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Washington, DC shootings

Started by Juan, September 16, 2013, 04:50:16 PM


Shooting today in Washington, DC at a navy yard and at the White House.  The lone gunman was shot and killed this morning, at least 6-hours before the White House shooting.  I suppose this will turn out to be white, tea-bagger, conservative riff-raff.  Or maybe the Ku Klux.


 A sad day indeed, members of my family have served in all 5 branches of the service with heavy emphasis in Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. Rest In Peace fellow Marines and Mariners, Clear Seas and Fair Sailing to the hereafter.

The Navy Hymn

Quote from: UFO Fill on September 16, 2013, 04:50:16 PM
Shooting today in Washington, DC at a navy yard and at the White House.  The lone gunman was shot and killed this morning, at least 6-hours before the White House shooting.  I suppose this will turn out to be white, tea-bagger, conservative riff-raff.  Or maybe the Ku Klux.

It's a damn shame that one of our first thoughts has to do with somebody somewhere making political hay out of this situation.  I sometimes wonder if "big media" is not some weird alien experiment to see just how blind to simple human compassion and honesty we can all be made.

Bottom line -- I don't know enough about this shooting to comment; it's of no real value to anyone, but my heart goes out to those who won't be coming home tonight and to the people who loved them.


Actually there was NO gunfire at the White House.  Some git decided it would be a good idea to toss firecrackers over the fence.  Some equally moronic gits
reported firecrackers as gunfire. 
For the record I have serious and greivous doubts about the Aaron Alexis membership in the KKK or any other "white" conservative organizations...NBP, ACORN or the like, maybe.


Nucky Nolan

Quote from: MABUSE on September 16, 2013, 06:39:30 PM
Actually there was NO gunfire at the White House.  Some git decided it would be a good idea to toss firecrackers over the fence.  Some equally moronic gits
reported firecrackers as gunfire. 
For the record I have serious and greivous doubts about the Aaron Alexis membership in the KKK or any other "white" conservative organizations...NBP, ACORN or the like, maybe.


To WOTR's point, it's ridiculous to make political or racial talking points out of these tragic situations. The demagogues can't recognize the true similarities in all of these instances. The killers are evil, insane, atypical, etc. people. The ideologues can't see the forest for the trees. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Nucky Nolan on September 16, 2013, 07:46:02 PM
To WOTR's point, it's ridiculous to make political or racial talking points out of these tragic situations. The demagogues can't recognize the true similarities in all of these instances. The killers are evil, insane, atypical, etc. people. The ideologues can't see the forest for the trees. 

Evil? Nope. Mental illness, yes. Had previous gun related record, someone hasn't told people something it seems..I wonder who the first will be to say that guns don't kill people?



After thinking about it, perhaps my attempt at a snarky post making fun of the usual suspects was inappropriate.
But the gun grabbers were out immediately.


And on the Radio down here (work near DC)  they keep harping on how he had a Secret security clearance and how he was Naval Reservist, but got a General Discharge.


Quote from: UFO Fill on September 17, 2013, 11:52:23 AM
After thinking about it, perhaps my attempt at a snarky post making fun of the usual suspects was inappropriate.
But the gun grabbers were out immediately.
I get it. Libs try to make hay in these situations.  For me, it's not so much the guns as the national tragedy of underdisgnosed/undiagnosed and untreated mental illness which culminates in people losing their lives. I would gladly give up my opposition to guns today if we could all agree that the best prevention is a thorough and systemic approach to helping the mentally ill get relief.


Quote from: NowhereInTime on September 17, 2013, 04:19:16 PM
Libs try to make hay in these situations. 
So do Wells, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, etc.  But I haven't heard from them.  My morning news was filled with stories on how guns need to be controlled.

As for mental illness, I'd agree with you.  I'm not sure how to implement such a plan, though.  Does everyone have to come in for a compulsory mental health exam? If you waited for an overt act, or probable cause, you'd miss a lot of massacres. 

Quote from: NowhereInTime on September 17, 2013, 04:19:16 PM
I get it. Libs try to make hay in these situations...

Yuh think?

Quote from: UFO Fill on September 17, 2013, 04:43:43 PM
So do Wells, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, etc...

More like responding to those using the incidents to call for more gun control.   

Someone at the national level has to explain why that's a bad idea.

Quote from: UFO Fill on September 17, 2013, 04:43:43 PM
... As for mental illness, I'd agree with you.  I'm not sure how to implement such a plan, though...

I don't think the answer is designating certain areas as 'gun free zones'.  That just lets these nuts know where the most vulnerable areas are.

Banning military personal from carrying weapons on a military base makes no sense.  As we've found out twice now.  The ban was one of the first things Clinton did when taking office in 1993.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on September 17, 2013, 04:45:48 PM

Yuh think?
It's why I said it.  Maybe you could stow the sanctimony?

Mental illness doesn't require "mass screenings" or other "statist" solutions.  In many cases, from autism to schizophrenia to obsessive compulsive (the real kind not the "I can't stand clutter" type) there are behaviorial traits that manifest early that a trained professional in a school system can pick up.  Family also sees early on the difficulty of someone who's mentally ill processing social situations but they are scared of a) losing their loved one to an "instituition" b) the never ending stigma of "mental illness" and c) the (in many cases) overwhelming expense of ongoing therapy.
The tricky one is sociopathy.  Many with this disorder are never diagnosed until its too late because they usually exhibit high work ethic and ease of social (but never intimate) interaction.

Heather Wade

Like the lady said in Tombstone: "I don't understand any of this.  I just know it's ugly."

Or something like that.  I'm weary of shootings & the news & everybody arguing about every issue on tv. 

Should we get a sign that says, "It has been ____ days since the USA had a mass shooting."?

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