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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


You know what pisses me off about Drone? He said this recently -
Quote from: area51drone on July 01, 2015, 01:33:43 AM
   He also says in this latest video that he got dumped by his counselor for refusing to take his psych medication, which he's worried might cause him to become a mass murderer.   I'm not saying he should or should not, but the fact that he claims he doesn't want to do take the meds for that reason is interesting none the less.
So this toothless mouth-breather has basically said hes planning on killing people, and Drone finds it "interesting". If I were Drone, I'd report this psycho asap, but Drone more than likely would get off on the idea of casio murdering people. I had respect for Drone before, but I just don't know now. He should take action before innocent people are hurt. But instead he finds it entertaining. Its a shame and is disappointing as hell. There comes a time when you have to drop the bs and call the police.


Quote from: b_dubb on July 02, 2015, 11:56:25 AM
The check is in the mail? Seems very familiar. Hurrrrmmmmmmm.

So you told Patty to take some boxes out of the car and she took one too many and you flipped out on her? Riveting. 

There's a Russian Roulette tournament at the Embarcadero under the pier. I've already staked you. Just ask for Yuri. He'll get you started.


Quote from: Who on July 02, 2015, 11:18:08 AM
Your average post looks like a junkyard with all those juvenile graphics.  Have some consideration for people with iPhones and 7" tablets. And what's with this LOL stuff?  You're really showing your age, gramps.  Do you still connect to the local bbs with your 14.4 baud modem?

A quick perusal of your past posts shows that you also include links to videos, gifs, and photos.  My posts are no worse than yours.  Within the past 3 days, I have viewed BellGab at various times on a desktop PC, 10" Android tablet, an iPad-mini, and an iPhone.  I know what these posts look like on various devices, and there are no issues.  Get real.

I don't care for the "LOL" term myself, but have often been misunderstood when trying to use some other phrase in its place.  I'll probably just start including something like "(laughing at your stupidity)" in future replies to make it easy for you to understand.

Quote from: Who on July 02, 2015, 11:18:08 AM
But enough of that.  Let's get serious for a moment, shall we?  You're 58 years old.  And what are you doing?  You're trolling a fellow senior citizen.  You're pretending to be his friend while ridiculing him with your juvenile photoshops and using him for your own amusement.  Why don't you leave the poor old guy alone?  Use what time you have left doing things men your age are supposed to do.  Read your AARP magazine.  Go to the pharmacy.  Play bingo.  Have a living will prepared.  You'll need a medical power of attorney to make healthcare decisions for you - visit an attorney and get it done. Visit your local mortuary and pre-plan your funeral.  Buy a pair of plaid pants and white shoes and play golf.  Just don't drink.  You know what happens when you start drinking that cheap wine you're so fond of.

Ol' Gerry's not "trolling a fellow senior citizen" - I'm standing up for my friend who is being relentlessly attacked by idiots like you!  By the way, since when has 58 become a "senior citizen" age?  I am still a very productive, gainfully employed member of society.  I moved on from the lawn maintenance and tractor equipment sales gig long ago, and you would be shocked if you knew the full scope and magnitude of my occupation now.  Art Bell himself is quite a bit older than I am, and still seems to possess great vitality.  Would you put him out to pasture too?

As for the drinking?  Well...I have that under control, and don't let the bottle run my life the way that it used to.  By the way, I was never partial to the cheap stuff - and my "mistress" was usually something a lot harder than wine.  Nothing but the best for Ol' Gerry!  (laughing at your stupidity)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: coaster on July 02, 2015, 01:09:16 PM
You know what pisses me off about Drone? He said this recently -So this toothless mouth-breather has basically said hes planning on killing people, and Drone finds it "interesting". If I were Drone, I'd report this psycho asap, but Drone more than likely would get off on the idea of casio murdering people. I had respect for Drone before, but I just don't know now. He should take action before innocent people are hurt. But instead he finds it entertaining. Its a shame and is disappointing as hell. There comes a time when you have to drop the bs and call the police.

No, that's just what none psychotic people would do.


I don't endorse Casio or find him interesting in the least. I remarked that he seemed to be in great personal distress, was possibly a risk to himself or others in such state, and is a person who needs to be under supervision. Not by YouTube subscribers, either.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on July 02, 2015, 12:57:04 PM
I'm replying to this as it was posted in response to one of mine.  Ol' Gerry wasn't around on this thread when Casio was a poster, and I've only picked up bits and pieces of his story from what others have posted.  I've watched a few of his videos, but don't really have much patience for them.  When his "Out Here To Die" video was posted on here on June 25th, I watched it, and found it to be disturbing as he seemed like a seriously depressed person who might take some sort of irrational action.  I asked if Drone could try to reach out to him, and that's it.  I don't know how anyone on here could include me in a group of Casio "enablers" as I've never engaged the man myself - on this thread, or anywhere else.  I've also never posted in his defense.  If you're saying that he's full of it, then so be it.

Yes I pulled the quote from you. My intent was to not attack you personally.  Just as a snippet of what is going on in the overall narrative of the thread.  I do not doubt your sympathy or concern when you state "I watched it, and found it to be disturbing as he seemed like a seriously depressed person who might take some sort of irrational action."  However, do you ever consider this is all an act?  Plus, your comments and Drones' have been somewhat synonymous at times.  You appear like allies in a specific cause.  Just a perception I'm putting out there.  I mean no disrespect to you.


Quote from: coaster on July 02, 2015, 01:09:16 PM
You know what pisses me off about Drone? He said this recently -So this toothless mouth-breather has basically said hes planning on killing people, and Drone finds it "interesting". If I were Drone, I'd report this psycho asap, but Drone more than likely would get off on the idea of casio murdering people.

No, you obviously missed my point.  Casio said he knows that all the mass murderers in recent times have been on the same psych drugs his doctors are asking him to take.   He says he doesn't want to take them for fear it might make him do things he doesn't want to do.   In a way, that's admirable, because undoubtedly not taking the meds is also having some negative effect on him - otherwise his doctors would not recommend he be on them in the first place.    One thing you can say about Casio, doll making out/hair fucking etc, is that it does appear that he is trying to get his "release" in a fashion that isn't going to hurt others, and that he tells people openly about his past seems to be a clear indication that he has intentions of not further hurting others.    As much as I find some of the stuff he does repulsive, if he wants to fuck some doll hair and that keeps him from harming a real child, wouldn't you prefer he does that?    I don't know that there is a fix for people with his condition - clearly there is something mentally wrong with his brain that he's attracted to younger girls.   The hair fetish/asian fetish thing is no big deal - we all have shit we find physically attractive, but the young girls thing is definitely something wrong.   Its a hard thing for a civilized society to deal with - what to do with people like him?   All I can say is that it is not my decision to make and I will treat him like a human being.  It is not going to help him, and especially not society, if we all shamed him into hiding.   I'm more scared of the people I know nothing about than those who are honest about what they've done in the past.

Casio, and Falkie for that matter, are not forcing you to look at their stuff on the web - you all keep coming back to this thread to see Falkie and what comes along with conversations about Falkie.  If you don't like it, don't click the link.

Quote from: ShayP on July 02, 2015, 01:26:41 PM
Yes I pulled the quote from you. My intent was to not attack you personally.  Just as a snippet of what is going on in the overall narrative of the thread.  I do not doubt your sympathy or concern when you state "I watched it, and found it to be disturbing as he seemed like a seriously depressed person who might take some sort of irrational action."  However, do you ever consider this is all an act? 

Hello, ShayP - nice to meet you!  I didn't take any of your comments as a personal attack, or as disrespectful.  Even if they had been meant in that manner, that would have been fine as that's how things run on threads like this.  I just wanted to explain my perspective on why I had commented on Casio's video.  I know that others, such as "Who" (with whom I've had many run-ins with before), keep trying to imply that I have condoned, or am at least ok with, his pedophile behavior, so I wanted to address it.

Quote from: ShayP on July 02, 2015, 01:26:41 PM
Plus, your comments and Drones' have been somewhat synonymous at times.  You appear like allies in a specific cause.  Just a perception I'm putting out there.  I mean no disrespect to you.

Drone and I have established a friendship, and communicate regularly outside of BellGab.  Despite our occasional differences, we generally have a very cordial relationship.  We're both here to support Falkie, to help him grow his YouTube audience, and to encourage him on his journey to financial independence.

Some on this thread have even suggested that we are the same person.  In a parody of the show "Ancient Aliens," I have termed them as "Drone & Gerry Single Identity Theorists."


Quote from: area51drone on July 02, 2015, 01:55:01 PM
stuff about casio...
Why don't you invite him to stay with you. That way you can keep an eye on him and then society doesn't have to worry about a psychopath pedo who is off his medication, living in a tent with a fucking bb gun. I mean, you care so much about his well being.. Its the honorable thing to do. People like Casio are lucky to have people like you. I look forward to hearing about your guys' escapades.


If all things are as they appear, there is a significant difference between Faulty and Casio. It appears Casio has a serious and persistent mental illness. Casio is a failure of the system. Due to civil rights, Casio has every right to refuse medications. He can spend the disability assistance as he chooses. Case managers are powerless to impose any responsibility upon their clients. Unless that client has a guardian. Even then, there are huge limitations to affecting responsibility on a person on disability.

I won't diagnose Casio here, but there are certainly obvious presentations. He is highly disorganized, his behaviors are often bizarre, and he does seem to have fixed and perhaps unusual thoughts.

As to the claims of sexual predation, I can only explain what I have learned in the last year or so. In NC, if one has served their sentence and have been released from incarceration, there is more than likely a large group of professionals (mostly from the department of corrections... I believe) that continue to monitor the person.

Again Casio is a failure of the system. For some reason his housing has been lost. He stated he had a "rep payee", if that is true his rent should have been handled responsibly through that agency. Sometimes rep payees fail to do their jobs. Maybe, Casio was able to "fire" his rep payee. I dunno.

So Casio is experiencing natural consequences for not following the guidance of the teams that monitor him. Unlike the other person that is being discussed here. Who isn't held to any accountability. I feel sorry for one of them and the other deserves scorn.


Quote from: coaster on July 02, 2015, 02:02:13 PM
Why don't you invite him to stay with you. That way you can keep an eye on him and then society doesn't have to worry about a psychopath pedo who is off his medication, living in a tent with a fucking bb gun. I mean, you care so much about his well being.. Its the honorable thing to do. People like Casio are lucky to have people like you. I look forward to hearing about your guys' escapades.

I have told you that he's not coming over to my house.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't interact with him in real life.   He actually seems like he tries to mean well, and when others find out about his past and his current problems, they treat him like utter garbage.   I'm sure I have been guilty of that to some extent with him myself.   But just taking a step back and looking at what's really going on here, he does have a problem, and like it or not, society does need to deal with him and people like him.   Again, it's not easy to say what should be done with people like him.   Some say "kill them", some say "rehabilitate them" etc etc.   There are some that probably should die.   There are some that probably can be rehabilitated and some that can't.   Since I don't know the full story on Casio, only what he's told us, I can't make that verdict for myself.    I can say that it *appears* that he is trying to not hurt others by way of making his life an open book.   I'm sure he is in a very very difficult position in his life - not many people want to be around him.  Some people walking by would probably spit in his face if they knew about his past.   Can you imagine living your life like that, for a mistake (albeit a large mistake) you made in your early 20's?   And that's on top of just dealing with the pressures of life without the benefit of being completely mentally capable.   I *literally* have seen murderers treated better than some of you treat Casio since it came out that he was convicted of statutory rape.    I am not a mean person and I do have a sense of humanity, no matter what all of you on bellgab think of me.


Quote from: area51drone on July 02, 2015, 02:24:01 PM
I have told you that he's not coming over to my house.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't interact with him in real life.   
So you would watch him, but only from a safe distance. Like an animal. Wild animals belong in cages or far from people. Lest they bite you.
He should take the medications they tell him to take, follow any programs they require of him, and do what they say. He needs to stop being a dipshit, and start being a decent, contributing member of society. If he truly is trying to "not hurt people", then he should either follow the above steps, or sign himself in to a mental hospital. Because sooner or later, something bad is going to happen. Either to him, or to some innocent person. Don't just sit there, and tell us he is some misunderstood guy who just needs a friend.  The guy needs to man up, and follow the fucking rules set out for him. That is how he is going to suceed in this life.
Sitting in a field, in a tent, with a b.b. gun, rambling nonsense into a video camera? Fuck that nonsense. That is fucking crazy talk.


Quote from: coaster on July 02, 2015, 02:40:29 PM
So you would watch him, but only from a safe distance. Like an animal. Wild animals belong in cages or far from people. Lest they bite you.
He should take the medications they tell him to take, follow any programs they require of him, and do what they say. He needs to stop being a dipshit, and start being a decent, contributing member of society. If he truly is trying to "not hurt people", then he should either follow the above steps, or sign himself in to a mental hospital. Because sooner or later, something bad is going to happen. Either to him, or to some innocent person. Don't just sit there, and tell us he is some misunderstood guy who just needs a friend.  The guy needs to man up, and follow the fucking rules set out for him. That is how he is going to suceed in this life.
Sitting in a field, in a tent, with a b.b. gun, rambling nonsense into a video camera? Fuck that nonsense. That is fucking crazy talk.

No, I said I would interact with him.  I wouldn't watch him from a distance.  I'd sit and chat with him.  Like I said, I am not the one who should dictate whether or not he takes the meds.   That's not my call to make.   I think he probably has the right not to do it if he chooses, and neither you nor I should be able to make that call for him.   If the government forces him to take meds, then they're going to force him to be in that medical institute.   I don't think he's crazy.  I think he has some learning disabilities and difficulty analyzing situations appropriately.   He probably has other mental problems as well.   As far as I am aware, he has been following at least some of the rules.  He attends an anger management class, and lived in his government paid for apartment until he got kicked out - for what reason I do not know.   He also goes to the jobs they lined up for him - he works or has worked for Pepsi and Wendy's.     It's really difficult to say there Coaster - we aren't him.   It's very hard for someone like you or me to put ourselves in his mental shoes and know what is going on in his mind.    And if his brain fires differently than a normal person's, who knows what actions he may or may not take.   That's for a professional to decide, not me, not you.  Apparently, the professionals feel he's safe enough to be milling about Augusta, and visiting his child as well.   The mother of his child obviously feels he's not enough of a threat to their daughter to keep him away.   That should say something.


I need to make a concession here. I think my position on Faulty is apparent. that being said. There is a poster on this thread that I am diametrically opposed to their position. And I have said some things that should probably been more measured. In almost every other thread I find A51D's posts thought provoking, intelligent, and sometimes well beyond my reasoning capabilities. So, let me attempt to buy that hatchet. No frikken hugs though.


Well whatever. I'm done with it. The next time I'll even notice his name is when it inevitably makes the news. A discussion here gets nowhere and really does make my head hurt. Waste of fucking time, that one. Moving on..
Yes, I have mentioned the same to him. I have no problem with Drone, I just don't understand his reasoning on casio. But what can ya do. I'm over it.


Quote from: area51drone on July 02, 2015, 03:06:40 PM
No, I said I would interact with him.  I wouldn't watch him from a distance.  I'd sit and chat with him.  Like I said, I am not the one who should dictate whether or not he takes the meds.   That's not my call to make.   I think he probably has the right not to do it if he chooses, and neither you nor I should be able to make that call for him.   If the government forces him to take meds, then they're going to force him to be in that medical institute.   I don't think he's crazy.  I think he has some learning disabilities and difficulty analyzing situations appropriately.   He probably has other mental problems as well.   As far as I am aware, he has been following at least some of the rules.  He attends an anger management class, and lived in his government paid for apartment until he got kicked out - for what reason I do not know.   He also goes to the jobs they lined up for him - he works or has worked for Pepsi and Wendy's.     It's really difficult to say there Coaster - we aren't him.   It's very hard for someone like you or me to put ourselves in his mental shoes and know what is going on in his mind.    And if his brain fires differently than a normal person's, who knows what actions he may or may not take.   That's for a professional to decide, not me, not you.  Apparently, the professionals feel he's safe enough to be milling about Augusta, and visiting his child as well.   The mother of his child obviously feels he's not enough of a threat to their daughter to keep him away.   That should say something.

Just curious - how did you develop this long distance friendship with him (e-mail and phone calls)?  What was it about him that piqued your interest?  Why do you want to interact with him in any capacity?  We know you think he deserves respect and to be treated as a human being.  But what compels you to reach out to him personally?

I think it's natural that anyone who knows his past and has seen his bizarre behavior in his videos would be curious what your apparent fascination with him.  To most of us, it appears he's just another part of the Drone and Gerry Traveling Freak Show.  Care to elaborate?


Quote from: area51drone on July 02, 2015, 01:55:01 PM
No, you obviously missed my point.  Casio said he knows that all the mass murderers in recent times have been on the same psych drugs his doctors are asking him to take.   He says he doesn't want to take them for fear it might make him do things he doesn't want to do.   In a way, that's admirable, because undoubtedly not taking the meds is also having some negative effect on him - otherwise his doctors would not recommend he be on them in the first place.    One thing you can say about Casio, doll making out/hair fucking etc, is that it does appear that he is trying to get his "release" in a fashion that isn't going to hurt others, and that he tells people openly about his past seems to be a clear indication that he has intentions of not further hurting others.    As much as I find some of the stuff he does repulsive, if he wants to fuck some doll hair and that keeps him from harming a real child, wouldn't you prefer he does that?    I don't know that there is a fix for people with his condition - clearly there is something mentally wrong with his brain that he's attracted to younger girls.   The hair fetish/asian fetish thing is no big deal - we all have shit we find physically attractive, but the young girls thing is definitely something wrong.   Its a hard thing for a civilized society to deal with - what to do with people like him?   All I can say is that it is not my decision to make and I will treat him like a human being.  It is not going to help him, and especially not society, if we all shamed him into hiding.   I'm more scared of the people I know nothing about than those who are honest about what they've done in the past.

Casio, and Falkie for that matter, are not forcing you to look at their stuff on the web - you all keep coming back to this thread to see Falkie and what comes along with conversations about Falkie.  If you don't like it, don't click the link.

Noory check arrived. Sighted check, cashed same. Paid my rent with it. Took 7 days to get here not 4. Noory said he'd bet a ranch it would be here today. Said I would compromise and he could send me 1/2 interest in ranch for being past 4 days that he guanteed. ;)
Patty being total bitch to Kathy. Lied about my telling her not to move stuff out and was screaming at Kathy. So much for the nearly life long friendship. :-\ :-[ ::)


Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 02, 2015, 03:22:04 PM
Said I would compromise and he could send me 1/2 interest in ranch



Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 02, 2015, 03:22:04 PM

Noory check arrived. Sighted check, cashed same. Paid my rent with it. Took 7 days to get here not 4. Noory said he'd bet a ranch it would be here today. Said I would compromise and he could send me 1/2 interest in ranch for being past 4 days that he guanteed. ;)
Patty being total bitch to Kathy. Lied about my telling her not to move stuff out and was screaming at Kathy. So much for the nearly life long friendship. :-\ :-[ ::)
What does he want for giving you this money, Falkie? Is it just for your work on his projects?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 02, 2015, 09:32:59 AM

Yesterday Patty and Kathy showed up so I could take Patty and Kathy to breakfast. I had told Patty to remove the boxes in the back of the car so she could sit in the car with us but only enough to sit with us. She removed all the boxes except two. I saw that and blew up. Some of the boxes had torn sides and I had stacked them up so they would not have other boxes on top of them and had told Patty last week 5 seperate times, do NOT move anything out of the car unless I tell you to. She went and did what she wanted and drove off all pissed off. So now I have to go to Pittsburg and reload the car in 102 degree heat and then help get Kathy's stuff out of Patty's garage and get as much of it up to Sacramento as we can. Patty just screamed at Kathy over the phone and told her it was all HER fault even though Kathy had said WHY did you take the stuff out after George had told you NOT to ?
Patty is being a total bitch and she has a habit historically of being a flake and not keeping her word. She also stole some of Kathy's things out of her apartment and was so bold as to openly display them in her living room.
Also, both Kathy and I were so upset that Kathy forgot to tell me there was a chance of her getting an apartment where she used to live 10 years ago.
Patty is one of these people who does what SHE wants to do and says F*ck You if you say anything about it.
I've been concentrating on boxing stuff out and getting this place cleaned up and the last thing I need to do is have someone make more work for me.
Patty's excuse now is that she is saying I NEVER told her NOT to take everything out of the car which is total bs.
So tomorrow we go rent a truck and somehow do all the work ourselves and get the stuff out of Patty's garage.

Adding to the aggravation is no check from Noory yet. He originally told me he mailed it last Thursday then told me it was actually mailed Friday. Tne lady at the post office said I should have had it by tuesday. I was going to use 1/2 the money to pay for the truck rental.

So that is why I am not doing videos. If I don't get this place straightened out, there ain't gonna be no place to do videos. Kathy came in and said " you've really done a lot in here. ". With her help, we will get it done by next weekend not counting dusting the bookcases.

I am very tired of having people walk all over me and so is Kathy. Patty once did something that was horrendous to Kathy and I got told about it today. If I were Kathy, I'd dump Patty but Patty's the only gf she has left.

And I don't expect Jocko to really care since every post he makes is filled with invective and I don't know what sets him off since at one time he was friendly towards me.

As one poster said to me in an inbox today ( paraphrasing ) " everyone wants to jump on the attack Falkie bandwagon " and that is truly sad.

I think almost everyone had one of those Casio keyboards.

Flackie, you act as if you are the only guy in the world with problems. You claim to be a nice guy, a gentleman...who constantly blows up, ur words, at women for the silliest things in comparison to the big picture...is it really worth you getting pissed and acting that way?
I guess it's beginning, so fasten your seat belts and hold on to your hat, this is the start of the dave screws flackie part of the story...just wait,  just like you he can't  change his stripes and deep down you know it. Why am I not friendly towards you  anymore? Because you tried to use things that I told you in confidence in pm's against me publicly in an effort to discredit me in your own twisted way. As well as ur turning on Art, your attack on people like Redacted, who say things about dave which are so much less vicious than anything you've done to him. You act jealous of her possible success in maybe getting on Art's show but get mad at people who you claiim won't support you and who you feel are jealous of you! You attack guys like MV...who have given you this forum. Do you not see the absolute hypocrisy of your words and actions...look in the mirror. I had hoped at first to shock you to realize the error of your ways, because as I have told you all along, anything you do with snorge will never work out well for you in the end run. And in the process you will lose whatever little credibility & good will you may have had here. But you will not see any of this. Too bad because I think that most people here, like myself, at one time, really did support you and wish you well.

Jocko Johnson

YP...I could not agree more, well said. Flackie even when dave really nails him good will still never get. In the words of his one time idol...Art Bell, who could have very well said..."Falkie just DOES NOT GET IT."

Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 02, 2015, 03:22:04 PM
Patty being total bitch to Kathy. Lied about my telling her not to move stuff out and was screaming at Kathy. So much for the nearly life long friendship. :-\ :-[ ::)

Hey, George - I'm glad you got your money today - just in the nick of time!

Noory interview views:  1,855
Dr. Pearl "moment" - featuring Dianna Bensch:  670

With regard to the Kathy - Patty meltdown, given that the friendship is on the brink of imminent destruction, it is imperative that you post another "Kathy's Korner" video as soon as possible.  We need to hear straight from Kathy herself on this situation - where things stand, why she feels as she does, if there is any chance that the relationship can be saved, and what the future holds for the two of them.  Please ask Kathy to record this video right away.  We will be waiting!

cosmic hobo

Casio and those that defend him are filth.

Quote from: Who on July 02, 2015, 03:17:34 PM
Just curious - how did you develop this long distance friendship with him (e-mail and phone calls)?  What was it about him that piqued your interest?  Why do you want to interact with him in any capacity?  We know you think he deserves respect and to be treated as a human being.  But what compels you to reach out to him personally?

I think it's natural that anyone who knows his past and has seen his bizarre behavior in his videos would be curious what your apparent fascination with him.  To most of us, it appears he's just another part of the Drone and Gerry Traveling Freak Show.  Care to elaborate?

Actually, I think there's an entire thread that documented the history of this relationship as it developed.  I could only get through a few pages.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 02, 2015, 03:22:04 PM

Noory check arrived. Sighted check, cashed same. Paid my rent with it. Took 7 days to get here not 4. Noory said he'd bet a ranch it would be here today. Said I would compromise and he could send me 1/2 interest in ranch for being past 4 days that he guanteed. ;)
Patty being total bitch to Kathy. Lied about my telling her not to move stuff out and was screaming at Kathy. So much for the nearly life long friendship. :-\ :-[ ::)

That's a pretty empty promise given that Noory only ever had a horse farm, and couldn't even keep that going.  Now he's giving away ranches?  Maybe if he had kept a ranch for his horses instead of that old farm he would have been okay.  Then again, he was probably talking about ranch dressing.


LOL at the image of Noory tending a farm.


Quote from: bateman on July 02, 2015, 03:38:27 PM

there should be a coffee table book created of this thread.  the first page gives a general overview of what a falkie is.  the rest your responses with no context in chronological order.  I would buy it.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 02, 2015, 09:32:59 AM

Yesterday Patty and Kathy showed up so I could take Patty and Kathy to breakfast. I had told Patty to remove the boxes in the back of the car so she could sit in the car with us but only enough to sit with us. She removed all the boxes except two. I saw that and blew up. Some of the boxes had torn sides and I had stacked them up so they would not have other boxes on top of them and had told Patty last week 5 seperate times, do NOT move anything out of the car unless I tell you to. She went and did what she wanted and drove off all pissed off. So now I have to go to Pittsburg and reload the car in 102 degree heat and then help get Kathy's stuff out of Patty's garage and get as much of it up to Sacramento as we can. Patty just screamed at Kathy over the phone and told her it was all HER fault even though Kathy had said WHY did you take the stuff out after George had told you NOT to ?
Patty is being a total bitch and she has a habit historically of being a flake and not keeping her word. She also stole some of Kathy's things out of her apartment and was so bold as to openly display them in her living room...

Falkie, there are a few interesting unanswered questions about this event.

- Was this Kathy's car, or Patty's?

- Where were you and Kathy when she was unloading those boxes, and where did she put them?

- If she took them out of the backseat so quickly, why would it take you longer to put them back?

- Why are you taking things out of Patty's garage and to storage, did Patty tell you to do so?

- Is Kathy still staying at Patty's after this?

- What were the things she took from Kathy and has now on display at her apartment?  What was her response when asked about them?

Quote from: Falkie2013 on July 02, 2015, 09:32:59 AM
... Patty once did something that was horrendous to Kathy and I got told about it today...

Jeez, what did she do?

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