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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


FALKIE!!  Merry Chistmas, and get that video up!!!!


QuoteAfter a brief period of haggling, when Senda tried to get the ghost to pay for his phantom journey

I am still laughing over this line.

You have talent to burn, dude.

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on December 24, 2015, 09:41:21 PM
Merry Christmas to one and all from Mrs. Gerry and me.  We wish you all the best in the coming New Year, too! 

Enjoy the holidays with your families and friends, and stay safe and warm (if you're in a cold weather area).  Please don't drink and drive if you're going out.

Take care, everybody, and if you raise a glass to make a toast this Christmas, please remember our dear friend, George Senda, of course - and Ol' Gerry!

;D  ;D  ;D  :o  :o  :o  ;)  ;)  ;)  8)

Merry Christmas to everyone on the Falkie thread!


Well done on my role. Lmfao except I have never owned or been on a motorcycle. Keep up the great work!


Quote from: Meatie Pie on December 24, 2015, 12:36:47 AM
George is confusing Inglorious Bitch with L. Kinch.

That's because all women on BG are interchangeable...we are all know-it-all bitches, right slob-o?. 

BTW fat ass how was your xmas, grift anything good?

Did you and samsquatch go begging at churches to take food out of the mouths of needy children?


Quote from: Albemuth on December 23, 2015, 07:49:08 AM
Good news! I never quite got the appeal of this thread. Seemed like a bizarre, mean spirited rant most of the time.
•   Palladin1991 â€" as a military guy how many push-ups do you think a guy should be able to knock out so as not to be considered a quantifiable wussy boy?
•   I’m 55 and can do about 20 (back straight â€" nose to ground.) Should I shoot for more though?

What's your time for a 3 mile run?  How many pull ups can you do?


Quote from: onan on December 23, 2015, 07:59:21 AM
got another message from the falkie:

Dear onan,

Can I please suck your cock?

Charge him the five bux I foolishly donated to his Save Kathy fund.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 24, 2015, 02:14:47 AM
Hey he thinks IB works at the DMV and people make things up when they quote him. It isn't a stretch that he hasn't a clue what a parody is. But STFU, it's none of your business.

It's hilarious how he accuses others of not working and then says he went to bed because his eye was sore.

The 'man' is parody.  He has to be MV's silent partner.  MV puts together a wildly successful website, Sendamemoney generates half of MV's income.  In return, Senda gets to keep all he can grift.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on December 24, 2015, 07:23:20 AM
Falkie, a normal sleep schedule should be one of your priorities in 2016.

This staying up all night business is for the birds. If you were working graveyard it would be a different story.

Bwhahahhhaha!!!.  I just about shit myself I laughed so hard.


Quote from: onan on December 24, 2015, 07:41:01 AM
Everything is falkies, unless he has to pay for it. Then, he has this delusion that someone owes him.

Oh and one other thing.

Falkie, falkie, falkie you can add yet one more character flaw to your excuse of a life. You are a coward.

You can send any message to me in a PM that you like. However, the process for you to message me means you have to take me off ignore, then PM me, then put me back on ignore, so I can't respond. You taunt me to post that PM, you call me a liar and some variation of a weasel and also suggest I put my head up my butt and then eat my way out. Oh yes, you also mention how you are going to schoolgirl me.

Falkie, I don't watch your videos. I am not going to change that strategy. You suck in your endeavors, in your relationships, in your activities of daily life, and you especially suck in your financial well being. Worst of all, you are completely without any desire to improve your life except for magical thinking. Your chances of winning the lottery are less than getting hit by lightning, and I pray for that.

Well.  Everybody needs a little affirmation in their life.  Thanks for being so nice to the Felcher.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on December 24, 2015, 10:03:04 AM
Recent cable from Falkie:

My eye problem is NOT pink eye. Without having examined me ( Jan 8th doctor's appointment ) they think I have dry eye but I don't. Yesterday we were in the car and I got one of those spikes, screamed from the pain & doubled over and put my fist on the eye to try to stop the pain.[b]Heavy weeping of left eye with some in right eye, severe swelling of left eye with some kind of white discharge, severe burning in both eyes, severe pain in left eye which at times has pain in eyeball that feels like someone shoves an icepick in the center of my eyeball and it radiates to the back of my skull. [/b]

I'm no doctor, but aren't those the symptoms of a syphilis infection of the eye?


Quote from: Darth on December 24, 2015, 04:08:57 PM
Im here to inform all of you Losers that are "Art Bell Fans" that you need to get a fucking life. Art is a loser and a quitter. He does not have the balls to be on the air. He is also a fucking Liar too. People please do yourself a favor and get a life, move out of your parent's basement, get laid and vote for Trump for 2016. As for Jazmunda, please smoke less weed and listen to George Noory. B-Dubb you just need to get a life. Eddie Coyle please go fuck your self. Redacted please stop hosting MITD because your NO Art Bell. Casio and Falkie when are you two getting married. Chefist your the only normal person here.  Ponyboysunset you need to get a life.  Fort Rock I heard that you are Eddie Dean's gay lover.




A Merry Griftmas to all the Falkie fans out there, while the HATERS can suck on a big one! It looks like Senda Claus has unwrapped a nice, new shiny begging bowl this year, and he is rattling it vigorously.

At this time of the year it is traditional to consider those less fortunate than ourselves. There can be no man more unfortunate in this life (and, god knows, doesn't he insist on telling us!) than Anthony George Senda, The Guy from Griftsburg. The poor man has hardly any money left after he has paid his rent, and he wants to go to LA early in the New Year for BullshitCon, or whatever its fucking name is. For just one dollar you can help the big guy live the dream! This goes out to all his fans and subscribers, but NOT the haters who think there's something wrong with a lazy indigent oaf trying to con total strangers out of their money with a hard luck story.

We also learn that he is planning to start drinking SlimFast and doing something known as 'walking' in the New Year. Oh, and the reason he is such a fat fuck is, surprisingly, that he DOESN'T eat. A bit of classic Falkie logic in there for us all to enjoy.

Oh, and he informs us at the end of the video that he is planning to 'take the day off'. I don't think anyone can grudge the great man at least one day of rest from his Herculean labours over the past year.

Please give generously.



Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the thoughts of Anthony George Senda. This is a bit like the Queen's Christmas message (a fellow welfare scrounger) but not nearly so moving - and that bitch doesn't sing either, where here we get to experience the full-throated magnificence of George 'The Lark' Senda. Falkie reveals himself as a big fan of JC, too, probably having in mind this bit from Corinthians:

'And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.'

And don't forget to 'love your neighbour as you would you love yourself'. That message has been 'sadly perverted' according to the esteemed theologian, and professor of Divinity, Dr George Senda.

Christmas, we are informed, is about love and caring. Of course, if someone doesn't allow us to take our iPad to a New Year's Eve party then that message goes straight out of the window, and it's only the HATERS who don't get it. We are also told that people have hardened their hearts against those with different coloured skin, or look down on what they do (or don't) for a living. I hope all you Falkie thread people are feeling thoroughly ashamed of yourselves right now.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 26, 2015, 05:32:51 AM


A Merry Griftmas to all the Falkie fans out there, while the HATERS can suck on a big one! It looks like Senda Claus has unwrapped a nice, new shiny begging bowl this year, and he is rattling it vigorously.

At this time of the year it is traditional to consider those less fortunate than ourselves. There can be no man more unfortunate in this life (and, god knows, doesn't he insist on telling us!) than Anthony George Senda, The Guy from Griftsburg. The poor man has hardly any money left after he has paid his rent, and he wants to go to LA early in the New Year for BullshitCon, or whatever its fucking name is. For just one dollar you can help the big guy live the dream! This goes out to all his fans and subscribers, but NOT the haters who think there's something wrong with a lazy indigent oaf trying to con total strangers out of their money with a hard luck story.

We also learn that he is planning to start drinking SlimFast and doing something known as 'walking' in the New Year. Oh, and the reason he is such a fat fuck is, surprisingly, that he DOESN'T eat. A bit of classic Falkie logic in there for us all to enjoy.

Oh, and he informs us at the end of the video that he is planning to 'take the day off'. I don't think anyone can grudge the great man at least one day of rest from his Herculean labours over the past year.

Please give generously.

Falkie is the classic definition of a  shameless sociopath.

"The most incredible trait of a sociopath, is their complete lack of conscience, lack of empathy, remorse, guilt or shame. Sociopaths are great at feigning ‘moral outrage’, or playing victim, giving a false persona that has the  impression of being truly empathetic and caring character. This, like most things with the sociopath, is merely for show."


Senda needs your help.  After he pays his rent he only has about $600 for the rest of the month.  And that's not nearly enough to fly to LA to attend a woo-woo CON to see George Noory, David Wilcock, Erie Pearl and other douche bags.  Just think of the good you would be doing sending a 357 pound, whining, grifting, self-centered piece of shit to another huckster-infested woo-woo CON.

Or you could help children with cancer.



Quote from: MAX on December 26, 2015, 07:01:53 AM

Falkie is the classic definition of a  shameless sociopath.

"The most incredible trait of a sociopath, is their complete lack of conscience, lack of empathy, remorse, guilt or shame. Sociopaths are great at feigning ‘moral outrage’, or playing victim, giving a false persona that has the  impression of being truly empathetic and caring character. This, like most things with the sociopath, is merely for show."

Yep, and to add, notice his (what is called) narcissistic rage when someone shows him to be a malingerer. There is no room in the falkie consciousness for any criticism.


Quote from: onan on December 26, 2015, 07:16:19 AM
Yep, and to add, notice his (what is called) narcissistic rage when someone shows him to be a malingerer. There is no room in the falkie consciousness for any criticism.

Yup, and while we are at it , Six Signs of a Sociopath,sounds a lot like our Flackie

Externalizes blame. The sociopath does not take ownership or blame for his mistakes or misdeeds.
At times, appears to actually enjoy manipulating and/or hurting others.
Behaves in harsh and/or hurtful ways, and then expects you to have no reaction; to act like it never happened.
Manipulates others, either from the sidelines or directly.
Treats you very differently at different times or different days, for no apparent reason.
Lies easily when needed to get off the hook.


"This is not for the haters.  This is not for the people that say I’m going to woo-woo conventions.  I went to the UFO expo in Sacramento with the full intention of doing interviews with people.  There weren’t that many people I saw I could interview. But my back went out thanks to my girlfriend Kathy’s not driving me up there.  Three months later my back’s still hurting. I do not get a lot of money a month.  After I pay my rent I have 549 dollars and 40 cents to live on so going to LA as I intend to February 19th is going to cost me about half my income for the month.  I really can’t afford it.  But I want to go see Noory.  I want to go meet with Stephen Greer.  With Dr. Eric Pearl, with the lovely Gail Thackery, and the lovely Dianna, Eric Pearl’s lovely assistant, and the other people, David Wilcock, Dannion Brinlkey. I’d like you subscribers, there’s 277 of you . . . and my friends . . . to help me out."


Good morning, Senda.  You may remember I made several New Year's resolutions.  One of them, beginning January 1, 2016, is to spend the rest of my life Senda free. To never watch another of your pathetic videos, to never read another of your ignorant, bigoted posts.  I will do everything in my power to forget you were ever conceived.

I will keep that resolution.  But until then, I would like to share this heartfelt thought with you, the most annoying, ignorant, deluded, self-centered piece of shit I have ever encountered.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 26, 2015, 05:53:36 AM


I'm a big fan of Falkie and Falkie humor. Myself, after having heard SV's voice on GabCast, enjoy SV's comments even more now, being able to imagine that voice reading them to me.   ;D  What a treat to hear Falkie sing, and get to see the Christmas Decorations at the beginning of the Video!

I even enjoyed the Tribute to Hoagie at the beginning of the OTHER Christmas video, where we are treated to a very loud and obvious computer chair Braaaps.   I often wonder how many bellgabbers, and Falkie fans, are senior citizens and/or disabled people in a similar financial situation to Falkies, and in their "Golden Years"?  For those fans, I sometimes think Falkies videos and posts must be even more of a treasure than to other younger fans.  What few things could be more precious, in ones Golden and fading years, than to be able to have a good laugh at yourself?  Some people may call the comedians, and the critics "haters".  I sometimes have a tough time wrapping my brain around that.  What would you call those people....Hater haters?  Well, I dunno, I suppose the Haters, and the Hater Haters donations spend just the same, and are just as appreciated as all the others.

Thank You for the cheerful Christmas Videos Falkie, and again Merry Christmas to You and Yours!

Quote from: brig on December 26, 2015, 08:40:02 AM

I often wonder how many bellgabbers, and Falkie fans, are senior citizens and/or disabled people in a similar financial situation to Falkies, and in their "Golden Years"?  For those fans, I sometimes think Falkies videos and posts must be even more of a treasure than to other younger fans. 

Merry Christmas Briggy! The difference is that other senior citizen and/or disabled people have worked their entire lives for the benefits that they get or they are really disabled. Falkie has been unemployed by choice his entire life and fakes his disability, whatever it is supposed to be.

I see an able bodied man who walks around at WooCons, who is able to make videos, go out to eat and generally live a good life for someone who complains all the time that he does not have enough money yet lives off the public. There are plenty of actually disabled senior citizens who work part time and do not try to grift instead of work. That's why he gets all the bad press.  :)


Senda Sings A Christmas Song

Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh,
O'er the fields we go, grifting all the way
Bells on bob-tail ring, making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing, a grifting song tonight.

Oh, send me money, send me money,
Send it now I say
Oh what fun it is to grift
In a most annoying way, hey!

Send me money, send me money
Send it now I say
Oh what fun it is to grift
In a most annoying way.

Now the ground is white, go it while you're young
Use PayPal tonight and send it right along,
Send a hundred or two, you really know my need
Sending me cash in any form will satisfy my greed.

Oh, send me money, send me money,
Send it now I say
Oh what fun it is to grift
In a most annoying way.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on December 26, 2015, 09:32:11 AM
Merry Christmas Briggy! The difference is that other senior citizen and/or disabled people have worked their entire lives for the benefits that they get or they are really disabled. Falkie has been unemployed by choice his entire life and fakes his disability, whatever it is supposed to be.

I see an able bodied man who walks around at WooCons, who is able to make videos, go out to eat and generally live a good life for someone who complains all the time that he does not have enough money yet lives off the public. There are plenty of actually disabled senior citizens who work part time and do not try to grift instead of work. That's why he gets all the bad press.  :)

You know where I find the irony IB?  I often hear Falkie calling his comedian, and critic fans "Haters".  Sometimes I wonder if he's serious.

A fan is a fan. IMO.   

Merry Christmas to You TOO!!!   ;D


Quote from: brig on December 26, 2015, 10:26:01 AM
You know where I find the irony IB?  I often hear Falkie calling his comedian, and critic fans "Haters".  Sometimes I wonder if he's serious.   

Merry Christmas to You TOO!!!   ;D

Trust me, if you had only the smattering of behind the scenes comments from falkie that I have heard over the last two years, your appreciation would probably dwindle.


Quote from: onan on December 26, 2015, 10:28:27 AM
Trust me, if you had only the smattering of behind the scenes comments from falkie that I have heard over the last two years, your appreciation would probably dwindle.

Ah yes!  You may be on to something there onan!  You see, I'm not much into PM's emails and behind the scene chatter.  I don't read most stuff that comes to "my inbox".

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: brig on December 26, 2015, 10:26:01 AM
You know where I find the irony IB?  I often hear Falkie calling his comedian, and critic fans "Haters".  Sometimes I wonder if he's serious.

A fan is a fan. IMO.   

Merry Christmas to You TOO!!!   ;D

I can see the confusion; Senda only sees those who are willing to give him something (even without thanks) as worthwhile corresponding with in any capacity. He has said that it's customary (no idea where) for a host to reimburse a guest's travelling costs. I don't think that works of course if he's the host. He has absolutely no concept of humility, compassion for others, propriety, self awareness, gratitude, self respect, respect for others, responsibility or anything that doesn't have narcissism and sociopath attached to his personality.

He's basically in his world of one; nothing and no-one matters outside that unless it's him who will benefit in some way. If in the short, medium or long term he'll manage to be financially advantaged, you'll be his new friend. He is though a misogynist; bear that in mind if you ever even slightly criticise him. If you do, be prepared for a barrage of invective and him telling you over and again how it was his mothers fault. He'll call you variously a 'bitch', 'nasty bitch', 'ugly bitch', 'viscous bitch' etc.

If you cared to look at his previous postings, you'll quickly see that he never accepts help offered unless it includes (or usually he demands) a monetary aspect that he can gain from directly. E.G. He'll accept you advising him to eat in a healthier way and tidy his shit hole up if you're prepared to pay for the food (but he'd prefer the money) and go and clean said shit hole up- and he's serious!


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 26, 2015, 11:16:43 AM

I can see the confusion; Senda only sees those who are willing to give him something (even without thanks) as worthwhile corresponding with in any capacity. He has said that it's customary (no idea where) for a host to reimburse a guest's travelling costs. I don't think that works of course if he's the host. He has absolutely no concept of humility, compassion for others, propriety, self awareness, gratitude, self respect, respect for others, responsibility or anything that doesn't have narcissism and sociopath attached to his personality.

He's basically in his world of one; nothing and no-one matters outside that unless it's him who will benefit in some way. If in the short, medium or long term he'll manage to be financially advantaged, you'll be his new friend. He is though a misogynist; bear that in mind if you ever even slightly criticise him. If you do, be prepared for a barrage of invective and him telling you over and again how it was his mothers fault. He'll call you variously a 'bitch', 'nasty bitch', 'ugly bitch', 'viscous bitch' etc.

If you cared to look at his previous postings, you'll quickly see that he never accepts help offered unless it includes (or usually he demands) a monetary aspect that he can gain from directly. E.G. He'll accept you advising him to eat in a healthier way and tidy his shit hole up if you're prepared to pay for the food (but he'd prefer the money) and go and clean said shit hole up- and he's serious!

So,  if you were, just for the sake of argument, a humorous, or critical of Falkie Fan, and donated "anonymously",  what would Falkie do then?

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