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The GabCast (A podcast about BellGab)

Started by onan, October 22, 2013, 06:30:19 PM


Quote from: wr250 on March 11, 2014, 02:52:40 PM
Taintco also manufactures candy.

Yes the fine confectioners of Taintco are proud to present Ass Candy:


Quote from: onan on March 11, 2014, 03:02:23 PM
Yes the fine confectioners of Taintco are proud to present Ass Candy:

That's some sweet ass.  MMMMM boy.

eddie dean

Quote from: onan on March 11, 2014, 03:02:23 PM
Yes the fine confectioners of Taintco are proud to present Ass Candy:

Ass with ears candy. What the hell is wrong with the Germans. rhetorical question.

eddie dean

Quote from: wr250 on March 11, 2014, 02:52:40 PM
Taintco also manufactures candy.

the Amazon reviews are hilarious!

"hell bears" LOL!


Two points of friendly feedback:
1. The intro says it's about "BellGab" but it doesn't seem to be about BellGab any more.
2. The topics seemed archaic. Which might be okay if the treatment was fresh or unique.

This is not meant to provoke a defensive response. just my honest impression - as a GabCast supporter.

Still, the "flow" is getting better all the time, people are relaxing more and clearly you guys are coming to the podcast armed with talking points. Such as they are.  I mean, I guess they can't all be poop stories! ;)


Quote from: Tarbaby on March 12, 2014, 09:02:52 AM
Two points of friendly feedback:
1. The intro says it's about "BellGab" but it doesn't seem to be about BellGab any more.
2. The topics seemed archaic. Which might be okay if the treatment was fresh or unique.

This is not meant to provoke a defensive response. just my honest impression - as a GabCast supporter.

Still, the "flow" is getting better all the time, people are relaxing more and clearly you guys are coming to the podcast armed with talking points. Such as they are.  I mean, I guess they can't all be poop stories! ;)

but with the taintco/haribo hellbears , yes ,yes it can all be poop stories.

Quote from: onan on March 11, 2014, 03:02:23 PM
Yes the fine confectioners of Taintco are proud to present Ass Candy:

I already know what the Easter Bunny will be bringing me: a pastel basket of Ass Candy, now with Ears. Yummo!

I can understand Ass Candy with lips, as in you're talking through your ass candy, but why ears? Your ass is so loud I can't hear? It doesn't make sense, but what the hell, it's ass candy. It doesn't have to make sense. They may be the perfect new sponsor for C2C: Haff you tried thuh ash candee, Tommy? Bet you can't nom just one.


Quote from: Tarbaby on March 12, 2014, 09:02:52 AM
Two points of friendly feedback:
1. The intro says it's about "BellGab" but it doesn't seem to be about BellGab any more.
2. The topics seemed archaic. Which might be okay if the treatment was fresh or unique.

This is not meant to provoke a defensive response. just my honest impression - as a GabCast supporter.

Still, the "flow" is getting better all the time, people are relaxing more and clearly you guys are coming to the podcast armed with talking points. Such as they are.  I mean, I guess they can't all be poop stories! ;)

We are about BellGab. We aren't always about reiterating certain posts. And all of us are reluctant to single out a poster for ridicule; even though we have done those things. That isn't what we want to be about. Part of the Art Bell legacy is talking about paranormal subjects. At least for me that is much more interesting than continuing to discuss how badly noory is at his job. We also want to goof, have a few laughs and that is tough if we just reflect some recent posts.

The show has the potential to be completely about any aspect of BellGab, call and bring your point of view for discussion.

I do appreciate the input, and we have discussed the direction we are taking... it is a work (well sort of) in progress.


To add to what onan is saying two of the most popular threads on BellGab are Random Stupid Things and Things That Annoy you and the GabCast does provide those types of discussion.

As onan said we aren't singling our particular posts or posters but we are talking about the paranormal, Art Bell, George Noory sucking, C2CAM topics and guests, as well as General Topics. We are BellGab members and our audience is mostly made up of BellGab members so what's not BellGab about it?

Do you want us to do every show about our favorite thread and poster? Least favorite thread and poster? There's only so many shows that those topics will cover. We are BellGab and when it warrants we will bring it up. We need to evolve in order to stay fresh.


Onan & Jaz: Thanks. Excellent responses. I didn't mean to suggest a podcast about BellGab had to necessarily include negative commentary on specific posters. Although that's entertaining if they deserve it.  I'm going to go listen to this episode again and see if I can focus my feedback. How many separate topics were covered? I think it just seemed like you guys didn't sound excited or energized (or even very much interested) in the topics.

But you've more than addressed my 2 points and broadened my thinking.  Like Onan says it's a podcast by BellGabbers. But… I thought it said somewhere it's also a podcast about bellgab. So that's a bit nebulous I suppose. I was overly fixating on a strict interpretation.

Oh, here it is on the GabCast header: "The GabCast is a podcast about BellGab.com. Yes, that’s right. A show about a forum about a show…".

RE: Noory: Yeah, I was never on the bandwagon about beating up Noory. I don't ever read those threads.  I found, personally, I didn't like Noory's style when he took over for Art years ago so I just quit listening. I don't understand why people spend 12 years bitching about someone they loathe. Why not just find other sources to listen to? It isn't like Noory has a monopoly on paranormal internet guests/talk.


Quote from: Tarbaby on March 13, 2014, 09:04:48 AM
Onan & Jaz: Thanks. Excellent responses. I didn't mean to suggest a podcast about BellGab had to necessarily include negative commentary on specific posters. Although that's entertaining if they deserve it.  I'm going to go listen to this episode again and see if I can focus my feedback. How many separate topics were covered? I think it just seemed like you guys didn't sound excited or energized (or even very much interested) in the topics.

But you've more than addressed my 2 points and broadened my thinking.  Like Onan says it's a podcast by BellGabbers. But… I thought it said somewhere it's also a podcast about bellgab. So that's a bit nebulous I suppose. I was overly fixating on a strict interpretation.

Oh, here it is on the GabCast header: "The GabCast is a podcast about BellGab.com. Yes, that’s right. A show about a forum about a show…".

RE: Noory: Yeah, I was never on the bandwagon about beating up Noory. I don't ever read those threads.  I found, personally, I didn't like Noory's style when he took over for Art years ago so I just quit listening. I don't understand why people spend 12 years bitching about someone they loathe. Why not just find other sources to listen to? It isn't like Noory has a monopoly on paranormal internet guests/talk.
We're still working on our thesis topic.  When we have that ironed out, we'll be ready for the thesis committee.

There isn't that much thought that goes into this podcast.  We try to have fun and talk about things that are interesting to us and others.  I think we've done a pretty good job so far.


Quote from: Tarbaby on March 13, 2014, 09:04:48 AM
I think it just seemed like you guys didn't sound excited or energized (or even very much interested) in the topics.

Post show we all agreed on this point. Perhaps it was the week off or perhaps it was the change to daylight time or perhaps we are simply winding down.

Thank you for the feedback. Your call is important to us. Please bear with us whilst we try to be more professional in the future for free.


Well,  I must categorically disagree with Tarbaby.  I thought this was one of the best shows you guys did.  I already ordered the inhaler from your sponsor and am very satisfied with the product.  Plus it wasn't even that expensive,  only 3 easy payments of $19.99. 

Well,  anyway,  that's my 3 cents.

Ms. C

Gabcast is a work-in-progress and IMHO gets a +1 each week!

Its fun, spontaneous and really bonds us! 

Thanks for all the effort and work you all put into it!

Ms C   :-*   ;D   ;)


Quote from: jazmunda on March 13, 2014, 04:39:51 PM
Post show we all agreed on this point. Perhaps it was the week off or perhaps it was the change to daylight time or perhaps we are simply winding down.

Thank you for the feedback. Your call is important to us. Please bear with us whilst we try to be more professional in the future for free.
Thanks, Jaz! Like I said I do enjoy the show, have listened since episode one. A huge aspect is the added element of somewhat knowing the players from your posts over a period of time. I would say it adds an extra 75% interest-value. For me, anyway. I'm thinking of writing a thesis on it. :)

b_dubb: Thanks. I always listen closely to what you say on the show, you're very articulate. Smooth and uninhibited. But not overly-effusive. I quite often wish you'd jump in more.

Gabcast gets two squeaks, it's the funniest one of all.


Thanks Tar.  And thank you Ms C.  Imconfused ... good luck with that Sphinctonex treatment.  Are you being treated for butthurt?  Or are you an asshole? ;)

Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on March 14, 2014, 02:06:41 PM
Gabcast gets two squeaks, it's the funniest one of all.

Just two?!  What's the squeak rating system like?  I'm unfamiliar with this rating system.


Quote from: b_dubb on March 14, 2014, 02:10:22 PM

Just two?!  What's the squeak rating system like?  I'm unfamiliar with this rating system.

A squeak is the sound that is made when you squeeze a man boob. Two squeaks is the highest rating but also humiliating.

You only get one unless they're really nice.


I  think the show just keeps getting better.  I keeps me laughing and I love to hear all the BellGabbers call in.  Keep up the good work!

Quote from: b_dubb on March 13, 2014, 10:33:54 AM
I think we've done a pretty good job so far.

Yes, it has been fun. Thank you.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on March 15, 2014, 10:55:49 AM
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but it's been a busy week.

Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bear Challenge (Warning: Intestinal Exorcism Guaranteed)


Taintco assumes no liability for gastrointestinal distress, including but not limited to emesis and/or diarrhea. Upon reviewing the presented facts Taintco has become aware that other products were consumed during what can only be assessed as dining entertainment. Wherefore and to wit Tantco candies probably aided in minimizing the effects of the liquid ingested. It also probably increased the subjects intelligence.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on March 15, 2014, 10:55:49 AM
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but it's been a busy week.

Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bear Challenge (Warning: Intestinal Exorcism Guaranteed)

WHY?!  You should never go that far for such a simple joke.  Basic comedy economics.

eddie dean

Don't miss The GabCast  LIVE tonight at 5pm PST/8pm EST.

Remember to wear green in celebration of St. Patrick's Day.
(drinking green beer and Irish whiskey before and during the broadcast will enhance your listening experience)

Listen LIVE and chat at ufoship.com

Contact us by email: thegabcastemail@gmail.com

You can follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegabcast or on Twitter: @TheGabCast

If you want to call the show:  623.242.CAST(2278)


Skype  call: The.GabCast

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