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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

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Also,if there is not a recycling enter within a certain distance, the vendor is require to take the empty's back - unless they pay a fee to be exempt. 

Falkie should look into this, as he may be able to take a few back to the store every time he reloads on kielbasas and frozen pizza.  I'm sure the store is happy to do so, and would love to be seen on video taking sticky, yucky bottles and cans back.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 01, 2017, 08:45:43 PM
In CA they weigh them and give you that.  It's considerably less than the deposit. 

If a person has less than 50 items, they can request the deposit amount back.

Here, we have bottle and can return machines.  You put the bottles and cans in one by one, and you get a slip of paper out of the machine that you use as cash at the register of the store you returned the bottles to, to pay for groceries.

Quote from: brig on August 01, 2017, 08:50:10 PM
Here, we have bottle and can return machines.  You put the bottles and cans in one by one, and you get a slip of paper out of the machine that you use as cash at the register of the store you returned the bottles to, to pay for groceries.

That's probably never a sticky mess inside.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 01, 2017, 08:51:37 PM
That's probably never a sticky mess inside.

I think it's the main reason I don't buy bottled and canned drinks.

Quote from: Walks_At_Night on August 01, 2017, 07:39:21 PM
Perhaps instead of the shipping container dream house, Falkie could aspire to his very own Light House when everything
comes together for him circa 2018/2019:

Current bid is only $10,000

oh yeah sure. some dream house. haul your own water, fuel and sewage. ;D

then again... does it come with a fire bricked outdoor grill?


Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on August 01, 2017, 08:54:17 PM
oh yeah sure. some dream house. haul your own water, fuel and sewage. ;D

then again... does it come with a fire bricked outdoor grill?

That would be great!  He could throw out that large George Forman grill he has.  I doubt he has the time it would take to really clean that thing now.

Quote from: brig on August 01, 2017, 07:56:36 PM
That's beautiful, but I think George would think that rowing would be too much work.  :-\

you do not "row" a canoe.

Quote from: Roswells, Art on August 01, 2017, 08:34:27 PM
Are you TheOne? Because he hasn't ever had sex either.
oh my, I have read of people such as you....
but I had thought they were a "mythical creature"
lurking here lurking there...
coming to illogical conclusions left and right
he was working all day (therefore he has never had sex)
she was busy all day (not bleeding out...therefore does not menstruate)

*i might assume you are bleeding out all day while having sex.....
thus proving you still menstruate and have sex ??

video later (FOR PROOF ?)

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on August 01, 2017, 08:12:23 PM
In one of the recent cleaning videos Falkie showed a few big bags that he had to take to recycling before he could mop the kitchen floor.
They were filled with large plastic bottles like we see him chug. They are only about a Nicole each and if he has a hundred that is five bucks. I know he needs money but said he needed to take a bus to do it so a round tri costs a few bucks.
Carting a few bags full on the bus is a pain.
I am sure his building has a bin near the trash. Is $2.35 really worth it to him?

that would depend on if he found a way to extract that little bit of copper wire from the twist tie he has from one of those corded devices he purchased some time back.

Quote from: Sasha on August 01, 2017, 08:59:03 PM
oh my, I have read of people such as you....
but I had thought they were a "mythical creature"
lurking here lurking there...
coming to illogical conclusions left and right
he was working all day (therefore he has never had sex)
she was busy all day (not bleeding out...therefore does not menstruate)

*i might assume you are bleeding out all day while having sex.....
thus proving you still menstruate and have sex ??

video later (FOR PROOF ?)
slow "Art"
YOU are slow Kathy (with the bedding cooter) having sex all day with a kielbasa....

am I right ?

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on August 01, 2017, 08:45:43 PM
In CA they weigh them and give you that.  It's considerably less than the deposit. 

If a person has less than 50 items, they can request the deposit amount back.

maybe some one should start a bootlegging production of soda. bottle it in those used containers that the bootleggers would pay full deposit for.... CBD soda anyone???? ;D

the best unboxing wraslin' match i've ever seen. almost won a mental bet on this one.


"and they give you a cover to keep it clean".... yeah... no. it's called packaging. ;D


the grape juice "isn't good for my ulcer". you know.. the ulcer his recent tests showed that he didn't have....


Quote from: Here We Go Again on August 01, 2017, 01:51:00 AM
Yes, I caught that one, too. But Falkie, being the self-described genius, never thought to learn it from those outside his mother? Da? Like his mother was the only source to learn a foreign language? No doubt, his mother was being clever by calling him "fukbar" at every turn. Meaning a "f*ck up." At least he never thought of learning at least the profane words and insults.

"Schließe die Lippen, die wie ein Schwein schwanz sind," he probably heard countless times. But never figured out it means roughly: "Shut those lips which are like a pig."


Quote from: area51drone on August 01, 2017, 09:44:49 AM
I've heard that someone (maybe MP) has the video that got George kicked off live streaming saved.   Is it uploaded somewhere?

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on August 01, 2017, 10:30:42 AM
I know we've continued to exchange inboxes behind the scenes during the time that you've been away, but it's GREAT to see another former Circle of Trust (plus Justin) member posting in The Master's thread again here on Sewergab.

Welcome back, BellGab's area51drone!  You've been missed!

You've both been missed!

Quote from: Roswells, Art on August 01, 2017, 07:10:19 PM
Heh, it's a very tiny portion of readers that will get my post. I'm counting on Brig, Laura and IB but not holding my breath.

Madam, are you implying that I was some kind of nerdy bookworm in HS?

I read all of Judy Blume's books until I got to Wifey. That book was so dirty. I was scandalized and stopped reading her altogether.

Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on August 01, 2017, 09:26:53 PM
the grape juice "isn't good for my ulcer". you know.. the ulcer his recent tests showed that he didn't have....


Why does he need to go to SF to get a cat carrier?
There is a Petco in Martinez.

Why am I trying to figure out Senda's thought process?


Quote from: WhiteCrow on August 01, 2017, 05:54:55 PM
Great idea grubbie.. in the meantime another exciting action pack(age) ..cliff hanger video..

Chapter One:

"The Very Long Box or Don't Drop It on the Way Home"



This video triggered me. As such, here I am, popping in with my soft heart and my perfect-for-bathroom-reading posts. Ready? Here we go:

GEORGE, OH GEORGE! SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR YOUR DESERT COMPOUND! You're NEVER gonna get that castle in the sky if you don't SAVE YOUR MONIEEEEEEEES. And get a calendar! Learn to track your cycle like we womens do. You'll see the circle of financial doom that you're constantly swirling in. (Somebody send him a Cute Kitties wall calendar for this.)

I'm thinking he gets his check at the end of each month because we always see a HUGE SWELL of electronics and stuff around then. And then around the 15th or so, I -- and others who are fortunate enough to be on his mailing list -- will get an email that says, bluntly, "I need $30 dollars," followed by a description of financial panic. Or maybe it's just me who gets those.

I'm glad someone named Amber is now bankrolling him. That is a sexy name right there -- could it be a semi-anagram of "Abraham"? Whoever it was must have given him about $500. A Mac charger alone is about $85, plus the cost of probably 50 more THINGS AND THINGS AND THINGS we're about to see footage of.

This sounds mean. I don't want to be mean (I swear!). I just hate to hear things like "someone was kind enough to put some money in my bank account," then shortly followed by a series of packages-on-parade videos. Next will come the "I can't figure out how to work this thing so it's broken and it's the manufacturer's fault so let me call them and call them and call them until eventually they send me 10 more of this thing" videos.

He's persistent as hell when it comes to getting refunds for stuff and/or free replacements, but he won't take 30 minutes a day to work on his Patreon page. Frustrating.

I'm rooting for him, I really am. I just wish he had the ability to look 15 days into the future and think, "I'm going to be panicked about cat food in a couple of weeks. I'd better hold off on expanding my collection of cryptic technological stuff and drop a few dimes in my cat food jar."


I need a 12-step program to quit this scene.

Quote from: Seraph2 on August 01, 2017, 10:16:14 PM

This video triggered me. As such, here I am, popping in with my soft heart and my perfect-for-bathroom-reading posts. Ready? Here we go:

GEORGE, OH GEORGE! SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR YOUR DESERT COMPOUND! You're NEVER gonna get that castle in the sky if you don't SAVE YOUR MONIEEEEEEEES. And get a calendar! Learn to track your cycle like we womens do. You'll see the circle of financial doom that you're constantly swirling in. (Somebody send him a Cute Kitties wall calendar for this.)

I'm thinking he gets his check at the end of each month because we always see a HUGE SWELL of electronics and stuff around then. And then around the 15th or so, I -- and others who are fortunate enough to be on his mailing list -- will get an email that says, bluntly, "I need $30 dollars," followed by a description of financial panic. Or maybe it's just me who gets those.

I'm glad someone named Amber is now bankrolling him. That is a sexy name right there -- could it be a semi-anagram of "Abraham"? Whoever it was must have given him about $500. A Mac charger alone is about $85, plus the cost of probably 50 more THINGS AND THINGS AND THINGS we're about to see footage of.

This sounds mean. I don't want to be mean (I swear!). I just hate to hear things like "someone was kind enough to put some money in my bank account," then shortly followed by a series of packages-on-parade videos. Next will come the "I can't figure out how to work this thing so it's broken and it's the manufacturer's fault so let me call them and call them and call them until eventually they send me 10 more of this thing" videos.

He's persistent as hell when it comes to getting refunds for stuff and/or free replacements, but he won't take 30 minutes a day to work on his Patreon page. Frustrating.

I'm rooting for him, I really am. I just wish he had the ability to look 15 days into the future and think, "I'm going to be panicked about cat food in a couple of weeks. I'd better hold off on expanding my collection of cryptic technological stuff and drop a few dimes in my cat food jar."


I need a 12-step program to quit this scene.

Amber is Amber McGarvey. I do not know her real name or if that is it but that is what she uses on YouTube and Facebook. She is a good friend of Jason Callan and often shows up in Senda's live show chats.
When he thanked her it was for a burrito, she sent a few dollars to get "something yummy". She is certainly not bankrolling him.

The large sum of money showed up in his bank a day after he contacted his niece for the first time since he killed his mom. You can put it together.


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on August 01, 2017, 10:32:57 PM
Amber is Amber McGarvey. I do not know her real name or if that is it but that is what she uses on YouTube and Facebook. She is a good friend of Jason Callan and often shows up in Senda's live show chats.
When he thanked her it was for a burrito, she sent a few dollars to get "something yummy". She is certainly not bankrolling him.

The large sum of money showed up in his bank a day after he contacted his niece for the first time since he killed his mom. You can put it together.

Ah my bad. You're right. That's in the video where he conveniently leaves his written-down list of passwords face up on the desk for a few minutes, which made me once again think that he's trolling ALL OF US.

Now I desperately want a burrito. Dammit.


Quote from: Seraph2 on August 01, 2017, 10:43:14 PM
Ah my bad. You're right. That's in the video where he conveniently leaves his written-down list of passwords face up on the desk for a few minutes, which made me once again think that he's trolling ALL OF US.

Now I desperately want a burrito. Dammit.

Glad you're back!  ;D


I am way too far back to catch up on all the discussions etc.   What ever happened to Martinez Tonight?

Quote from: area51drone on August 01, 2017, 11:49:30 PM
I am way too far back to catch up on all the discussions etc.   What ever happened to Martinez Tonight?

Georges crack legal team issued a cease and desist.


Quote from: Roswells, Art on August 01, 2017, 08:34:27 PM
Are you TheOne? Because he hasn't ever had sex either.

-I honestly just come here after two(2) or even (3) days of celibacy from this dungeon and saw an avatar from my best friend...
Hi Miss Skirt ;)

As to me having sex, OK I did touched myself few times before, and every time it was when looking at your avatar Miss Skirt,
otherwise I'm 'saving' myself for you my sexy charming best friend.
Remember that post where you blew me a kiss... wow that blew me away  8) :-*


Quote from: Sasha on August 01, 2017, 08:59:03 PM
oh my, I have read of people such as you....
but I had thought they were a "mythical creature"
lurking here lurking there...
coming to illogical conclusions left and right
he was working all day (therefore he has never had sex)
she was busy all day (not bleeding out...therefore does not menstruate)

*i might assume you are bleeding out all day while having sex.....
thus proving you still menstruate and have sex ??

video later (FOR PROOF ?)

You filthy piece of piece Sushi ... how dare you insult my best sexy friend...Miss Skirt.
Roswells, Art I will always protect you from filthy predators like this creature some Sasha Sushi , sounds almost like Ashole ...
Lean on me my dear Mis.Skirt  :P :-*

P.S. {what color of panties are you wearing right now?}


Quote from: Roswells, Art on August 01, 2017, 08:34:27 PM
Are you TheOne? Because he hasn't ever had sex either.

I DON'T THINK it's very classy of you to bring our sex life into the public :(


Quote from: Roswells, Art on August 01, 2017, 07:29:15 PM
And I was just hoping to sound like Judy Blume! I don't have the words to express the feelings I have that someone thinks I write like Falkie. Well, I do but I don't want to get banned again. Video later.

Please PM me your sensual images. I'm saving myself for you... :-[

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