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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

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647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: ShayP on June 20, 2015, 10:31:01 AM
Maybe I missed it, but why are you (FALKIE) posting videos of you "cleaning" your apartment?

Excellent question sir! Why does Senda post any video and feel the need to impart the minutea of his (and his girlfriend's) squalid life? He sees no embarrassment or even mild sheepishness in telling all how his g/f will only perform oral sex on his sweaty fetid organ unless it's first covered in mayo (yes really). Or any shame in his constant begging and demands from others to finance his cravings for various apple products, or his gas bill to let him (illegally) drive his g/f Prius. So 'why' covers many many things.

Perhaps someone else can answer my query.  I'm perplexed to say the least.  It's more than sad.
I did look at some old threads and at that time Falkie flamed Noory up and down, yet gets freebies from him now.  I guess I should've paid more attention to this scenario.  However I feel shitty for paying the attention I just did.   :-\   WTF?  :P

Ahh yes the old hypocritical dilemma friend and/or foe thing..Senda this week likes/dislikes Noory but this shouldn't be confused with him saying Noory was a troll, idiot and knew nothing after Noory bought him new glasses. Throw in the various videos where he slags off Noory and it's obvious Senda is Noory's best friend...or not. Clear?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 20, 2015, 10:52:53 AM
He sees no embarrassment or even mild sheepishness in telling all how his g/f will only perform oral sex on his sweaty fetid organ unless it's first covered in mayo (yes really).

I always assumed that was someone making a joke, I never actually believed it.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 20, 2015, 10:52:53 AM
Excellent question sir! Why does Senda post any video and feel the need to impart the minutea of his (and his girlfriend's) squalid life? He sees no embarrassment or even mild sheepishness in telling all how his g/f will only perform oral sex on his sweaty fetid organ unless it's first covered in mayo (yes really). Or any shame in his constant begging and demands from others to finance his cravings for various apple products, or his gas bill to let him (illegally) drive his g/f Prius. So 'why' covers many many things.

Ahh yes the old hypocritical dilemma friend and/or foe thing..Senda this week likes/dislikes Noory but this shouldn't be confused with him saying Noory was a troll, idiot and knew nothing after Noory bought him new glasses. Throw in the various videos where he slags off Noory and it's obvious Senda is Noory's best friend...or not. Clear?

Trying to understand someone that is mentally unstable, or possibly just 'presenting' themselves as such is pointless.

We all click the post button for some kind of validation.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:04:39 AM
Kathy officially did NOT get evicted and neither will I. They tossed her out to remodel her apartment. If she had been thrown out for cause, she'd be off Section 8 and she isn't.

Kathy has been living in a section-8 apartment.  That means the ENTIRE apartment building is section-8 housing. 

Are you telling us they're remodeling ONLY Kathy's apartment?  That doesn't make sense. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Who on June 20, 2015, 11:09:39 AM
Kathy has been living in a section-8 apartment.  That means the ENTIRE apartment building is section-8 housing. 

Are you telling us they're remodeling ONLY Kathy's apartment?  That doesn't make sense.

Might 'remodelling' be Sendaspeak for fumigation?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 20, 2015, 11:16:35 AM
Might 'remodelling' be Sendaspeak for fumigation?

Falkie carefully constructed this tale to elicit sympathy and $3,000 in donations but his facts just don't add up.   

Section-8 landlords aren't into remodeling.  They're in it for the steady government payments and are loathe to make any repairs at all unless forced to do so.  It's highly unlikely a section-8 landlord would select one apartment out of the entire building to remodel.

Gentrification is a possibility.  But that would mean the property has probably been sold to someone else with the aim of gutting the building and turning it into condos.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:04:39 AMWe are going to move the big green chair and a lot of stuff you saw in the video won't be in here. After its in storage I will go up with her and go through some of it.
Throw it out.  You are going to pay to store a chair that you could not give away on Craigslist (and when / if you need another, you can go there and find a replacement for free?)  Unless it is an antique with a history going back to European royalty or Abe Lincoln, toss it... I know I said that I did not push my friend to toss things- but he was not contemplating paying each month to store junk...  Before you say it is not junk- how old / stained / worn is it.  There is no way that it is a clean, pristine chair of any value.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 03:15:19 AM
...And then disappeared.... Kathy has known Patty for a long time and she's done this magic act before. Kathy's really pissed about it and I am not happy about it either.
The real magic act here is that she managed to clean other peoples houses as a career, clean her own at night and still find countless hours to help her friend shovel out her house before helping her friends boyfriend shovel out his...  Maybe she went home for a nap- maybe she decided she has done enough and that there is only an hour of actual work and has decided to leave the two of you to finish it over the course of a day?

Maybe she's getting a little pissed off and frustrated... I know that you and Kathy are really pissed- but don't give her hell until after you get what you need from her and she spends the next month cleaning up your crap.  You don't want to ruin a good thing...


Quote from: Who on June 20, 2015, 11:25:10 AM
Section-8 landlords aren't into remodeling.  They're in it for the steady government payments and are loathe to make any repairs at all unless forced to do so.  It's highly unlikely a section-8 landlord would select one apartment out of the entire building to remodel.
I believe it is remodeling.  They probably could not see the carpet and decided that if they want to change baseboards that the boxes lining the walls and piles of clutter will have to go.  I would bet that if you looked at a "before" pic (with all of the clutter present) and an "after" pic (with none of the crap there) that it will be unrecognizable.  Hence, remodeled.


Quote from: wotr1 on June 20, 2015, 11:31:05 AM
I believe it is remodeling.  They probably could not see the carpet and decided that if they want to change baseboards that the boxes lining the walls and piles of clutter will have to go.  I would bet that if you looked at a "before" pic (with all of the clutter present) and an "after" pic (with none of the crap there) that it will be unrecognizable.  Hence, remodeled.

Falkie said she wasn't evicted for cause.  If she was the only tenant evicted from a section-8 apartment building, then Falkie's "without cause" statement is suspect.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 20, 2015, 10:52:53 AM
Excellent question sir! Why does Senda post any video and feel the need to impart the minutea of his (and his girlfriend's) squalid life? He sees no embarrassment or even mild sheepishness in telling all how his g/f will only perform oral sex on his sweaty fetid organ unless it's first covered in mayo (yes really). Or any shame in his constant begging and demands from others to finance his cravings for various apple products, or his gas bill to let him (illegally) drive his g/f Prius. So 'why' covers many many things.

Ahh yes the old hypocritical dilemma friend and/or foe thing..Senda this week likes/dislikes Noory but this shouldn't be confused with him saying Noory was a troll, idiot and knew nothing after Noory bought him new glasses. Throw in the various videos where he slags off Noory and it's obvious Senda is Noory's best friend...or not. Clear?

Cheers! and Thank You!


Quote from: boba FETT on June 20, 2015, 11:05:17 AM
Trying to understand someone that is mentally unstable, or possibly just 'presenting' themselves as such is pointless.

Then why do people enable him?

...scratch that...NEVERMIND.  ;)

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:04:39 AM

Wrong, voucher breath.
Kathy officially did NOT get evicted and neither will I. They tossed her out to remodel her apartment. If she had been thrown out for cause, she'd be off Section 8 and she isn't.

Section eight?  Isn't that what Klinger was trying to get for wearing dresses at the M*A*S*H 4077th?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 20, 2015, 01:33:30 PM
Section eight?  Isn't that what Klinger was trying to get for wearing dresses at the M*A*S*H 4077th?

Oh god I wet myself...

BRB, sorry... :-[

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:04:39 AM
I also saw free gravel being offered on CL and its frequently done so that would provide the bed for the container when I get it and get my land.



Quote from: aldousburbank on June 19, 2015, 10:50:55 PM
Eyenoeyeno made fun of me when I did so but having someone feng shui my house changed my world around, almost in a frightening way in its specificity. I don't even believe in the stuff, but it works.

It wasn't that I was making fun of you, I  was trying to find some humor to mask my incredible urge to push that lady down the stairs.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 03:45:40 AM
The stairs are very steep & made of concrete and both of us have fallen taking stuff down to the car or carrying the garbage out.

Well, at least there haven't been many opportunities to fall.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MV on June 20, 2015, 02:17:14 PM
Well, at least there haven't been many opportunities to fall.

I saw what you did there....


Quote from: eyenoeyeno on June 20, 2015, 02:06:48 PM
It wasn't that I was making fun of you, I  was trying to find some humor to mask my incredible urge to push that lady down the stairs.
Masking our incredible urges takes a lot of energy. I appreciate your self control.


How long do you think before we start seeing embedded ads for home organization items and Help I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up peraphernalia?


Quote from: aldousburbank on June 20, 2015, 03:32:12 PM
Help I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up peraphernalia?

Now that is a Faulty video I would watch.


(TM) Falling Down with the Falkster (TM)  the other side of Keeping Up with the Kardasians.

Falkie will be the newest reality TV star.  The tables with turn, and Norry will be knocking on his Section 8 apartment door to be make a guest star appearance.

There are at least 3 seasons of material to draw from.  Falkie, let me draft you a television treatment and market it around the networks.  You will be a reality TV star.  Look at what you have done  yourself and all of your fans.  I have done this before, so this is not an amusement.  I am not a Little Chris.  I am not an opportunist, I just see great potential that is untapped and just waiting to rupture, or rapture as the case may be.

I thought that today June 20, 2015 would be a day to open the door for discussion, one month away from Art's programming debut with Midnight In The Desert.


been gone for a while but all I can say is this thread is all kinds of craziness!!!!

Quote from: aldousburbank on June 19, 2015, 10:50:55 PM
Eyenoeyeno made fun of me when I did so but having someone feng shui my house changed my world around, almost in a frightening way in its specificity. I don't even believe in the stuff, but it works.

Isn't feng shui, at it's very most basic, harmonizing architecture with natural surroundings?  For example perhaps setting things up so you're facing water with the mountains at your back, and making the best use of natural light?  I.e., the opposite of what the 49ers did when they built their new stadium.

It's good for the human spirit, there is def something to it


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:04:39 AM

I also saw free gravel being offered on CL and its frequently done so that would provide the bed for the container when I get it and get my land. Theres also a local seller of those containers in that area but will see about that once I pay for the land.

You're living on welfare and have a penchant for expensive Apple devices. You refuse to work for a living. How to you plan to buy this land? If you started saving while still in your 20's, you might have had a shot. You're in your 60's now and with your weight and health issues, you probably have less than a decade left before you're dead. Have you really thought this through?


Quote from: HorrorRetro on June 20, 2015, 05:25:44 PM

You're living on welfare and have a penchant for expensive Apple devices. You refuse to work for a living. How to you plan to buy this land? If you started saving while still in your 20's, you might have had a shot. You're in your 60's now and with your weight and health issues, you probably have less than a decade left before you're dead. Have you really thought this through?

Hey, dimwit !
I just cleaned Kathy's kitchen, moved her sofabed onto the sidewalk and moved out a bunch of junk, then loaded up the car and brought Betty Boop the cat over here and she immediately lied down on the lawn and was quite happy.
It's NOT that I REFUSE to work, its that my health issues preclude me from working because I never know from day to day whether I feel good or will be gasping for air.
When I cleaned her kitchen and mopped the floor ( using a whole bottle or orange cleaner and 1/2 a bottle o Simple Green after having swept all the debris up  ) I started to choke from all the dust raised up. I did it all sitting down in a rolling chair because my knee started acting up. I also took a bunch of stuff in bags down to the trash and she and I bagged a lot of crap to be thrown away.
But .. I did it. Some days are good, some bad. Today was a good day.
I am convinced with a change in diet and exercise and eventually getting away from gas which is what starts my allergy/cold/sinus infection/bronchitis cycle, I wil lose weight and be healthier.
Here in California, we had an 80 year old pass the bar.
If she can do that, I cna build a new life.
No matter what your opinion of MY ability to do so is.
I work in spurts, rest, then start over again.
And if I wind up making enough and can hire people, I can supervise them as well.
YOU have no idea how determined I can be to do something once I put my mind to it.
And there is no law against my buying land and improving it, whether I or someone does it.

If Noory's program sells, I already have ideas how to grade and improve my property and rent part of it out. I already have been looking into many ways to do it.
All it takes is time, effort and money.
If his program is a succes, I will make money.
Whether you or the haters like it or not.
And yes, I have thought this through.
I spent hours researching getiing a Prius.
I have already spent hours looking at equipment, sheds and the like.
My friend Maroney is 75. He has some health issues but is still quite alive.
Don't count me out yet.
The idiots on the other board kept predicing my imminent death.
They were wrong for 11 years.
I'm not ready to go yet.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 05:39:21 PM
using a whole bottle or orange cleaner and 1/2 a bottle o Simple Green

Do you use colloidal silver?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 05:39:21 PM
I am convinced with a change in diet and exercise . . . I wil lose weight and be healthier.

You are correct.  Do it.

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