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The GabCast (A podcast about BellGab)

Started by onan, October 22, 2013, 06:30:19 PM

You guys were pretty funny on this one.

At the risk of being struck dead, I wonder if someone could get George to add Dick T to the prayer list


Unless MV performed the hit... I think I scared him off.

Since I would imagine there's a list somewhere.. ya know, to check if someone returns under another name...   If bans were like serial killer victims (since that was the Saturday night topic of discussion)... where would MV rank on the list?


Quote from: jazmunda on June 02, 2014, 06:08:22 PM
I think Cynnie has cleaned us out.

3 glasses of wine and I'm dancing on allll the tables


QuoteMD 20/20
18% or 13% alc. by vol.
     As majestic as the cascading waters of a drain pipe, MD 20/20 is bottled by the 20/20 wine company in Westfield, New York.  This is a good place to start for the street wine rookie, but beware; this dog has a bite to back up its bark.  MD Stands for Mogen David, and is affectionately called "Mad Dog 20/20".  You'll find this beverage as often in a bum's nest as in the rock quarry where the high school kids sneak off to drink.  This beverage is likely the most consumed by non-bums, but that doesn't stop any bums from drinking it!  Our research indicates that MD 20/20 is the best of the bum wines at making you feel warm inside.  Some test subjects report a slight numbing agent in MD 20/20, similar to the banana paste that the dentist puts in your mouth before injecting it with novocaine.  Anyone that can afford a dentist should steer clear of this disaster.  Avaliable in various nauseating tropical flavors that coat your whole system like bathtub scum, but only the full "Red Grape Wine" flavor packs the 18% whallop.
     Liquor stores are starting to be infiltrated by a 13% variety of MD 20/20 Red Grape.  There is also a new "Blue Raspberry" flavor with "BLING BLING".  Even the lowest functioning of bums will know not to get swindled out of 5%.


There's a mixed drink I found years ago online.  I always did like it, only made it every now and then because the absolute cheapest route (pints... generics...) cost about 20 just for the alcoholic ingredients.  It's turns out about the color of that, which is what reminded me of it.

Ray Breaker

1 shot light rum
1 shot dark rum
1 shot gin
1 shot tequila
1 shot vodka
2 shots blue curacao

Add orange juice, pineapple juice, or grapefruit juice to taste (yeah, it's a lot of fucking alcohol...) once you get experienced you can judge by the color of it.

I'm pretty sure I had ice in my glass also, I figure if you're trying it you're experienced enough to know how you like your drinks made...

Also, if you don't feel like playing bartender all fucking day... just premix the alcoholic parts in a gallon jug.


My favorite bumwine was always Wild Russian Vanya, made from peaches and reputed to produce the worst hangover with the least effort.


Quote from: bigchucka on June 03, 2014, 01:50:02 AM
There's a mixed drink I found years ago online.  I always did like it, only made it every now and then because the absolute cheapest route (pints... generics...) cost about 20 just for the alcoholic ingredients.  It's turns out about the color of that, which is what reminded me of it.

Ray Breaker

1 shot light rum
1 shot dark rum
1 shot gin
1 shot tequila
1 shot vodka
2 shots blue curacao

Add orange juice, pineapple juice, or grapefruit juice to taste (yeah, it's a lot of fucking alcohol...) once you get experienced you can judge by the color of it.

I'm pretty sure I had ice in my glass also, I figure if you're trying it you're experienced enough to know how you like your drinks made...

Also, if you don't feel like playing bartender all fucking day... just premix the alcoholic parts in a gallon jug.

and after you make and drink the 1st one, you cant judge anything at all.


Quote from: wr250 on June 03, 2014, 07:14:05 AM
and after you make and drink the 1st one, you cant judge anything at all.

After two, you won't give a fuck what anyone else thinks... all judgments you make are final.

Good show last night, guys. I can't remember who wanted to see the Grand Budapest Hotel, but it just showed up on iTunes. And, thanks again for enriching my life with the knowledge of dick turds. Really. Thanks.

Quote from: bigchucka on June 03, 2014, 01:50:02 AM
There's a mixed drink I found years ago online.  I always did like it, only made it every now and then because the absolute cheapest route (pints... generics...) cost about 20 just for the alcoholic ingredients.  It's turns out about the color of that, which is what reminded me of it.

Ray Breaker

1 shot light rum
1 shot dark rum
1 shot gin
1 shot tequila
1 shot vodka
2 shots blue curacao

Add orange juice, pineapple juice, or grapefruit juice to taste (yeah, it's a lot of fucking alcohol...) once you get experienced you can judge by the color of it.

I'm pretty sure I had ice in my glass also, I figure if you're trying it you're experienced enough to know how you like your drinks made...

Also, if you don't feel like playing bartender all fucking day... just premix the alcoholic parts in a gallon jug.

Holy crap, that would kill me. Makes a Long Island Iced Tea look like baby formula.


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on June 03, 2014, 05:42:25 PM
Good show last night, guys. I can't remember who wanted to see the Grand Budapest Hotel, but it just showed up on iTunes. And, thanks again for enriching my life with the knowledge of dick turds. Really. Thanks.

Holy crap, that would kill me. Makes a Long Island Iced Tea look like baby formula.
Thats what I thought too. I like my drink, but I'd steer clear of that. I remember my tequila days, no bueno.


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on June 03, 2014, 05:42:25 PM
Good show last night, guys. I can't remember who wanted to see the Grand Budapest Hotel, but it just showed up on iTunes. And, thanks again for enriching my life with the knowledge of dick turds. Really. Thanks.

If you aren't nauseous after listening to the GabCast then we haven't done our job.


When I learned what dick turd was I wanted everyone to share in my disgust. And in the end - ahem - dick turds is just another poop story.

The GabCast strikes again!

I could have spent the rest of my life blissfully unaware of dick turds. And yes, no one twisted my arm to google it, but i figured what the hey? How bad could it be, right?



Oh, is that something that can be Googled? I was literally unaware. Damn, what a shame I wasn't welcome at the GabCast.

Perhaps next time.


Quote from: b_dubb on June 03, 2014, 07:40:23 PM
And in the end - ahem - dick turds is just another poop story with a happy ending


Quote from: Catsmile on May 27, 2014, 06:07:00 PM
Jaz eating a McrRib, and getting a case of the McShits. Classic...

Quote from: jazmunda on May 27, 2014, 06:10:31 PM
I forgot to add that I ate the McRib based on the recommendation of The Simpsons episode with the Ribwich so I should have known what I was getting into.

Quote from: jazmunda on June 03, 2014, 08:08:08 PM

Here's the rest of the email from him:

I ordered a chilli hot dog and fries at the sales point and was convinced to add a corn on the cob for the extra $1.00 (I'm a sucker for these things but it was worth it). I sat down on a bench near the beach and partook of this gastronomic delight which, with due respect to the restaurants of LA and NYC it was the best meal I had eaten since Melbourne all those moons ago.

Whatever, it was well worth risking life and limb on the NYC subway system for the dog alone, let alone the stupendous fries and mouth watering corn on the cob. My only criticism of the meal was that the hot dog was a little on the small size but I'm splitting straws now.

I took one last look back at Nathan's knowing that I probably would never be able to go back there and rushed back to the station for my return journey which passed without incident or the interruption of text message traffic.

As I meandered down Times Square to our hotel, I started to count the cost of my odyssey to hot dog heaven. The Metrocard, the Hershey Bar, the NY Post and the Nathan's bill including tax cost me a grand total of $19.14. That was nothing compared to agony that I would feel later on as I spent the rest of the evening in the restroom revisiting my Nathan's experience all over again and again.

First Jaz with the McRibs, now Pa Munda at Nathan's.  The family tour of iconic American fast food joints continues...


Ads for the BellGab forum... once per GabCast... steal the format of other "Coast" commercials... combining Coast Insider and Forum Stats you get... last month was a strong month for BellGab subscribers.  76 new members paid less than fifteen cents a day to join up.  Once we reach our goal of 10,000 members this year MV plans on doing a little side project and "give back" to the listeners...


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 04, 2014, 01:23:54 AM

First Jaz with the McRibs, now Pa Munda at Nathan's.  The family tour of iconic American fast food joints continues...

Obviously we have a very weak constitution in our genes.


Bing "dick turd" and get this:

Thank yewwwwwwwwwwwww!


Is this what being ostracized feels like? I don't know what is going on in this thread anymore, and it tickles!


If there's not a girl, a circle jerk is kinda gay.

Not to imply that your fine program is a "circle jerk", but please, - more chicks, less dicks!

Every time you take the, 'Unscreened Caller' line, it's a female. So that's cool. More of that!


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on June 03, 2014, 05:42:25 PM
Good show last night, guys. I can't remember who wanted to see the Grand Budapest Hotel, but it just showed up on iTunes. And, thanks again for enriching my life with the knowledge of dick turds. Really. Thanks.

Holy crap, that would kill me. Makes a Long Island Iced Tea look like baby formula.

... and just like those when they are both made right, the amount of alcohol your taste buds are telling you are in them is deceptive as fuck...

Quote from: coaster on June 03, 2014, 05:59:51 PM
Thats what I thought too. I like my drink, but I'd steer clear of that. I remember my tequila days, no bueno.

Buddy of mine can't fucking stand vodka... liked these though.  As long as you don't have a problem that would cause you to make one, then guzzle the whole bottle of tequila...

People trying this could also cut the full shots to half shots.... it's just a matter of keeping the ratios mathematically correct.


Quote from: WildCard on June 04, 2014, 01:20:26 PM
If there's not a girl, a circle jerk is kinda gay.

Not to imply that your fine program is a "circle jerk", but please, - more chicks, less dicks!

Every time you take the, 'Unscreened Caller' line, it's a female. So that's cool. More of that!
On a previous show we made a plea for female hosts.  We didn't get any volunteers.  If there's a member of the forum who has an XX chromosome pairing and would like to take a turn at hosting please speak up. 

Quote from: bigchucka on June 03, 2014, 01:50:02 AM
There's a mixed drink I found years ago online.  I always did like it, only made it every now and then because the absolute cheapest route (pints... generics...) cost about 20 just for the alcoholic ingredients.  It's turns out about the color of that, which is what reminded me of it.

Ray Breaker

1 shot light rum
1 shot dark rum
1 shot gin
1 shot tequila
1 shot vodka
2 shots blue curacao

Add orange juice, pineapple juice, or grapefruit juice to taste (yeah, it's a lot of fucking alcohol...) once you get experienced you can judge by the color of it.

I'm pretty sure I had ice in my glass also, I figure if you're trying it you're experienced enough to know how you like your drinks made...

Also, if you don't feel like playing bartender all fucking day... just premix the alcoholic parts in a gallon jug.

Is this one serving or is this something you split between a few people?


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on June 04, 2014, 03:54:29 PM
Is this one serving or is this something you split between a few people?

I guess that all depends on how you choose to serve it... after putting the shots in, it's blue due to the coloring of the blue curacao.  As you add the juice, it turns neon green... similar to the color of that  picture Jackstar posted (that's what reminded me of it).

I usually made mine in large glasses with some ice in it.  Went that route because I always thought fruit juices don't taste as good once they start to warm up.

The type of juice I went with was the Orange/Pineapple juice mixtures they sell commercially.  If you like sweeter, go with just pineapple.  If you prefer the tartness of grapefruit juice, go with that.  Getting the "Ruby Red" kind will probably throw the neon green color off, though.

Personally, I quit drinking about three years ago, and don't have a desire to do it again.  I got to be too damn good at it.  Didn't act like an asshole and get into fights... or piss myself... or catch DUI's (I went to the store and got everything I needed beforehand)... or get alcohol poisoning and ended up in a hospital...or any other dumb shit serious alcoholics do.  However, I was at the point that I could put away three half gallons of 80 proof in a week... and I'm making it easy enough on the coroner as it is...


Quote from: b_dubb on June 04, 2014, 03:38:31 PM
XX chromosome pairing.
"I agree."
"Good point."
"Well, that's true too." = I have no idea what you're talking about.

Other than the one with Art, the last gabcast was the best ever.

MV, if you can be drunk before every showtime, that'd be great. And don't say you can't. George does it five nights a week.


Quote from: WildCard on June 04, 2014, 01:20:26 PM
If there's not a girl, a circle jerk is kinda gay.

Not to imply that your fine program is a "circle jerk", but please, - more chicks, less dicks!

Every time you take the, 'Unscreened Caller' line, it's a female. So that's cool. More of that!

At the GabCast we prefer the Quadruple Dutch Rudder. I swear it's not gay.



Quote from: Unscreened Caller on June 03, 2014, 07:52:15 PM
I could have spent the rest of my life blissfully unaware of dick turds. And yes, no one twisted my arm to google it, but i figured what the hey? How bad could it be, right?


The GabCast tried to guide you towards the light. And if you're looking for someone to blame the real villain here is Matthew McConnaughey. Or Jimmy Kimmel. The Internet. All. Everything.

eddie dean

Quote from: b_dubb on June 04, 2014, 06:33:38 PM
The GabCast tried to guide you towards the light. And if you're looking for someone to blame the real villain here is Matthew McConnaughey. Or Jimmy Kimmel. The Internet. All. Everything.

that's right +1
We are mearly dick turd vessles......

wait, that doesn't sound quite right :-\


Quote from: eddie dean on June 04, 2014, 06:41:03 PM
that's right +1
We are mearly dick turd vessles......

wait, that doesn't sound quite right :-\

Doesn't that make us Dicks?

Sounds about right.

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