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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

Yorkshire pud

Remember boys and girls Senda is right and all those who disagree with his idoicy (me included) are all stupid. It's official. Maybe if those of us who wear specs break the arms off and use gaffer tape instead we'll be bestowed with Sendawisdom (tm).

Skunk Ape

Seems like the video has been removed from YouTube...

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Skunk Ape on June 18, 2015, 06:23:38 AM
Seems like the video has been removed from YouTube...

Senda will be innocent of that because he can justify all and any rant against anything pearls of wisdom.

Falkie's ridiculous feud with Redacted has ruined whatever goodwill any of us had for him.  He thinks it's a bad idea for her to guest host because nobody outside of Bellgab has heard of her, what he doesn't seem to realize is that's exactly why it's a good idea.  With all the new people finding out about this site the traffic here is about to explode probably tenfold or more.  This is the biggest Art Bell fan site, so new people benefits MITD.  This site is a real thorn in Noory's side which is why he aligned himself with Falkie, he's trying to undermine this place from within.  Too bad the big lug can't see that, it's sad really.


Quote from: MV on June 17, 2015, 11:08:11 PM
I think falkie is largely harmless, and he generally keeps to his own thread. People can choose to read it or not.

Praise MV!


Quote from: akwilly on June 18, 2015, 02:13:38 AM
I havnt read it but I'm sure everyone is thinking it. Falkie for President 2016

Sounds Fun ......  Mwahahahahahaha


Quote from: akwilly on June 18, 2015, 02:13:38 AM
I havnt read it but I'm sure everyone is thinking it. Falkie for President 2016

Maybe Donald Trump will select Falkie as his VP.  Donald said he's going to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and make Mexico pay for it.  Falkie could go to the border with his hoes and lay the foundation for the wall.


Quote from: brig on June 18, 2015, 09:00:11 AM


This video is an embarrassment.  Forget about comparing it to the Big Guy's videos - Kathy's Korner has set the bar pretty high, and this falls far short of that mark.  I'm sure that even Patty could produce a better video than this.

Sorry, Brig, but you should be ashamed of yourself for making it.

If you're looking for attention, might I suggest George Noory's new dating service?:


Quote from: akwilly on June 18, 2015, 02:13:38 AM
I havnt read it but I'm sure everyone is thinking it. Falkie for President 2016

How long before LittleChris does a sendup of this on his website?


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 18, 2015, 09:44:10 AM
This video is an embarrassment.  Forget about comparing it to the Big Guy's videos - Kathy's Korner has set the bar pretty high, and this falls far short of that mark.  I'm sure that even Patty could produce a better video than this.

I thought it was cute. And one thing you do better than Falkie, Brig, is you use a mouse, and turn off the camera before you relax and get out of character so to speak. Falkie fumbles around for 20 seconds after he says "bye bye".

Falkie's resentment of (Redacted) goes back to when she, along with others, wouldn't share "the secret Art Bell PM" with him, a document which never existed.  That, he brought upon himself by suddenly going from Noory's biggest crtitic to becoming a Noory informant in hopes of getting an interview for his Youtube channel.  Falkie tries to make up all sorts of 'noble' reasons for his outrage, but it all pathetically goes back to the hurt of feeling left out.

If Falkie is playing a character giving us his best performance art, his treatment of certain individuals remains unforgivable.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 18, 2015, 09:44:10 AM
This video is an embarrassment.  Forget about comparing it to the Big Guy's videos - Kathy's Korner has set the bar pretty high, and this falls far short of that mark.  I'm sure that even Patty could produce a better video than this.

Sorry, Brig, but you should be ashamed of yourself for making it.

If you're looking for attention, might I suggest George Noory's new dating service?:


I know.......I need a LOT more practice.  I will keep studying Falkie's videos, and I will get better...I hope  :'( ;D 8)


Quote from: PathoJen on June 18, 2015, 09:56:45 AM
I thought it was cute. And one thing you do better than Falkie, Brig, is you use a mouse, and turn off the camera before you relax and get out of character so to speak. Falkie fumbles around for 20 seconds after he says "bye bye".

Thank You PathoJen....that gives me hope and encouragement.  I just need to keep studying Falkies videos, and trying harder.  Its a high bar to aim for, I KNOW, but you cant reach it if you don't keep trying.


Quote from: brig on June 18, 2015, 11:25:32 AM
Thank You PathoJen....that gives me hope and encouragement.  I just need to keep studying Falkies videos, and trying harder.  Its a high bar to aim for, I KNOW, but you cant reach it if you don't keep trying.
Study his videos for pointers on what NOT to do.  :o 8)

Quote from: brig on June 18, 2015, 11:16:24 AM
I know.......I need a LOT more practice.  I will keep studying Falkie's videos, and I will get better...I hope  :'( ;D 8)

Falkie could run a clinic... in what not to do.

Quote from: brig on June 18, 2015, 11:16:24 AM
I know.......I need a LOT more practice.  I will keep studying Falkie's videos, and I will get better...I hope  :'( ;D 8)

With all due respect, practice isn't going to help.  You're either naturally funny and entertaining, as Falkie is, or you're just trying to be funny.  Unfortunately for you, you fit into the latter category.

If you keep studying and practicing, you may approach Kathy's level someday, but that will be in the very distant future.  Good luck to you!


Oh my, OLG, I don't know if you know what you're talking about here.  I think we have the makings of a trifecta powerhouse - Falkie, Kathy and Brig might just make the ultimate ménages à trois of youtube stardom.  Imagine, if you will, this all being part of THE BOX FAN NETWORK.   It takes so much more than one show to keep a network afloat, and Brig has the makings of a star - how do I know?  She wears four sets of glasses on her head.  Not one, not two... count 'em..  FOUR.  That's two more than Falkie ever had on at one time!   And if you notice, she has the teeth, mouth and smile of Art Bell, and that's a huge compliment since Art is a radio god.    Plus, she's obviously in LOVE with Falkie - that's the only reason she'd be wearing the heart glasses while the other three pairs adorn her lovely blonde locks (as we know, Falkie loves blondes).   I see this going places, and quickly.  She's already got two episodes up!   If you look back at her video titles from older episodes that she hasn't numbered, so many of them are named "WIN YEARDATE TIME"  That has The Guy From Pittsburgh - Episode # written all over it.   She uses props, has dolls as the background and consumes food on camera.   Just like Falkie, she worked a night shift at a gas station!!   Cherry on the sundae?  She lives in senior citizens housing!  Wow.  Just stunning.  Cross promotion time, Falkie.   Get busy guys and make this THE BOX FAN NETWORK we all want to know and love!   Congrats Brig!!



........decisions, decisions...... ;D


Brig, holy shit, you almost killed someone, and were rewarded with $500?    Man, you can't make this stuff up.



Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 18, 2015, 11:53:03 AM
With all due respect, practice isn't going to help.  You're either naturally funny and entertaining, as Falkie is, or you're just trying to be funny.  Unfortunately for you, you fit into the latter category.

If you keep studying and practicing, you may approach Kathy's level someday, but that will be in the very distant future.  Good luck to you!
jesus christ you are one annoying little shit.

Yorkshire pud

I just watched the video of Senda with the scarf around his head attempting to be funny.  Oh jeeze. Tell me I can get that time back please. Not only has he pretty much now alienated anyone who just came across it let alone knows his history, but he went on to say Kathy has to rethink her feelings!

What is this putrid filth masquerading as a male of the human species? Honestly Senda, I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire (brought on with you blocking up your windows so the firecrew can't get in).

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Who on June 18, 2015, 04:20:54 AM
Somewhere in Grime with George Senda.  December 4, 2013:  "Noory, You Just Declared War on Me and I'm Not Gonna Take it!"

In today's episode, George Noory e-mails The Guy From Pittsburgh a new background for his videos (2:57 into video) - a dumpy room littered with pizza boxes.  Falkie is livid.  Hilarity ensues.

Hmmm; He attributed 'Clown, joke, pathetic and a terrible broadcaster' to Noory? Clearly pre being bought off and (now) hung out to dry because he's pissed Bell off too? I wonder if Tommy knows Senda thinks he's a stooge. I did think it funny that he accuses Noory of not tolerating criticism! Really?

Quote from: coaster on June 18, 2015, 01:08:05 PM
jesus christ you are one annoying little shit.

Whatever, dude.

Have you seen these videos that Drone has posted?  If so, does that change your opinion at all?


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 18, 2015, 02:53:14 PM
Whatever, dude.

Have you seen these videos that Drone has posted?  If so, does that change your opinion at all?
Well, I just watched the last one. She didn't nearly kill someone. If you are allergic to eggs, and someone serves them to you, you are obviously  not going to eat them. I think you'd have to be checked out mentally to start eating something that 1. you are allergic to, and 2. is an easily recognizable food.  It was a mistake, and she seems genuinely moved and saddened by the situation.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 18, 2015, 05:24:30 AM
Sad turn of events here.
It will be complete when Dave deep-bones Falkie and renegs on the show promise.
He will have lost money, the respect of his hero and maybe worst of all, the strength of a conviction (that Jorch is a lousy character all-round).
Never trust someone with a Peter North mustache, kids.

I agree. The train wreck is coming and I for one just can not turn away!

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