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Converting old tapes

Started by mikealden, September 07, 2013, 05:36:36 PM


Hi all,

Had been talking to some people in the Art Audio google group about putting the word out that we were looking for anyone with old VHS or cassette tapes of the show. The hope is to get some people together and convert these old shows into mp3's so that they aren't completely lost to the rest of the world!

Does anyone have any interest in being a part of this archiving project?


I have recently acquired an epic collection of recorded art bell shows on cassette tape. I am in the process of organizing them by date so I can get an idea of what shows I have that aren't in the torrents. What I dont have is a descent cassette player to play them on and get them digitized.

I will post a picture soon of the cassettes that I have once I get them some what organized.


Quote from: widespread1 on September 07, 2013, 10:07:53 PM
I have recently acquired an epic collection of recorded art bell shows on cassette tape. I am in the process of organizing them by date so I can get an idea of what shows I have that aren’t in the torrents. What I dont have is a descent cassette player to play them on and get them digitized.

I will post a picture soon of the cassettes that I have once I get them some what organized.

You sir (or ma'am) may hold in your possession some very valuable tapes. I look forward to seeing them in torrent form. All the best.


I just got done sorting by year and date
here is the list of shows from 1997 that I have organized so far.
The ones highlighted in Red are ones that are not in the Art Upload torrent available here. http://coastgab.com/index.php?topic=4430.0

Year              Guest                           Subject                            Duration(if not complete)

1997-04-17 - Richard Hoagland                                                               90
1997-05-04 - Capt. Bill Miller,                     Bermuda Triangle,                 90
1997-05-28 - Wayne Green                                                                                                   60
1997-06-17 - Richard Hoagland,                   
1997-06-26 - Richard Hoagland, Larry Hunter       

1997-07-05 - Jamie Chandarea,                       Roswell,                           60
1997-07-11 - Father Malachi Martin                  Possesion                                                    90
1997-08-27 - Lynn Buchanan                          Remote Viewing                 90
1997-09-18 - Major Ed Dames                         Remote Viewing
1997-09-19 - Gordon Michael Scallion (marked 09-21) Earth Changes
1997-09-25 - Guy Finley                             The Intimate Enemy
1997-11-01 - Harlot,                                A perfectly possesed woman
1997-11-05 - Greg Braydon                           Earth Changes
1997-11-06 - William Henry                          Earth History                          90
1997-11-08 - Dr. Nick Beqich                        H.A.A.R.P.
1997-11-17 - Charles Cagle                          Sun Spots                                                          90
1997-12-03 - Father Malaci Martin
1997-12-08 - Stan Daeo, Charles Cagle                                                      90
1997-12-10 - Dannion Brinkley                       NDE
1997-12-11 - Robert Ghostwolf
1997-12-12 - Joyce Riley
1997-12-14 - Richard Hoagland
1997-12-29 - Sean David Morton                      Predictions for 1998

1997-07-xx - Robert Ghostwolf,                      Hopi Prophecy
1997-07-xx - Robert Ghostwolf,                      Earth Changes,
1997-12-xx - David John Oats                        Reverse Speech

Some of the dates are missing or unreadable so I left blank.



You are in possession of some very important tapes. You must get these digitized into mp3 format. If there is anything I can do to help I will.


I will start digitizing them as soon as I get a recorder to do so :)  I will probably have to wait until next month to get one though.
until then I will keep you posted on what I have as I go through it.

If one wants to hurry along this process I wouldn't object to a small collection to get a cassette to mp3 recorder.


Happy to donate some cash if you are serious about this.

eddie dean

Quote from: widespread1 on September 08, 2013, 02:53:33 AM
I will start digitizing them as soon as I get a recorder to do so :)  I will probably have to wait until next month to get one though.
until then I will keep you posted on what I have as I go through it.

If one wants to hurry along this process I wouldn’t object to a small collection to get a cassette to mp3 recorder.
I would be willing to convert a few shows to mp3. I have the gear and can start right away. We would have to work out some of the details but
If you want some help contact me.


Quote from: jazmunda on September 08, 2013, 03:24:50 PM
Happy to donate some cash if you are serious about this.

I put a $20 dollar recorder on a wish-list on amazon in case anyone wants to contribute.


Quote from: widespread1 on September 08, 2013, 05:25:59 PM
I put a $20 dollar recorder on a wish-list on amazon in case anyone wants to contribute.

I just saw in the other thread that someone has purchased this for you.

If you have a paypal email I would be happy to send you some money to compensate you for your time. This is a really important resource and as an avid collector of classic Art Bell shows I am really looking forward to getting my hands on some of these lost classics.


AGPtek Electronics makes a tape player similar to the old Walkman cassette player. But the AGPtek unit comes with a USB output jack that plugs into your computer and comes with software that converts the tapes audio output into Mp3 files. You can find them in most CVS and Walgreen stores. Also available at Amazon.com


You may want to check the torrents listed on here to see if some of those shows are already encoded.

I recently encoded a bunch of old tapes I have (not c2c related), using my JVC tape deck that is 30 years old and still works like new, connected to my SBlive soundcard through the line-in port and recorded with Audacity.  Sounds perfect.  8)


Happy to help out here.  I have plenty of time to listen to and catalog old shows.

I have a much smaller collection than this, but I have a few oddities - such as the 1st hour of Mike Siegel's first show (and of course several Art Bell shows). Still trying to locate all of my old tapes to complete some of the shows, but I'll try to post to YouTube if there is any interest. I'll try to post the full list when I can.


Quote from: DontFearTheReaper on September 09, 2013, 06:51:10 PM
I have a much smaller collection than this, but I have a few oddities - such as the 1st hour of Mike Siegel's first show (and of course several Art Bell shows). Still trying to locate all of my old tapes to complete some of the shows, but I'll try to post to YouTube if there is any interest. I'll try to post the full list when I can.

I'd love to know/hear what you have! Even the Mike Siegel hour (more of a curiosity than anything else).

Let me know if you need any assistance.

Thanks Mike! I was hoping to just be able to use an AUX cable from my stereo to my computer, but it created some horrendous noise effects in the recording. Back to the drawing board.

As a side note, going back and listening to that hour of Siegel was a trip. He's clearly trying too hard and is not as familiar with the subject matter as one would hope, but he is several magnitude's better than Noory. I listened regularly when he took over - it wasn't Art, but the tone of the show was still significantly closer to true Coast than the schlock and fear fest that George and JBW serve up on a nightly basis.


Quote from: DontFearTheReaper on September 10, 2013, 02:45:26 PM
Thanks Mike! I was hoping to just be able to use an AUX cable from my stereo to my computer, but it created some horrendous noise effects in the recording. Back to the drawing board.

As a side note, going back and listening to that hour of Siegel was a trip. He's clearly trying too hard and is not as familiar with the subject matter as one would hope, but he is several magnitude's better than Noory. I listened regularly when he took over - it wasn't Art, but the tone of the show was still significantly closer to true Coast than the schlock and fear fest that George and JBW serve up on a nightly basis.

Hmmm, what program were you using to record with?

Quote from: mikealden on September 10, 2013, 06:59:23 PM
Hmmm, what program were you using to record with?
.   Audacity - that's my usual go-to recording software but it doesn't seem to like the connection from my stereo at all.


Quote from: DontFearTheReaper on September 10, 2013, 07:34:45 PM
.   Audacity - that's my usual go-to recording software but it doesn't seem to like the connection from my stereo at all.

Maybe it's too hot of a feed


There is going to be noise. You will have to use audacity to remove it. Google removing noise with Audacity


Quote from: DontFearTheReaper on September 10, 2013, 02:45:26 PM
Thanks Mike! I was hoping to just be able to use an AUX cable from my stereo to my computer, but it created some horrendous noise effects in the recording. Back to the drawing board.

Be sure you are only using the line-in on your soundcard, and a line-out from your stereo.  Using a mic-in or speaker-out may produce hums due to an ohm inbalance.  ;)

Quote from: Ipokesmot on September 11, 2013, 08:08:02 AM
Be sure you are only using the line-in on your soundcard, and a line-out from your stereo.  Using a mic-in or speaker-out may produce hums due to an ohm inbalance.  ;)

I'm guessing that's what is going on. My stereo doesn't have a designated line-out, only the headphone jack. I was using that as the line-out to the line-in on my soundcard.



I am new here.  This is my first post.  I have dealt with this matter and I have been converting 100's of historical tapes myself.  I started out with a $70. machine made by Grace, but I too ran into the noise feedback problem.  I did call the company about this and they advised turning off the internal mic, which did resolve the problem.

I still didn't like the machine and am now using a $700. TASCAM CC-222SLmkII, and it works like a dream.  This is apparently the equipment that would be used in a professional studio if you were to have someone do it for you.


Oh, and many of the tapes I'm converting are old Art Bell shows too.  I worked closely with the late Dr. John Mack all the way up until the time he was killed and I have a huge collection of a lot of his interviews as well.

Quote from: Bodhi1111 on September 11, 2013, 02:23:51 PM
Oh, and many of the tapes I'm converting are old Art Bell shows too.  I worked closely with the late Dr. John Mack all the way up until the time he was killed and I have a huge collection of a lot of his interviews as well.

That's incredible! Have you given any thought to sharing the tapes publicly?


Quote from: DontFearTheReaper on September 11, 2013, 02:48:59 PM
That's incredible! Have you given any thought to sharing the tapes publicly?

What DontFearTheReaper said!

Quote from: Bodhi1111 on September 11, 2013, 02:17:12 PM

I am new here.  This is my first post.  I have dealt with this matter and I have been converting 100's of historical tapes myself.  I started out with a $70. machine made by Grace, but I too ran into the noise feedback problem.  I did call the company about this and they advised turning off the internal mic, which did resolve the problem.

I still didn't like the machine and am now using a $700. TASCAM CC-222SLmkII, and it works like a dream.  This is apparently the equipment that would be used in a professional studio if you were to have someone do it for you.

Thanks - I am going to see if there is any way if I can turn off the internal mic in my computer, hopefully that will help.


Quote from: DontFearTheReaper on September 11, 2013, 03:10:20 PM
Thanks - I am going to see if there is any way if I can turn off the internal mic in my computer, hopefully that will help.

Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

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