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Time to consider "Worst Administration Ever"?

Started by Sardondi, May 14, 2013, 01:43:25 PM


Quote from: Quick Karl on December 12, 2013, 11:33:24 AM
Nitwit learned a new word: "conflating". Must be his mental-health professional used it in a diagnosis and now he is repeating it to make himself sound smart.

He thinks he is the only one allowed to use rhetoric to make a point.

Stupid pathetic cock sucker.
Yes, it was today's word on my "Qunt Karl 365 day Bloviation-A-day Calendar".

It was defined as: "When Qunt Karl knows his pathetic ideology is blown out of the water by truth and evidence, he will hide his failure by pointing to another whole topic that share a common point of information and lie about them both. Conflate"

By the by, my "mental-health professional" and I agree you should go back to starting each message with "This is the Zodiac Speaking..."

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Quick Karl on December 12, 2013, 01:30:09 PM
Are you fucking kidding me? You criticize me for doing what your bummy-buddy nitwit has been doing here for the last 3-months.

Yeah, but I'm biased.. It must be true.

And you suggest I have credibility issues?

Oh don't feel picked on, you're not on your own.

Lastly, if I have to explain to you, every little nuance of what I post, then you are not worth typing to.

You need to explain if it has no context to what was being discussed. I'm not a fucking mind reader.


Quote from: Quick Karl on December 12, 2013, 01:30:09 PM
Are you fucking kidding me? You criticize me for doing what your bummy-buddy nitwit has been doing here for the last 3-months.

And you suggest I have credibility issues?

Lastly, if I have to explain to you, every little nuance of what I post, then you are not worth typing to.
And we're back to Whiskey Muscles Karl.

But he's right, you do have credibility issues.  And Daddy issues.  And, of course, we won't talk about those guilty feelings when you get around the kiddies, will we?

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 05, 2014, 10:23:57 PM

Remember that cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal?  The 'Free Mumia' guy?  Shot the 26 year old cop dead during a traffic stop?

After he was convicted and sent to prison, there was a lawyer who joined in defending him, a guy named Debo Adegbile.  Managed to get Mumia's death sentence converted to life.

So 2014 rolls around and who does Obama choose to appoint as head of the Civil Rights Division in the Dept of Justice, and whose nomination is now waiting Senate confirmation?  Debo Adegbile.

Ok, so he decided to represent a high profile convicted cop killer.  All the usual platitudes about everyone needs representation and someone has to do it and all that.  But surely Obama could find someone else to head up the Civil Rights Division?  Couldn't he? 

This person has no business being appointed to a high level Federal position.  Certainly not as head of Civil Rights at Justice.  And Obama has no business appointing him to that position.

This whole Administration is riddled with contemptible Leftists like this...

Today the Senate ended Adegbile's bid to head the Civil Rights Division at Justice.

Even Obama's toady Senate couldn't swallow this one.

Every year should be an election year.  Fearing defeat at the polls is the only time the D's stop playing politics and start doing what's best for the country


Interesting, isn't it?  If O'Care is so great, why are parts of it continually delayed by the regime, especially past the upcoming midterm elections?  It's because they care so much about us.  Yeah, right.  They only care about their little world inside the beltway and increasing their fiefdoms.   

Ben Shockley

Working back from your "logic," P*B, I guess that having an appointee fail to win confirmation is itself "confirmation" that the nominating administration is out to "destroy America as you knew it" and thus deserving of summary removal from office.  Right?  Except when it's a Republican, trying to stuff a Bork or a Miers or a Clarence Thomas down our throats; then, any opposition is by god Un-Patriotic Obstructionism.
Like the fact that all your breathless "reasons" for why Obama is supposedly unqualified to be President (that I asked you to elaborate on, the other night, with still no responses...) all reduce to "You don't like him."

You know, P*B: I have the perfect solution for all your Obama-obsessing.
   --Next time he runs for President, don't vote for him.

Or if you ever have an attack of constructive civic responsibility that transcends apocalyptic belly-aching, why don't you get to work on having your stalwart Congressional Publicans begin drafting new regulations (I know you hate that word, but sometimes they work for you) or even, as necessary, new Constitutional amendments, to change the standards and qualifications for people holding Federal (or any) public office.  Get it made so that only people acceptable to YOU can ever hold, or even be nominated for, office; to hell with who and what "other people" want to see serving in the government!  They aren't as American as P*B!  Only people who look, act, and think YOUR WAY are "real Americans" and sure as hell should be the only ones holding any kind of office!  Right?

Ben Shockley

Quote from: ItsOver on March 05, 2014, 09:09:25 PM
...If O'Care is so great, why are parts of it continually delayed by the regime...
Endless obstruction and opposition and non-funding by and from Republicans has nothing to do with it, right?

Quote from: ItsOver on March 05, 2014, 09:09:25 PM
...It's because they care so much about us.  Yeah, right.
...he said sarcastically, obviously referring to the obstructionist Republicans, including governors who would rather screw the poor in their own states than take any Medicaid money from a program that has Obama's name attached to it.

Quote from: ItsOver on March 05, 2014, 09:09:25 PM
...the regime...
You're hilarious.  What foreign power are you praying for to come and liberate you?


It is in the eye of the beholder and also assumes that Obama sincerely wishes to uphold the USA's status or cares about the people, or the country or Western Civilization in general. But aside from that political opinion it is very hard to consider "worst ever" because it is happening now.

Sure, historians could consider the administration "worst ever", possibly. But the consideration can really only be made after being analyzed decades, sometimes many decades, later once things the current "future" is known- and then years past. Because we don't know what will happen and he inherited some bad problems and wars, this character Obama's records and mysterious background are not yet made public, Congressional testimony and security meetings are not made public, the NSA stuff they have on Congress (and likely Obama) have not been released, and the situation is fluid in many areas. History has not settled enough to make honest, forensic analyze of the data. Probably it will be done by historians speaking Mandarin and Russian....kidding on that, but note Gibbon was published in English, not Latin, also.

Quote from: Ben Shockley on March 05, 2014, 09:33:32 PM
... Like the fact that all your breathless "reasons" for why Obama is supposedly unqualified to be President (that I asked you to elaborate on, the other night, with still no responses...) all reduce to "You don't like him."...

Speaking of poor reading comprehension - and you were doing that just today on another thread - if you don't know what the problems are with Obama by now, you never will.  I must have dozens of posts on the subject, and I'm pretty sure you've read most of them.

I was speaking of the unfitness of this Debo Adegbile person to be head of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Dept, not the confirmation of judicial appointees - but ok.  The difference between the judges like Bork and Thomas and the ones you apparently prefer are that the Conservatives try to interpret the Constitution and The Law as best they can, while the ones you want and Obama is appointing are eager to rule based on their personal preferences - which are usually Leftist and ignore the Law and the Constitution.

Our government was founded on the rule of Law and not the rule of Man (King/Dictator/Military Strongman).  It took centuries - from the Magna Carta, to the Enlightenment, to the writings of people like Hobbes and Montesquieu and others, to the experiences with the House of Burgesses and the Articles of Confederation - to develop the idea of self rule and the framework for the rule of Law.  And we had to fight a war to be free of King George. 

The modern Liberals and 'Progressives' claim to be of that tradition, but they are not.  They are not descendants of the Enlightenment, they side with those who would return us to dictatorship.  Whether the rank and file among them recognize it or not.  Even now we hear not a voice among them speak up when Obama rules illegally by decree or an Activist Judge does the same.  Their leaders want what they want and are willing to appoint judges that will rule based on 'Progressive' ideology and NOT on the Law itself.  They legislate from the bench rather than recognize their role as merely interpreting the Law.  Much the same way Obama has contempt for the limits to his office these Leftist judges have contempt for the limits of their role.

So you can make all the hyperbolic pots you like, but you are still on the wrong side of Freedom and Liberty.


There's plenty of non-republican indicators--in fact they abound--that reveal the Affordable Care Act to be a terrible piece of legislation. The very fact that it's defeated its own name and has driven up premiums (my own by hundreds of dollars per month) is enough to show that. Obama's seemingly endless flow of exemptions to various corporations was another one.

And, well, what did everyone expect? It was cobbled together and tossed out there without any real debate on it. "We have to pass it before we know what's in it" and all.

Personally, I think it was intended to fail so the debate could move towards a single-payer system. That seems to be the real goal of liberals ultimately, so why come up with a half-assed law that will only stand in the way of achieving that goal? A pre-existent 'solution' is merely a roadblock to that if it happens to be working. That means the only reason you'd do it in the first place is if you intended for it to fail, exasperate everyone in dealing with it, and then slip in the idea to go single-payer and promise that it will solve the problem. I'm guessing Obama's final two years will be dedicated to that, providing he can gain the house and save the senate in November. Also, the fine structure for not signing up was conspicuous; it seems a great idea to get past the mid-terms with a $92 fine before you piss the 26-35 people off with high fines that force them start paying their share.

It's very simple liberals: if you really want to get to your ultimate goal of European-style socialized medicine, then Obamacare cannot be allowed to function as something everyone is happy with. If it does work, then you can't get to your end goal.

Unfortunately, the dramatic rises in premiums doesn't come without consequences. You can't just yank what's left of the middle class' discretionary funds out of their hands and expect them to keep buying televisions, Iphones and new cars. On the contrary, it's probably set us up for a recession. It seems to me that all we need now is a bear market to form and that'll spark it off.

So yeah, when a recession can form as a direct result of a government program, then you've certainly got the makings for 'worst administration ever'. Or at least the worst since Andrew Jackson and the Panic of 1837 and its subsequent recession.

The Obama Administration has turned down a request from the Egyptian military for more Apache Attack Helicopters.  The Administration has suspended delivery of weapons to our ally since Morsi's Moslem Brotherhood regime was ousted in October.

From Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn to the Moslem Brotherhood and al-Qaeda, Obama doesn't really seem to have much of a problem with terrorists, as long as they are enemies of America.

Despite his lie that 'al-Qaeda is on the run', they are not.  Al-Qaeda was created by members of the Moslem Brotherhood.  As was Hamas.  CAIR is (allegedly) the political arm of the MB in the US.  Together AQ and the MB are the main Sunni terrorist groups. 

Al-Qaeda is on the move in the Maghreb (Sahara desert), in Iraq, and in Syria.  The Brotherhood and their associates are on the move in Libya and in the White House.  They are both active in the Sinai Peninsula.  From there they are capable of staging attacks on our friends and allies in Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, and are just across from Saudi Arabia.

The Egyptian military is willing to do the hard work of running them down and neutralizing them in the Sinai, and the so-called American President is standing in their way, refusing to resupply them. 

This weakness/incompetence/intentional infliction of damage to our foreign policy has our enemies salivating and our friends worried and reviewing their relationships with us.  Obama is a menace.  He needs to resign. 

I link to Fox News because his accomplices in the 'Main Stream Media' refuse to report any of this:



Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 14, 2014, 10:10:41 PM
The Obama Administration has turned down a request from the Egyptian military for more Apache Attack Helicopters.  The Administration has suspended delivery of weapons to our ally since Morsi's Moslem Brotherhood regime was ousted in October.

From Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn to the Moslem Brotherhood and al-Qaeda, Obama doesn't really seem to have much of a problem with terrorists, as long as they are enemies of America.

Despite his lie that 'al-Qaeda is on the run', they are not.  Al-Qaeda was created by members of the Moslem Brotherhood.  As was Hamas.  CAIR is (allegedly) the political arm of the MB in the US.  Together AQ and the MB are the main Sunni terrorist groups. 

Al-Qaeda is on the move in the Maghreb (Sahara desert), in Iraq, and in Syria.  The Brotherhood and their associates are on the move in Libya and in the White House.  They are both active in the Sinai Peninsula.  From there they are capable of staging attacks on our friends and allies in Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, and are just across from Saudi Arabia.

The Egyptian military is willing to do the hard work of running them down and neutralizing them in the Sinai, and the so-called American President is standing in their way, refusing to resupply them. 

This weakness/incompetence/intentional infliction of damage to our foreign policy has our enemies salivating and our friends worried and reviewing their relationships with us.  Obama is a menace.  He needs to resign. 

I link to Fox News because his accomplices in the 'Main Stream Media' refuse to report any of this:

They refuse to report this drivel because it is further apocryphal narrative against Conservative Enemy #1.  You guys gin up an endless stream of offenses committed by President Oblackman against the holy sanctified world of "the way things oughta be" and everyone's tired of the rant.  Why would he sell helicopters to the Egyptian military? to suppress demonstrations at Tahrir Square?  To root out pro democracy forces throughout the nation?  To give Israel pause about the military's intentions? Do you honestly believe they're going to chase Islamic fundamentalists down and execute them?
You have to think these things through.

Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 15, 2014, 11:12:06 AM
...  Why would he sell helicopters to the Egyptian military?... Do you honestly believe they're going to chase Islamic fundamentalists down and execute them?...

The Egyptian military has been an ally of the US for decades.  They've been a pillar of stability in a dangerous region.  Half of all Arabs live in Egypt.  They border places like Libya, Sudan, and Hamas in Gaza.  They an extremely important country and valuable ally.  It was a real loss when Obama's terrorist friends seized the government and began purging the military.

Before Morsi grabbed power, the Molem Brotherhood was outlawed in Egypt.  For good reason.  They aren't friends of the military.

Yes, they have been and are chasing down the MB in the Sinai


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 15, 2014, 12:17:33 PM

The Egyptian military has been an ally of the US for decades.  They've been a pillar of stability in a dangerous region.  Half of all Arabs live in Egypt.  They border places like Libya, Sudan, and Hamas in Gaza.  They an extremely important country and valuable ally.  It was a real loss when Obama's terrorist friends seized the government and began purging the military.

Before Morsi grabbed power, the Molem Brotherhood was outlawed in Egypt.  For good reason.  They aren't friends of the military.

Yes, they have been and are chasing down the MB in the Sinai
Because they have control of the country. Again.  There goes another attempt at democracy in favor of right wing absolutism.
The military will prevent the Brotherhood from interfering with their control of the nation.  They will also use their weapons to control everybody else, too.  I think the trial of Mubarak (when he's not tending to a bloody nose or some other ailment) reveals how brutal and sadistic our "ally" is toward voices in opposition. 
I am pleased the President refused to allow American military equipment to be involved in the suppression of a nation.

Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 15, 2014, 12:28:06 PM
...  There goes another attempt at democracy in favor of right wing absolutism...

Absolute bullshit.

Obama thinks the same way you do, which is why he's weak, blundering, and incompetent.  It's why China feels free to annex international airspace and shipping lanes, and why Putin feels free to grab the Crimea. 

It is making our enemies lick their lips and causing our allies to worry and re-think their relationships with us. 

The Saudi's have already announced they are going to stop buying weapons from the US and start buying them from Russia.  It would be a disaster if Egypt followed suite.  Who do we want having military influence in that region, us or Putin?  Or maybe China would like to gain a foothold there. 

Thanks to Jimmy Carter, we no longer have influence in Iran (or their ally Syria), but the Russians do.  Has that turned out to be a good thing?

In a dangerous world, these Pollyanna Democrats are a menace.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 15, 2014, 12:40:51 PM

Absolute bullshit.

Obama thinks the same way you do, which is why he's weak, blundering, and incompetent.  It's why China feels free to annex international airspace and shipping lanes, and why Putin feels free to grab the Crimea. 

It is making our enemies lick their lips and causing our allies to worry and re-think their relationships with us. 

The Saudi's have already announced they are going to stop buying weapons from the US and start buying them from Russia.  It would be a disaster if Egypt followed suite.  Who do we want having military influence in that region, us or Putin?  Or maybe China would like to gain a foothold there. 

Thanks to Jimmy Carter, we no longer have influence in Iran (or their ally Syria), but the Russians do.  Has that turned out to be a good thing?

In a dangerous world, these Pollyanna Democrats are a menace.
Where to start?  Influence in Iran?  You do know there was a revolution there in 1979, right?  You do know Carter's refusal to surrender the Shah brought on the hostage crisis, right? So, how much "influence" do we have in Iran?  Not a whole lot until Stuxnet, which caught their attention, didn't it?  Do you think any of you chickenhawks could've gotten the Iranians to reconsider their nuclear weapons program with your red-faced bluster?
Influence in Syria?  Really?  When was this, as they shelled Israel from the Golan Heights?  During the Six Days war?   More made up history.
As to Putin in Crimea, good Lord you know he did the same thing in Chechnya and Georgia when W. was ramrodding around the world.  Helluva job cooling Putie Poot's heels then, huh?
I wasn't aware the Chinese had "annexed" anything.  They've always claimed the broadest interpretations of air and sea territory via international law, but have they taken someone else's territory?  A quick scan of the headlines reveals: no.  Oh, sure they are bellyaching about the South China Sea, but as I told you before, watch how they finally resolve this: a trans ocean partnership with them as majority partners.  As I said before, they are trying to secure direct oil supply to fuel their economy. This so they don't have to rely on Iran.  Google China and Islamic extremists and you'll see what I mean.
Finally, what has our "influence" in the middle east garnered us but a lifelong obligation to protect Israel, thousands of American deaths, trillions of your tax dollars wasted and gas is still nearly 4 bucks a gallon?
And, oh yeah, 9/11?


Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 15, 2014, 01:13:17 PM
Where to start?  Influence in Iran?  You do know there was a revolution there in 1979, right?  You do know Carter's refusal to surrender the Shah brought on the hostage crisis, right? So, how much "influence" do we have in Iran?  Not a whole lot until Stuxnet, which caught their attention, didn't it?  Do you think any of you chickenhawks could've gotten the Iranians to reconsider their nuclear weapons program with your red-faced bluster?
Influence in Syria?  Really?  When was this, as they shelled Israel from the Golan Heights?  During the Six Days war?   More made up history.
As to Putin in Crimea, good Lord you know he did the same thing in Chechnya and Georgia when W. was ramrodding around the world.  Helluva job cooling Putie Poot's heels then, huh?
I wasn't aware the Chinese had "annexed" anything.  They've always claimed the broadest interpretations of air and sea territory via international law, but have they taken someone else's territory?  A quick scan of the headlines reveals: no.  Oh, sure they are bellyaching about the South China Sea, but as I told you before, watch how they finally resolve this: a trans ocean partnership with them as majority partners.  As I said before, they are trying to secure direct oil supply to fuel their economy. This so they don't have to rely on Iran.  Google China and Islamic extremists and you'll see what I mean.
Finally, what has our "influence" in the middle east garnered us but a lifelong obligation to protect Israel, thousands of American deaths, trillions of your tax dollars wasted and gas is still nearly 4 bucks a gallon?
And, oh yeah, GNS

well there is this little place called tibet...
and, oh yea, fixed your post.

Our America-hating so-called President now plans to hand US control of the internet over to 'the global community' (read:  the UN).  Which will then have control over it.  He had to really put on his thinking cap in order to keep up with Jimmy Carter's give away of the Panama Canal.

Get ready for a global tax on internet use - or maybe just a tax on American users.  And censorship.  Can't wait for China to take their seat on the UN Internet Committee.


Adolph Obama's dismantling of the United States continues. 


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 15, 2014, 06:04:49 PM
Our America-hating so-called President
Did Fox News have to drive to your house and actually burn that into your brain with a branding iron?  Or is your mind so soft that it just kind of "took"?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 15, 2014, 06:04:49 PM
Our America-hating so-called President now plans to hand US control of the internet over to 'the global community' (read:  the UN).  Which will then have control over it.  He had to really put on his thinking cap in order to keep up with Jimmy Carter's give away of the Panama Canal.

Get ready for a global tax on internet use - or maybe just a tax on American users.  And censorship.  Can't wait for China to take their seat on the UN Internet Committee.


Adolph Obama's dismantling of the United States continues.
Oh jeez...he can't!!  Not again! Adolph Truman already did it. And Adolph Kennedy.  And Adolph Johnson.  And Adolph Carter. And for sure Adolph and Hillary Clinton did!  At least that's what the right has said every cycle since 1945. 

Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 15, 2014, 06:30:17 PM
Oh jeez...he can't!!  Not again! Adolph Truman already did it. And Adolph Kennedy.  And Adolph Johnson.  And Adolph Carter. And for sure Adolph and Hillary Clinton did!  At least that's what the right has said every cycle since 1945.

Well, I didn't say it any of those other times.  It was his quote about 'we are going to fundamentally change this nation' and his follow up actions to do so that convinced me.

He must have a whole list of problems with our country for it to need Fundamental Change.  Too bad the people who voted for him didn't bother to ask what exactly what those were, or maybe we wouldn't be going through all this now. 

Or perhaps if all those truth-seeking journalists in the main stream media had done so.  Probably too busy following Sarah Palin around.

'Yes we can'.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 15, 2014, 07:06:58 PMToo bad the people who voted for him didn't bother to ask ...
The better choice given that he was running against Grandpa Death and Suzie Nitwit.  Actuaries were saying there was a pretty good likelihood that McCain would have expired in the first term.  President Palin is not a reality I want to even think about much less live through.  8 years of George W Bush was enough.  No thank you.  Romney wasn't acceptable either.  this is a guy who is so completely out of touch with the average American he tries to get Rick Perry to make a $10k bet on national television during a debate.

Get a real Conservative Republican candidate and I'll consider it.  For the record I would have voted for McCain had he picked a viable VP candidate. 

In short: the Republican Party made the Obama Presidency possible.


Sorry things are shitty. It isn't like republicans don't have a lot of feces on their shoes and gloves. Fundamental change, we need it. We need to get off the oil standard. We need to invest in infrastructure. We need to stop policing the world. We need to give heed to science instead of gay bashers.

I don't like Obama all that much. But Bush screwed the pooch, his cronies then sodomized it. Then tried to barbeque it and serve it to us.

Quick Karl

I can't believe you assholes are still here pretending that your lives have meaning or significance…



Quote from: Quick Karl on March 15, 2014, 07:32:07 PM
I can't believe you assholes are still here pretending that your lives have meaning or significance…

I can't believe you're pretending to be a human being. Or that you know how to use a computer.


We all live on a tiny blue spec. If one considers all the universe/multiverse, meaning loses relevance. I guess nihilism is self evident.

Quick Karl

There is no GOD and anyone that believes there is, is just an idiot.

EVERYONE KNOWS that all of the inconceivable quantity of matter in the known universe, just popped into existence one day, from absolutely nothing, in the middle of an absolute void, just because it wanted to.

So we are all just animals and do not have to answer to anything but our own whims and when camp councilors fuck your sons in the ass at summer camp its because "its just a normal part of humanoanimal nature", and fuck anyone that doesn't like it.

You fucking idiots.

Quote from: Quick Karl on March 15, 2014, 08:16:16 PM
There is no GOD and anyone that believes there is, is just an idiot.

EVERYONE KNOWS that all of the inconceivable quantity of matter in the known universe, just popped into existence one day, from absolutely nothing, in the middle of an absolute void, just because it wanted to.

So we are all just animals and do not have to answer to anything but our own whims and when camp councilors fuck your sons in the ass at summer camp its because "its just a normal part of humanoanimal nature", and fuck anyone that doesn't like it.

You fucking idiots.
On behalf of PB, FtF and Ruteger - welcome back!

On behalf of everyone else:

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