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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Well they can't all be winners. Any normal person would be embarrassed by that video. The jealousy Falkie feels towards Redacted is so obvious.  She gets to work with Art while Falkie wasted time making over 400 videos and his only gig is skype sex with Noory. Pretty sad.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 16, 2015, 02:02:20 PM
The county is also violating section 1, article one of the state constitution which grants the rights of citizens to obtain property and enjoy the use of therein.
That's right. And the person who obtained the property is not enjoying that you are squaloring it up you dumb cluck.


Wondering how the famous actor/comedian George Senda won a gig on George Noory's new TV show?  Here's Senda's audition video. 



Falkie, I don't like Art Bell having a co-host either, but that vid reeks of sour grapes.
You ought to remove it.


Quote from: Daggit on June 17, 2015, 06:01:49 AM
Maggit? Are you kidding me Falkie? I've sent you 2 PMs with his phone number and this is the thanks I get.

Forget it buddy. Don't bother calling my friend. He will not help you now. If I wanted to be mean I'd tell him to do everything in his power to kick your mooching ass out of there.

I hope Art sees this video so that he will finally see how much you hate him. Noory really did a number on you.
That's how he is Daggit. I sent him $20 for the Kathy moving fund, and he called me a man.
Talkie just enjoys being a miserable curmudgeon who complains constantly, and expects shit to be handed to him on a silver platter. Sometimes he seems like an ok guy, but then this.....^^^^^^^^^


Midnight in the Crapper? Really?! You suck Falkie.


Quote from: Daggit on June 17, 2015, 06:01:49 AM
Maggit? Are you kidding me Falkie? I've sent you 2 PMs with his phone number and this is the thanks I get.

Forget it buddy. Don't bother calling my friend. He will not help you now. If I wanted to be mean I'd tell him to do everything in his power to kick your mooching ass out of there.

I hope Art sees this video so that he will finally see how much you hate him. Noory really did a number on you.

I have received NO private messages from you at all and have been checking them every time the prompt says I have a new message.
The first message that showed up from you was while I was posting this.
I spent an hour talking to a Contra Costa Fire Department Fire Inspector on the phone yesterday who said having books on a bookshelf or bookshelves is NOT a fire hazard and we discussed at great length which windows must be kept clear in case of fire and that the fire department has NO jurisdiction over the contents of an apartment or hone and is primarily concerned with the common areas of an apartment building, the apartment doors having to be individually numbered and the building having to have a clearly marked street address sign on it so emergency and police units can find it. She also told me to give her name and number to the director of housing I talked to on Monday and said the the apartment manager was wrong in her assertion that having books is in and of itself a fire hazard.
As was pointed out in a phone call last night to Drone, it takes a while to burn through books stacked up though individual books themselves may burn.
My condolences to Drone and his family as he had to put down his dog this morning.
And last night I had finally had a minute to check my emails and You Tube messages and creepy Casio called me yet again. I said " DON'T call me " and hung the phone up on him. Because of my dealing with the county and with Kathy I won't be able to change my phone number for a week or more but it will be changed.
For months everyone on here tells me that * I * have to be less thick skinned since I am now a semi public figure.
The video was meant to be comedic. I was asked to do one in part on the posters in here who continually comment with the same negative comments over and over ad nauseum spewing the same crap in 20, 30, 40, 50 posts while saying nothing of import or substance while making themselves feel self important in their total narcissism and arrogance.
It was also to point out the negative traits of redacted who has made mean spirited comments towards me, Noory and others on Gabcast and on many occasions. She comes off as pushy, arrogant, bitchy and kept making snide remarks towards George when he called Gabcast to the point where even George got frustrated and directly asked her :

" what would YOU have me do, redacted ? "

She treated him with NO respect as a caller, a human being or a guest on the show and my doing the video was a way to exaggerate her tendency to feel that SHE feels SHE is the center of attention to the exclusion of anyone else and that she feels she is more important in the scheme of things that she actually is and I am most definitely NOT the only one who feels that way.
I made the point in the video that I and others feel Art is making a mistake and that she may well try to take over the show from Art and that many feel Art does not need a co-host and that his fans feel that the want to listen solely to Art and no one else and feel it would not only detract from the show but also might lead to the show failing before it even has a chance to be noticed by more than just the Art Bell fans out there as well. I have received numerous PM's from Art Bell fans who have been off Bellgab for a while asking this question or a variant thereof :

" i have been off of Bellgab for awhile? What's this about Redacted being a co-host on Art's new show ? WTF ? I want to listen to ART, not Art and someone else. "
I have also received numerous emails to the same effect and the discussion about redacted has been heated since Art made the announcement and NONE of it positive. And it is not all coming from my fans or supporters either but from regular Bellgabbers concerned about how it will affect the new shows viability. Little of the comments have attacked Redacted personally except to say that Art does not NEED a co-host.
As to saying that I HATE Art Bell, that's patently ridiculous.
I have supported him in multiple videos, attacked John Hogue for being disrespectful towards him on his appearance on Dark Matter and am waiting for his return eagerly like any Art Bell fan would.
I even created the Art Bell cat army and thats in the background of every video I do at home.
As to George, I got a comment on my You Tube channel that the poster heard him sing " Sea of Love " in Los Angeles at a party and that the poster LOVED his singing and said " Great job, George. " and I forwarded the entire comment to George who replied to me " LOL. My new career. ".
The saying he should QUIT Coast and concentrate on a singing career instead was a reference to that great compliment. George's singing is not for everyone but the video of his singing at KSCO has steadily been climbing in views and now stands at 374 with 4 likes and 11 dislikes.
Not all my videos are going to be liked by everyone. But I get constant suggestions for topics from people in inboxes and emails and decided to address both issues,  those of the spam hater posters and those who fear Redacted's presence will hurt the show's chances for success.
The video was mean to be funny, sarcastic and show how Redacted's negative traits could lead to the character in the video forcing Art of his own show.
It was not meant to be serious.
I got a comment from one person right after it posted that he thought the video was hilarious.
I have nothing but respect for Art Bell and have said so on numerous occasions in videos, in posts and elsewhere.
I have his books on my shelves, have given away copies of them to people and even spent $25.00 to promote him on my You Tube channel as a gift to my subscribers.
Yet people on this thread have the erroneous impression that I HATE Art Bell.
Nothing could be further from the truth and isn't and NEVER will be.
I love Art Bell and the video was very tongue in cheek and not any kind of attack on him.
I have seen multiple posts on this board how he's a serial quitter, how he did not give his show on Sirus XM a chance and should have stuck with it and worse.
Those posters are the Art Bell detractors and haters, not I.
If you and other think I hate Art, you're just plain WRONG !
I cannot control how you feel or how you CHOOSE to misinterpret MY feelings for Art.
He is, was, and always will be the Emporer of late night paranormal talk radio.
Nothing can change that fact.
If I have offended George Noory it was not intentional. He was mentioned for the reasons stated above. It was intended as a joke.

I have NOT seen his comments.
I went over to Kathys to help out yesterday, helped move stuff out to the balcony, took stuff down to the car and after she dropped me off I started cleaning and worked until 5 am and got back up at 8 and did more cleaning of the bathroom until my lower back started throbbing in pain and had to quit.

I just rechecked my Bellgab PM's and there is exactly ONE message received from Daggit received this morning. I don't know where he sent any previous messages but I never received them and I went back several pages and scrolled down and saw NO messages. None in my email account either.

And I checked posts on the GNS thread going back to the 13th and there is not a single comment from George on my video nor are there any comments from George going back to the 13th and I listened to most of the last night with Timothy Beckley and heard NO commentary on me as well for the part I heard which was around 1-3 am. I had to reset the time on my kitchen radio yesterday as the power went down at 10:45 am yesterday when a large fire occurred here near the Martinez reservoir and I'd been too busy to change it until around 9 pm and then I got busy with cleaning. I will listen to the show in its entirety tonight and I was most interested in hearing it since I have a number of Beckeley's books in my paranormal book collection.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 17, 2015, 10:49:00 AM
had to quit.

Snip.. blah blah blah...misogynist rant...blah blah...jealous till it burns...blah blah....rant blahh


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 17, 2015, 10:49:00 AM
And last night I had finally had a minute to check my emails and You Tube messages and creepy Casio called me yet again.

And you still haven't figured out who gave your new phone number to him?  Seriously, how stupid can one person be?


This is my final conclusion; Falkie is a hopeless dickhead.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Doctor Who on June 17, 2015, 11:20:19 AM
And you still haven't figured out who gave your new phone number to him?  Seriously, how stupid can one person be?

The thing is, Senda is so monumentally idiotic on such a grand scale (so great that on the idiot scale where unbelievably idiotic rates as minus 100; Senda goes down beyond minus 250) that he makes it almost a pure art form.


Quote from: aldousburbank on June 17, 2015, 11:25:57 AM
This is my final conclusion; Falkie is a hopeless butthurt dickhead.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 17, 2015, 10:49:00 AM

I made the point in the video that I and others feel Art is making a mistake and that she may well try to take over the show from Art and that many feel Art does not need a co-host
So you think Art is making a mistake, but whats your opinion on Noory giving you a shot on his new gig? I bet you don't think that is a mistake do you? The jealousy is strong in you. nothing but butthurt.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 17, 2015, 11:55:23 AM
The thing is, Senda is so monumentally idiotic on such a grand scale (so great that on the idiot scale where unbelievably idiotic rates as minus 100; Senda goes down beyond minus 250) that he makes it almost a pure art form.

That's a good approach, Falkie is unclassified phenomena. If stupidity were like temperature the fat shit would be way below absolute zero.

I haven't wanted to post this because I don't want to insult Falkie over hypotheticals, but I have considered for some time perhaps he experienced hypoxia and mild systemic tissue damage during his near-death experience(s).  Over-sharing personal information is one symptom of temporal lobe damage, and poor ability to forecast the consequences of his actions possibly suggests damage to the frontal cortex.  Perhaps Falkie has some mild systemic nerve damage which is difficult to detect since he more-or-less presents as a normal rational person, with no one nucleus of the CNS receiving sufficient damage to show a marked deficit.

If this is the case, perhaps it is wrong to ride Falkie for his frequent lapses in judgement.  Then again, maybe I'm full of it.



I think that's another video with Falkie's audition for a comedy segment on Dave's show. Falkie did you treat Dave fairly by making fun of Dave's pizza rolls story? And also you immitating Dave?:
"I think I am a broadcaster, that's byond bleeef!"


Quote from: Doctor Who on June 17, 2015, 11:20:19 AM
And you still haven't figured out who gave your new phone number to him?  Seriously, how stupid can one person be?
He was in the chat last night. Saying "Is Sharon there" just like the call he made to Falkie. I really wish he'd get a life.


OK, I think there's a special place in hell for me...


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 17, 2015, 10:49:00 AM
I have to be less thick skinned since I am now a semi public figure.

It must be hell dealing with the paparazzi day after day after day.


Falkie called himself a "semi-public figure". hah. how delusional is this sack of shit?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: coaster on June 17, 2015, 01:31:21 PM
Falkie called himself a "semi-public figure". hah. how delusional is this sack of shit?

Hey just one minute! He'll be a public figure just as soon as he gets on TV to protest about how hard done to he is by his landlord. Then much hilarity will ensue.


Quote from: coaster on June 17, 2015, 01:31:21 PM
Falkie called himself a "semi-public figure". hah. how delusional is this sack of shit?


Quote from: aldousburbank on November 29, 2014, 11:00:05 AM
Falkie is BellGab's Elvis

Quote from: b_dubb on November 29, 2014, 10:06:02 PM
Elvis never got that fat.

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 29, 2014, 10:15:42 PM
      Death on the toilet seems inevitable.

      But Elvis was discovered immediately. Falkie won't be found until the rent isn't paid for 5 months.

Falkie thinks that since there is a community (BellGab) in which he is recognized by 90% of members, he is a public figure.


Banana/mayo sandwiches... oh my!

Does anyone have the rights to Falkie's official biography yet?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Doctor Who on June 17, 2015, 01:29:33 PM
It must be hell dealing with the paparazzi day after day after day.

He's got that covered...

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