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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM

Art Bell

 Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


Colorado ESQ


I love you, I really do, but shame on you for not challenging the NC. It's even unlikely that a show streamed from your website or a podcast is considered commercial competition. SiriusXM & Premiere are playing hardball, it's all business. Everything has a price & business solution. You can deal with this, be strong!


Quote from: McPhallus on November 12, 2013, 04:06:57 PM
...and he cost them money and made them look like idiots.

Yep, which is probably why they're not amenable to any overtures from Art.


Quote from: tertiaryimam on November 12, 2013, 06:25:26 PM
Falkie, for all your pro-Mac encouragements it sounds to me like Macs are quite a headache, too.

Not really. Broken glasses are giving me a headache.
I've been putting a lot of effort into getting us a decent car and so I've neglected upgrading for awhile but with so many applications REQUIRING the use of OSX.7 its either do that or fall behind.
If one waits long enough, the software gets cheap as someone resells it for cheaper than the original price.
Next will be more memory for the Imac.
I had to do the same thing with continual upgrades for my PC when I had one too.
Though nothing sucks as bad as Windows ME.
Except Noory.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


Yeah baby, you are too young and vital to go SK

Heather Wade

Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.







Quote from: Falkie2013 on November 12, 2013, 06:24:33 PM
Could someone please give me a link for the latest Bellgab program ?
All I can find is either the original program or that tech show that was all about Art.
And I can't listen to certain podcasts because Apple's Itune radio now requires OSX.7, which is on the way to me in a thumb drive and then I'm gonna have to get a portable hard drive to put it on so I can keep playing my older games.
The thumb drive has Lion on it, then Mtn. Lion and then the ridiculously named Maverick.
This is an expensive hobby ...

Why don't you just download Mavericks?


ok, I was waiting to cancel my siriusxm subscription bought because of Art. Last post by Art sounds final, nothing will be worked out, so i just cancelled. Thanks Art for coming back, it was a pleasure listening to you again. I think 1st show I discovered you was your 1st interview with Fr. Malachi Martin. I was hooked in since. I was so happy to hear you were making a comeback. I am saddened to learn it's not going to work out no matter who's fault it is. I too, found this site back in september googling george noory sucks... but if there's a silver lining, George (or Dave as you guys call him) upped his game a tad since. No where near as good as you Art, but it's who those of us who go to sleep listening to the radio have left. Enjoy the rest of your life Art.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


What can we do to help? anything?


Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


This is great news. Also, it sounds like a great topic to discuss on the gabcast.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


Thank You!

Miracles do happen. If ABBA can get back together, you can get back on the air.



Quote from: SixWeekTenure on November 12, 2013, 06:19:53 PM
Not a revenge move, just a completion of a new deal for C2C to return to SiriusXM after being removed last month. George Noory requesting to be on Indie 104, however, is suspect.

Ah! I did not realize C2C was on Sirius XM and removed. Wow! The plot thickens.


Maybe you could share a little of the NC, at least which parts might allow you to continue broadcasting without violating it.

Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.



Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.



Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


And with that this thread is over.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


Seems to me you'd have some way to break it since Sirius didn't live up to their end of the bargain by not fixing the streaming issues.
And ... if you can prove a cabal existed to deliberately knock you off the air by all 3 entities, I think you'd have them by the balls and in the bag as well.


What was the date that Snoory changed his avatar to crown?


Well, I for one am pissed off and don’t buy much of what Art Bell says…

Allow me to introduce myself…I am a long time lurker since about three years ago when I pranked George Noory and then tried to look it up on the internet to see if someone commented or posted about my prank- It led me here (to the George Norry Sucks Forum, anyhow…) and  I was amazed that so many others had the same feelings as my wife and I about the Snorge and how bad (unmistakable) C2C had/has become.

I started listening to Art on Halloween Night of 19994 (could have possibly been 95) when WJR in Detroit cancelled my favorite overnight show and brought on some new guy named Art Bell. I was pissed, wrote to the station and tried to keep Art off 760 WJR so my Local Host(s) could continue- Needless to say, on my first night listening (was Ghost Stories) I was blown away but figured that it was just a “Halloween Special” and would soon be a regular “Right Wing” Republican Radio show as soon as Halloween was over- I was wrong.

The subjects were amazing , entertaining and sometimes very scary… My wife and I  often made Bonfires and curled up in the darkness on our property listening to Coast (especially “scary episodes”) in the middle of our woods. Art was the most interesting radio host I had ever heard- BAR NONE- and a stellar interviewer. Art became a friend in the night. I laughed with him, cried with him (especially about Romona) and frankly- Thought of him as a member of the family since his voice was with us nearly every night (or day- Since we often recorded the shows for later listening)

Then- Along come George Noory (who I thought was okay at first) who ruined the fucking show to the point where it’s a New Age, Infomercial for crackpots who are not even SCARY nor entertaining (for the most part…) C2C went from something which felt “cutting edge” and a bit “underground” to something my Grandma would listen to after watching Donahue or some shit.

-Show is BAD…And getting worse.

That said- Those “cutting edge” and sometimes “scary” subjects (although absent from Coast-) are still out there on Youtube, Shoutcast and Podcasts… Lectures, interviews and the like. In the mid 1990s  even with the internet, you could not hear 7 hour lectures at the push of a button about EVP’s- THIS was Art Bells domain.

But Art left. The world changed. C2C broke the suckage record and I only tuned in occasionally for a good guest (which ended up pissing me off due to the horrible interview) or to occasionally prank Noory on the Air.

-So all this time passes- And the “Legend” (Yes, Art is a Legend) decided to return…FINALLY. I purchased a Year of Sirius AND a Radio I bought off Craigslist for $100. I did not HAVE the money for this so close to Christmas BUT I felt I NEEDED to support Art Bell since Satellite Radio was going to be a hard road (as anyone with sense could see)- I KNEW the shows would be FREE online the next day (and I AM a Pirate, thank you very much…With NO Moral objection to downloading a radio show) but ART NEEDED MY SUPPORT.

So fuck you Art Bell…You QUIT. You didn’t quit in the FIRST 30 days when there would be no enforceable NC clause and you could have WALKED- You quit 2 weeks later when you KNEW you would probably never broadcast again. You QUIT and gave Coast to Coast this opportunity because of your flakey work ethic… Say what you want about Snoron (and I don’t like him…) but he fucking shows up, has the balls to face the criticism here (lately) and isn’t a quitter.

I am NOT canceling my subscription even though the idea of paying for radio is insane to me and I ONLY listened to DM for my six weeks… I made a DEAL…A CONTRACT. And just because Art cannot hold up HIS END, doesn’t mean I should freely walk from MY OBLIGATIONS.

I should have known better….
BUT. I still think Art is a Legend. Those memories cannot be taken from me. I still think Art is the best Radio broadcaster I have ever heard and who truly taught me about the “Theatre of the Mind.”

-But Art Bell is over- And he did this to himself. Snoron didn’t do it, Premiere didn’t do it and Sirius didn’t do it. Art Bell created his own downfall. Art Bell hurt his own legacy. And there is no recovering from this.

Art Bell also fucked a lot of fans over by being a bitch and quitting after six weeks. So yeah, thanks for the memories Art but Fuck you I will never , ever fall for your shit again.

-So long and thanks for all the fish. I will be tuning in on my Satellite Radio (which I pissed away $100 on which could have went to a Christmas gift but instead went to support Art Bell) to C2C EVERY NIGHT (although I wont be listening) so I add to the listener count. And THAT is how I will use my remaining years subscription which is useless without Art.

I had NO PROBLEM paying for something I knew would be free. I was happy (thrilled even) to plunk down the cash to support Art Bell. Then Art Bell fucked us over. And the ass kissers on this forum are too star struck to see it and buy into any ignorant excuse Art gives… I am a fan, but not a blind one..

George Noory sucks. Yes…But Art Bell is a flake whose word cannot be trusted… Take your pick I guess, because this is what you get. I honestly do not think Noory would have done this to u.

@ George Noory (if its really you)- Good luck man. You won. Now PLEASE for the fucking love of GOD, make the show scary again… Its obvious to me (and many others) that any hope of Art returning is gone. Want respect, George? Keep showing up and start listening to your guests and make the show scary again… Please.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


Well Art--as someone who has been skeptical of you in this because of your track record (i'm sorry to say)...i'll KEEP AN OPEN mind with this latest tidbit!  I'm not buying this yet--need to see real action.

You can be one sly Mofo(referring to both your message+you!)--LOL!  Hope you are as straight as Lee Hazelwood on this...that is after he has dried out.


Quote from: CornyCrow on November 12, 2013, 12:08:10 PM
I at least emailed SIRIUS telling them that C2C can be heard on regular radio, if anyone were interested.   

I guess some mobile folks e.g. truckers like the sat. radio so they can lock in the signal.  But I am a borderline shut-in that get's decent AM reception so doesn't matter to me.


Welp, I registered just to follow what was going on but it looks like it's close to over now.

Just want to say to the inimitable Art Bell you will be missed but do whatever the hell you want. You've earned it. And you inspire me, sir. Very few people ever manage to just follow their passion and be so good at it. The bitter ones are bitter because it's a darker and colder world with an ass like Noory around instead of you. But I hope they take that energy and do something cool with life. Like you have and like anyone CAN do if they want. Quitting isn't a bad word to me. The empty greed of some lawyers and Noory's... now those are some bad words to me.


Art you should guest on Joe Rogan's podcast. That has the potential to be one of the best couple hours of entertainment in modern history.


Quote from: Kolchak on November 12, 2013, 06:27:00 PM
Seconded. Plus, when I did listen to the online stream, I never had a problem.

Well, I didn't know Sirius radios had those features. How long can your recording be? And why would you stream live if you had that fancy radio, LOL????

I wonder why some had problems streaming live and some, like you didn't. I could listen on demand previous shows but not live for more than 5-10 minutes. I would than have to get out of bed and reconnect. After a few nights of that I used on demand.


After all this time waiting for you, missing you, worrying about you, wondering where you are and if i will ever get to hear you on the air again, i cant believe that ive been left with this. I cant believe that once again George Noory is being shoved down my throat. Again.

I have been a SXM subscriber for over 5 years now. After what they did and they way they treated you and the insulting way that I, as a paying listener, have been treated, I am canceling my service and never again will i ever subscribe to that company again.

I understand why you dont want to fight. I understand that your energy is not the same as it was when you were younger. Part of me wonders if you felt a big hole now that Ramona is gone.

Maybe you will reconsider in a few months like another poster suggested. In any case, if you dont, do you think there is any way you would want to come back in two years when the NC is up?

The only person that anyone wants to hear and we get this. Unbelievable. Even your guests were relieved that you were back.


Quote from: morphiaflow on November 12, 2013, 05:16:55 PM
I just received a private message from Art on Facebook in response to what I posted a page or two back here, which I also posted on Facebook. Don't give up hope yet, friends.

Seriously?  That's it?  I'm up to here with cryptic. 

Okay then, in your opinion, does Art's message make you feelhopeful?  Or do you think it's more of the same?


Quote from: Art Bell on November 12, 2013, 06:30:05 PM
Wait a moment, I said I would honor the NC, I did not say I would not take Legal action to try and change it.


Awesome. Great to hear. Keep us updated when you can.

Also we need daily meal updates too. That's the most important thing. ;) :P


Quote from: tastycanadian on November 12, 2013, 05:32:45 PM
If he is just now bothering to talk to a lawyer about his contract and weather setting up a podcast would violate his NC then again I dont think he really cares one way or another.

Sounds to me like Art doesn't give a rats ass about podcast or coming back in any way, shape or form. He isn't into it anymore, I get it! People move on, they wind down....BUT, I totally thought that before it was announced he was going to SXM. Having said that., he may decide some day to throw us all a bone, and do a show, live stream, whatevs., but until then I will NOT listen to Noory....Just all the old Art Bell stuff.

And Metal. \m/

Spooky Matter

What A RIDE this has been.  I feel like a just broke up with a guy I loved, had a divorce or stepped down from a horse I rode for 8 weeks straight, if you've ever ridden one for an hour you'll really get what that would feel like.  Basically, I'm going to fall over now.  Talk about a lover who only pleasures himself, not that I would know what that's like but it sure seems appropriate :( :( :(


Quote from: WR104 on November 12, 2013, 04:15:21 PM
I'd like to raise a practical question at this point. Do we play Stonhenge tomorrow?

Dave puppet show from here on.

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