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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


Really creepy audio feed. I hear voices tuning the station.


My theory is like this:

Art will stream tonight, regardless. We will all listen after live link is posted on Bellgab. Our IP addresses or whatever will be determined.  Sirius will cry breech of contract. We will hear from suits. Bellgab will implode like rats off a sinking portal and George will win. I don't want to say who's responsible but clearly MV and Gnoory and Ft. Rock should be the first to provide some answers.



Quote from: SixWeekTenure on November 07, 2013, 04:33:10 PM
Book 3 has the best payoff(s) in the entire series. Give it another try.

Hmm ok thanks sounds intriguing, I think I will.  I wonder if they sell wall-sized family tree posters.

Who knew that "November" could soon so cool when spoken by a female with a Russian accent?


Quote from: phrodo on November 07, 2013, 04:50:12 PM
OK - the test feed audio is getting seriously creepy rite now folks.....

Woah, yeah. Thanks for the heads up. Real creepy but exciting....hoping for something later tonight.


Quote from: ziznak on November 07, 2013, 04:51:09 PM
My nipples have gone soft.... sux.

the sux are supposed to help, i think you're doing it wrong ...  :D


Quote from: aldousburbank on November 07, 2013, 04:54:44 PM
My theory is like this:

Art will stream tonight, regardless. We will all listen after live link is posted on Bellgab. Our IP addresses or whatever will be determined.  Sirius will cry breech of contract. We will hear from suits. Bellgab will implode like rats off a sinking portal and George will win. I don't want to say who's responsible but clearly MV and Gnoory and Ft. Rock should be the first to provide some answers.


Provide answers? Pffft. Straight to a firing squad I say.


I love how many people are listening (and commenting) on a weird feed like this. Show our dedication to Art.

I am listening for "Take a ride" sound and Art's voice.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on November 07, 2013, 04:55:01 PM
Who knew that "November" could soon so cool when spoken by a female with a Russian accent?

November - Tom Waits

eddie dean

I just now caught up!
Trying to get to the end of this thread makes me feel like a  junkie chasing the dragons tail.

Quote from: dan7800 on November 07, 2013, 04:53:31 PM

I have to imagine it would cost Sirius (and Art) quite a bit in legal fees to fight the case. Maybe Sirius just would eventually say goodbye to Art and release him to not have to pay those fees.

Just a remote possibility.

The point was Art signed on to do Satellite radio, not internet streaming radio.  There's no way to deliver a perfect internet streaming product, too many variables.

Quote from: aldousburbank on November 07, 2013, 04:54:44 PM
My theory is like this:

Art will stream tonight, regardless. We will all listen after live link is posted on Bellgab. Our IP addresses or whatever will be determined.  Sirius will cry breech of contract. We will hear from suits. Bellgab will implode like rats off a sinking portal and George will win. I don't want to say who's responsible but clearly MV and Gnoory and Ft. Rock should be the first to provide some answers.


He who smelt it dealt it? Sorry ab, I got nothing better in my present depressed state

Geez, I hope nobody's niece read that. I'd be embarrassed to add to the vulgar sayings of someone famous (for sucking)'s niece.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on November 07, 2013, 04:55:01 PM
Who knew that "November" could soon so cool when spoken by a female with a Russian accent?

Russian woman do EVERYTHING better.  ;D ;)


Quote from: eddie dean on November 07, 2013, 04:56:37 PM
I just now caught up!
Trying to get to the end of this thread makes me feel like a  junkie chasing the dragons tail.

I know what you mean. I wake every morning to about 20 new pages. Damn timezones.

Quote from: zeebo on November 07, 2013, 04:54:51 PM
Hmm ok thanks sounds intriguing, I think I will.  I wonder if they sell wall-sized family tree posters.

It's difficult to keep track of, I know. Check out this website: http://towerofthehand.com/

Great resource. You can choose what book you're currently reading and any spoiler information is blacked out until you get further along. Avoid the wiki pages from other sites.


Quote from: dan7800 on November 07, 2013, 04:54:34 PM
Really creepy audio feed. I hear voices tuning the station.

On this weird note of hope, I must leave the vigil for now.  Keep the flame burnin all.

Quote from: jazmunda on November 07, 2013, 04:58:51 PM
I know what you mean. I wake every morning to about 20 new pages. Damn timezones.

Still Blaming you for wrecking Dark Matter!! Had to call in so many times didnt you. 8)


Quote from: dan7800 on November 07, 2013, 04:48:41 PM
I am not ready to throw in the towel just yet. I am not overly optimistic, but I do think there is some hope here.

Worse comes to worst, maybe Art threatens legal action actions Sirius (over the dropped streams) and they figure it is cheaper to just let him go instead of fight the case (they really don't have a ton to gain).

However, even if he comes back with only a streaming version, he will not have nearly the number of listeners he had, even on Sirius. If he comes back to Sirius and streams on his site, look at the number of people who already canceled. Look at how much our confidence in him has been rocked.

This is kind of like the girl/boy who would dump you all the time and then try to get back with you. Eventually, you just start to wonder when you are going to break up next.

Ya but what he's proposing is basically using Sirius as the replay archive because his live show (without free streaming) doesn't "reach his core audience".

He doesn't need Sirius to stream independently to his "core". I doubt any streaming service would do better than Sirius.  Streaming is dicey.

He should have independently streamed from the beginning.


Art should have recorded himself saying "5....8....pizza rolls.....7.....2....9...." and looped it on the test stream.


Quote from: jazmunda on November 07, 2013, 04:40:47 PM
Yep. I think it is finally over.

Thanks for trying Art.

Who wants cupcakes?

Now you're talking.

Finally, something positive: The Lincolnshire Poacher

The General

Now Michio Kaku is talking on Art's stream.


Paul or Keith if you are reading this could you play the scanner feed from the NSW, Australia fire service (http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/9266/web).

There are terrible bushfires raging at the moment. Might be interesting listening.


You know listening to the stream on artbell.com kinda reminds me of when the sic-fi channel came out.  for weeks it was like looking at a screen savor all in anticipation for the show the channel to premier. lol

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