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20131007 - Ghost Investigator Society - Paranormal Matter

Started by MV/Liberace!, October 07, 2013, 04:07:11 PM

The General

Quote from: coaster on October 07, 2013, 08:36:11 PM
"I want to punch you in the buttcheek"? What a douchebag.
I say we punch Chunga in the buttcheek

Zap Rowsdower

Guys you need to be a little more vicious and a little less vaguely lovable.

Quote from: guildnavigator on October 07, 2013, 08:34:00 PM

OK, so that's the real name, Brett Smith?

Can we search the history of GIS through the wayback archive and google caches to find out if he was ever a member? Because multiple people remember it differently.

Looks like a "No"



Quote from: lonevoice on October 07, 2013, 08:34:45 PM
Damn, Burbank.  Every now and again I run across a post that stops me in my tracks.  Often they are yours, and this was one.   When you pass on, you should will your brain to science.
Did that. Typing from a glass beaker.


They might as well write a book because of how much case history they have. I'd read it.


Quote from: guildnavigator on October 07, 2013, 08:34:00 PM

OK, so that's the real name, Brett Smith?

Can we search the history of GIS through the wayback archive and google caches to find out if he was ever a member? Because multiple people remember it differently.


No Brett Smith or Jimmy Chunga in April 2001 which is the first snapshot that mentions the different members.


Quote from: SaucyRossy on October 07, 2013, 08:23:38 PM
I'm posting here. Now I have a real reason to want the government to get their shit together and not default. So art doesn't have to move again haha
That comment by Art really has me a little worried. He's ready to pick up and leave if the U.S. defaults.
I can't blame him, though. I would do the same.

We need to address this on the air, man FUCK chunga. "We make Barbara buy it"

What a dick.

"Look Father, chunga has collected behind our car tires in the Northern Latitudes on the way to school this cold morning in December."


Quote from: Zap Rowsdower on October 07, 2013, 08:28:24 PM
I like the idea so that people in the future can listen to the show and read along.

But it only works if it's opened on time, lol.

this.  it's the only fatal flaw in our system.


Quote from: PrairieGhost on October 07, 2013, 08:36:51 PM
Punch a butt cheek?

I punched someone in the butt cheek and the bouncer chucked me from the club.


I've had enough of motor mouth. Get to the ghost voices so he shuts up.

Quote from: Cynnie on October 07, 2013, 08:38:45 PM
Maybe he bought em out for a chulupa and a big gulp

Maybe, but I wouldn't have settled for anything less than a Big Mac and an M&M McFlurry.


That radio-scanning device is such crap.  "Spirits have found a way to communicate through the spirit box".  Sigh.

These things used to run a lot slower with Barbara and Brendon before he changed his name. It's like listening to Greer.

Zap Rowsdower

Quote from: MV on October 07, 2013, 08:40:19 PM
this.  it's the only fatal flaw in our system.

It's okay. Tonight we found out there is a fail safe. We will open up our own thread(s) if the official isn't opened in time!  8)

Quote from: Scruff on October 07, 2013, 08:41:12 PM
That radio-scanning device is such crap.  "Spirits have found a way to communicate through the spirit box".  Sigh.

Chunga is so full of shit.


Quote from: Scruff on October 07, 2013, 08:41:12 PM
That radio-scanning device is such crap.  "Spirits have found a way to communicate through the spirit box".  Sigh.

Chunga is an asshat

Quote from: jazmunda on October 07, 2013, 08:42:22 PM
Wasn't spiritcom a hoax?

Art and Brendan did a segment "Spiricom Hoax" and discredited the material pretty throughly.

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