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Dark Matter Network Content

Started by Textor, November 22, 2013, 10:44:43 AM


Quote from: nika01 on December 12, 2013, 07:02:01 PM
Oh really? Sorry but it is about the listener, otherwise why have a program in the first place? I get the whole "its not on ArtBell.com" thing. I am calling that complete bullshit. No reason to quit. Shows a remarkable lack common sense. I will go so far as to say there must be another reason. How do most people get to DMRN? From artbell.com! You must be shilling for the guy that quit.

and internet streaming issues are a legit reason to quit..."shilling" let me introduce you to my friend, his name is Mirror.

I think its pretty freaking obvious why Art Bell cant be associated with DMN its his NC with Sirius.


Quote from: malliard on December 12, 2013, 07:06:11 PM
Hello Everyone, Let me tell you why I choice to stay with Keith and Dark Matter.
The marketplace is flooded with paranormal shows, podcasts, whatever you prefer to call them.

After watching Keith's actions over the course of a week, I knew this network would be stronger then any that currently air my show.

Also also want to thank the few users who reviewed my show on this forum, I am sorry you dont like it. But I cant please everyone all the time, but thanks for listening.

Jim host of The Malliard Report

Hi Jim, I wish you success in your podcast and I'm sure good things will come from the network.  I enjoy your posts on Twitter and will make a point to check out your show too.  Don't try to please everyone, if you enjoy what you are doing that's what matters and there will be an audience for it.


I have been listening to the DMR network regularly for the past few days. At least 5 hours per day. Although not all shows are "winners" in my book, I've enjoyed listening to different guests and topics one after another. I don't even look at the schedule anymore. In short, I like the variety and that I don't need to go hunting all over the 'net to find new and interesting guests and topics.
Sure, some of the hosts are not my cup of tea, but I can still take away food for thought from the topics discussed.


Quote from: mcclellanrobert on December 08, 2013, 09:51:26 AM
We invite you to join us beginning Saturday, December 14 at 11pm ET on DMRN for "Into The Planet" radio.
After much thought, we have decided to "throw in" with Keith and help build something that may very likely be valuable Internet broadcasting real estate as it gets further developed. Obviously, Art has to step back a bit, until his issues with Sirius are resolved. This is a bit disappointing, in that Art's name still carries a lot of weight in broadcasting circles. I'm betting he will be back. And I'm betting he will broadcast from DMRN.
Anyway, here's the scoop on our program: Hosted by myself and extreme explorer, Jill Heinerth, we hope to bring an interesting and entertaining hour of content to DMRN. We will focus on Exploration, Science, Culture, and Current Events. One of the features on each program is taking listeners on "Audio Expeditions."  Here's a link to a video about diving inside the largest moving object on the planet: "ICE ISLAND" our first "AudioEx."


Our co-host, Jill Heinerth led a National Geographic underwater team expedition to Antarctica and for the first time in history, they climbed, landed a helo on, and cave dived inside this massive berg.

This remarkable expedition, some "Science Faction" and other good stuff coming your way Saturday nights at 11 Eastern starting December 14th.

Please check out Jill's website at http://www.IntoThePlanet.com

Cheers, Robert

Thanks, Robert, for letting us know about your show. Sounds very interesting, and I'll be listening.


I'm very interested in seeing what this develops into.  Podcasters will have to up their game.  Noory will stay the same.

Quote from: Spinner on December 12, 2013, 10:02:52 PM

Thanks, Robert, for letting us know about your show. Sounds very interesting, and I'll be listening.
We appreciate your support. This first episode is the "pilot" we made for Keith. Future programs will have a different open and a variety of regular weekly features.


Now listening to "Podcast UFO" (again) on the DMRN.
I really enjoyed their interview of Richard Dolan, so I'll listen to it again. :)

Quote from: bateman on December 12, 2013, 07:17:42 PM
If you attract TWO new listeners from the Dark Matter stream, that's a net gain. What is the downside to streaming over there. I've yet to hear one.

I think podcasting has created a certain level of self-importance amongst many (but not every) person that undertakes creating their own show.

I don't really understand the "It's no longer on ArtBell.com" argument, either. The same people that are walking away because of that reason will be the first in line trying to join DMRN if/when Art does return.

You have the chance to get in at the ground level of something that will either sink or explode... with no risk to you financially or otherwise. I will wait to hear others reasoning behind leaving but I don't see how it benefits anyone.

I have been involved with internet broadcasting since 1995, when stations like HardRadio.com were getting off the ground and have been amazed at how few jumped at the opportunities presented. There has been more than one time I have seen someone walk away from a station they called "cheesy" only to see that very station explode months later.


Quote from: EternalUndeadRadio on December 13, 2013, 04:20:36 PM
I think podcasting has created a certain level of self-importance amongst many (but not every) person that undertakes creating their own show.

I don't really understand the "It's no longer on ArtBell.com" argument, either. The same people that are walking away because of that reason will be the first in line trying to join DMRN if/when Art does return.

You have the chance to get in at the ground level of something that will either sink or explode... with no risk to you financially or otherwise. I will wait to hear others reasoning behind leaving but I don't see how it benefits anyone.

I have been involved with internet broadcasting since 1995, when stations like HardRadio.com were getting off the ground and have been amazed at how few jumped at the opportunities presented. There has been more than one time I have seen someone walk away from a station they called "cheesy" only to see that very station explode months later.

Agree on all points.


If any of the hosts check in here, it may be a good idea to say who you are and what your show is frequently.  There are so many new (to most of us) voices and new shows that it's hard to keep up with them.  Particularly for those of us who listen away from the computer and don't see the lineup.


I'm listening to the DMRN. Carolyn Goyda's "Starfire Wolflair" and, while I really don't like her voice/speech pattern, I have to say that I highly recommend the first hour of tonight's show. She aired New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's response to NBC's report on the investigation into President John F. Kennedy's assassination. (That response was aired on NBC in July 1967).

Quote from: mcclellanrobert on December 12, 2013, 10:35:04 PM
We appreciate your support. This first episode is the "pilot" we made for Keith. Future programs will have a different open and a variety of regular weekly features.
Bumping for listeners at 11pm ET tonight, Saturday! Thanks.


Quote from: mcclellanrobert on December 14, 2013, 04:21:34 PM
Bumping for listeners at 11pm ET tonight, Saturday! Thanks.

I will mention it on our show tonight, in -- ahem -- 20 minutes! Can't wait to hear your show! Congrats!


Quote from: nbirnes on December 14, 2013, 04:42:41 PM
I will mention it on our show tonight, in -- ahem -- 20 minutes! Can't wait to hear your show! Congrats!

Aaaaaaand, I totally zoned out and blew it. I'm sorry. I'm still gonna listen, but could not get everything in. Next week for sure.

Quote from: nbirnes on December 14, 2013, 07:15:30 PM
Aaaaaaand, I totally zoned out and blew it. I'm sorry. I'm still gonna listen, but could not get everything in. Next week for sure.
No worries. As this network "matures' we will all be cross-promoting. Rising tide lifts all boats...cheers, Robert


Quote from: mcclellanrobert on December 14, 2013, 07:33:49 PM
No worries. As this network "matures' we will all be cross-promoting. Rising tide lifts all boats...cheers, Robert

True. But be careful -- their clocks run faster than ordinary clocks. The time whizzes by.


Lots of great shows. This is what I have been hoping for for years. coast themes on various shows around the clock. I really think art wants to leave something like this as evetually he will retire for good. I just wish old art bell shows could be played on it as well as new ones. Hopefully in time.

Link to podcast of 14 December, 2013 show. Thanks for listening!



Quote from: nooryisawesome on December 05, 2013, 12:06:17 AM
I think the problem is Keith putting shit shows on.

No one wants to associated with some of the shit being broadcast on there.

I gave DMRN a couple listens. Couldn't handle it. Maybe I was listening at the wrong times. There's something to be said for production value. I need to hear bumper music and a host that doesn't sound like he dropped his mic in a goldfish bowl.

Hate to admit it, but DMRN is actually what sent me back to C2CAM. There was a void, and I needed to have it filled. Noory is kind of a clown, but I've noticed that most of the guests are really just doing monologues, and I can live with that. George may throw an occasional impotent, inconsequential remark out there for them to ponder, but it's like he understands that he's a dipshit and genuinely tries to stay out of their way.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on December 05, 2013, 12:06:17 AM
I think the problem is Keith putting shit shows on.

No one wants to associated with some of the shit being broadcast on there.

i think some of the shows are really good, and with time i'm sure the lineup will get better.  that's if hosts are allowed to run their shows the way they want and "management" stays out of the way.


I know nothing of Keith. But I do have to ask, what does a web site guy know about radio talent?


Quote from: MV on December 17, 2013, 02:13:45 PM
i think some of the shows are really good, and with time i'm sure the lineup will get better.  that's if hosts are allowed to run their shows the way they want and "management" stays out of the way.

That'll all depend on whether management decides whether its role is that of benevolent dictator or strictly curatorial. I guess time will tell.


While, very easy to sit and airchair quarterback, The shows on dmrn.
Think about this if you will, What is the staff size of a coast to coast am?
Also giving an audio producer, able to pull better bummers and also produce better bummers.
I will speak for myself, But my show comes off a shoestring budget and all my "production" gets put away so my kids dont play with it. 
I respect each every person that takes the time and passion to put together a show.


Quote from: malliard on December 17, 2013, 10:03:13 PM
While, very easy to sit and airchair quarterback, The shows on dmrn.
Think about this if you will, What is the staff size of a coast to coast am?
Also giving an audio producer, able to pull better bummers and also produce better bummers.
I will speak for myself, But my show comes off a shoestring budget and all my "production" gets put away so my kids dont play with it. 
I respect each every person that takes the time and passion to put together a show.

I too respect each and every person who takes the time and possesses the passion to put a show together.

I do not, however, listen to each and every show.

I do happen to know a little about this stuff. We're not using any heavy duty equipment. Just Protools and a couple condenser mics. You don't need a state of the art studio and a staff of thousands to pull off a decent sounding piece of work. All you really need is a mic that isn't built right into your computer and enough sense to divide your show into segments so that it's not all sitting in one place. You don't need an audio producer for all that. Just figure out how it's done and do it.


Quote from: malliard on December 17, 2013, 10:03:13 PM
While, very easy to sit and airchair quarterback, The shows on dmrn.
Think about this if you will, What is the staff size of a coast to coast am?
Also giving an audio producer, able to pull better bummers and also produce better bummers.
I will speak for myself, But my show comes off a shoestring budget and all my "production" gets put away so my kids dont play with it. 
I respect each every person that takes the time and passion to put together a show.

Yeah, I get your point. And have to add, this is news to you? Anytime anyone takes to a stage... any stage they had better recognize what an egg looks like, especially a quickly-moving-toward-you egg.

It does take time, energy, and sometimes support from others to present any type of entertainment, other than falling down or getting kicked in the nuts... that type of entertainment is just a bonus.


I'm amazed by the number of shows in which the guest, or callers, sound better than the host.  You can buy a pretty good microphone for $100.  A few of the shows seem to have good content, but are almost unlistenable because the audio quality is so bad.


Quote from: Juan on December 18, 2013, 06:56:35 AM
I'm amazed by the number of shows in which the guest, or callers, sound better than the host.  You can buy a pretty good microphone for $100.  A few of the shows seem to have good content, but are almost unlistenable because the audio quality is so bad.

or call in to your own show, cause the mic on your cell is vastly better than the mic your using now.


Quote from: Juan on December 18, 2013, 06:56:35 AM
I'm amazed by the number of shows in which the guest, or callers, sound better than the host.  You can buy a pretty good microphone for $100.  A few of the shows seem to have good content, but are almost unlistenable because the audio quality is so bad.

Yup. I'll always make an exception for content that I find utterly riveting, but for the most part, I need it to not sound like shit, otherwise it's dead to me.


I'm now listening to "Fade to Black" with Jimmy Church (he's interviewing the former director of MUFON). I've never heard this show before, but I'm enjoying it. The one thing that's annoying me about it, is the breaks every 10 minutes (!!!). It really disrupts the flow of the conversation.
I see no reason for them to have breaks every 10 minutes. I hope that changes.

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