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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:54:40 PM
I predict that after a few pages go by, people will again be saying, why don't you try and work it out with Sirius.
( Remember I said this on page 292)



Have you not met the internet before? ;)

Art Bell

 The answer is because I signed it. I try to be a honest person.



Quote from: tertiaryimam on November 10, 2013, 08:50:10 PM
Has Howard commented on art bell's departure?

I haven't heard anything. I would imagine if he did it would be colorful and well reported.


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 10, 2013, 08:55:07 PM
So you would feel safe in saying the majority of people on this site feel George should be shown respect? 

How about you, Art?  Would you encourage those on "your" site to show respect to George Noory?

George Noory SUCKS! You'll see no respect for him from me.
He's a no talent snake.


Quote from: onan on November 10, 2013, 07:56:41 PM
If you took my post as something against you being here... it was a misunderstanding. I am frustrated with my lack of a full picture. I am further frustrated with there being no show. But I don't think any of the regular forum members would want you to feel you weren't welcome.
But, Art, don't feel like folks are begging for you to be here, or to favor us with a message from the oracle. That shit's over. It's fine if you're here: it's fine if you're not. We're actually all fans. But the I'm-a-victim business won't play.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:54:40 PM
I predict that after a few pages go by, people will again be saying, why don't you try and work it out with Sirius.
( Remember I said this on page 292)



Don't take it personally.  People (including myself!) just really, really want you back on the air as soon as possible.  It's bargaining, the third stage of grief.

Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:54:40 PM
I predict that after a few pages go by, people will again be saying, why don't you try and work it out with Sirius.
( Remember I said this on page 292)


People who have been following this from the beginning get the gist of the situation and are waiting for a yes or no from SiriusXM. We're just eager to hear you on the air again, that's all.


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 10, 2013, 08:55:07 PM
So you would feel safe in saying the majority of people on this site feel George should be shown respect? 

How about you, Art?  Would you encourage those on "your" site to show respect to George Noory?

I slammed my head against the concrete for a month defending Noory to epic proportions. Then he shit all over everything by having Oates on.

Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:54:40 PM
I predict that after a few pages go by, people will again be saying, why don't you try and work it out with Sirius.
( Remember I said this on page 292)



This is probably true, maybe someone could create a thread containing only your posts regarding the issue, and sticky the thread so it stays at the top, that way everyone gets to read this without searching your posts.

The only person who could do that would be MV but he may find it redundant. I think it would be good in a FAQ sort of sense. It does us no good to bother you for the same answer over and over. We just want your show back somehow, and preferably yesterday.


Quote from: Producer-Paul on November 10, 2013, 08:53:55 PM
It's silence,
Not a no, not a yes.
It is what it is..

Until we know, we just don't know.

True but my pessimism makes me feel better in a weird "I should see a shrink" kind of a way.

What if we never find out? We need closer. Or a valium and a good lie down.  :o


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:43:06 PM
One last thing ALL such contracts have non compete clauses.

Well keep coming back Art, just to shoot the breeze and sometimes laugh your ass off at some of the postings here. Theres so many of us who would love that.
I'm a  nobody in your world, but I must say I really respect and appreciate you showing up here.
It would be awsome if you shared in other areas of the forum and we could get to know you the enigma a little  bit better

Art Bell

 Duke dude,

Respect is earned. My asking for it here will not get it for me, and my asking for it for George will sure not get it for him.



Unfortunately, as anyone who has ever applied for, and did not get, a job knows, silence is the corporate "no".

On that note, if Sirius was having such problems, couldn't Art claim they breached the contract by failing to correct the problem?  Therefore, the non compete clause cannot be enforced.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:58:32 PM
The answer is because I signed it. I try to be a honest person.


Yes, but I think you should send your lawyer out there. Sirius is playing games by not giving you an answer. If they don't want you they need to cut you free. You haven't been there so long that this should be impossible to work out.


Quote from: laserjock on November 10, 2013, 08:20:51 PM
Or you, and all the others who talk like they know it all and judge Art to standards they probably don't live by themselves, over estimate YOUR importance.  People, quit this hatefulness.  You're all bloviating and being obnoxious.  Grow up and leave it be.

Agree. Sometimes Arts posts are the only ones here that are balanced, sane and based in reality. Many of the posters here have an overactive imagination and cannot just take Art at his word. I come on here and read thru these posts and yeah some of you guys are pretty dang funny but the overall feeling is a poisonous calldrun of hate. Be careful. Or u will get exactly what u are pushing for. Gone.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:58:32 PM
The answer is because I signed it. I try to be a honest person.


What about your contract?!


Thanks for the updates, Art.

All I can say is that I've only used the streaming service a few times and have never had problems. I do have an actual radio set that I can plug in the car or a stereo at home, and Dark Matter came in loud and clear.

I wish you would have given it more time to build a base with people who actually owned Sirius radios instead of these free trial people.

Hopefully come Tuesday the execs will give the go-ahead.


Quote from: kingdomofsigh on November 10, 2013, 08:55:17 PM

I definitely don't have access to the information you may have seen but this contention seems based on either limited or incomplete evidence. My impression is that by the nature of a paid service like Sirius offering a free month trial, there would be a great number of dropoffs month to month as the free trial is available to everyone beyond your listening base, and a great number of people can be fickle for whatever the reason. I guess I am just unclear how you determine that those dropoffs that happened were primarily listeners for your program.  ???

This said, my thoughts are with your family during this time of great tragedy in the Philippines. Thanks for sharing all you have!

Not being an attorney I don't know about this but given that when I took business law classes years ago when two parties enter into an agreement, there was such a thing as an offer and an acceptance.

And it is incumbent on the acceptor to live up to their end of the contract.

Given that presumably hundreds or thousands of people signed up to listen to Art and given that there would be a presumption that it is a presumed requirement of Sirius to deliver content that is uninterrupted ( they certainly don't tell you that they have problems when you sign up, do they ) couldn't all the listeners who cancelled, including many on this site have ample reason to file a class action suit against Sirius for non performance of their end of the terms of service agreeement ?

If anyone wants me to be a plaintiff, they know where I am.

I would also think that if Art wanted to push it he could get the non compete clause thrown out because Sirius breached their obligation to present his content in a reasonable manner as well since we saw and heard about multiple streaming issues and even the entire network going down one night.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 09:02:45 PM
Duke dude,

Respect is earned. My asking for it here will not get it for me, and my asking for it for George will sure not get it for him.


100% agree.

Duke - I respect Art because he has earned it and in turn I show him respect. I have no respect for George so I ignore him, occasionally call him names (which is childish, my problem not his) and I would never pay for his show.

Heather Wade

Quote from: Bigfoot on November 10, 2013, 09:04:39 PM
What about your contract?!

You mean the one he signed?  He said he's going to honor it, because he signed it.   :D

Colorado ESQ

I am very confused about why Art is so willing, seemingly eager, to comply with the noncompete. Under these circumstances Art would be able to fight the noncompete and prevail, so why not try. Art should retain an entertainment lawyer ASAP to step in and negotiate a solution to this situation. There seem to be issues of breech and noncompliance by both parties. There are many legal issues to be raised that could, and should, lead to a successful conclusion for Art. That is, if he really wants to continue doing the show with an online stream. I am starting to question whether he really does.


Quote from: guildnavigator on November 10, 2013, 09:00:39 PM
This is probably true, maybe someone could create a thread containing only your posts regarding the issue, and sticky the thread so it stays at the top, that way everyone gets to read this without searching your posts.

The only person who could do that would be MV but he may find it redundant. I think it would be good in a FAQ sort of sense. It does us no good to bother you for the same answer over and over. We just want your show back somehow, and preferably yesterday.

Art's Barks!

...doesn't really work. Art Imparts?


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:43:06 PM
One last thing ALL such contracts have non compete clauses.


Art, don't pay any attention to the unclesucksuniuses. Keep posting the updates. Question, if C2C can stream, why can't Sirius?  Sirius has assets of $9 billion and an income of $3.4 billion.

DM was every bit as good if not better than the old C2C and Dreamland pre Noory. The guests are as good or better than they ever were.

And yes, non-competes can be a heavy burden unless you have some kind of leverage.


Quote from: Colorado ESQ on November 10, 2013, 09:06:45 PM
I am very confused about why Art is so willing, seemingly eager, to comply with the noncompete. Under these circumstances Art would be able to fight the noncompete and prevail, so why not try. Art should retain an entertainment lawyer ASAP to step in and negotiate a solution to this situation. There seem to be issues of breech and noncompliance by both parties. There are many legal issues to be raised that could, and should, lead to a successful conclusion for Art. That is, if he really wants to continue doing the show with an online stream. I am starting to question whether he really does.

Art explained way back in the thread that he doesn't consider Sirius to be in breach of contract. If I read him right.


Quote from: Snowdoggie on November 10, 2013, 08:32:17 PM
I remember when a pug got in one of my huskies' face at the dog park one night. He thought my dog was out of line. My big ol' dog actually backed away from this 12 pounds of fury. Those guys are fearless.  :o

That's true.  My smallest pug, who was also partially paralyzed, chased a Rhodesian ridgeback out of his own house. He was a powerful little force of nature.  :)

Uncle Duke

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 10, 2013, 09:00:31 PM
I slammed my head against the concrete for a month defending Noory to epic proportions. Then he shit all over everything by having Oates on.

And that's because Oates and Bell are at serious odds?  You think George showed Art disrepect by having him on C2C?

I did not hear him on with George.  Did he say anything about Art, their differences, or George's position relative to same?


If I were being held under a non-compete but I still had an open deal to work out, the last thing I would say is "I'm gonna sue the ever living bejeezus out of that company to get out of the non-compete." That's how you make a deal fall through.

Everyone should wait until there is a yes, or a no.

Heather Wade

Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 09:02:45 PM
Duke dude,

Respect is earned. My asking for it here will not get it for me, and my asking for it for George will sure not get it for him.


You said "dude".  I don't know why, but now I'm laughing my ass off.   ;D

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 10, 2013, 09:10:05 PM
If I were being held under a non-compete but I still had an open deal to work out, the last thing I would say is "I'm gonna sue the ever living bejeezus out of that company to get out of the non-compete." That's how you make a deal fall through.

Everyone should wait until there is a yes, or a no.

Agreed.  Let's all take the hint from Art, and cool our heels.   8)


Quote from: (Redacted) on November 10, 2013, 09:06:34 PM
You mean the one he signed?  He said he's going to honor it, because he signed it.   :D

The contract that they let him out of vs. the non-compete. 

I mean, if you got out of one, why not the other with it?

Art Bell

 I am not crazy about the way some things have been handled, they canned Paul without so much as a Human voice
doing the job and he had been trying to get a handle on the streaming mess every day. Now they take the tactic of simply
not responding in any way to ALL forms of communication the modern World has.

At least I spoke to them like people in a normal business relationship. I am telling you there is something else in the works.


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