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Doctor Who

Started by jazmunda, July 15, 2013, 12:43:20 AM

Yorkshire pud

This week the BBC are running a series of programmes to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr Who.  If you can get it, you might be interested in this...The presenter's style is a bit off the wall, but usually very funny.. Next thursday 10pm.

All times GMT.



     Last week I saw two episodes in my trek through the Tennant era: "The Unicorn and the Wasp" and "Silence in the Library." The former had it's moments, the latter introduces River Song.  I think.  I'm not sure, with time being a wibbly wobbly thing, and all.  She's such a cool caracther, and I love her name.  So this week I'm thinking I was missing something, something important, and I hunt around in the On Demand section of my cable thingie and find "Day of the Doctor".  Three Doctors: John Hurt, David Tennant, and Matt Smith.  It rocked.  That Rose Tyler chick was in it also.  Who is she?  I think she's from the Ninth Doctor era.  Is that Doctor worth checking out?  Do I need to go back and check out those seasons too?  He seems like a jerk.  Anyways, John Hurt was cool, and Matt Smith doesn't let me down, and one of the earlier Doctors, the fourth I think, shows up at the end (actually, they all show up..."spoilers!"), and they gave us a glimpse of the Twelvth Doctor.  There is a mini-episode out there that I have to also check out.  Did I say "Day of the Doctor" rocked?  It rocked.


Day of the Doctor was great! Back in the day, they'd have anniversary shows with a couple or three of the Doctors showing up, like One, Two and Three and it was funny how they interplayed, funny and mind blowing since they are supposed to be the same person. But I digress - this episode did rock. It cleared up a lot of baggage about the Doctor and reintroduced the possibility of his home planet Gallifrey being out there, which opens up a lot of new story lines.  Nu Who has been focused on the aftermath of the Time War where the Doctor, whom we now know is the Warrior Doctor, destroyed Gallifrey and locked the Time Lords to prevent the destruction of the universe. But, for some and I include myself, it's been very difficult to accept that the Doctor could be capable of genocide. Look at Eleven and the way he will stop for any child for instance. You could say that's fueled by regret over his actions, but I found it timely that he was given hope again and was able to alter his time stream.

I liked Nine more than Ten, although I really do like Tennant a lot. But Nine is the direct aftermath of the destruction of Gallifrey. He's edgier than the earlier Doctors, but kind of goofy at times as well. I like Chris Eccleston's interpretation. He's the one who takes up with Rose, and up to now, his is the best regeneration in that he flashes his goofy smile once more before becoming Ten. Try the first episode and see if you like it. The series was uneven, but there were some very good episodes tucked in.

"My name's Rose Tyler"
"Pleased to meet you, Rose. Run!"


John Hurt. Best. Doctor. Ever.

Quote from: b_dubb on December 10, 2013, 08:26:12 PM
John Hurt. Best. Doctor. Ever.

Wasn't he fantastic? I loved the way he played off the two older, but younger acting Doctors.

"Oh for God's sake!"


The Christmas show was pretty good, sorry to see Matt Smith go. He was really good in this one. I am an old sap but the finale really made me tear up specially the good byes to Amy Pond and his latest companion.

Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on December 29, 2013, 07:41:42 PM
The Christmas show was pretty good, sorry to see Matt Smith go. He was really good in this one. I am an old sap but the finale really made me tear up specially the good byes to Amy Pond and his latest companion.

Me, too. I blubbered out loud and am not ashamed to say it.

Capaldi will be grand and I'll adore him too, but Matt and Pat's been my favorites in a very long line of Doctors.


Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on December 29, 2013, 07:41:42 PM
The Christmas show was pretty good, sorry to see Matt Smith go. He was really good in this one. I am an old sap but the finale really made me tear up specially the good byes to Amy Pond and his latest companion.
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 29, 2013, 08:15:42 PM
Me, too. I blubbered out loud and am not ashamed to say it.
Capaldi's introduction was so frazzled and erratic.  He's got a tough job ahead.  There was something poetic about Smith, in both his words and movements, that I fear we may not see again.

oh Doctor, my Doctor

new doctors' have always had a frazzled entrance and a period of  psychosis following regeneration.


I started watching Dr. Who when it was first shown on and off since it came to America. I really liked it when the revived it a few years ago and liked seeing the webpage where someone built a full scale " working " Tardis and a working K-9. I have a soft spot in my heart for that dog.

I never did figure out two things. How did the one doctor get around while wearing that long scarf without tripping all over himself ( I've seen fans make their own ) and what WAS with the celery on that guys white linen jacket ( which looked so classy, as white line n always does ) ?


    Realizing that the Matt Smith era has raised the bar, I really want to give my loyalty and devotion to the 12th Doctor.  But what happened to the writing?  Did the Doctor get back his sonic screw driver from the sheriff of Nottingham (season 8, episode 3 "Robot of Sherwood') or not?  What's with all the snappy juvenile retorts?  Where is the emotion?  What's with the crappy editing?  Where is David Moffit?  Who's in charge over there?  Capaldi has potential.  Let’s do this right.



I just started watching Doctor Who, thanks to the girlfriend, but "Robot of Sherwood" didn't feel up to par with the other episodes I've seen.

Feels like Capaldi is capable of much more, but he's held back by the limits of the script. I liked how dark his previous episodes were.

Quote from: valdez on September 10, 2014, 05:49:34 AM
    Realizing that the Matt Smith era has raised the bar, I really want to give my loyalty and devotion to the 12th Doctor.  But what happened to the writing?  Did the Doctor get back his sonic screw driver from the sheriff of Nottingham (season 8, episode 3 "Robot of Sherwood') or not?  What's with all the snappy juvenile retorts?  Where is the emotion?  What's with the crappy editing?  Where is David Moffit?  Who's in charge over there?  Capaldi has potential.  Let’s do this right.


Hey Valdez, I was wondering how you were liking the new series. I had to watch Robot of Sherwood twice to appreciate it, myself. However, the sight of the Doctor whipping out a spoon from his pocket and dueling with it sent pure joy through my veins. That was a very Patrick Troughton move. And I will always miss Matt Smith. After a long line of Doctors, he was 'my' Doctor.

The writer of this episode was Mark Gatiss, who co-writes Sherlock with Steven Moffat. Both of these men are lifelong fans, and the more I watch anything by Gatiss, the more I see references to the older Doctor Who episodes, plus a love for the series itself. Saying that, his episodes are not always my favorites. My favorite will always be Neil Gaiman's "The Doctor's Wife", but I think he did a good job of deconstructing the hero myth for both the Doctor and Robin Hood. In the end, it was more important that their legends inspired people, rather than that they be heroes. Or something, lol. At least that's what I took from it. Loved the reflector platter scene, too.

I have some theories on why this Doctor is so different from Eleven and even Ten, but don't want to write a monster post. But to be brief, unlike Ten, he knows he was capable of wiping out his home planet but didn't and maybe that's leading him to question whether or not he's a good man. He has obvious issues with soldiers, which may be significant seeing as how he chose to regenerate as The Warrior, and it will be interesting to see how Danny Pink, ex-soldier, gets along with him. Eleven obviously was a good man having spend centuries guarding Christmas on Trenzalore, but he never really grappled with the issue of Gallifrey's averted destruction, although the Time Lords rescued him. I think this Doctor will, and he will find Gallifrey and resolve his struggle.

Interesting that the robot ship is headed towards Paradise, the planet where Missy is. Lots of speculation on who she might be. If you liked 'Blink' and 'The Empty Child' or any of Moffat's episodes that drive small children behind the sofa, this week's 'Listen' is supposed to be a cracker, really scary and memorable.


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on September 10, 2014, 11:53:51 AM
Hey Valdez...'Listen' is supposed to be a cracker, really scary and memorable.
Quote from: aldousburbank on September 10, 2014, 07:23:54 AM
Yeah Valdez!
Quote from: zeebo on September 11, 2014, 06:06:31 PM
I second that!
Shucks.  You guys are great, and while "listen" wasn't great, it was damn good.  The best episode of the 8th season so far.  Nice twist at the end.  A slight tang of jealousy as Clara kissed that nerd Pink (dump him, for the love of God, dump him).  I enjoyed the hug Clara gave the Doctor.  It seems "maniac" suits him well.

Guest stars confirmed for Dr. Who Christmas special, to air December 25th.


Wow, I can hardly wait for the cold, wet weather and dark days to set in.


     Episode 5, Time Heist:  Nicely done.


     Episode 6, The Caretaker.  I was disappointed that Clara said "no" when asked by Pink whether she loved the Doctor.  Broke my heart.  An ok episode.  A tad rushed.  I never really understood what that alien was all about.  Again with the "heaven" at the end.  Moffat better tie this all up good.

So who is this chick?

50 years in the Tardis. My favorite moment, the one that sends chills, is at 7:15.


And this is one of the best moments from series 7:


"Who knows? Who....nose."

I am missing Matt Smith.  :'(


Watched the hell out of some Doctor when I was I kid.  I guess the guy with the scarf was the best.  And Daleks.

The whole Exterminate thing.  Not a theory I subscribed to, more like a terminator-like enemy to resist.  The weird (I assume earlier) ones where there were manniquins and such and the goofy old guy, I mean he was cool, but the effects were so Benny Hill...  I think I followed as best as I could and there appeared a 'new' Dr. (sorry didn't know the whole sci-fi story arc there...) and I said to meself:  self;  "BBC can cunt itself as aid best have a looker at wot A 'merican telly has to offer"  (should I have said toffer?)

Apparently, that was all before my time and I had a TARDis of my own to worry 'bout...

That's 'nother story fer 'nother thyme, me suppose.

I do rather enjoy the theme song thou (and I think there is a better HiDef surround sound type that I haven't the effort to dig up but here's my reTARDis best approx):

The Ultimate Doctor Who title mix (1963-2007)

That said the neu doktor is hawt....

EDIT: this video is clearly out of date, although I do have big ears, I don't have that awful mole beauthy mark, on the side of my face, rather I have a scar;  perhaps from some earlier knife fight?  One will never know...  Anyhow, the hawt neu doktor of which I spake is clearly a later incarnation...  and the video I recall a clearly better morphing &c...  like I saide best approx... 

Not at all like real life, I think Tom Baker best approximates it, good sense of style with the scarf btw, tommy!

2EDIT: missed a hyphen, damn that punctuation stuff...


Anybody catch last night's ep? Wasn't that impressed.

Who runs a mission to the moon and then leaves your ONLY means of escape abandoned so you can explore a creepy abandoned outpost? And then who lets a crew member wander off on his own like that?

And the whole Clara "I hate you Doctor" thing... Ugh.

Well, next week they do a take on the whole Agatha Christine train whodunit thing. Could be interesting.

The whole "I hate you Doctor" thing with Clara is getting old. If she hates him so much, why is she traveling with him?

The plot didn't fuss me, there've been whoppers of plot holes before and there will be more to come, I'm sure. Think of the crew member as another red shirt. But when did the Doctor get mean? I'm waiting for that first hint of warmth left over from Eleven to show up.

So how about that Clara Oswald...?

I'm betting they are going to make her look bad as she tries to kill the doctor, but really she'll just be doing it on his request so that he can enter Missy's matrix.  I hope they come up with something better than that, really.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on November 05, 2014, 07:31:31 PM
So how about that Clara Oswald...?

I'm betting they are going to make her look bad as she tries to kill the doctor, but really she'll just be doing it on his request so that he can enter Missy's matrix.  I hope they come up with something better than that, really.

That's par for the course with Doctor Who story telling these days. They do the whole misdirection thing a lot.


Quote from: cweb on October 05, 2014, 06:56:42 AM

Who runs a mission to the moon and then leaves your ONLY means of escape abandoned so you can explore a creepy abandoned outpost? And then who lets a crew member wander off on his own like that?

Um have you ever watched an episode of Doctor Who before? ;)


I don't care much for Doctor Who.  A lot of the dialogue is there to "explain" the premise of the show.  And I find that tedious.

Quote from: jazmunda on November 05, 2014, 07:41:09 PM
Um have you ever watched an episode of Doctor Who before? ;)

Okay, time to geek out. 

I got quite a bit out of that Moon episode.  It was absolutely a pivotal moment for the Doctor -- so important that he refused to interfere.  He said after that moment humans would spread throughout the stars and survive for the rest of time.  He looked quite pensive when he said that.  He had to know the human race was ready to go out and respect alien life even if it threatened their own. 

So, if you recall, he left it up to us humans to decide whether we were going to allow the moon embryo to survive -- chancing the possible destruction of civilization in the process.  The consensus of the World population was to kill the embryo, but Clara redeemed mankind by preventing its destruction at the last minute.

So why was this redemption so important to the Doctor?  And why does he care so much about Earth? 

I think there is going to be a reveal, perhaps late next season, that the Doctor is from the distant, distant future.  Gallifrey and its suns probably don't exist yet.  We will find out Timelords are descended from us.

There was all that discussion about 'would you go back in time and kill Hitler, or would you let it play out so that you don't destroy the future as it stands.'  I think this was the Doctor's Hitler moment, or rather D-Day moment, and he couldn't interfere because that was the turning point of his history.  From that day forward people would spread out, disperse, and it would be impossible to stop our eventual evolution.

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