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Steve Warner's Dark City

Started by bateman, October 27, 2013, 03:54:49 PM


"They're comin' to take our guns!" No, relax Jim - they just want to sell you more.

Maybe Islamaphobe is too strong a word and I thought about it after I used that word to label Marrs. Especially have your talking about political correctness. But I think Jim painted a billion people with a pretty broad brush in this interview and was espousing a lot of typical uneducated conservative talking points regarding Islam and American muslims. That's my opinion. But even though I didn't agree with his opinions, it didn't detract from anything else he had to say. The biggest reason I like Marrs is the guy is an intellectual colossus who can talk about so many subjects.

That is fascinating that people who are going to holiday parties with typical middle class jobs and no prior criminal histories can wig out and commit mass acts of terror. I wonder why? Really great pussy?


Quote from: bateman on December 20, 2015, 06:42:02 PM
New one finally airs at 10 EST tonight after the Bell Philes on deeptalkradio.com

Jim Marrs on Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us

Podcast will be available late tonight at Darkcity.fm
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I was listening bateman.  FANTASTIC show!  I'm even listening to it again this morning with my morning coffee.  Thank You SO MUCH!


Quote from: VoteQuimby on December 21, 2015, 04:02:22 AM
Maybe Islamaphobe is too strong a word and I thought about it after I used that word to label Marrs. Especially have your talking about political correctness. But I think Jim painted a billion people with a pretty broad brush in this interview and was espousing a lot of typical uneducated conservative talking points regarding Islam and American muslims. That's my opinion. But even though I didn't agree with his opinions, it didn't detract from anything else he had to say. The biggest reason I like Marrs is the guy is an intellectual colossus who can talk about so many subjects.

That is fascinating that people who are going to holiday parties with typical middle class jobs and no prior criminal histories can wig out and commit mass acts of terror. I wonder why? Really great pussy?
Saudi Arabia is getting ready to behead a boy. Or maybe they've already done so.

I'm all for tolerance buy what exactly are we tolerating?


I've been listening to this guy's shows after hearing a few speak highly of it here. No offense to Heather, but why wasn't this guy tapped to be the new Art Bell. He fulfills all my criteria for a good host. Genuine interest in the subject matter without being a gullible and/or sycophantic shill; In depth interviews in which he really lets his guest talk and then asks good follow up questions. If I have one minor quibble it's that his voice is a little light and soft spoken sometimes. In an ideal world I'd bring it down an octave and bump it a few decibel. I did noticed that as his voice got a little more worn in by the middle of his show there was a bit more of a rasp that made it sound more pleasing. Hey, Bateman, forget about vaping and take up smoking. It could be the thing that puts you over the top!   ;)

P.S. Sorry to hear about your recent mugging though it didn't seem to diminish your capacities as a good radio host in anyway that I could hear. Hmmm...New York...muggging...did we get transported back to the 70s somehow???  ???

Element 115

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 21, 2015, 02:26:57 PM
I've been listening to this guy's shows after hearing a few speak highly of it here. No offense to Heather, but why wasn't this guy tapped to be the new Art Bell. He fulfills all my criteria for a good host. Genuine interest in the subject matter without being a sycophantic shill; In depth interviews in which he really lets his guest talk and then asks good follow up questions. If I have one minor quibble it's that his voice is a little light and soft spoken sometimes. In an ideal world I'd bring it down an octave and bump it a few decibel. I did noticed that as his voice got a little more worn in by the middle of his show there was a bit more of a rasp that made it sound more pleasing. Hey, Bateman, forget about vaping and take up smoking. It could be the thing that puts you over the top!   ;)

P.S. Sorry to hear about your recent mugging though it didn't seem to diminish your capacities as a good radio host in anyway that I could hear. Hmmm...New York...muggging...did we get transported back to the 70s somehow???  ???

I thought the same thing when I listened. Why didn't he take over for Art?


Quote from: brig on December 21, 2015, 05:06:59 AM
I was listening bateman.  FANTASTIC show!  I'm even listening to it again this morning with my morning coffee.  Thank You SO MUCH!

Thank yeeewww, Brig.


Quote from: rekcuf on December 21, 2015, 02:36:14 AM
Islamophobia, isn't a word. Fear of Islam? Ha! No. It's a term used to derail discussion, and/or miss characterize someone's 'negative' opinion of Islam. Bigotry? If that's what Marrs is spouting--I'll make a note about it in this thread. I'm about to listen to it now via SoundCloud.

I may post dumb shit on other threads, but that's just for kicks, and it isn't the full extent of my intellect. I enjoy these type of discussions. I look forward to more, after the Art 'business' dies down.

Gender and identity politics; count me in, too. SJW's...  :)

p.s. bateman, keep up the good work!

Thank you, Mr. Reckuf.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 21, 2015, 02:26:57 PM
I've been listening to this guy's shows after hearing a few speak highly of it here. No offense to Heather, but why wasn't this guy tapped to be the new Art Bell. He fulfills all my criteria for a good host. Genuine interest in the subject matter without being a gullible and/or sycophantic shill; In depth interviews in which he really lets his guest talk and then asks good follow up questions. If I have one minor quibble it's that his voice is a little light and soft spoken sometimes. In an ideal world I'd bring it down an octave and bump it a few decibel. I did noticed that as his voice got a little more worn in by the middle of his show there was a bit more of a rasp that made it sound more pleasing. Hey, Bateman, forget about vaping and take up smoking. It could be the thing that puts you over the top!   ;)

P.S. Sorry to hear about your recent mugging though it didn't seem to diminish your capacities as a good radio host in anyway that I could hear. Hmmm...New York...muggging...did we get transported back to the 70s somehow???  ???

Good ear. When I record at WABC, there's one particular studio I use that swapped out its Symetrix 528e processor for a Wheatstone digital box and I haaaaaate the way it sounds, so I bypass it. There's no processing on my voice and no limiter on there, so I keep try to keep my volume within a certain range so I don't overmodulate - I figure I can always boost it in post. Doesn't always work though. You're right about my voice breaking in a little bit into a show, it gets more comfortable for me too, oddly enough. I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and buy a 528e for my home studio, I use a DBX 286s right now, and it's fine but it's like using a box of 6 Crayola crayons when I could be using this:

Anyway, glad you're enjoying the show, I appreciate it.  8)


Excellent show last night Bateman.  I'm looking forward to more of the same.  You rock!!! ;)

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 21, 2015, 02:26:57 PM
I've been listening to this guy's shows after hearing a few speak highly of it here. No offense to Heather, but why wasn't this guy tapped to be the new Art Bell. He fulfills all my criteria for a good host. Genuine interest in the subject matter without being a gullible and/or sycophantic shill; In depth interviews in which he really lets his guest talk and then asks good follow up questions. If I have one minor quibble it's that his voice is a little light and soft spoken sometimes. In an ideal world I'd bring it down an octave and bump it a few decibel. I did noticed that as his voice got a little more worn in by the middle of his show there was a bit more of a rasp that made it sound more pleasing. Hey, Bateman, forget about vaping and take up smoking. It could be the thing that puts you over the top!   ;)

P.S. Sorry to hear about your recent mugging though it didn't seem to diminish your capacities as a good radio host in anyway that I could hear. Hmmm...New York...muggging...did we get transported back to the 70s somehow???  ???

Troll! How DARE you criticize bateman! Oops, wrong thread...


Quote from: rekcuf on December 21, 2015, 06:55:09 PM
Troll! How DARE you criticize bateman! Oops, wrong thread...

;D oh, I'm sure he'll get his turn someday  ;)


Quote from: BobGrau on December 21, 2015, 06:56:39 PM
;D oh, I'm sure he'll get his turn someday  ;)

I'll enjoy the bateman blowjobbery as long as it lasts.

Quote from: bateman on December 21, 2015, 06:59:47 PM
I'll enjoy the bateman blowjobbery as long as it lasts.

I don't know if you'll answer this question, so, I'll just ask: Were you consulted in any capacity regarding the launch of MITD, ie, co-hosting or guest hosting?


Quote from: bateman on December 21, 2015, 06:59:47 PM
I'll enjoy the bateman blowjobbery as long as it lasts.
Heh!  Here's another.  Loved the show with Jim Marrs.  You done good!


Great show "Bateman," Jim Marrs is always good although, pretty much, his same old theories. The thing about the "refugees," here but more especially in Europe, is that even if 1% of them are true Muslims and want to practice "peace" and another 2-3% won't actually "do" the peace but harbor, fund, transport and help the 1% terrorists would bring chaos and end business/life as we know it. I heard some other guy talking about the "refugee" is Islam's Tet Offensive. Imagine a Breslan or Paris attack all the time. A nightmare and wouldn't even need much Saudi $$ to be very effective. Thanks for the description and explanation of your attack and subsequent hiatus for a few weeks, glad you have recovered. I hope those thugs get their comeuppance; either by the police or from fellow hoodlums.


Quote from: bateman on December 20, 2015, 06:42:02 PM
New one finally airs at 10 EST tonight after the Bell Philes on deeptalkradio.com

Podcast will be available late tonight at Darkcity.fm
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Is this going to be its regular time-slot on a weekly basis?


Quote from: bateman on December 21, 2015, 06:49:38 PM
Good ear. When I record at WABC, there's one particular studio I use that swapped out its Symetrix 528e processor for a Wheatstone digital box and I haaaaaate the way it sounds, so I bypass it. There's no processing on my voice and no limiter on there, so I keep try to keep my volume within a certain range so I don't overmodulate - I figure I can always boost it in post. Doesn't always work though. You're right about my voice breaking in a little bit into a show, it gets more comfortable for me too, oddly enough. I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and buy a 528e for my home studio, I use a DBX 286s right now, and it's fine but it's like using a box of 6 Crayola crayons when I could be using this:

Anyway, glad you're enjoying the show, I appreciate it.  8)

I'm not real familiar with the pres you mentioned but I've always kinda like Apogees stuff converter-wise. I'd definitely experiment with some EQ in the bass range and some compression though. I think it might help. Thanks for the great shows and keep up the quality work!


Thanks for posting the show, Steve.
Listening now. So far, awesome as usual. :)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 21, 2015, 02:26:57 PM
I've been listening to this guy's shows after hearing a few speak highly of it here. No offense to Heather, but why wasn't this guy tapped to be the new Art Bell. He fulfills all my criteria for a good host. Genuine interest in the subject matter without being a gullible and/or sycophantic shill; In depth interviews in which he really lets his guest talk and then asks good follow up questions.

Bateman is the future.


Quote from: Gemstone on December 21, 2015, 10:29:38 PM
Bateman is the future.

I just hope he can stick to a weekly schedule, and do the show live and take callers.  That's so much more compelling than just a podcast:  live, with calls taken.


Quote from: Faustina on December 21, 2015, 10:54:51 PM
I just hope he can stick to a weekly schedule, and do the show live and take callers.  That's so much more compelling than just a podcast:  live, with calls taken.
He needs to do a show on why Art hasn't answered your questions.

Element 115

Quote from: Ciardelo on December 21, 2015, 10:56:36 PM
He needs to do a show on why Art hasn't answered your questions.

Yeah and have Night Train call in his show lol


I enjoyed the interview of Jim Marrs very much. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but he always has something interesting to say about controversial topics. Definitely a good listen.

BTW, If anyone is interested, borax (sodium tetraborate) removes the sodium fluoride from the body. Only a very small amount is needed but it has to be taken consistently. Simply dissolve 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter of purified water and drink this water throughout the day. Drink one liter of this borax water every day.  I'm surprised that Jim didn't know this, since it's a well-known remedy in natural health circles. How long will it take to get the fluoride out?  That will depend on how much fluoride your body tissues have accumulated, and whether or not you continue ingesting fluoride. 

Anyway, great show, Steve!
Looking forward to the next one.


Quote from: bateman on December 21, 2015, 06:40:55 PM
Thank yeeewww, Brig.

I plan to support your show with a small contribution starting the New Year.  I wish it could be a HUGE contribution, but it is what it is.  :-[

Listening right now. Jim Marrs always has some interesting stories. Another good interview bateman. Glad you're feeling better.


Listening now. Great show Bateman!

Great show Bateman.  Also, the day a subscription goes up, you can count me in.

Quote from: PseudoSentience on December 23, 2015, 01:16:25 PM
Great show Bateman.  Also, the day a subscription goes up, you can count me in.

Moi, aussi.

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