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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 10, 2013, 08:32:26 PM
Apologies, there are some constructive people showing up lately. It's just time the constructive people got really vocal to drown out the trolls.

Oh oh, you mentioned the "T" word.  Get ready for something like a battle scene out of Lord of the Rings ...

Quote from: tertiaryimam on November 10, 2013, 08:35:40 PM
Ya mon. They are the Joe Pescis of the dog world.


Wow. Joe is starting to resemble a pug. Just sayin'.

Art Bell

 Ok, here is another post.

  People keep saying "why don't you try and work it out with Sirius/XM" We have been trying to do that from three
days after the show started, we had confrence call after confrence call with them trying to get it worked out, there was
a lot of talk but no fix. We told them the base was leaving and this would effect our partnership if something was not done.

At about the six Week mark after most who had tried the free 30 day trial had given up and left MAINLY because of the drop
outs we asked for a remedy as in a Year of streaming OR until the problem was fixed, it ended when they said NO.

48 Hours after that we made a offer to work with no pay and let Sirius/XM have the show exclusivly while we streamed from
the Web Site, they said they would consider that and have not responded to phone calls, email's or texting since. How is that
NOT working with them?



Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM
Ok, here is another post.

  People keep saying "why don't you try and work it out with Sirius/XM" We have been trying to do that from three
days after the show started, we had confrence call after confrence call with them trying to get it worked out, there was
a lot of talk but no fix. We told them the base was leaving and this would effect our partnership if something was not done.

At about the six Week mark after most who had tried the free 30 day trial had given up and left MAINLY because of the drop
outs we asked for a remedy as in a Year of streaming OR until the problem was fixed, it ended when they said NO.

48 Hours after that we made a offer to work with no pay and let Sirius/XM have the show exclusivly while we streamed from
the Web Site, they said they would consider that and have not responded to phone calls, email's or texting since. How is that
NOT working with them?

What he said 100%


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 07:51:57 PM
If people here do not wish me to post at all I can do that, I only continued here because I kind of embraced this
forum when I started the show and so I was trying to keep you all up to date, it seemed natural.


You should read the 'supernatural experiences' thread. Radio show or no radio show, your posts are most welcome here.


Quote from: Chad Jacobs on November 10, 2013, 08:36:01 PM
This whole non compete thing makes me sick. If anything Sirius should have to refrain from paranormal radio and thus be subject to a non compete from Art Bell since his "brand" is at least as enduring as that of Sirius.  One could even argue that since Art isn't doing this for the money (he no doubt already has more than enough money to live comfortably for his remaining years), that any non compete agreement abrogates his rights to free speech under the First Amendment.  Sirius needs to be made to pay not only legally, but in the court of public opinion. I'm no Howard Stern fan, but one can imagine that if they tried this sort of stunt against him (enforcing a non compete) that the political/rhetorical pressure to knock it off would be immense.  I still say that someone like Robert Bigelow could be instrumental in arbitrating this disagreement. Obviously, he has an interest in the subject matter (and I believe at one time sponsored an endeavor which originally brought Art into the realm of paranormal talk radio). Heck, he has the money and resources to actually set up a competing perhaps world wide, satellite, radio endeavor.

lol why should the company have to refrain from certain programming? if anything, i hope they find someone who can take up the mantle, someone who actually wants to be there--is new and hungry.

if you want to bitch about non-competes, your anger is misplaced.  why did bell walk into another one after all the supposed trouble with premiere?

Quote from: zeebo on November 10, 2013, 08:36:33 PM
Oh oh, you mentioned the "T" word.  Get ready for something like a battle scene out of Lord of the Rings ...

We wants the precious.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM
Ok, here is another post.

  People keep saying "why don't you try and work it out with Sirius/XM" We have been trying to do that from three
days after the show started, we had confrence call after confrence call with them trying to get it worked out, there was
a lot of talk but no fix. We told them the base was leaving and this would effect our partnership if something was not done.

At about the six Week mark after most who had tried the free 30 day trial had given up and left MAINLY because of the drop
outs we asked for a remedy as in a Year of streaming OR until the problem was fixed, it ended when they said NO.

48 Hours after that we made a offer to work with no pay and let Sirius/XM have the show exclusivly while we streamed from
the Web Site, they said they would consider that and have not responded to phone calls, email's or texting since. How is that
NOT working with them?


I understand if you might not be at liberty to comment on this or might not think it prudent, but if there was a 30 day no-fault way you could have extricated yourself, it sounds to me like Sirius may have led you on, saying it was going to get fixed, etc. until that period of time elapsed. Why they would do that I don't know but, like I said before, your posting here, resurrecting your facebook, etc. has banished whatever anger and resentment I felt at the beginning of the week. We love you art. We will wait. . .

Cyndi Lauper - Time after Time 1984

Uncle Duke

Quote from: SaucyRossy on November 10, 2013, 08:25:32 PM
The site is bellgab.com THE Art Bell fan forum.

I know many of us have been emotional and upset the past week, but as another user pointed out to me, we should show respect to Art.

Everyone should be respectful of the man, doesn't mean you can't ask hard questions or state how you feel, just remember he is a person not a brand or corporate entity.

Ironically, if someone posted the same sentiments relative to George Noory, there would be hell to pay.   

Art Bell

One last thing ALL such contracts have non compete clauses.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM
Ok, here is another post.

  People keep saying "why don't you try and work it out with Sirius/XM" We have been trying to do that from three
days after the show started, we had confrence call after confrence call with them trying to get it worked out, there was
a lot of talk but no fix. We told them the base was leaving and this would effect our partnership if something was not done.

At about the six Week mark after most who had tried the free 30 day trial had given up and left MAINLY because of the drop
outs we asked for a remedy as in a Year of streaming OR until the problem was fixed, it ended when they said NO.

48 Hours after that we made a offer to work with no pay and let Sirius/XM have the show exclusivly while we streamed from
the Web Site, they said they would consider that and have not responded to phone calls, email's or texting since. How is that
NOT working with them?


I fucking love Dark Matter, it's on par with classic Dreamland and C2C material. Like Michio said on the first night, if you try to hold Dark Matter in your hands, it slips through your fingers like a ghost. Dark Matter exists on it's own terms. I can respect that.

Don't let the loud-talkers scare you away, Art. Most of these people would have been banned a long time ago on most forums, myself included.

You have my support, Mr. Bell.


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 10, 2013, 08:42:18 PM
Ironically, if someone posted the same sentiments relative to George Noory, there would be hell to pay.

Not true, I and others including MV have said similar things about talking to noory.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM
Ok, here is another post.

  People keep saying "why don't you try and work it out with Sirius/XM" We have been trying to do that from three
days after the show started, we had confrence call after confrence call with them trying to get it worked out, there was
a lot of talk but no fix. We told them the base was leaving and this would effect our partnership if something was not done.

At about the six Week mark after most who had tried the free 30 day trial had given up and left MAINLY because of the drop
outs we asked for a remedy as in a Year of streaming OR until the problem was fixed, it ended when they said NO.

48 Hours after that we made a offer to work with no pay and let Sirius/XM have the show exclusivly while we streamed from
the Web Site, they said they would consider that and have not responded to phone calls, email's or texting since. How is that
NOT working with them?


Thanks for being straightforward and explaining this in detail.


Quote from: AppealPlay on November 10, 2013, 05:23:48 PM
I just want more information about why Dark Matter was no longer, in Art's words, "viable."  Was the C. Crane Company not making enough money to justify advertising?  Was Dark Matter not bringing in enough subscribers for SiriusXM?

I don't feel like we've gotten a good explanation as to why the show had to end... :(

Funny you should ask that.

I have it from a very reliable source who cannot be named but ... DEEP CAMEL SPEAKS.

The following :

It is Art's fault for signing another non compete clause but all radio stations and networks have them.

Art thought Sirius would be good for him but he did not know that Sirius' and their partners did not have the streaming problem under control when he signed up to do the show. If he had wanted to continue he would have had continual problems with it.

Hundreds of emails were received during the first 4 weeks of the trial period that had almost all of his listeners say that they LOVED the show but were NOT going to continue paying for a service that kept cutting them off.

Endless meetings were had with Sirius management who said they'd fix the problem.
It never got fixed and continues to this day.

The Rubicon was crossed when it was asked that Art be allowed to stream on his own for a year or so until the problem got fixed.

Sirius said NO.

They did offer an additional 30 day trial period but it was felt that that would not be a solution given their inability to fix the problem in the first place.

After the decision by Art to leave, it was proposed that Art become an independent broadcaster and stream from his web site.

There has been NO word from Sirius or its executives since that time.

Numerous calls have been made to the Sirius execs and emails have been sent and all that has been received has been the dread of all broadcasters.

Dead air.


Quote from: Chad Jacobs on November 10, 2013, 08:36:01 PM
I'm no Howard Stern fan, but one can imagine that if they tried this sort of stunt against him (enforcing a non compete) that the political/rhetorical pressure to knock it off would be immense. 

Not to mention the fact that Radio Execs that mess with Stern end up having to live with nicknames like 'Pig Virus'. Any Sirius/XM executive that pisses Stern off will get called a perverse sexual act or a venereal disease on the air and will have the privilege of living with that name for the rest of his career. Just ask Kevin Metheny. When you google 'Pig Virus', his name comes up first, before all of the entries from Texas A&M Vet School.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM

48 Hours after that we made a offer to work with no pay and let Sirius/XM have the show exclusivly while we streamed from
the Web Site, they said they would consider that and have not responded to phone calls, email's or texting since. How is that
NOT working with them?


I guess that's a No then.

If they're not responding to calls, emails or text I think you have your answer right there.

Sad. I was having a ball as were many others here. I was on board before you said Wanna Take a Ride and I'll jump right in in 2 years time if you still have the will to start again.

Thanks Art and keep us updated along the way.

Don't be a stranger.


Quote from: Snowdoggie on November 10, 2013, 08:49:00 PM
Not to mention the fact that Radio Execs that mess with Stern end up having to live with nicknames like 'Pig Virus'. Any Sirius/XM executive that pisses Stern off will get called a perverse sexual act or a venereal disease on the air and will have the privilege of living with that name for the rest of his career. Just ask Kevin Metheny. When you google 'Pig Virus', his name comes up first, before all of the entries from Texas A&M Vet School.

Has Howard commented on art bell's departure?

Heather Wade

Thank You very much for keeping us posted, Art.  You really don't have to.  I love that you are.
Hope your Sunday night in the desert is peaceful.  Hope there are no spiders.

As Monday is a holiday, you'll probably get your answer Tuesday.

Regardless of what people may say, there are many of us ecstatic that you post here.

I am wishing for the best, still, and I am not mad at you.  How could I be?  You're just a talk show host, lol.  Most of all, I know you are eyeballing your mic with longing, which I hope ends soon.  Until then, we hope for the best.   ;D

I know you are probably mad at *me*... I misunderstood you big time & I'm very sorry.

Wish I could have told you my ghost story... it was a good one. 

Stay cool, mang.   8) 


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM
Ok, here is another post.

  People keep saying "why don't you try and work it out with Sirius/XM" We have been trying to do that from three
days after the show started, we had confrence call after confrence call with them trying to get it worked out, there was
a lot of talk but no fix. We told them the base was leaving and this would effect our partnership if something was not done.

At about the six Week mark after most who had tried the free 30 day trial had given up and left MAINLY because of the drop
outs we asked for a remedy as in a Year of streaming OR until the problem was fixed, it ended when they said NO.

48 Hours after that we made a offer to work with no pay and let Sirius/XM have the show exclusivly while we streamed from
the Web Site, they said they would consider that and have not responded to phone calls, email's or texting since. How is that
NOT working with them?


Hi Art.
Looking forward to your return. Do what you have to do behind the scenes and come back. Talk to your lawyer. Something isn't right here. Maybe it's in someone's best interest to keep you off the air.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 07:51:57 PM
If people here do not wish me to post at all I can do that, I only continued here because I kind of embraced this
forum when I started the show and so I was trying to keep you all up to date, it seemed natural.


People here love you and their piss that you quit.. I hope to hear you again in the radio.


Hoagland talks about the Art quit with Howard Hughes:


Bottom line: There were severe problems and Sirius refused to seriously address them.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM
... People keep saying "why don't you try and work it out with Sirius/XM" We have been trying to do that ...

Hey Art.  I listened online and the app was definitely wonky, with weird errors, crashes, etc.  Mostly it wasn't a big deal for me as I use computers enough all day to expect these things, but it was kind of annoying after awhile, especially for a paid service.

However even if this wasn't the case and everything had worked swimmingly, I would still take your side in this conflict, simply since over the years I feel I've come to have some estimation of your character, versus some faceless corporate entity, and I honestly feel you're just trying to make a quality show for everybody.

Most of us support you and what you're trying to do, even some I suspect in the passionate disaffected group, and just hope something works out.  I think your streaming idea sounds cool and hope Sirius takes you up on it.


Quote from: jazmunda on November 10, 2013, 08:49:10 PM
I guess that's a No then.
If they're not responding to calls, emails or text I think you have your answer right there.
Sad. I was having a ball as were many others here. I was on board before you said Wanna Take a Ride and I'll jump right in in 2 years time if you still have the will to start again.
Thanks Art and keep us updated along the way.

Don't be a stranger.

It's silence,
Not a no, not a yes.
It is what it is..

Until we know, we just don't know.

Art Bell

 I predict that after a few pages go by, people will again be saying, why don't you try and work it out with Sirius.
( Remember I said this on page 292)



Uncle Duke

Quote from: SaucyRossy on November 10, 2013, 08:44:34 PM
Not true, I and others including MV have said similar things about talking to noory.

So you would feel safe in saying the majority of people on this site feel George should be shown respect? 

How about you, Art?  Would you encourage those on "your" site to show respect to George Noory? 


Quote from: Art Bell on November 10, 2013, 08:38:00 PM
At about the six Week mark after most who had tried the free 30 day trial had given up and left MAINLY because of the drop


I definitely don't have access to the information you may have seen but this contention seems based on either limited or incomplete evidence. My impression is that by the nature of a paid service like Sirius offering a free month trial, there would be a great number of dropoffs month to month as the free trial is available to everyone beyond your listening base, and a great number of people can be fickle for whatever the reason. I guess I am just unclear how you determine that those dropoffs that happened were primarily listeners for your program.  ???

This said, my thoughts are with your family during this time of great tragedy in the Philippines. Thanks for sharing all you have!

Colorado ESQ


Please don't withdraw from communication here. There are those who will always spew hate and vitriol online, taking cowardly refuge in the anonymity of the internet. Ignore them. Then there are those who are just plain disappointed to lose you again and are reacting poorly. I am sad to lose your show and was one who was so excited when you announced your return but I won't react with a poison pen.

I asked you in a previous post why you seem so willing to comply with the noncompete and why you repeabtedly offer so willingly to accept it. There seems to be many issues related to breech of contract by both parties and my legal experience suggests to me that you can negotiate an out, but you really need a lawyer to lead the way.

Perhaps you have unstated reasons for wanting to back away from continuing the show and not disputing the noncompete, but if you sincerely want to return to the show now then I urge you to seek competent legal representation now because from what you have presented I believe you can negotiate a solution to the noncompete matter.


Art! Please continue posting here at bellgab.


Quote from: zeebo on November 10, 2013, 08:36:33 PM
Oh oh, you mentioned the "T" word.  Get ready for something like a battle scene out of Lord of the Rings ...

Like Lloyd Bridges said in Airplane, I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.

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