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20130930 - Michael Heiser - UFOlogy

Started by MV/Liberace!, September 30, 2013, 05:01:50 PM


Quote from: Redacted on September 30, 2013, 11:17:22 PM
That was freakin' weird, I'm way too medicated to meet my insane doppleganger tonight!   :o :o

Well, THEY say everyone has a double lol


Art has no problem getting guests. Like stated, he has done shows all by himself. Its just what he does. You can't compare the show and it's guest line-up to snoory c2c rules.

If you think people aren't beating down the door to get on his show, by all means, let me know why you think that.

If you gave me a list of names of C2C guests throughout a year, I might say "Oh C2C has no trouble finding guests!", if you then gave me a second list with the names, their backgrounds, and why they were on the show I would say "Oh C2C has trouble finding guests!"

I don't think Art has an issue with quantity but I do think he is focused on Quality. Its his show, not like C2C is premrat's. He gets to decide.


Quote from: lonevoice on September 30, 2013, 11:18:00 PM
I remember Dean Koontz telling Art a story about his dog freaking out one night when Koontz looked into the dog's eyes and said "I know what you are, you're an angel."
Love that story!



I once heard that when your dog stares off at nothing or is growling at nothing, you should look in his eyes right away. You should see the image of the entity he is seeing in his eyes.
Of course, it doesn't work. But it is a cool thought. Hmmm...maybe I could embellish the story for Ghostly Matters and come up with a fun ghost story to tell. But if I did, all you Bellgabbers would already know I was FOS.


Holy alien sex!!!  Why didn't anybody mention this first guest, Mike's horrendous fucking breathing/air sucking disease!!!??? I don't think I can hang in here and I can't believe Art didn't  fucking saaaayy something!!!!


YESS Love the drums - ok folks - I'll attempt to have the replay on tonight for those that missed it - sorry for the tech difficulties - I will be leaving about the time the show starts "possibly" (gotta see if the US Govt - decided to pay me or not) - but I will be back to monitor the feed - if it goes down again this evening sometime - we'll have to just go to the replay tomorrow starting at 5pm CST and run up to the live show.


And all faiths get mixed together.... like the Orange Catholic Bible?


And there's going to be farting too!?  I'm gonna lose dinner!


Quote from: Roswells on September 30, 2013, 11:25:31 PM
Holy alien sex!!!  Why didn't anybody mention this first guest, Mike's horrendous fucking breathing/air sucking disease!!!??? I don't think I can hang in here and I can't believe Art didn't  fucking saaaayy something!!!!

Yes,,,more mouth breathers. First Alper, now Heiser huffin' away. It is annoying.
People into the bible, as a believer or a skeptic, must be scared sh*tless all the time.


Quote from: WildCard on September 30, 2013, 11:22:41 PM
Love that story!
I did too!  It also helped me understand why Koontz's book 'Watchers' was the only one of his I really enjoyed.  His love of the subject (a dog) inspired his writing to heights he doesn't always achieve.


Quote from: ziznak on September 30, 2013, 11:27:22 PM
love black labs
Yeah - she's my first dog as an adult - she was dropped in my yard with 2 brothers - on Christmas Eve 2010 - I had a neighbor take em to SPCA - but found out the next day that she was actually sent to the animal control since SPCA wasn't open- by chance I called and an officer was there, and since it was a military town, it was easy to persuade the officer that it is a very last minute x-mas present and if i DIDN'T get her (until after the 1st was her option) then, that the effect wasn't going to be there...and she agreed to let me come up and get her out...

Found out she's Lab,Chow,Pit-Bull mix - She's the smartest dog i've ever had (as a kid we had some labs, and other runt's) but she know's about 50 commands, as I ran out of ideas to teach her new shit besides, she's just a loving fun pet - holy cow she never causes problems, only had 1 accident in the house the 2nd day i had her - and just overall loves' everyone! - she has one problem - NO CONTROL of her TAIL, nor apparently any nerve endings in it when she's not paying attention - she gets' going good!



This caller just backed him into a corner lol


Quote from: CampsieNP on September 30, 2013, 11:30:19 PM
Yes,,,more mouth breathers. First Alper, now Heiser huffin' away. It is annoying.
People into the bible, as a believer or a skeptic, must be scared sh*tless all the time.
Or they all coincidentally have such fucking big heads they don't breathe normally.  This motherf sounds like the predator god damn it!


Yeah Prairie - it seems he doesn't know how to get out of this one!


Quote from: lonevoice on September 30, 2013, 11:31:05 PM
I did too!  It also helped me understand why Koontz's book 'Watchers' was the only one of his I really enjoyed.  His love of the subject (a dog) inspired his writing to heights he doesn't always achieve.

Have you read One Door Away From Heaven?


Quote from: Roswells on September 30, 2013, 11:34:59 PM
Or they all coincidentally have such fucking big heads they don't breathe normally.  This motherf sounds like the predator god damn it!


Quote from: CampsieNP on September 30, 2013, 11:25:13 PM
Hmmm...maybe I could embellish the story for Ghostly Matters and come up with a fun ghost story to tell. But if I did, all you Bellgabbers would already know I was FOS.
Do eeet!  The embellished ones are often the best, and we won't tell.  :)


I have ZERO interest in this pathetic shit and the breathing thing means fast forward.  I hate to miss one word of the man but I am moving on.  The breathing thing actually gave me heartburn.


um....so any argument can be taken 2 ways...because otherwise you'd be in agreement and there wouldn't be an argument!

Even when Heismann (sp?) makes statements that are just skeptical and completely divorced from the spiritual issue, Art seems to have a problem with it. It kind of ruffles his feathers, and I really don't understand why that is.

Can we all agree before we get started that people need evidence to accept things they are unsure of? I don't really get why this would bother Art so much given that he's done it himself a few times already


Quote from: bigchucka on September 30, 2013, 11:35:39 PM
Have you read One Door Away From Heaven?
I haven't.  Just checked the summary and see that a dog features prominently in it too.  Thanks for the recommendation; I'll give it a shot.

Heather Wade

Quote from: PrairieGhost on September 30, 2013, 11:34:02 PM
This caller just backed him into a corner lol

A corner he couldn't get out of.  Ha haa.  Next.

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