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Armstrong and Getty Show

Started by aldousburbank, August 26, 2013, 08:13:39 AM


Has anybody listened to these guys?  They are a California market morning show with no sacred cows. Funny as hell with a style that Bellgabbers would appreciate. 6 to 9 am Pacific, available streaming on KSTE.COM. Check it out.


I used to spend quite a bit of time in the Bay Area, and I'd catch them when I was down there.  They were quite good.


 These guys are in my market and up against an uber right wing local guy on a competing station.  They are pretty funny and holding their own. I loved their falling out with a certain unnamed (Waldorf) preschool. That was bold to bust the chops of Steiner's best.


I listen live or to the replay daily because they are so damn funny it makes me leak a little- http://armstrongandgetty.kste.com/pages/podcasts.html

Yeh, themz and Imus, every day baby!


If you think they are funny now try listening to some of their shows from five, six, or seven years ago. (not sure how for back there podcast goes). They used to be so funny I'd venture to say it was the funniest stuff I ever heard on radio, possibly even TV. I used to get up in the morn just to listen to them. Interestingly they also used to be much more conservative/ libertarian. I still listen from time to time but I can easily eat or drink while listening without worrying about spitting out my food or choking from laughter.  ;)


Ok, I will toot these dudes' horn just once more, for the fresh meat here on BellGab-

I've listened to lots o' radio, good bad and otherwise. But these fellers here are probably the two most naturally gifted conversational comedians that I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Their producer Vince cracks me up at least as much as the main talents. I honestly think that any up and coming podcaster/radio wanna beez should listen to these guys for pro tips because their style, timing, and ha ha chemistry is impeccably funny.  Seriously, I laugh out loud every weekday morning. And if your a dik dork like me that's worth a lot.



Okay, I am giving them a try. Putting them in my podcaster. This thread is hot!

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