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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM

I have been on the phone with Sirius for 12 minutes now TRYING to cancel..
It took me 30 seconds to sign up.


Quote from: HorrorReporter on November 11, 2013, 09:27:16 AM
I have been on the phone with Sirius for 12 minutes now TRYING to cancel..
It took me 30 seconds to sign up.

Oh, joy.  It took me about 10 minutes to sign up with the character I had so I guess I'd better get busy.  Then I think I'll cancel the spare credit card I put the charge on to make sure Sirius doesn't still keep charging me.  Unlike certain former radio hosts, I actually researched some of the supposed issues with Sirius BEFORE I went with them.  ::)

I am still on the phone with Sirius--and LIVID.
I'll explain why in moments.


Quote from: HorrorReporter on November 11, 2013, 09:34:33 AM
I am still on the phone with Sirius--and LIVID.
I'll explain why in moments.

because they're incompetent fucks?

First off.. I promised myself years ago to never sign up for satellite radio--then Art decided to host and I broke my terrestrial radio self-commadment.

After spending over a half hour on the phone, fighting about hidden fees and little early cancellation costs, I will command myself again: NEVER SIGN UP FOR PAY RADIO. I get that companies want to make money.. and I understand I am canceling before my 'one year of service.' And now they know that they have one of the worst companies ever--at least in terms of canceling service--that I have ever dealt with...

Here is the kicker that put me over the edge.. I was asked for an explanation on why I was quitting. I explained the obvious, very calm... The nice woman from somewhere on this planet asked if she wanted me to find shows similar to Dark Matter if it would help keep my service. I said sure, be my guest.  Six minutes later she came back and asked if I listen to music--obviously her search ended up in a Black Hole.   She put me on hold again.. when she came back, she said she wanted me to understand that me quitting is not her company's fault, but that is was "Clyde Lewis' own decision to end Ground Zero."
I was floored.
First off, I explained, Clyde Lewis didn't host DARK MATTER and Art Bell did not host ground Zero, and I further explained that there was a separate issue which forced Ground Zero off of satellite radio .. She was legitimately confused as to what I was saying.  I mean, if you're going to spout Jess-written talking points, at least don't get them confused with each other.
This also tells me some folks have been ending their service since Clyde Lewis is gone, too...

At a certain point, after my early fees and fees and fees and hidden fees and pretend costs, I ended up with $111.11 back--ironic since it was 11/11 that Art's shows had all been taken off of Sirius. BUT THEN she told me an extra $12 had to come off for some other reason.... I didn't even fight at this point. I just wanted my money back.. and they have it, and I want it.

And finally.. the final bombed dropped when I ended the call. She said, "thank you, and you should see your money in 10 to 15 business days."
Click. On her end.
I better get this money back.
I really better..



I think the player is buggy and it represents Sirius emphasis on moving vehicles rather than "table top" ( for want of a better term).
They just didnt want to focus their resources to fix that player.
This is supported by the  "techs" that have posted in this forum.

Meanwhile Art has -- always-- defined his show as Interview and Unscreened Caller.
So the lack of a decent "table top" player, handicaps the Unscreened Caller and his show.

I think he met with them multiple times to address the issue.
Each time Sirius said they were "working on it".
By the fourth time ( more or less)  Art would think that theyre BSing him.

Its not that Art did not try to work with Sirius on the issue. He did try.

He impelled them to fix the player.
When it appeared fixing the player would be a drawn out process, if ever accomplished, he offered different formats of his program as an alternative. Live streaming would largely circumvent player deficiencies.
When Sirius did not take the issue with due consideration, Art walked out.
We are currently waiting for further Sirius response. Indications do not look positive.

We should know by Tuesday. Possibly Wednesday.

I do not believe Art is a serial quitter.  But, he quits to provoke a specific response from a larger organization.

Were the numbers good? I recall him saying they were very good. They would have been even better, if Sirius could accept subscriptions globally. Possibly the call in seemed low, since BellGabbers seemed to get on frequently. Some on this forum, claim he said his own numbers were low.

His noncritical attitude to his NC clause seems puzzling. But, how people express themselves and what they do in fact do, can be two different things. From the "lawyers" on the forum, it seems the NC could be challenged.

But the Art Bell I found this October / November was in love with being on the air. I looked forward every night to hearing him per se...just him....his guests just added. The guests were the same old guests...this enterprise was just starting up again...seems to me we were doing some catch up...no big deal...nice to hear them again... I was personally looking forward to new guests in the hard science area. (BTW, I totally enjoy the speculative and paranormal too. I lived with Fred the ghost for 7 years).

As Art came on last night, I was disappointed. I really dont think there are haters here. Thats Daves line.  When you dont communicate with your base, when you dont keep them informed, and when you are dealing in the public arena,  you can expect some really wild comments. There is a lot of concern over the events of the last ten years. It needs to be honestly dealt with-- with transparency and without arrogance.
Producer Paul has done an excellent job. But the only one that can take Arts place -- is Art.

My position? When an artist buys a canvas, thats his canvas. Its his size, large or small. In the middle of the night with inspiration, its his medium -- oil, acrylic, watercolor. Its his colors chosen from millions. His brush strokes - that no one else can duplicate. And in the morning dawn-- a creation like no other.  The beauty of a woman, deer grazing off a mountain, a deep religious statement.  So it is with Art. He needs 100% his own gig.


Quote from: HorrorReporter on November 11, 2013, 09:45:42 AM
First off.. I promised myself years ago to never sign up for satellite radio--then Art decided to host and I broke my terrestrial radio self-commadment.

After spending over a half hour on the phone, fighting about hidden fees and little early cancellation costs, I will command myself again: NEVER SIGN UP FOR PAY RADIO. I get that companies want to make money.. and I understand I am canceling before my 'one year of service.' And now they know that they have one of the worst companies ever--at least in terms of canceling service--that I have ever dealt with...

Here is the kicker that put me over the edge.. I was asked for an explanation on why I was quitting. I explained the obvious, very calm... The nice woman from somewhere on this planet asked if she wanted me to find shows similar to Dark Matter if it would help keep my service. I said sure, be my guest.  Six minutes later she came back and asked if I listen to music--obviously her search ended up in a Black Hole.   She put me on hold again.. when she came back, she said she wanted me to understand that me quitting is not her company's fault, but that is was "Clyde Lewis' own decision to end Ground Zero."
I was floored.
First off, I explained, Clyde Lewis didn't host DARK MATTER and Art Bell did not host ground Zero, and I further explained that there was a separate issue which forced Ground Zero off of satellite radio .. She was legitimately confused as to what I was saying.  I mean, if you're going to spout Jess-written talking points, at least don't get them confused with each other.
This also tells me some folks have been ending their service since Clyde Lewis is gone, too...

At a certain point, after my early fees and fees and fees and hidden fees and pretend costs, I ended up with $111.11 back--ironic since it was 11/11 that Art's shows had all been taken off of Sirius. BUT THEN she told me an extra $12 had to come off for some other reason.... I didn't even fight at this point. I just wanted my money back.. and they have it, and I want it.

And finally.. the final bombed dropped when I ended the call. She said, "thank you, and you should see your money in 10 to 15 business days."
Click. On her end.
I better get this money back.
I really better..

Did you flash your Hater ID? If you tell em '51s' when you call they'll know straight away to cut the shit.


Quote from: DesertFox on November 11, 2013, 07:04:57 AM

Funny, Andy...i'm listening to you now on Spooky Matter AND I look up and you just posted here.

" This is Artline and I'm The Guy From Pittsburgh ( tm) and welcome to our live coverage of evening 7, Pahrump held hostage, as a nation faces another week of dead air with NO Art Bell broadcasts. We'll be back in a moment after a word from our sponsor. "


Quote from: BobGrau on November 11, 2013, 10:17:28 AM
Did you flash your Hater ID? If you tell em '51s' when you call they'll know straight away to cut the shit.

Well, Sirius kept part of my $14.95. They kept $2. But then they gave me about 40 days of content for free so it was kind of worth it. It took them all week to return it which means they got part of a week's interest on my money as they probably did with everyone else's.
But what really bugs me is that Sirius not only ignored Art but also shat on its customers who signed up for cash, bought long term radio packages or physical radios.
And that almost sucks as much as them not further negotiating with Art.
Deep down they don't care if they fuck over their listeners.
I still think someone should sue them in a class action suit for some kind of breach of contract or should it be breach of content ?
Their prestige, like Art's has taken a hit with all this.
The big difference is that Art cared about his show. Sirius didn't.
And that also sucks.

Oh, as an aside, Casiodarkmoon's Grandmother died. He was crying about that in a video as well. I feel sorry for the poor dumb sob.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 09:11:06 PM
I am not crazy about the way some things have been handled, they canned Paul without so much as a Human voice
doing the job and he had been trying to get a handle on the streaming mess every day. Now they take the tactic of simply
not responding in any way to ALL forms of communication the modern World has.

At least I spoke to them like people in a normal business relationship. I am telling you there is something else in the works.


Say what???  You walked out on your contract after they said "no" to your ridiculous demand.  Now you're trying to spin it like "oh I wanted to be an independent broadcaster all along please take me back for free blah blah blah" - why didn't you just do that from the start then??

Stop w/ the 'there's stuff behind the scenes' BS.  No one is trying to sabotage the great Art Bell - you've done that beautifully on your own.  You've been on the air for 4 days a week for 6 weeks and after your half-assed  pseudo-negotiating tactics they told you to go screw after your complete lack of professionalism.  This is all your fault, dude.  You are lucky they let you off the hook w/ the 30 days clause.  Say thank you and walk away.

You screwed it up; accept it and go stream to your website if they let you.  No people calling and driving on cell phones then!...or people even listening and driving!...or people listening and walking! - hard to find an unlimited internet cellphone plan these days.

Quote from: ItsOver on November 11, 2013, 09:25:53 AM
I'm starting to miss Eddie more than Art.  At least Eddie didn't go out with a whimper.
Yep.  Hopefully, MV will have a change of heart.  I think he genuinely liked Eddie, he saw that newbs were baiting him, but was fed up with his inbox being inundated with complaints.  Problem is, it encourages dipshits like Spirit Walker to hit "Report to Moderator" everytime someone calls them on their feeble BS.

Quote from: JayDee543 on November 11, 2013, 10:27:34 AM
Say what???  You walked out on your contract after they said "no" to your ridiculous demand.  Now you're trying to spin it like "oh I wanted to be an independent broadcaster all along please take me back for free blah blah blah" - why didn't you just do that from the start then??

Stop w/ the 'there's stuff behind the scenes' BS.  No one is trying to sabotage the great Art Bell - you've done that beautifully on your own.  You've been on the air for 4 days a week for 6 weeks and after your half-assed  pseudo-negotiating tactics they told you to go screw after your complete lack of professionalism.  This is all your fault, dude.  You are lucky they let you off the hook w/ the 30 days clause.  Say thank you and walk away.

You screwed it up; accept it and go stream to your website if they let you.  No people calling and driving on cell phones then!...or people even listening and driving!...or people listening and walking! - hard to find an unlimited internet cellphone plan these days.
Exactly.  Art's main issue seemed to be that he couldn't do a succesful caller oriented show with Sirius.  His solution is free streaming.  WTF? 


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on November 11, 2013, 10:27:54 AM
Yep.  Hopefully, MV will have a change of heart.  I think he genuinely liked Eddie, he saw that newbs were baiting him, but was fed up with his inbox being inundated with complaints.  Problem is, it encourages dipshits like Spirit Walker to hit "Report to Moderator" everytime someone calls them on their feeble BS.

Same here, about Eddie.  I'm hoping Eddie will be back.  I'm more confident that will happen than a certain former radio host will return with a show that lasts more than a few weeks.


Quote from: ItsOver on November 11, 2013, 10:38:21 AM
Same here, about Eddie.  I'm hoping Eddie will be back.  I'm more confident that will happen than a certain former radio host will return with a show that lasts more than a few weeks.

Frankly, I miss EC more than AB.  EC was reliable and never failed to make me laugh at least once a day with his unique blend of humor and rancor.


Seriously, bring Eddie back and make him a moderator  :o


Got this in my email from policy mic :

NOVEMBER 8, 2013


Chaos after the super storm. At least 10,000 are dead in the central Philippines after one of the world’s strongest storms ever to make landfall lashed the Leyte province over the weekend. Typhoon Haiyan destroyed about 70 to 80 percent of the area in its path, and the photos of its destruction are chilling. The storm marks the third year in a row that the island nation has been hit by a deadly storm, and the sixth in a row that a storm has cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.

+ The Philippines is ranked the third-most vulnerable nation in the world to climate change. As the country struggles to rebuild, should developed nations most responsible for climate change be forced to foot the bill?

And this from Fox News :

'We are appealing for help': US sends water, troops to aid storm survivors

AID FROM THE US and around the world begins to arrive in the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, but destroyed transport links and the presence of looters makes reaching its intended recipients a challenge.



Quote from: Mastodonkey on November 11, 2013, 08:37:13 AM
Keep calm and listen to some Gordon Lightfoot

If anything was going to shove me over the edge, it would be  having to listen to Gordon Lightfoot. 

I know, I have no soul.

I realize it's fashionable to bash Sirius XM, but I'm one of the consumers who haven't had very many issues with their service. I've used it on my iPad and iPod touch successfully. Its often difficult to place the blame on oneself, but I think a good portion of the streaming issues were network related.

P.S. I work in IT, so spare me the "you don't know what you're talking about" responses. 


Quote from: TheGrimCreeper1 on November 11, 2013, 10:51:30 AM
I realize it's fashionable to bash Sirius XM, but I'm one of the consumers who haven't had very many issues with their service. I've used it on my iPad and iPod touch successfully. Its often difficult to place the blame on oneself, but I think a good portion of the streaming issues were network related.

P.S. I work in IT, so spare me the "you don't know what you're talking about" responses.

I've had satellite radio for about a decade now.  I've had very few issues over that time.  I've cancelled various radios over the years with no problem and no extended phone calls.  I had very minor issues with the Sirius app on my Kindle.  All it took was 10 seconds to restart the app and rewind to where it cut off. I never considered that a real issue. I still have Sirius and plan to keep subscribing.


Quote from: HaveAccess on November 11, 2013, 09:50:05 AM

/Were the numbers good? I recall him saying they were very good. They would have been even better, if Sirius could accept subscriptions globally. Possibly the call in seemed low, since BellGabbers seemed to get on frequently. Some on this forum, claim he said his own numbers were low./

DO we know what the numbers were?  Anybody know how to find out?


Quote from: HorrorReporter on November 11, 2013, 09:45:42 AM
First off.. I promised myself years ago to never sign up for satellite radio--then Art decided to host and I broke my terrestrial radio self-commadment....

I'd made a similar promise to myself, HR.  I wasn't familiar with Sirius at all when Art made his return announcement on Sirius.  In this internet age, I probed around and discovered some Sirius issues with, lo and behold, potential streaming issues.  But you know what?  I REALLY wanted to listen to Art so I took the jump but tried to limit my risk by just going month-to-month and putting it on a charge card I can easily cancel, since I'd read about potential cancellation issues with Sirius.  WHY THE HECK DIDN'T ART KNOW WHAT HE WAS POTENTIALLY GETTING INTO WITH SIRIUS BEFORE HE SIGNED HIS CONTRACT???

Anyway, I was primarily using the ON DEMAND and downloading functions to listen to DARK MATTER and had very few issues.  Certainly not enough to make me want to just up and walk out on Dark Matter.  Nowhere close.  I am so disappointed with Art.

It's a done deal for me.  Five minutes on the phone to cancel my month-to-month Sirius service.  No problems.  Sorry for your problems with them, HR.

Quick Karl

Art who?

I pretty sure this entire exercise was a conspiracy to stop the Noory bashing on coastgab and give people something else to complain about for eternity...

Looks like it is working as planned.


Quote from: Quick Karl on November 11, 2013, 11:05:27 AM
Art who?

I pretty sure this entire exercise was a conspiracy to stop the Noory bashing on coastgab and give people something else to complain about for eternity...

Looks like it is working as planned.
Is is quite similar to a good political thread though - no?


An excellent point.

And now it is the forum of longing: for the old days of coastgab, for Art to return yet again, for Eddie Coyle.

Quote from: Quick Karl on November 11, 2013, 11:05:27 AM
Art who?

I pretty sure this entire exercise was a conspiracy to stop the Noory bashing on coastgab and give people something else to complain about for eternity...

Looks like it is working as planned.


What does the little half-moon symbol next to the "Offline" on Art's member page mean?  I checked Jazmunda's, and it says Offline, but no little gray half-moon. 

Have I become uber paranoid?



Quote from: shell88 on November 11, 2013, 11:07:42 AM
Is is quite similar to a good political thread though - no?

We're just missing NowhereInTime's "love letters to Karl" on this thread.  ;)


Quote from: HorrorReporter on November 11, 2013, 09:45:42 AM...she said she wanted me to understand that me quitting is not her company's fault, but that is was "Clyde Lewis' own decision to end Ground Zero."

So, it's Clyde F&%@ing Lewis pulling the strings. I guess we owe Art an apology. He was right in suspecting outside interference.


Quote from: gbneely on November 11, 2013, 11:16:57 AM
So, it's Clyde F&%@ing Lewis pulling the strings. I guess we owe Art an apology. He was right in suspecting outside interference.

Add Clyde to the list.  Cellphones, truckers, Jess, bad streaming, sub-par Halloween show, dogs, ghosts in the machine, 19.5, Miley Cyrus, Clyde...   Damn Clyde.


I like donuts.

Quote from: Spirit Chaser on November 11, 2013, 11:19:55 AM
This is amazing to me.  I have never reported anything to anybody.  I am far from a DIPSHIT.  I don't know anything about you though, but I'll go off your disgusting remark.  I've never seen so many trash talking negative rotten people in my life and when I say leave me alone if I post something and you're going to speak to me like the people you are I mean leave me alone.  I will report YOU if it happens again.

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