives with me in George’s closet. I am not used to having the attentions an actual man since George is packing a limp 3 inches. I am enjoying my new boy toy. What we do with mayonnaise is none of your business, but when I am not on top of him I can hear him praying for sweet death. I didn’t know he was religious.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

So, I'm stuck in Kathy's Korner now, am I? I think I'd rather be in George's bathroom.

I only had you drugged, molested and married. It seems like I have wandered into Silence of the Lambs (except there are no more lambs, Falkie's eaten them all) and been Buffalo Billed by Senda with a garbage can, with Sweet Kathy telling me what to do with the lotion and the basket. It doesn't sound like my participation in this Sadean orgy is entirely consensual either.

What a bitch!

I see the gauntlet has been thrown down. I shall have to think of some more awful things for Mrs Senda to do now.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 07:53:01 AM
I shall have to think of some more awful things for Mrs Senda to do now.

Dear Lord! You mean there are worse things?!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 07:53:01 AM
I think I'd rather be in George's bathroom.

That could be arranged.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 26, 2015, 08:59:22 AM
Dear Lord! You mean there are worse things?!

You  haven't seen the torture chamber at Castle Senda.

The other stuff was just foreplay.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 09:03:34 AM
You  haven't seen the torture chamber at Castle Senda.

The other stuff was just foreplay.

Castle Senda is closed for repairs.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 26, 2015, 09:45:59 AM
Castle Senda is closed for repairs.

Just for cleaning. We try and keep things ship shape at Castle Senda because of all the fluids that keep getting splashed on the floor.

And when I say 'torture chamber' I mean 'bedroom'.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 09:03:34 AM

The other stuff was just foreplay.

I think congratulations are in order. I hear Kathy is with child.

As soon as that nasty divorce thing of Kathy's husband is dealt with, you can make an honest woman out of Kathy and take her back to your love nest. Can I be your wedding planner?


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 26, 2015, 09:50:29 AM
I think congratulations are in order. I hear Kathy is with child.

As soon as that nasty divorce thing of Kathy's husband is dealt with, you can make an honest woman out of Kathy and take her back to your love nest. Can I be your wedding planner?

(You're good at this  ;) )

You can plan my fake suicide and disappearance if you like.

I never knew Sweet Kathy had a husband. And I thought she was all mine! Even if I was a hostage and rape victim I couldn't help liking the disgusting old wildebeeste.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 09:56:56 AM

Even if I was a hostage and rape victim I couldn't help liking the disgusting old wildebeeste.

What? You didn't know about Kathy's estranged husband and his mother's 15 houses that Kathy was hoping to inherit? I see you haven't been keeping up with Kathy's Korner. For shame.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 09:56:56 AM
(You're good at this  ;) )

Thank you. That is high praise indeed.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 09:56:56 AM

I never knew Sweet Kathy had a husband.

She does, but he doesn't know her as Sweet Kathy. He knows her as Double-Jointed Freak in the Bedroom Kathy.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 26, 2015, 10:02:19 AM
What? You didn't know about Kathy's estranged husband and his mother's 15 houses that Kathy was hoping to inherit? I see you haven't been keeping up with Kathy's Korner. For shame.

I always thought that Kathy's Korner was just George's (he's the artist formerly known as Falkie, dontcha know!) nickname for...well...you know. That place I have become so uncomfortably aware of thanks to your fetid imagination. I just wish she wouldn't growl at me, 'get a faceful of your Sweet Kathy' that's all, as she grabbed my hair and tugged me down.

I'm perfectly prepared to marry money though. I have no shame. I just need some idea of how long the old crone is going to keep going before I get the chance to swindle SK out of her inheritance. Something makes me think I have just been reading right out of old Senda's playbook too, the crafty old goat.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 26, 2015, 10:05:56 AM
She does, but he doesn't know her as Sweet Kathy. He knows her as Double-Jointed Freak in the Bedroom Kathy.

I think I'd need more than two joints if I was going to perform the act of darkness with Sweet Kathy. I don't think South America could ever produce enough marching powder to get me down that road.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 10:09:40 AM
I always thought that Kathy's Korner was just George's (he's the artist formerly known as Falkie, dontcha know!) nickname for...well...you know.

Are you referring to Falkie's fragrant lotus?

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 10:12:31 AM
I think I'd need more than two joints if I was going to perform the act of darkness with Sweet Kathy. I don't think South America could ever produce enough marching powder to get me down that road.

Or maybe some Ayahusasca for an out of body experience, so you wouldn't have to be "home" when the freak nasty starts with the lovely Ms Kathy.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 26, 2015, 10:18:23 AM
Are you referring to Falkie's fragrant lotus?

More like Falkie's rancid cabbage. I can't imagine how he is so fat, even being near that thing would make it impossible to even contemplate solid food for any normal human.

On the subject of Falkie's revolting obesity. I was just watching that idiot doing his report on the shooting, and I am not digging the new close-up Senda. I much prefer a bit of distance. There something oddly rodent like about him at close quarters. I'm sure that if (don't try this at home, folks) you were to take a guinea pig, jam a hose up its arse and fill it with compressed air. The moment before it exploded it would look like Falkie doing his crapulous new videos.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 26, 2015, 10:27:22 AM
Or maybe some Ayahusasca for an out of body experience, so you wouldn't have to be "home" when the freak nasty starts with the lovely Ms Kathy.

I am not sure I would ever want to return if Sweet Kathy (aka Captain Caveman) was trying to get her groove on. I don't think lying on my back and thinking of England would every quite do it.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 26, 2015, 10:27:35 AM

On the subject of Falkie's revolting obesity. I was just watching that idiot doing his report on the shooting, and I am not digging the new close-up Senda.

I think it's the new 'up Falkie's nose' angle. Not a good look for him. If he he shoots his video's with the camera (and us) looking down on him, I think he will fare better.

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