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20131008 - John Hogue - Prophecies for 2013/2014

Started by MV/Liberace!, October 08, 2013, 07:55:02 AM


Quote from: DanTSX on October 09, 2013, 08:00:35 PM

So which Springfield do The Simpsons live in?

From Yahoo Answers :

Where do the Simpsons live?

Ok, so maybe I have too much time on my hands, but doesn't everyone want to know where Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson really live? I know, I know.. it's a cartoon. They aren't real. Or are they? Ok, they're probably not. And Springfield, as Matt Groening (the creator of The Simpsons) shows it, probably doesn't really exist. But it's fun to try to figure it out anyway, right? Personally, I think they live in Kentucky (you were expecting that, huh). Below I will give a few reasons why I think the Simpsons live there. Also, if anyone emails me their reasoning (as long as it's logical and isn't just stupid), I will post that too. And finally, I have created a section in the forums for this discussion. I may also take logical explanations from there to post here. Ultimately, I hope to come up with an airtight (well, as airtight as possible) argument for the real home of the Simpsons.

After reading below, if you have your own reasoning, post it in the Simpsons forum.

Here are a few reasons I believe the Simpsons hometown is in Kentucky. I am aware of a lot of the contradicting clues from the creators, but I will go with this for now.

To start with, I would just like to give a clue for the possibility of the Simpsons hometown being an actual place. I believe it was the episode where they went to Brazil, and the little orphan boy asked Lisa where they were from. Lisa replied roughly "Springfield. As for the state, if you follow the clues you can figure it out." Ok, it's true the writers could have just been making a play on the whole "Where's Homer" thing, which is probably the most logical answer. However, there is a slight possibility that Springfield is based on an actual location and this could have been the writers way of keeping everyone's interest.

Even though the "Behind the Laughter" episode was showing the "real actors" behind The Simpsons, the announcer did mention them being a "Northern Kentucky family". However I did see the same episode later saying they were a "Southern Missouri family". I believe this latter episode was the one that aired during the Pacific TV schedule. Unless, of course, the creators were throwing us another curve ball.

In the episode where Homer is to smuggle sugar into Springfield, one person mentions to Homer something about "south of the border" to which Homer replies, "you mean Tennessee?"

In another episode, Skinner makes a comment about the school being the "worst in Missouri", that's why it was moved to Springfield. Thus eliminating Missouri.

The Simpsons also live close to 1000 miles from Branson, Missouri, and are within driving distance of Florida, New York, and numerous other places. Although Branson is about 600 miles from Springfield, Kentucky, one might make the comment of it being 1000 miles away to make the point of it being a large distance.

It snows a lot, it rains a lot, it's hot a lot. Have you ever been to Kentucky? That happens in February. If you don't like the weather in Kentucky, come back tomorrow.

Finally, my final evidence for the time being, if you travel toward Louisville on I-64 west, you will pass exits to Shelbyville, and basically right beside it, Simpsonville.
Even though I have mentioned distances from places in my argument, I don't believe you can really base an argument on distances traveled and how quickly. Otherwise, there would be numerous episodes on just the Simpsons traveling. Granted, that would be funny, but it would get old just seeing them in a car after awhile. Therefore, in my opinion, you can rule out the idea of them being close to international waters, which is an argument people like to bring up a lot.

Do you agree with my logic? Disagree? Have your own idea about their hometown? Post it in the Simpsons forum.


Quote from: midnight on October 09, 2013, 03:16:10 PM
Yes, that was my thinking aboaut it too.

I've posted on that and asked why no one responsible for these fraudulently backed convertible debt swaps was ever indicted. They only charged ONE guy ( the former head of Countrywide ) and left all the big guys on Wall Street and the crooked pols in Congress alone.

Here's my comment today on the default " crisis " that isn't gonna happen and another one where I ask why in the 21st Century we cant make glasses that won't break so easily with the technology we have.

Meanwhile, liberals and Democrats continue to blame everything on the GOP & the Tea Party while never mentioning the intransigence of Harry Reid who is the real one stopping legislation coming from the House from going to the Senate floor to be voted on. The House has sent 11 bills to fund the Federal government and Dingy Harry has kept ALL of them from being voted on.

The Guy From Pittsburgh ( tm ) Talks About the Default That Isn't Going To Happen ! ...

Note that in my audio of the phone call to Art and this video I mention Art Bell.
I'm going to shamelessly plug Art, Dark Matters and Bellgab and my buddies on Bellgab whenever I think its appropriate.

Now if I can just find the temple for my other glasses. These ones are giving me a headache. I HATE wearing glasses !!!

The Guy From Pittsburgh ( tm ) Talks About Things That Really Bother Him # 2 ! ...

Quote from: onan on October 09, 2013, 08:26:30 PM
he's pond chunga.

I think that this is possibly worse than Chunga! It's not as vibrant as Chunga's atrocity, and therefore somehow less spectacular in its offensiveness... but still, I feel that it's worse! It cuts deep. I'm surprised.


Quote from: guildnavigator on October 09, 2013, 08:31:53 PM

I think that this is possibly worse than Chunga! It's not as vibrant as Chunga's atrocity, and therefore somehow less spectacular in its offensiveness... but still, I feel that it's worse! It cuts deep. I'm surprised.

yeah the water takes away from the luminescence... but it is wicked sharp... lots of cuts.


Quote from: onan on October 09, 2013, 08:34:40 PM
yeah the water takes away from the luminescence... but it is wicked sharp... lots of cuts.
Very well stated, onan.   I'm wondering if this was the price Hogue was willing to pay in order to be a future guest on C2C.  Whatever the explanation, of this I'm certain:  Hogue is one of the biggest assholes ever to share a broadcast with Art Bell.  Pure toxic.


Quote from: lonevoice on October 09, 2013, 08:51:19 PM
Very well stated, onan.   I'm wondering if this was the price Hogue was willing to pay in order to be a future guest on C2C.  Whatever the explanation, of this I'm certain:  Hogue is one of the biggest assholes ever to share a broadcast with Art Bell.  Pure toxic.

Agreed. I couldn't even listen to the entire interview. It wasn't long before I grew bored listening to Hogue skate around answers to questions.  If I wanted to hear bullshit, I'd listen to C2C.


Am I the only one laughing that this guy has put up with Snoory for years without posting this type of thing to his facebook but one show on Dark Matter and he at his keyboard?  Being as I no longer "do" coast, I cannot imagine that I will hear from Hogue again.

Quote from: wotr1 on October 09, 2013, 11:59:43 PM
Am I the only one laughing that this guy has put up with Snoory for years without posting this type of thing to his facebook but one show on Dark Matter and he at his keyboard?  Being as I no longer "do" coast, I cannot imagine that I will hear from Hogue again.

It's ridiculous!!! Art was hosting a radio show, Hogue is not used to that. He's used to Noory, who is stupid enough to sit there drooling on his shirt while Hogue paints some self-serving bullshit picture that nobody cares about.

The things that Hogue complains about are the only reasons I enjoyed the show. (Things like Art not letting him dance around and try to mention as many of his books as possible before getting to the point)


Quote from: Spooky Matter on October 09, 2013, 06:17:03 PM
Shit, will come?  Have you bought fing deodorant lately?  Higher cost and less deo!  On top of getting ripped off we may have to live among the stench of the decaying world, literally! Ahhhh me, what's a girl to do?

Wash more?  :P


Listening to this show two days later, as always.  :-\

If it gets to the point where I can turn the phrases "It's in my book" or "You'll have to read my book" or "my book will explain that" into a drinking game, the guest needs to get the boot.

Art asks intelligent, engaged questions. Refreshing.

And I didn't hear him say, "Do you think Nostradamus could have been an angel?" once.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on October 10, 2013, 06:35:25 AM
Listening to this show two days later, as always.  :-\

If it gets to the point where I can turn the phrases "It's in my book" or "You'll have to read my book" or "my book will explain that" into a drinking game, the guest needs to get the boot.

Art asks intelligent, engaged questions. Refreshing.

And I didn't hear him say, "Do you think Nostradamus could have been an angel?" once.

However, its a little known Nostradamus fact that Nostradamus used to drop little pieces of angel food cake on his divining table and try to predict things by looking at the jagged edges with his magnifying glass and rose water solution.
Something that Vague didn't disclose.
It really pissed me off that he totally avoided answering my question nor did Art call him on his bullshit answer.

I wonder what Vague had to say about this.

John Hogue: Really bad prophet
2002, Oct 1st | Emner: Predictions   

by Claus Larsen

John Hogue is a self-anointed prophet, born in 1955 in Hollywood, CA. He has a high-school degree, but claims to have read enough of his own to “become a Rhodes Scholar”. He, of course, could not be bothered with the dumbing-down process of academia.

In fact, he is not very fond of education at all. History antagonizes him especially. Apparently all history teachers do is teach kids that war is good, and that it should be continued. He must have had a very nasty history teacher in High School!

Instead, he sees himself as a “rogue scholar” (pun, get it, haha!). He likes to imagine that his ideas will “disturb people’s sleep”. He calls everybody (himself included) idiots. In a personal way, he may be on to something.

He abandoned a promising career as a singer to become a prophet. He has appeared on numerous TV shows. He also calls radio shows.

1000 for 2000: Startling predictions for the new millennium from prophets ancient and modern.

“Startling” is a bit of a stretch. This useless book contains one thousand vapor-like prophecies, from Nostradamus, the Bible, Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery and John Hogue himself. Each prophecy can be interpreted any way you like â€" especially in retrospect.

Aside from writing prolifically about prophets, John Hogue also tries his hand at the old entrails-reading scam. He leans heavily towards the school of Nostradamus, but with a true New Ager’s idealistic optimism: Either the world will go under or it will become a paradise.

Contradictions in predictions

A true prophet must get his information from somewhere. Sightings, trances, travels to the spirit world, channelings. The methods vary greatly, albeit always sufficiently vague, but always relies on some form of supernatural force that only the prophet can tap into.

There is, however, an underlying contradiction in predicting the future: It can â€" apparently â€" be changed. The future is not predetermined â€" and this we know because the prophets themselves say so.

How do we know this?

Hogue says:“…I sincerely hope that some of my predictions…will turn out to be wrong, especially those that warn of dangers to the future leaders of the United States.”

Why have hope when you can see what actually will happen? Don’t you know, John?

If the future can be predicted, then the future has to be predetermined. But if the future can be changed (e.g. when prophecies don’t come true), then the future can not predetermined. Ergo, the future can not be predicted.

So, what’s the use for prophets?

“Real” prophets don’t bother with predicting the pranks of celebrities and royalty. They go for the apocalyptical stuff. Yet, nobody predicted the terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon. What good are prophets if they can’t see events like that coming?

Maybe the truth is much simpler: That the future is impossible to predict. And that prophets are similar to hot-air balloons…

The Failed Prophet of Presidential Elections

In the book, Hogue proudly states that since 1968 (when he was 13), he has been 100% correct about his US presidential premonitions.

He will have to change that tune after offering these ten prophecies on the Precidency (numbers refer to the prophecies in the book):

“726: President Clinton will complete his final term, despite all attempts to unseat him. (1993)”

    True. Safe bet. Only one president out of 43 (Nixon) has ever been unseated. And when not even Warren G. Harding was unseated, it would seem likely that Clinton, whose most devastating fault seems to be an uncontrollable libido, would stay in office. As it turned out, he did.

“727: By 2050, historians and public alike will view President Clinton as one of the three most important presidents of the 20th century (the other two being Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Richard Nixon). People in the mid-twenty-first century will view Clinton’s sexual scandals with less cultural intolerance. They will focus more on his initiatives in foreign and economic policy that paved the way for a new era in international unity in the coming fifty years. (1992)”

    Undetermined until 2050.

“728: Arizona Republican Senator John McCain has the best chance to defeat Democrat Al Gore in 2000. However, the Republican party will suffer defeat once again, because it may choose another George Bush and a Dole as its candidates â€" to be exact, George W. Bush and a woman vice-presidential candidate like Elizabeth Dole or Senator Kaye Baily Hutchinson of Texas. (1998)”

    False. John McCain eventually supported republican George W. Bush, when he couldn’t muster enough support for his own candidacy. The Republicans won the election. Bush chose Dick Cheney as his VP.

“729: The Republican party will be a casualty of millenial fever. The right-wing fundamentalists in that party will split it apart over religious extremist views. (1994)”

    Unfalsifiable. What does “millenial fever” mean? When does this fever stop? In 2010? In a hundred â€" maybe a thousand years? Never? How many fundamentalists will have to leave, in order to call it a “split”?

“730: The next president will die in office, most likely in his first term. (1994)”

    False, if “next” means the re-elected Clinton, who left office in excellent health.
    Undetermined until 2004/2008, if it means Bush.

    Let’s give Hogue the benefit of the doubt and say this one is Undetermined.

“731: The next president will not be assassinated. He will succumb to health problems, perhaps heart trouble, or he will die in some air accident. (1994)”

    Undetermined until 2004/2008. However, Dick Cheney has had several heart surgeries, but he is “only” Vice President. Bush will have to die before Cheney becomes President.

“732: It pains me to say it, but I believe that the president will be Al Gore. Although he may suffer an untimely death while in office, I can say that he will be remembered as a visionary leader, compared by some to President Kennedy. Like Kennedy, he will launch a national race â€" not the Space Race, but a race to make America ecologically responsible before it is too late. (1992)”

    False. Gore was Clinton’s running mate in 1994 and lost in 2000. Predicting that Gore would have launched an ecological race is obvious to anyone who knows he published “Earth in the Balance” â€" in 1992!

“733: President Gore will have a woman as his vice president. (1992)”

    False. Gore chose Joe Lieberman as his running mate, and as far as the record shows, Lieberman is male.

“734: A woman will be president much sooner than anyone expects. She will not be elected, but will become president upon the death of the president elected in 2000. (1994)”

    False. That would require George W. Bush to have a female Vice President, and as far as the record shows, Dick Cheney is male.

“735: Hillary Clinton will be a president of the United States before 2010. (1998)”

    Undetermined. However, Hillary Clinton has publically stated that she will not seek the Oval Office.

It seems like John Hogue will have to change his boasts. Out of the five that could be determined now, four were wrong. Four are undetermined. One is unfalsifiable. Not 100% accuracy anymore.


Prophets make a living out of predicting catastrophes, but when catastrophes do happen, no prophet saw them coming, the terror attacks on the World Trade Center very much a case in point. Prophets have a credibility problem, now more than ever


Quote from: guildnavigator on October 09, 2013, 09:14:46 PM

Jesus Just Left Chicago - ZZ Top

However he still aspires to be a fill in for one or both of the Smith Brothers.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 10, 2013, 07:11:59 AM
“731: The next president will not be assassinated. He will succumb to health problems, perhaps heart trouble, or he will die in some air accident. (1994)”

Well, there was the "Pretzel Incident..."  :P


Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 10, 2013, 07:23:12 AM
However he still aspires to be a fill in for one or both of the Smith Brothers.
you mean Smothers Brothers right?


Too bad all of this has come down around Hogue and Art. I really enjoyed John and among all the so- called prophets, he's the most believable to me.  I found Art to be really short and pushy with him and couldn't figure out why.  Maybe there is something in their past. Maybe Art was having a bad day. I don't know.  I hope they can work it, out as I think John has some really worthwhile things to say.

  I'd like to add that nobody is beyond reproach, and Art Bell is not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination. I can see by some of your posts that some of you would follow Art right off the edge of a cliff like a bunch of lemmings, should he decide that that's the way he'd like to go. 



Quote from: shell88 on October 10, 2013, 10:49:45 AM
Too bad all of this has come down around Hogue and Art. I really enjoyed John and among all the so- called prophets, he's the most believable to me.  I found Art to be really short and pushy with him and couldn't figure out why.  Maybe there is something in their past. Maybe Art was having a bad day. I don't know.  I hope they can work it, out as I think John has some really worthwhile things to say.

  I'd like to add that nobody is beyond reproach, and Art Bell is not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination. I can see by some of your posts that some of you would follow Art right off the edge of a cliff like a bunch of lemmings, should he decide that that's the way he'd like to go. 

I found Hogue snippy and short with Art when he simply asked him to clarify some of his claims.  Hogue is used to being on C2C and Beyond Belief with Noory who barks like a dog -- literally -- and doesn't challenge him in any way. Hogue is not used to being challenged or asked to support his claims. His diatribe on FB shows his inability to take any sort of criticism or challenge. It was embarrassing to read.

Hogue should have typed all of that shit into an email and sent it to Art. Or better yet he could have used the opportunity to react immediately on national radio instead of waiting until after the fact to post a one sided rant like he did. I don't see how anyone could come away from this thinking that Hogue is in the right for attacking Art's work ethic and whatnot.

I also fail to see how that constitutes blind faith on my part, so I hope that this "lemming" shit isn't meant for me. Of course nobody is infallible but what exactly did Art do incorrectly here? He was "short" with Hogue? Give me a fucking break. He was obviously trying to get as many calls in as possible.

I really never gave a shit about john hogue. I tend to completely forget who he is until I see his picture once every eight years or so and remember "oh yeah THAT guy." He's the one person in his field who you can never take seriously because he wants to play dress-up.


I tuned in to Art, not Hogue, and put up with his claptrap because Art was running the Circus.  Now that the circus clown is on his own, he can have happen to him what all circus clowns deserve - getting run down by some large, four-hoofed animal.


Quote from: Surmo on October 10, 2013, 11:55:47 AM
I tuned in to Art, not Hogue, and put up with his claptrap because Art was running the Circus.  Now that the circus clown is on his own, he can have happen to him what all circus clowns deserve - getting run down by some large, four-hoofed animal.

Well your about as bright as look surmo. I hope you have a parachute and can swim too.  ;)


Quote from: shell88 on October 10, 2013, 12:16:45 PM
Well your about as bright as look surmo. I hope you have a parachute and can swim too.  ;)
Your != you're

your were commenting on how someone wasn't very bright. Please continue


Quote from: Surmo on October 10, 2013, 11:55:47 AM
I tuned in to Art, not Hogue, and put up with his claptrap because Art was running the Circus.  Now that the circus clown is on his own, he can have happen to him what all circus clowns deserve - getting run down by some large, four-hoofed animal.

He said himself he tuned into Art not the dialogue between two people.  Why not get more specific about "clap trap" in context? Please be specific about "circus clown" activities. Why so drastic as getting run down by four hoofed animal.  Many of these of these posts, but not all of them have gone totally over bored imo, and amount to nothing more than pure bullying at best.   


Quote from: shell88 on October 10, 2013, 01:38:23 PM
He said himself he tuned into Art not the dialogue between two people.  Why not get more specific about "clap trap" in context? Please be specific about "circus clown" activities. Why so drastic as getting run down by four hoofed animal.  Many of these of these posts, but not all of them have gone totally over bored imo, and amount to nothing more than pure bullying at best.   



For a site that has a few that like to boast about how intelligent everyone is here,  I'm really beginning to question that.  Seems like people just enjoy trashing others. It guess it makes them feel better about themselves.  Having had to deal with many bullies in my line of work,  I don't have a problem calling you out.  And, I know you can't stand it.  If your face is turning red and your getting angry, your nothing more than a bully!!!  But just carry on boys. Don't forget to take your steroids. And, like I said have your parachutes and life jackets on the ready. Your gonna need them some day.

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