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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 11:27:48 AM

Complain about my posts all you want but not word one about Paladin's, Pud's or all the other space wasters out there who post here taking up a whole page and say little worth reading except to spew their repeated bs over and over.
As to Noory's show not having a market, that remains to be seen. He does have a following out there and it is NOT up to Bellgabbers or their opinion of his skills as to whether or not the show will be bought.
I listen to his garbage show every night. He is not getting better, he is getting even worse.
You think he has a future because he's trying to give you one.
Last night he completely fukked up a question about Jules Verne because he didn't bother in the least to research it beforehand.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 11:23:34 AM

Fuck you too.
I worked hard when I was working and am entitled to my benefits AND my chance at the American Dream as well.
You need to wake up from your welfare nightmare to have the American dream.


Quote from: aldousburbank on June 23, 2015, 11:40:44 AM
You need to wake up from your welfare nightmare to have the American dream.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 05:40:54 AM
The taping is today or Thursday. I need to get to sleep so I can be awake enough to do it.

Noory told the entire Coast audience last week that he needed Coasters in St. Louis for a taping on Friday.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 23, 2015, 11:44:07 AM
Noory told the entire Coast audience last week that he needed Coasters in St. Louis for a taping on Friday.

Maybe George's segment will be pre-recorded, and Noory will just interact with the video.  That way, they can edit the conversation down to the exact time that that need it to be without any extraneous or tangential commentary from Falkie.  If that is the case, hopefully Noory won't screw it up, thereby allowing the viewing audience to be able to tell. 

I think the WWE does this sometimes, and it doesn't always come across that well.

Good luck, George!  I hope it goes well.

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 23, 2015, 11:56:04 AM
Maybe George's segment will be pre-recorded, and Noory will just interact with the video.  That way, they can edit the conversation down to the exact time that that need it to be without any extraneous or tangential commentary from Falkie.  If that is the case, hopefully Noory won't screw it up, thereby allowing the viewing audience to be able to tell. 

I think the WWE does this sometimes, and it doesn't always come across that well.

Good luck, George!  I hope it goes well.

Yeah, I suppose that is likely the case.


Kathy cleans her pizza nest of an apartment, after sitting around for days and weeks, and thus deserves a special treat.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 11:27:48 AM

Complain about my posts all you want but not word one about Paladin's, Pud's or all the other space wasters out there who post here taking up a whole page and say little worth reading except to spew their repeated bs over and over.
As to Noory's show not having a market, that remains to be seen. He does have a following out there and it is NOT up to Bellgabbers or their opinion of his skills as to whether or not the show will be bought.

Yeah, but... but I learned from a young Falkie that George Noory sucks.  Are you calling Falkie a liar?

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 11:20:58 AM

Noory taping at 1 PM today, PST. Producer and I talked about 10 minutes ago.
Call will be done on Skype but will be a one way call. They can see me but I can't seetheir control room.
I will record it if allowed.

George will be mooning you.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 05:40:54 AM

Shows the true caliber of the typical hater in here. One who advocates arson and making someone homeless or a murder victim rather than help.
I defend Noory because I emphasize with someone who is continually reviled as a person and not just for what he does ON the air.
And the Bellbot thing was to reverse the bs Davebot crap and intended as a joke.
If I am a Davebot ( which I am not by my steadfast support for ... Art Bell over the years ), then logically slavish devotion to Art could make one an Artbot by the reasoning of those who call anyone who likes or supports or defends Noory a Davebot.
Noory said he has a concealed carry permit and presumably carries a gun on him at times. Perhaps he's had trouble with some people in the past in person, I don't know.
But people in the public eye attract kooks and crazies in real life and face to face.
Which is probably why Art keeps a low profile.
Noory is far more visible and chooses to go around the country, Canada and perhaps Mexico.
It makes him a target.
That's why famous and rich people have security and bodyguards.
And perhaps his attempted kidnapping in Mexico made him nervous.
Even Ronald Reagan carried a gun after the attempted assassination by Hinkley on him.
If more people had concealed carry permits we probably would see less atrocities as we saw in South Carolina over the weekend.
And the Noory appearance isn't a job unless the show gets picked up.
But it will help MY standard of living if it does.
And if it does become a regular job, I can get this place straightened out more.
The taping is today or Thursday. I need to get to sleep so I can be awake enough to do it.
By the way, a coronal mass ejection wiped out shortwave across North America on the 22nd. Another CME storm may cause problems on Wednesday night.

Well, one, I said I would save you the time of going through all your junk (And after watching both videos you posted, it is all junk.) by burning it, Not that I would burn your house down. Reading is important.

Who would kidnap Dave?  ???  WHY would anyone want to kidnap Dave?  ???

So, you will hate on Dave, then as soon as he dangles some cash out infront of you, you start kissing his lower half.... Sounds like a DaveBot to me.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 03:13:54 AM

How is doing a show that is not a signatory to SAG  being either a scab or a union buster.
SAG and the unions do not rule the entertainment world. They just think they do.
I belonged to 3 unions including the Screen Extras Guild. But it was a condition of employment. I had to join to keep the job. I did not approve of the activities of certain unions or union officials and still do not.
Unlike you, I feel unions have been beneficial but their excesses and the greed of their members and leaders now outweigh their usefulness.
Unions ignore the non unionized worker for their own ends and if prices rise ( as we have seen with gas prices because of the action of ONE union ) they don't CARE how it affects the country as a whole.

You say,"unlike me..." you have no earthly idea how or what I fell or believe about unions, so do not assume and never put words in my mouth.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 11:27:48 AM

Complain about my posts all you want but not word one about Paladin's, Pud's or all the other space wasters out there who post here taking up a whole page and say little worth reading except to spew their repeated bs over and over.
As to Noory's show not having a market, that remains to be seen. He does have a following out there and it is NOT up to Bellgabbers or their opinion of his skills as to whether or not the show will be bought.

Nah, I'm no space waster, I just use this to kill time between classes, work and July 20th. Once MITD starts, I'm pretty sure no one would bother coming back to this thread....

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:04:39 AM

The only one I have a real problem with is my cat feeding areas. There are no rats in here and its a stupid thing to assert. I've never had them in any apartment since 1977 and no roaches either, Kathy with her shoes on managed to knock over the single dry food cat dish by the door 3 times last night.

There are no Rats in here, I have Cats!


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 23, 2015, 11:57:45 AM
Kathy cleans her pizza nest of an apartment, after sitting around for days and weeks, and thus deserves a special treat.

Days and weeks? Decades is a better term.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 23, 2015, 06:46:50 AM
You realize that story was either a lie or a delusion, right?  There was no 'kidnap' attempt
Too funny!!! If dave does have a permit, he better not be carrying that gun across state lines unless he can by law. And never into Canada or Mexico. He's a joke and Flakie you are a bigger one for drinking the jorch kool aid. Looked up two faced in the dictionary and there was a big pix of flakie.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 23, 2015, 11:57:45 AM
Kathy cleans her pizza nest of an apartment, after sitting around for days and weeks, and thus deserves a special treat.

Well he said he was taking her to Marine World, that may mean he's dropping her off.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: paladin1991 on June 23, 2015, 08:41:34 AM
That piece of shit wants to get a piece of my America?   Fuck him.  I've bled for it.   He is damn lucky he gets what gets for a monthly stipend.  He's got dick coming after that. 

Ha hah!!! I love it!  You are very correct Sir!

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: bateman on June 23, 2015, 12:30:56 PM
Well he said he was taking her to Marine World, that may mean he's dropping her off.


Jocko Johnson

Flakie, will they be taping you from your rats nest hovel?  Will you be taking a bath/shower, gonna comb your hair?  Has dave sent you some shoe polish for your hair and an all black outfit like his?

Jocko Johnson

If flakie can't see the other end of this taping, I can imagine what will be on the other end. Picture this, dave and tammy are on their end watching flakie answer questions from the producer and laughing their fat asses of saying, "tammy...this clown ass-hat actually thinks we want to put him on tv...what a joke, this gag is worth every penny we gave this joker, I can't wait to show it at the next corporate meeting at premrat HQ...hah, ha, ha..."

There you go Paper Boy, your next cartoon!!!

Jocko Johnson

Just think, at 1300hrs Pacific time, in a run down sty somewhere near San Francisco...television history, no, world history will be made. And we all have had a front row seat!!!! WOW!


To me part of the American dream is getting paid to do nothing. So I applaud you on that end of it, but it still sounds like a crappy show.

Maybe George's new show is an infomercial.  Then Falkie will be the 'before' in the before and after?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 11:27:48 AM

Complain about my posts all you want but not word one about Paladin's, Pud's or all the other space wasters out there who post here taking up a whole page and say little worth reading except to spew their repeated bs over and over.
As to Noory's show not having a market, that remains to be seen. He does have a following out there and it is NOT up to Bellgabbers or their opinion of his skills as to whether or not the show will be bought.

Hmm, but you don't refute anything said pertaining to you...why is that? And the ONLY way any of us know ANYTHING about you, is because you've told everyone. Go on Senda, what do you know about my personal life? In round figures? If you'd paid attention you might know what I do for a living, but as you don't, unless it's about you, I doubt it.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 23, 2015, 11:56:04 AM
Maybe George's segment will be pre-recorded, and Noory will just interact with the video.  That way, they can edit the conversation down to the exact time that that need it to be without any extraneous or tangential commentary from Falkie.  If that is the case, hopefully Noory won't screw it up, thereby allowing the viewing audience to be able to tell. 

I think the WWE does this sometimes, and it doesn't always come across that well.

Good luck, George!  I hope it goes well.

Noory is not going to be involved as far as I know presently. But all of us will find out for certain in 47 minutes.
Thanks for the kind wishes.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on June 23, 2015, 01:12:10 PM
Just think, at 1300hrs Pacific time, in a run down sty somewhere near San Francisco...television history, no, world history will be made. And we all have had a front row seat!!!! WOW!

I am ABSOLUTELY certain that YOU have seen your share of East Coast and NYC stys in your time and know the difference between the two. In fact, you're probably our resident expert on the subject and if what we see in films and on tv of parts of New York is true, my small place is the Taj Mahal compared to some of the dumps and tenements in the Big Apple.
Of course, your having in all probability knowledge of all facets of the word pig and its entomological uses, that would be expected.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on June 23, 2015, 12:59:58 PM
Flakie, will they be taping you from your rats nest hovel?  Will you be taking a bath/shower, gonna comb your hair?  Has dave sent you some shoe polish for your hair and an all black outfit like his?

Has the NYPD now taken to covering up the city's logo because they are ashamed that you were one of their men in blue ?


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 23, 2015, 11:38:38 AM
I listen to his garbage show every night. He is not getting better, he is getting even worse.
You think he has a future because he's trying to give you one.
Last night he completely fukked up a question about Jules Verne because he didn't bother in the least to research it beforehand.

Why would you listen to garbage ?


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 23, 2015, 11:44:07 AM
Noory told the entire Coast audience last week that he needed Coasters in St. Louis for a taping on Friday.

I am taping MY segment of the show today.


Quote from: ONeill on June 23, 2015, 12:28:02 PM
Days and weeks? Decades is a better term.

She lived in her apartment for a decade jerkoff and her previous apartments were very clean.
She just quit caring.

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