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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


The Noory interview is reality.  Today begins a new era in the life of a media superstar.  Falkie is moving to Malibu.  Betty Boop the cat will live there with him.  Kathy will live in her car.



Quote from: pate on May 03, 2015, 07:16:00 AM
Post your defence

Video, sir.

Your vaunted "intar-view" wif da Noorie...

None of this bullshit.

Read my latest poster, rude doubter and stand in line in the corner with all the other loser doubters who doubted me, Kathy and Noory.
Be patient.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 07:22:34 AM
Read my latest poster, rude doubter and stand in line in the corner with all the other loser doubters who doubted me, Kathy and Noory.
Be patient.

The anticipation is excruciating.  Why do you torment us?  Alas, we shall bide our time enjoying this classic moment.



Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 07:22:34 AM
Read my latest poster, rude doubter and stand in line in the corner with all the other loser doubters who doubted me, Kathy and Noory.
Be patient.


So to the cornfield with me? 

I cannot worship the fool that you emboldify...

I get it!  You will edit the interview!

Gud for yew!  Will EYE watch it?  Methinks not... Will anyWUN?

Yew decide!

Luv ya, Flakie!


Quote from: cosmic hobo on May 03, 2015, 06:54:45 AM
I'm glad that this Falkie character got his interview. It will be interesting to see how professional it turns out. Does Noory have to have final approval before it is aired? Perhaps his team could do the editing to ensure quality control and also ensure that it meets industry standards.

Infidel, doubter....

You WILL be assayed in the final fire to find the true... 

&xc et &al


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 01:56:06 AM


Veni, vidi, vici !


Julius Ceasar couldn't have said it better...


Quote from: pate on May 03, 2015, 07:55:19 AM
Julius Ceasar couldn't have said it better...

Perhaps in YOUR reality, but in mine the great Julius spells his name Caesar.
First rest video to be posted around 10 am or when I wake up.
Need a bit more sleep.
I usually wake up in a couple of hours.


I'm just curious how your toes and fingers got sore.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 03, 2015, 05:13:49 AM
Are burgers, hotdogs, raw chicken and other over priced junk available in the foyer?

I am quite sure your appetite can be satisfied, old bean!





Consider adding some lederhosen and an alpine hat to complete your ensemble


Quote from: b_dubb on May 03, 2015, 08:18:15 AM

Consider adding some lederhosen and an alpine hat to complete your ensemble

Actually, he looks half-way presentable for the event. I'm relieved he didn't have those damn glasses taped to his head.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 07:13:45 AM
I am not a character. Just me. Though I do admit there maybe some cartoonish elements about me and maybe both of us.

No world from LC on any of this.
Art will be next if I can arrange it. I will go to Pahrump but NOT in a Prius.
First time in days I went all day without coffee ( !!!!! ) but Imwas determined come hell or high water to get this interview.
Can't find taped glasses so wore broken, broken glasses. Every commiserated with me on them. Kathy realized how hard I had trouble seeing when  I told her :

I'm not stupid. YOU try to find glasses or SEE with MY glasses ! "

She said " No wonder you can't see. You're blind without them. "

And apologized.

I drove 115 miles non stop and the stupid Google directions to get to the station were wrong. Wasted an hour driving in the wrong direction because the street they told me to take does not connect to the other street we were told to take. 2 guys at 2 gas stations got us on the right track. Leaving, got confused and wound up in Watsonville.

You ended up in Watsonville?! Jezzus! Falkie, seriously, don't you even have a roadmap in your car? You could've gotten some cheaters at the dollar store to read the map. I hope you do that for your next road trip, even look over the map before heading out. Sounds like you have a poor sense of direction. But honestly, I am glad you finally connected with the nooron for your interview. Do you know where the $50 plate dinner was being held last night?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 01:56:06 AM
Noory paid for my gas money.
Got invoice for glasses.
Will send me check on Monday.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the essence of George Senda.   He does things no self-respecting person would do and then tells the world.


Quote from: Doctor Who on May 03, 2015, 09:04:37 AM
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the essence of George Senda.   He does things no self-respecting person would do and then tells the world.

To be fair, I would totally sit down with the igNooron.  I doubt the fool...

If either Jorge had the MONEY, I think Senda would win... I digress...

Senda, did you ask him about how much that awesome Christmas CD went to the Veterans?

in fact, that just one question is notheeng enuf....


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 01:56:06 AM
Noory paid for my gas money.
Got invoice for glasses.
Will send me check on Monday.

Just for the fun of it, let's imagine Art Bell granted you an interview.  How much of Art's cash would you attempt to glom onto before leaving Pahrump?


Quote from: Laurakinch on May 03, 2015, 08:56:56 AM
Do you know where why the $50 plate dinner was being held last night?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 01:56:06 AM
Noory paid for my gas money.
Got invoice for glasses.
Will send me check on Monday.

You must be very proud.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 07:13:45 AM
Art will be next if I can arrange it.

Oh, I'm sure you'll try to arrange it.  Now that one talk show host has given you money, you'll try to harvest a few more.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 07:13:45 AM
I will go to Pahrump but NOT in a Prius.

Of course not.  A Prius isn't large enough to stuff Art's cash into.  Perhaps a U Haul would work for you?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 01:56:06 AM
Drove to Santa Cruz non stop so Kathy not get sick.  You drove.  Thanks for putting all those productive members of society at risk.  You selfish fuck. Thanks for putting Kathy at risk.  You selfish fuck.  And I don't believe you actually have auto insurance.  I think you paid the initial premium to get the car registered and then let it lapse.  I think you keep Kath's half of the premium money.  That's how you are able to purchase so many 'necessary' things. Kathy drove back. Google Earth instructions wrong. No shit.
Met Noory and Tommy. Did multiple videos. Did interview. 34 minutes. Noory brought books. Signed 4 Paperboy cartoons with Tommy.  Well No shit.  I am impressed. You came through.
Noory paid for my gas money.   Cash?  Or company check?  Just curious.
Got invoice for glasses. 
Will send me check on Monday.  'The check is in the mail.'  Based on the above, I am cautiously optimistic.  Again, will I would be curious to know if it will be a personal or company check.  You don't have to tell me, just curious.
Fuck Daggit and the other lying syphillis afflicted haters on here.  Yeah, fuck uguise.
Noory kept his word.  It does appear so.  I would like to think he didn't fuck you over this time.  Let's wait until 'his' check clears.  Just being cautious here before I commit myself to a critique of Noory.  
Kathy and I exhausted.
Will post videos after I have some sleep.

Veni, vidi, vici !

I got commentary from Noory AND Tommy. Don't think anyone has interviewed both at once.  I don't think so either.  This uploaded to Youtube, might make you some money.  If so, it is a coup for Sendamemoney.  Congrats.
No problem staying awake until we left. Fell asleep in passenger seat. Since you drove over, Kath slept?  good, she needs to be taken care of. 
No alcohol involved.
No auto accidents either but saw a lot of bad driving and one fender bender. You didn't cause any, right?


Quote from: paladin1991 on April 30, 2015, 09:07:31 AM
What a weak non-Man you are.  I'm not attacking Kath.  She needs help, not you or attacks.  I think that whatever you have given to the crowd here about Kath, she is a delicate and sensitive person who unfortunately is within your thrall.  You think you're being attacked by me?

You are as dumb as a sack of hammers. 

What you have received fm me is a 'Good Morning' in Marine Boot Camp.  It's a hard love enviroment meant to break down men into their base metals and reforge them into ubermensch.  Not flying through the sky fantasy, but the 'we're surrounded, out manned 10 to 1, we're out of coffee and Scotch, we're down to our last few rounds.  It's gonna be knife fight.  Let's go do this.'

How much have you collected in the Kath eviction fund?  How much have you made in selling your shit to help her?  How much have you spent on yourself since she received the heads up? I am very much concerned that she is going to be screwed and screwed hard because of her counting on you.
Poor woman. Tick, tock, asshole, tick, tock.  She is running out of time. 

If it were me?  I's be eating oatmeal three times a day and drinking water, not 'my once a month treat of cinnabon and coffee' or Starbux coffees and pastries so I can use their 'free' wifi.  You are dispicable in your selfish existence.
'Attack' you?  Please.  Don't be such a pussy.  All you have been having with me is 'fun.'  I'm the one that comes into this thread and, through a forlorn hope, of humor, hard assessments, and mockery of your self centered bullshit hopes to leverage you fm pathetic babyman to ubermensch.  A MAN who will take the blows, shrug them off, and keep advancing into the face of adversity with a 'fuck it, drive on' mentality.  Not 'you' stewing in absurdity.

You are 63 years old.  You have got what?  another decade ahead of you? 3 years?  22 years?  I dunno, but unless you recognize that you are in a Texas Cage match for your life, you're fucked.  I get it, life has been a bitch through chance, circumstance and apathy.  But George, you want, hell you were meant to be Michael Coerleone, not Fredo. 
Reach down into your pants and grab your balls.  Go ahead.  It won't be the first time you did it this morning, will it?  Got 'em?  That's right, feel them.  There's a reason you have them and thankfully, it's not to contaminate the shallow end of the gene pool.  With your balls in your hand, look out the window. That's the world you see and you have 'contained' yourself into a series of shitholes because you are not worthy.  You have allowed or been trained down to accept that.

Look around your life.  Pretty ppl getting what they want, shiny ppl getting shinier.  Ppl out there scrabbling and whoring and being successful at it.  But if you look harder you'll see a lot of folks beyond the shitz and glitz.  Ppl like you and me, who have to work hard because shit just doesn't fall in our laps.  We weren't born with silver spoons.

Still got your balls in your hand?  Good.  Remember how they feel everytime you get pushed back or down.  Every time you look at Kath.  She's counting on you.  Go do your interview with Noory.  Knock that fucker out of the park.  Leverage that experience into something that you can leverage into something else and so on.   

You are a man.  But what kind of man?  You haven't shown us shit. 


Hell, where are my manners?  Good morning, Felchie.


Quote from: Doctor Who on May 03, 2015, 09:24:27 AM
Just for the fun of it, let's imagine Art Bell granted you an interview.  How much of Art's cash would you attempt to glom onto before leaving Pahrump?

Oh I highly doubt a guy like Art would let a guy like this twat interview him.

From what I've read this Noory bloke granted this poor slob the interview to turn his most vicious detractor around to his number one fan. Noory is one smart chuffer.

Looking forward to his video. Should be one hell of a laugh.


Wait. Noory gave this guy an interview that will potentially net this guy tens of dollars on the you tubes and he had to pay this twat for the privilege.

Cash for comments indeed.


Falkie, I am glad you got the interview and hope that you earn much revenue from it.

However, there is a saying, "Hold your distractors close."  and I think that is what has happened.  You are a ranter, someone who can get on YouTube and expresses their opinion pro or con very strongly.  In Norry's situation that was often against.  I understand toning the ranting down until you were successful getting the interview, but with his behaviors you will not be the same YouTuber.

You are now emotionally indebted to Norry, and with that the reality has been swayed.  It is a subtle lure by that person to keep you from expressing what may or may not be the truth.  I am not saying to the point of dishonesty, but you have been compromised to a certain extent.  I don't want you not to succeed, just to continue with eyes wide open. 


Quote from: aldousburbank on May 03, 2015, 08:02:52 AM
I'm just curious how your toes and fingers got sore.

The Prius front seats are not well padded & there is not a lot of room for someone who is 6ft 2 and has to put the seat all the way back to drive. Kathy has the same problem in that her knee hurts and hands if she drives a lot.
My hands were injured last year when my Mother's bookcase almost fell on me and I also fell twice and have arthritis in my hands and elsewhere.
I have pain patches I use on my hands and fingers.
Except for traffic lights and stopping for traffic, I drove non stop to Santa Cruz, then to Watsonville and then to the boardwalk.
Kathy drove back at that point.
I am not used to long distance driving anymore.
The passenger side is cramped too.
When I had my Cadillac and Reliant I did not have this problem as Imhad room to drive.
The Prius seats are not well cushioned as you sacrifice comfort for mileage.
Our Honda was similarly cramped.
If I ever make enough money I will buy a Highlander hybrid.
Cushioned adjustable seats and I have sat behind the wheel and I could drive it.
Yesterday I saw a Toyota 4 x 4 outfitted as a storm chaser and the driver and his wife were heavyset and looked comfortable in it. I talked to them for a bit.


Quote from: Dateline on May 03, 2015, 10:23:13 AM
Falkie, I am glad you got the interview and hope that you earn much revenue from it.

However, there is a saying, "Hold your distractors close."  and I think that is what has happened.  You are a ranter, someone who can get on YouTube and expresses their opinion pro or con very strongly.  In Norry's situation that was often against.  I understand toning the ranting down until you were successful getting the interview, but with his behaviors you will not be the same YouTuber.

You are now emotionally indebted to Norry, and with that the reality has been swayed.  It is a subtle lure by that person to keep you from expressing what may or may not be the truth.  I am not saying to the point of dishonesty, but you have been compromised to a certain extent.  I don't want you not to succeed, just to continue with eyes wide open.

Yes to an extent I am indebted to Noory but as you will see in the interview as Tommy puts his 2 cents in, I am my own man.
I will say if a Noory program is bad and if one is good.
Tommy did NOT seem to get why.
Noory does.
Getting my coffee and Cinnabon and will be posting first video within the hour.


Quote from: Laurakinch on May 03, 2015, 08:56:56 AM
You ended up in Watsonville?! Jezzus! Falkie, seriously, don't you even have a roadmap in your car? You could've gotten some cheaters at the dollar store to read the map. I hope you do that for your next road trip, even look over the map before heading out. Sounds like you have a poor sense of direction. But honestly, I am glad you finally connected with the nooron for your interview. Do you know where the $50 plate dinner was being held last night?

Listen AAA bitch.
The roads there are very confusing and if one makes a wrong turn one can easily get lost.
I'm certain a smug, know it all bitch such as yourself has her car full of road maps marked with all the best places to make a few spare bucks to have sex for cash with unsuspecting lost tourists.
You know every place you drive even if you've never seen the area before ?
Give me a fucking break you arrogant, whining c*nt.
And stop replying to my posts as if you know everything.
You don't.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 03, 2015, 10:25:40 AM
Except for traffic lights and stopping for traffic, I drove non stop to Santa Cruz, then to Watsonville and then to the boardwalk.
Kathy drove back at that point.

Without a driver's license.  So it would appear laws are for other people, not George Senda, right?

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on May 02, 2015, 06:31:27 PM
No luck.  The Crow's Nest is not hosting the event (so I wouldn't be immediately shot down to keep me from crashing it, I didn't ask if it would be there - just asked if it had started yet), and the nice young woman said it wasn't there, but directed me to call Shadowbrook in Capitola.  They are also not hosting the event, and directed me to call Chaminade Resort.  Chaminade is hosting an event for another radio station in a couple of weeks, but didn't know anything about Noory and KSCO.

Quote from: Laurakinch on May 03, 2015, 08:56:56 AM
Do you know where the $50 plate dinner was being held last night?

Hey Falkie, I know you don't have a high opinion of her, but Laurakinch and I were working together trying to track down the dinner last night.  I wanted to ask for Tommy so I could try to confirm that your meeting took place in order to provide some kind of an update until we heard from you personally.  We were all sitting around waiting on BellGab - like when your cats wait at their food bowl.  Please answer the $1 million $50 (pun intended) question - where did the dinner actually take place after all?  Thanks, buddy.


Quote from: twiki on May 03, 2015, 09:55:13 AM
Wait. Noory gave this guy an interview that will potentially net this guy tens of dollars on the you tubes and he had to pay this twat for the privilege.

Cash for comments indeed.

No, Noory gave me gas money. I did not ASK him for it and thanked him for his kindness.
Noory IS aware of the state of my finances and Kathy's and he thinks my interview and show appearance will get me lots of views and I will become far better known than I am.
And You Tube pays you for ad clicks not views.
There's no absolute guarantee I will make a dime on it.
I did the interview to inform and because I got tired of reading every puff piece interview with the man and wanted to see one done differently.
It was.
A You Tube affiliate pays differently than You Tube and I may make money from that.
They have paid me a small amount thus far for views from February and run somewhat behind.
Replying to all this is keeping me from the coffee I need, a hot shower ( I shower and shave before almost every video & feel yucky before the camera if I don't ) and posting my commentary and videos.
Let me get started PLEASE.
Thank you.


Quote from: SnapT on May 03, 2015, 03:16:50 AM
Falkie VICTORIOUS?!  A 34-minute interview?!  It's an embarrassment of riches!

As much as I want to see ALL the videos as soon as possible, you might want to dole them out over a period of days for maximum impact.

Is the Noory interview a single 34-minute video?  Or are you splitting it up into multiple parts?

BTW, Art asked about you while we were huddled together in the chatroom during the latest BellGab outage.  He said "Why does Falkie want to do an interview with Dave?"
I actually see this in three parts with a short one or two minute intro with a one or two minute close fm Sendamemoney.

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