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Time to consider "Worst Administration Ever"?

Started by Sardondi, May 14, 2013, 01:43:25 PM


Quote from: Quick Karl on October 10, 2013, 04:33:56 PM
Those Neanderthal, inflexible, dictatorial, tyrannical, spiteful, petulant, vindictive, phony, double-dealing, dolt Republicans, I swear...
Uhhhm... Nevermind.

Quick Karl

Mr. Burbank, suh,

You did understand that my comment was entirely tongue-in-cheek?...

Quote from: aldousburbank on October 10, 2013, 05:47:04 PM
Uhhhm... Nevermind.


Quote from: Quick Karl on October 10, 2013, 06:18:36 PM
Mr. Burbank, suh,

You did understand that my comment was entirely tongue-in-cheek?...


Quote from: Quick Karl on October 10, 2013, 04:33:56 PMThose Neanderthal, inflexible, dictatorial, tyrannical, spiteful, petulant, vindictive, phony, double-dealing, dolt Republicans, I swear...
The only objection I have to the shutdown is that I've had no confidence that Congress will stand fast. From the beginning I've been convinced Congress will begin making unilateral offers of concessions to induce Obama to merely negotiate, which will of course be rejected out of hand, because Obama will recognize them for the admission of abject fear they are. Ultimately Congress will just give up and declare some kind of meaningless victory, which everyone will see through. And it will all have been just one more humiliation for the GOP leadership.

And with Obama's poll numbers having begun their nosedive to an all time low of 37% (with much lower still quite possible if the GOP just sticks to their guns), Congress can't see that they will be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Congress is winning. People see how Obama is selectively enforcing the shutdown, keeping those things open which please him (closing the National Mall to everyone and everything - except to a rally by illegal aliens who were protesting for so-called "amnesty", which of course Obama approves since Dems will immediately give them government benefits, thus making them slave voters just like they've made blacks: http://washingtonexaminer.com/signs-say-national-mall-closed-but-immigration-reform-rally-is-a-go/article/2536957), but then using the Park Rangers as brownshirts to make sure no one can enjoy even looking at the parks (keeping senior citizen tour groups locked up inside their hotel at Yellowstone but preventing them from even a breath of outside air: http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/08/gestapo-tactics-yellowstone-park-rangers-held-tour-group-captive/)

Quick Karl

Absolutely worst President ever - not enough words in the dictionary to describe my complete disgust. Politics are one thing, lashing out at Americans is a whole other ball game.

Quote from: Sardondi on October 10, 2013, 09:52:05 PM
The only objection I have to the shutdown is that I've had no confidence that Congress will stand fast. From the beginning I've been convinced Congress will begin making unilateral offers of concessions to induce Obama to merely negotiate, which will of course be rejected out of hand, because Obama will recognize them for the admission of abject fear they are. Ultimately Congress will just give up and declare some kind of meaningless victory, which everyone will see through. And it will all have been just one more humiliation for the GOP leadership.

And with Obama's poll numbers having begun their nosedive to an all time low of 37% (with much lower still quite possible if the GOP just sticks to their guns), Congress can't see that they will be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Congress is winning. People see how Obama is selectively enforcing the shutdown, keeping those things open which please him (closing the National Mall to everyone and everything - except to a rally by illegal aliens who were protesting for so-called "amnesty", which of course Obama approves since Dems will immediately give them government benefits: http://washingtonexaminer.com/signs-say-national-mall-closed-but-immigration-reform-rally-is-a-go/article/2536957), but then using the Park Rangers as brownshirts to make sure no one can enjoy even looking at the parks (keeping senior citizen tour groups locked up inside their hotel at Yellowstone but preventing them from even a breath of outside air: http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/08/gestapo-tactics-yellowstone-park-rangers-held-tour-group-captive/)

Quote from: Sardondi on October 10, 2013, 09:52:05 PM
The only objection I have to the shutdown is that I've had no confidence that Congress will stand fast...

The R's need to stop offering different solutions every few days.  And take every opportunity to talk about what has been offered and rejected.  Talk about the D's not working with them and explain they are holding things up.

Then start trotting out people whose premiums have skyrocketed, people who have lost their jobs or had their hours cut back so their employers didn't have to pay the tax, people whose employer dropped all coverage or just that of their spouses and kids, people who now have a worse insurance plan, doctors who have retired or plan to retire.  And remind everyone Obama and Nancy Pelosi said it would be much cheaper and that none of this would happen.

Call for rallies at the closed DC monuments, with speakers talking about all this.  There is a lot that can be done.

The D's have always done this so well, and the R's have done it so poorly.  It's time to change that.  A big part of the R's problem is they think this is all common sense and that most people understand and agree with their viewpoint, so they don't take the time to explain it.   Reagan was about the last one to explain things - when people heard it they agreed with him.

Do all that and sit and wait for Ried and Obama to come to them. 

Quote from: Quick Karl on October 10, 2013, 09:56:54 PM
Absolutely worst President ever - not enough words in the dictionary to describe my complete disgust. Politics are one thing, lashing out at Americans is a whole other ball game.

He isn't one of us.

Looking at just the part of his background that he hasn't been able to hide, that should have been obvious from the start.  If not that, then his comments and actions over the past 5 years.  But people choose to ignore it or to deny it.

The goal of the Left is a one world government with them in charge.  A big part of that is destroying the United States.  They found their guy.

The Liberals like Clinton and Carter, even the soft Leftists like Mrs Clinton would never have gone as far as being this intentionally destructive.  They honestly thought government was the answer to all our problems, and they weren't the America haters.  They weren't the people out burning flags and denouncing us. 

Obama is much different than those run-of-the-mill Libs and soft Leftists.  And yeah, just about anyone would he been better.  Even Mitt Romney.  Even Mitt Romney's dog.

Obama's latest stunt is to slam shut the White House visitors log, citing the government 'closure'.  'Never let a crisis go to waste', as his former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once said..

The real reason being they want to limit the political damage of having people aware of certain visits, like the hundreds of times his IRS political operatives like Lois Lerner and now this Ben Franklin lookalike Sarah Ingram had meetings there, or the hundreds of visits by radical Islam, such are members of CAIR and the Moslem Brotherhood.

Those logs fall under the category of 'checks and balances', they provide the American peoples with necessary information about Administration activity, and enable both Congress and the Media to follow up and ask questions.

Good ol' Barry, promising the most open and transparent administration ever, and the whole time it was just another lie. 

I understand the low information voters still supporting this guy and trusting him and his policies, but not anyone else.

Might be time to rename the thread "Worst Republican Party ever".  The Tea Party extremists have dragged the party's popularity to an all time low:


(Gallup and WSJ poll details linked in article.)


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on October 12, 2013, 12:27:05 PM
Might be time to rename the thread "Worst Republican Party ever".  The Tea Party extremists have dragged the party's popularity to an all time low:


(Gallup and WSJ poll details linked in article.)

Oh, RCD, polls don't matter. The media is just a liberal tool to discredit the "heroes" of the constitution.

Quote from: onan on October 12, 2013, 12:30:58 PM

Oh, RCD, polls don't matter. The media is just a liberal tool to discredit the "heroes" of the constitution.
I guess they would shy away from the word "martyrs".  ;)


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on October 12, 2013, 12:42:41 PM
I guess they would shy away from the word "martyrs".  ;)
How dare you both: they are America's true Patriots :P


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 10, 2013, 10:41:43 PM
Obama is much different than those run-of-the-mill Libs and soft Leftists.  And yeah, just about anyone would he been better.  Even Mitt Romney.  Even Mitt Romney's dog.
Yes, Obama had the guts to go out and do something about the ramshackle, roughshod manner conservatives were trying to bury everything left of Pat Buchanan.  Haven't had liberal Presidential leadership since before you guys blew JFK's head off.


Quote from: NowhereInTime on October 13, 2013, 11:06:57 AM
Haven't had liberal Presidential leadership since before you guys blew JFK's head off.
Oswald, of course, was a Marxist. By his own declaration.


Quote from: UFO Fill on October 13, 2013, 11:08:48 AM
Oswald, of course, was a Marxist. By his own declaration.
Oswald, of course, was CIA as any half attempt at research will show.  And a patsy.

Quick Karl

I guess only Republicans run the CIA...

Quote from: NowhereInTime on October 13, 2013, 11:25:48 AM
Oswald, of course, was CIA as any half attempt at research will show.  And a patsy.


Quote from: Quick Karl on October 13, 2013, 03:36:15 PM
I guess only Republicans run the CIA...
no, only white men scared of change. And Yalies.

Quick Karl

Quick Karl

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson (we know, he was a racist because he owned slaves, had sex with one, and taught them to read and write - but no democrat in the old south ever beat or lynched a slave or raped one)...

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." - James Madison

Anyone that believes their political party is staffed with angels while their opponent's party is staffed with devils, doesn't know the difference between the two.


Quote from: Quick Karl on October 10, 2013, 09:56:54 PM
Absolutely worst President ever - not enough words in the dictionary to describe my complete disgust. Politics are one thing, lashing out at Americans is a whole other ball game.
Surprise!  A Chicago Democrat at his best...


Quote from: Twotrips on October 15, 2013, 12:50:30 AM
Surprise!  A Chicago Democrat at his best...
Meh.  If you're going to bring the hate, pour it out!! >:(


Quote from: Twotrips on October 15, 2013, 12:50:30 AMSurprise!  A Chicago Democrat at his best...
"It's the Chicaga Way. They look like they might unseat you in a fair election - you target every one of their leaders for punitive review, audits and disparate treatment by the IRS, thus silencing and dismantling the opposition. They object to the expansion of the NSA's size and its powers - you increase the number of wire and vocal communications you intercept and surveil illegally. They object to your calls for a de facto repeal of the 2nd Amendment by executive fiat - you come up with a scheme to plant automatic weapons with the Mexican drug cartels and then wait for them to be used to kill US agents so that you can demagogue for more government gun control. They speak out of their fears of the growing despotism of your administration - you buy up a massive and unprecedented amount of ammunition under the pretext of supplying previously non-law enforcement-related agencies, both creating an ammunition shortage of several months and gradually accomplishing your goal of creating a massive militarized federal police force. In short - show 'em who's boss. That's the Chicaga Way"


Aahh. The Great Senator From Illinois is Now the Executive Officer of the United States.
Welcome to Chicago on a National Level.


Quote from: Sardondi on October 15, 2013, 01:34:14 PM
"It's the Chicaga Way. They look like they might unseat you in a fair election - you target every one of their leaders for punitive review, audits and disparate treatment by the IRS, thus silencing and dismantling the opposition. They object to the expansion of the NSA's size and its powers - you increase the number of wire and vocal communications you intercept and surveil illegally. They object to your calls for a de facto repeal of the 2nd Amendment by executive fiat - you come up with a scheme to plant automatic weapons with the Mexican drug cartels and then wait for them to be used to kill US agents so that you can demagogue for more government gun control. They speak out of their fears of the growing despotism of your administration - you buy up a massive and unprecedented amount of ammunition under the pretext of supplying previously non-law enforcement-related agencies, both creating an ammunition shortage of several months and gradually accomplishing your goal of creating a massive militarized federal police force. In short - show 'em who's boss. That's the Chicaga Way"
So's that great line about "one of yours in the hospital put two of theirs in the morgue!"

Didya ever stop to think maybe there really is a change coming, but not the change you thought?  After watching true masters like Atwater and Rove that maybe, just maybe someone would "get it" after a while?  You guys can't be the only ones to J. Kenneth Blackwell elections and governance, can you?

So Sec of State John Kerry went to France today.  Instead of talking about whatever it is he went there for, they are hopping mad and want to know why the Obama Administration recorded and stored 70 million French telephone calls.

Kerry chided them and reminded them that Obama had already answered that in his recent UN speech - that 'we' are looking into revising 'our' terrorism surveillance procedures.

I could never be a diplomat, required to listen to a never ending pack of lies from people like Obama and John Kerry and not respond the way they deserve t be responded to.

In a meeting just a month or so ago, the President of Mexico asked Obama the very same thing the French did.  Obama gave him his standard lie - that there would be a 'full investigation'.  I wonder how that is coming along.  Maybe El Presidente should call Obama and find out.

We've heard promises of 'full investigations' before.  A period of time goes by and the issues to be investigated are deemed to be 'phony scandals', and that's that.  He's already done that with the wholesale spying on America (and foreigners) program the French are talking about.

Surely the French know all this.  Too bad they don't just arrest John Kerry.

Quick Karl

Saudi spy chief says Riyadh to 'shift away from U.S.' over Syria, Iran


I wonder, do you think anyone on the left would care if Obama actually said that he does, in fact, support the destruction of America - or would they say we're just incapable of comprehending his incredible wisdom and intellect?..

Obama, America's very own, Caligula.

Quick Karl

Benghazi - just the price of doin' bidniss...


Quote from: Quick Karl on October 22, 2013, 10:34:51 AM...I wonder, do you think anyone on the left would care if Obama actually said that he does, in fact, support the destruction of America - or would they say we're just incapable of comprehending his incredible wisdom and intellect?...
You don't understand: we deserve it. Because Noam Chomsky says so. Because George Soros says so. Because...because....because shut up.

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