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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on November 04, 2013, 10:36:28 PM
To say what, exactly? I speak as one who has sent many a text and email to PremRat, to Lisa, Tommy and Dave to complain about Noory and what he/they turned C2C into. There was clear and good reason. But what is this campaign supposed to be? I can't see that Sirius have done anything wrong. Make their subscription-based service available for nothing? It would be like David Chase signing up to put The Sopranos on HBO and then demanding they screen it on CBS. Ridiculous.
Their streaming sucks!
They paid Art probably less than they pay for advertising and he was willing to fix it for his show... and they didn't like it.


It's official! The forum has an all time new record. Previous record was on the day Art actually began Dark Matter

Most Online During An Hour TODAY: 956. Most Online During An Hour EVER: 956 (Today at 10:34:25 PM)

& what will the numbers be if DM returns for a 2nd time?  :P

Quote from: Chine on November 04, 2013, 10:37:46 PM
This SHIT is my celebratory drink for working my ass off today finishing five paintings sold for a show, buddy. I'm pissed at the news with Art, but hell...I survived worse these past three weeks. An aunt passing, a friend passing and one in hospice.

That sucks, best wishes

I will attempt to analyze. Art Bell is a creature of the analog days. He built C2C into a huge success with over 500 traditional radio stations. But, he doesn't understand the new, digital natives, the people who listen on smart phones, tablets, etc...In the 21st century, you must earn your audience through engagement - a two way relationship, give and take. Art doesn't get the fact that in 2013 people have short attention spans and will simply move on and not follow him all over the place for their talk radio fix. There are many newer, younger and more engaged alternative talk show hosts out there who appreciate their audience, and are hungry enough to put the audience first. Some of them work day jobs and broadcast on their own dime, hoping to some day have a shot at a Sirius show...It was a good ride, but after almost 2 decades of listening I sadly say: Good bye Art.


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on November 04, 2013, 10:39:31 PM
...  Art said that Noory "get's it".  I guess Art doesn't.

:)  Well we sure ALL got it tonight.  :(


Quote from: Luna on November 04, 2013, 09:58:43 PM
That is really interesting that they're tracking it... °π°

I'll believe whatever you say beautiful  ;) ;D


Quote from: dortmunder on November 04, 2013, 10:36:45 PM
Hmmm....badly written, thrown together at the last minute, and no source to support that claim. I'd take it with a grain of salt.

No, it's not official, and that article was clearly NOT written by anyone from the company.

Stern complains about EVERYTHING - and based on the neverending litany of callers on local shows yapping about how Iheartradio is terrible and unreliable, the problems XM was having are nothing in comparison.

Non-compete clauses are taken VERY seriously - even if XM doesn't want to pursue it, I can guarantee you every other entertainment network will force them to.  It's serious business and muchos buckskinos are at stake for the entire industry



Quote from: Seraphim27 on November 04, 2013, 10:09:39 PM
Hey - that's cool that he's actually responding. I figured he had his email on autopilot with that canned response.

So he's just sitting there reading emails, huh?

Hey Art, why don't you hop on over to BellGab for a few minutes? We'll be gentle, I promise. We just have some questions.

Yeah let's all email him now his back pills probably have kicked in and he's loosey goosey  ;D


Wow, nearly 1000 people on here tonight.

Art quitting is more popular than arts first show.....


We all got duped. A sad day.

Even if he came back tomorrow night, would it really be the same?


Quote from: VictoriaPandora on November 04, 2013, 10:40:05 PM
yeah really WTF?
now that i have xm anyway, maybe i could listen to clyde with better sound quality?

Thats the other thing.

C2CAM disappeared from Sirius mostly because DM took it's programing.

C2CAM had to have been brining in a marginal revenue stream into Sirius.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on November 04, 2013, 10:36:28 PM
To say what, exactly? I speak as one who has sent many a text and email to PremRat, to Lisa, Tommy and Dave to complain about Noory and what he/they turned C2C into. There was clear and good reason. But what is this campaign supposed to be? I can't see that Sirius have done anything wrong. Make their subscription-based service available for nothing? It would be like David Chase signing up to put The Sopranos on HBO and then demanding they screen it on CBS. Ridiculous.

I have to agree with you. 

Just zapped in to Lewis' Ground Zero stream from his home station...  I'm nearly tempted to waste my time and get a petition to get Art back. It's Lewis yapping how he's not Alex Jones like and - wait for it - blaming Obama & the Illuminati for all the ills of the world.  Art, why did you do this to us!


Quote from: Luna on November 04, 2013, 10:11:15 PM
I'll be watching out for that campaign. Do it XM!!! It will only help! First, what's a good petition site? I'm sure that's not a big help, but it's SOMETHING!! Petition!!!

Arghh alas a flaw. Even your beauty could not persuade me to do such things  :-X :P


Quote from: TumbleWeed on November 04, 2013, 10:45:50 PM
Wow, nearly 1000 people on here tonight.

Art quitting is more popular than arts first show.....


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on November 04, 2013, 10:36:28 PM
To say what, exactly? I speak as one who has sent many a text and email to PremRat, to Lisa, Tommy and Dave to complain about Noory and what he/they turned C2C into. There was clear and good reason. But what is this campaign supposed to be? I can't see that Sirius have done anything wrong. Make their subscription-based service available for nothing? It would be like David Chase signing up to put The Sopranos on HBO and then demanding they screen it on CBS. Ridiculous.
I understand your bitterness and disappointment. I'm only hoping that if the office is flooded with letters to allow Art Bell to stream the show live, it might help. I just don't know what else to do now. I really want to continue to listen to Art Bell regardless of the current situation.


What I find confusing is: if Art starts up a podcast/web-based radio show - why the fuck would he? With Sirius he was being  paid a salary, had a producer/webmaster/team to help him, got the best of everything and benefited from the clear sound of satellite radio. If he starts up a web show on his own, there's almost nothing to differentiate him (commercially) from the hoards of anonymous podcasts out there. It'll be more work and even less reward.

I am an international listener so I caught up on YouTube/streams. As long as the Very Best of Art Bell stream and the YouTube videos are up, I'm happy.

I feel like he's pissed in the pool with this one. He wanted out, for whatever reason, and pushed Sirius until it happened. I enjoyed the shows (found some a bit flat/nostalgic - the alien in the freezer and Greer and Hoagland COULD have been more opinionated), but overall it was plugging along nicely and putting the fear of God into dumb, complacent Noory.

I'm not a psychiatrist so I can't diagnose him with Narcissistic (sp? idc right now) Personality Disorder but I think some people are fairly right in suggesting that he has some REAL flakiness issues in his professional and personal life.

I'm glad for what was, but he can dine out on his reputation/nostalgia for only so long. If he wants to do a radio show, he should be serious (pun!) about it or else piss off and enjoy his twilight years and money.

Can't depend on him, won't depend on him ever again. I'm going to sit back and keep listening to Sweetheart of the Rodeo. Roswells to you all here.

Eddie Coyle

          Far more people bought "Double Fantasy" in the days after Lennon was killed, than the week it was released.


Quote from: HumanBeing on November 04, 2013, 10:46:53 PM
Arghh alas a flaw. Even your beauty could not persuade me to do such things  :-X :P
My... beauty?? o.0 Hmmm.....


Quote from: EarthAlien007 on November 04, 2013, 10:35:48 PM
I think if they don't come to an agreement they will part ways and tear up all that. It's only been 6 weeks.
Goddamn you're an idiot.


Quote from: NefariousBanana on November 04, 2013, 10:13:31 PM
Art lost a fan tonight.  Who else on this forum is done with his bullshit?

I'm pissed and feel like a tool. I'm perhaps the latter.

I'll be the first to admit if he comes back on air anywhere, I'll be tuning in or downloading it from some pirated site.. but I'll be listening  ;D
However I still feel the urge to say and feel it is deserved to say "Fuck you Art!" for handling your business in this way that lacks integrity, compassion and respect for your most loyal listeners.
His ego is monstrous. His need for blood, regarding Coast To Coast, has caused poor choices. I'm disappointed in him. I guess I cared a lot, perhaps too much.


Quote from: guildnavigator on November 04, 2013, 10:28:12 PM
Alright! What's obnoxious and cheap to mail? We need to find a book that costs $0.01 from a website with free shipping.
Yes! Mail somethign huge, cheap and obnoxions! And write all over it: "Please allow Art Bell to stream Dark Matter live on his show." :)


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 04, 2013, 10:50:13 PM
          Far more people bought "Double Fantasy" in the days after Lennon was killed, than the week it was released.

To be fair, it wasn't a very good album.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on November 04, 2013, 10:09:39 PM
Hey Art, why don't you hop on over to BellGab for a few minutes? We'll be gentle, I promise. We just have some questions.
Gawd, I hope he doesn't.  If I approve of nothing else about how this dispute with SiriusXM has been handled, I do approve of Art's decision to deactivate his facebook page, and, hopefully to stay clear of "fan" forums for awhile.  I've read numerous comments on this thread repeating the vile accusations about Ramona's passing, repeating the tired-out crap about Airyn's age, about Art's relationship with his kids, and more "fuck you, I hate you, you bastard!" than can be accounted for by anger and/or disappointment from fans about Dark Matter going dark.  I'd note that much (not all, but much) of it is coming from people who have rarely posted here before, and people who have registered a vocal dislike of everything Art's done for the past several months, including dissatisfaction with Dark Matter while we had it. 

Combine angry fans, PremRat trolls, Gnoory trolls, Clear Channel trolls, and SiriusXM trolls with a number of other sorts who have carried a seething dislike of Art Bell for too many years to be healthy for anyone, and this forum looks pretty nutty tonight. 


Quote from: Chine on November 04, 2013, 10:37:46 PM
This SHIT is my celebratory drink for working my ass off today finishing five paintings sold for a show, buddy. I'm pissed at the news with Art, but hell...I survived worse these past three weeks. An aunt passing, a friend passing and one in hospice.

Lord child. I guess cynical jokes do you little good at that point. My condolences. Laws of polarity suggest you have some good stuff coming to you, in the meantime Cheers :/ *clink*.


Quote from: lonevoice on November 04, 2013, 10:54:34 PM
this forum looks pretty nutty tonight.

Well, it is full of nuthuggers.

(Sorry. I had to.)

Roy Hinkley

Just catching up on all the posts, but thought I would echo the sentiment that this really SUCKS, and I don't think Art realizes how much he has let his listeners down this time.

Clyde Lewis opening line tonight; Always free and always here for you.
Clyde is still hungry after all these years in radio.
Maybe Art was too well fed. Nah, that's bullshit.
He's a class act... but
he doesn't need us.

I think the comments about his personal life are extremely tacky.
Gawd, people suck.

Enough. Done. Spent too much cash and brain space hoping Dark Matter would, well...matter.

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