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Time to consider "Worst Administration Ever"?

Started by Sardondi, May 14, 2013, 01:43:25 PM

Ben Shockley

Quote from: Juan on December 07, 2013, 12:55:58 PM
You left yourself open for this one, Ben  - Obama has declared war on everyone.
I'm just not as awake as you are, Juan.  How and when can I expect the initial attack consequent to this "declaration of war" that you reference?  Who will be the attacking forces and how can I recognize them?

OH, wait -- that's right!   I'm one of the Obama minions, right?  I'm going to be one of the godless hordes coming after you and the rest of angry, White, self-styled-"Christian," xenophobic, heterosexual-posing, phallically-challenged, war-loving, life-hating, authority-fellating, clueless Real Americans, right?  In other words, I'm one of the troops that will be (is?) engaged in "The War On You," right, Juan?
Since you know so much, Juan, tell me this: when do I start getting paid for my service in Obama's America-destroying forces?  When I was in the U.S. Army (under Presidents I'm sure you thought were wonderful, but of course, I was just there to tear it down) I got paid, so why not now?

Note to self: in future, if you have nothing blisteringly critical to say to/about these right-wing dumb-asses, write nothing.  By no means address them in any remotely-civil, remotely-laudatory manner.  Even when you're not out for blood, they are.
In other words, they have declared war on you and yet they have the audacity to attribute any and all extant aggressive animosity to you.   The same way they project and scapegoat pretty much every aspect of themselves that they hate, fear, or are ashamed of, onto you and/or anybody else they perceive as "other," thereby rendering themselves "normal" and "righteous" and undeserving of any blame, criticism, self-reflection, or negative sanction whatsoever.

"My bad," as they say, for giving a known angry cretin any credit for reasoned thought in this forum.

Ben Shockley

Hey, Nowhere Man!
You're here just in time for the show!!!  ;D

It is just so damn toxic to our "body politic" and the national debate when such over-the-top rhetoric such as you employed, Ben, comes into play...  And, NO, I don't mean that YOU are the one employing it; you are only referencing the terms we have heard all too often in the last 20 years.  What was once whacky conspiracy stuff becomes the mainstream; what is repeated often enough becomes the truth for some people.  That dynamic works in both directions of the political map, and, as near as I can tell, is always pretty destructive.

Ben Shockley

Quote from: West of the Rockies on December 07, 2013, 04:09:55 PM
It is just so damn toxic to our "body politic" and the national debate...  NO, I don't mean that YOU are the one employing it; you are only referencing the terms we have heard all too often in the last 20 years...
WestOf, I'm not sure if you're indicting me or absolving me.  But I'm glad you gave me the opening to make this point, because I think you might not be quite hip to my method, and I imagine that there may be some others who could be sympathetic but aren't quite hip either:

I just write as if I believe these people.  I take them at their words, and just take them maybe one-half logical step further toward where they seem to be going, toward what they espouse.
Like above, and in many other posts, I just embroider on their OWN ESPOUSED obsessive hate and paranoid fear of Obama.  He's "unprecedented" in his "despotic methods?"  He's an existential threat to the nation and to those posters' very families (I mean, he must be, right?  For that level of hate and fear?)  Then, I exhort those who claim to believe that: do something about it!  If you really believe that The Devil walks among us, and YOU are the righteous, enlightened ones who alone can see the threat, and electoral politics are impotent in the face of this existential threat --then damn it, go die for your country and provide a martyr around whom the Obama-oppressed 99% of patriots will surely rally.  I'm sure a Secret Service agent will be glad to help you.

I also take the next step to say: the Existential Threat was elected to office, by --incidentally-- people like me (and others in here).  Therefore, we "Other" posters are Enablers of Absolute Evil, right?  Doesn't that make us equally culpable for the Darkness that has descended upon this great, formerly Light nation?  So whatever verdict these Right-eous voices in here would mete out upon the Devil Obama must also be meted out unto the enablers.  And since Extreme Measures seem necessary and totally justified in dealing with Obama (in the minds of the sick righties), the same Extreme Measures would seem justified in dealing with those who voted for him.  Hence, my logical inference that people like *Boy or Sardondi want to kill me.  It's absolutely not meant as "hyperbole;" it's meant as a logical test of their resolve.  My inference of their inclinations toward violence is only "hyperbolic" to the degree that their own rhetoric is "hyperbolic" --my inferences are logically based in their own words.
I would be happy for any of them to come in here and provide a treatise on how they "obviously" don't want to kill their political opponents and particularly not regular schmucks on the other end of an Internet connection.  And as soon as they do that, I will then tell them that they need to henceforth shut up with their "absolutist" / apocalyptic / annihilative terms of "unprecedented, existential threats."  Because if they believe the extreme crap they write --such as suggested in the very title of this thread-- then they better back it with some action or be called out as the shit-talkers they are.  If they don't believe it, then what good are they doing? --better yet, I invite them to consider the harm they do-- with the hateful rhetoric they use.
In other words, I go a long and wordy path to try to make these people put up or shut the hell up!

Of course, I also acknowledge that some of these people may see themselves as just putting on a show, and for them I aim to provide a "sound check," so that they know how they are coming across to the audience.  Because whether or not some of them mean to, they do come across as violent, sick nuts, and if that's not their intent, I invite them to ponder what it is they write that creates that impression.
All the foregoing assumes at-least-semi-rational actors, amenable to the input of others.  But I don't discount the possibility that some of these obsessive Obama haters in here are truly sick puppies.  And in those cases, where there's nothing I can do to change them, I only hope to provide enough of an attention-getter that a few more people notice the vile rhetoric being used and --if nothing else-- become sensitized to what's floating around in this society.

In regard to my exchange with "Juan," above, that seemed to get your attention, WestOf:  he just pissed me off with what looked like a forum backstabbing.  In my previous post to him, I acknowledged that he was not sinking to the depths of some of his apparent ideological kin around here-- a weak compliment from me to him, you might say.  But he then wasted no time in essentially saying to me: "Wrong, asshole!  I'm every bit the obsessive Obama-hating wing-nut you always knew I could be!"  Whereupon I took him at his word and showed him that I understood the world view that he had just displayed for me, and demonstrated that indeed I could share it with him.  I demonstrated that I understood his demographic, and that I was willing to take on the role here in the forum that he envisioned for me.  What could be friendlier??  I wrapped by providing a lesson for sympathetic readers about how and why the right-wingers in here approach those they consider as "Others."

Interesting that you note the bit about the "last 20 years."  I truly wonder what people like our right-wing "friends" in here did before they had the likes of Limbaugh and his clones to tell them who to hate today or this week or this year; before they had an official guide to Who To Blame For Their Lot In Life.  Because the presence of all that is what has defined and defiled political "discourse" in America over the last 20 years.

Anyway-- how does that grab you, WestOf?  Sure, I put it all in intense stark terms, but only by taking the wildest of the righties at their own words and giving it back like I believe them.  Because, after seeing "the last 20 years," I DO believe them.


Quote from: Ben Shockley on December 07, 2013, 06:17:35 PM
Interesting that you note the bit about the "last 20 years."  I truly wonder what people like our right-wing "friends" in here did before they had the likes of Limbaugh and his clones to tell them who to hate today or this week or this year; before they had an official guide to Who To Blame For Their Lot In Life. ..
Clearly beaten in childhood and made to fear black people. Then to fear poor people.  And, of course, anybody who speaks Spanish.
Then masturbated throughout "The Fountainhead" and to any Barry Goldwater speech.

Hence the useless drivel they spew onto these Politics threads.

(Note to West - still haven't dropped a c-bomb but if Karl shows up all bets are off.)

Hey, Ben... I was worried that my post might be confusing.  NO, I was not attacking you in anyway.  I think I'm having an inarticulate day and not just not wording my thoughts clearly.  I think I'll ban myself for a day or two until the condition passes!  :P

Ben Shockley

Pardon some digression

Quote from: West of the Rockies on December 07, 2013, 06:44:12 PM
Hey, Ben... I was worried that my post might be confusing.  NO, I was not attacking you in anyway.  I think I'm having an inarticulate day and not just not wording my thoughts clearly.
Thanks for that.  Yeah, I really wasn't sure what you meant.   As for my state of mind: my "walls of text" today are the products of lack of sleep overridden by massive caffeine and sheer stamina  >:(

Quote from: NowhereInTime on December 07, 2013, 06:43:22 PM
Clearly beaten in childhood.... Then masturbated throughout "The Fountainhead" and to any Barry Goldwater speech.
OBVIOUSLY a guy would masturbate to a book called The Fountainhead [cue Beavis and Butthead laughs]; it sounds like a how-to.  And I'm not sure about Goldwater [cue Beavis and Butthead laughs], but ol' Menachem Begin used to put a rise in my adolescent pants ~~
I think you were channeling my musing from two Tuesdays ago when I was so blatantly drunk posting, and regarding P*B:
"Do y'all think he keeps an autographed b&w pic of Joe McCarthy carefully folded into his bedside Bible, only taking it out for spanking purposes?"
That line was relatively fresh in my mind from having used it on some idiot in the message boards in imdb.com; some rightie was busting up on another poster and calling him a "hippie" and saying how that was so pathetic 40 years later --  so I jumped in and lambasted the rightie for still being obsessed by "hippies" 40+ years later, and yanking him about how he probably had an autographed pic of Jack Webb in the bedside Bible, etc....

Speaking of Mehachem Begin (a name guaranteed to strike fear into P*B) --Nowhere Man, lately you were humorously exaggerating (we have to be precise) that *Boy was obsessed with what I also noted as "Judaeo- Slavic" names: like all his non-Asian, non-Black bugaboos would have names ending with "-ski/-sky" and are indeed people known to be of Jewish background.   So I had an image:

In the movie "Battle Cry," the Aldo Ray character is depicted as suffering the aftereffects of malaria, having delirious dreams.  In one of these scenes, he awakes delirious, yelling the name of his buddy, "Wronski," who had been killed on Guadalcanal.   Aldo Ray jerks awake yelling the nickname "Ski! Ski! Ski!"
I imagine poor old P*B deliriously waking from a dream about Yiddish-speaking Hasidim closing in around him, nowhere to turn, as he stares horrified at the sinister Slavic names emblazoned on the big red stars on the front of their menacing black coats: Alinsky, This-ski, That-sky, Other-ski.  All unkempt, with thick opaque glasses, with horrible uneven ratlike teeth -- straight out of late '30s Josef Goebbels casting; all closing in and muttering in a unison which itself evoked horrors the petit bourgeois mind can scarcely conceive "to..each..according..to..his..needs."  He goes insane(r) in his dream at the sight of all those threatening hakennasen, finally thrashing himself awake yelling "Ski! Ski! Ski!" as he gets up and does whatever he has to do to begin another average day ~~~
   Okay, it was hilarious to me when I first thought of it.

Back to designated topic

Quick Karl

Quote from: NowhereInTime on December 07, 2013, 06:43:22 PM
(Note to West - still haven't dropped a c-bomb but if Karl shows up all bets are off.)

I defecate on you.

Quote from: Ben Shockley on December 07, 2013, 06:17:35 PM
... Interesting that you note the bit about the "last 20 years."  I truly wonder what people like our right-wing "friends" in here did before...

Before the 'Progressives' hijacked the Democrat Party, they were considered Far Left Radicals, leftover losers and burnouts from the 60s plus a few younger angry whack jobs they managed to recruit (people like the Obama's), and were mostly shunned by decent people.  Oh sure, there were enough of them to be irritating with their riots, er, 'demonstrations', and smearing the good people somehow as 'Nazi's' and 'racists', but they were mostly ignored as kooks.  They were never more than 8-10% of he population.  They are still a tiny percentage, it's just that they've managed to capture a once great political party, and have thus become dangerous.

If you don't believe that - that these people don't truly represent any but a small percentage - keep an eye on Obama's approval rating, and see how the 2014 elections play out, now that ObamaCare and his other lies are on full view and people are paying attention.

In the decades before these destructive Leftists seized the Democrat Party apparatus, the Liberals held the Party and mostly debated the Republicans on topics like the rate of taxation, the size of the government safety net, the size of the military, and so on.

Before this "20 years ago" you mention, the possible destruction of the country at the hand of these 'Progressives' wasn't an issue.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 08, 2013, 04:01:03 AM

Before the 'Progressives' hijacked the Democrat Party, they were considered Far Left Radicals, leftover losers and burnouts from the 60s plus a few younger angry whack jobs they managed to recruit (people like the Obama's), and were mostly shunned by decent people.  Oh sure, there were enough of them to be irritating with their riots, er, 'demonstrations', and smearing the good people somehow as 'Nazi's' and 'racists', but they were mostly ignored as kooks.  They were never more than 8-10% of he population.  They are still a tiny percentage, it's just that they've managed to capture a once great political party, and have thus become dangerous.

If you don't believe that - that these people don't truly represent any but a small percentage - keep an eye on Obama's approval rating, and see how the 2014 elections play out, now that ObamaCare and his other lies are on full view and people are paying attention.

In the decades before these destructive Leftists seized the Democrat Party apparatus, the Liberals held the Party and mostly debated the Republicans on topics like the rate of taxation, the size of the government safety net, the size of the military, and so on.

Before this "20 years ago" you mention, the possible destruction of the country at the hand of these 'Progressives' wasn't an issue.

I was born in 63, so I wasn't glued to the TV watching the anger unfold over segregation, nor the passive demonstrations over the Vietnam war. Were these the 'kooks' you were referring to, that decent people didn't wish to be associated with?


Sorry, I tried to make a joke on this thread.  Entirely my fault.
How do you know I'm a honky?

Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 08, 2013, 04:01:03 AM

Before the 'Progressives' hijacked the Democrat Party, they were considered Far Left Radicals, leftover losers and burnouts from the 60s plus a few younger angry whack jobs they managed to recruit (people like the Obama's), and were mostly shunned by decent people.  Oh sure, there were enough of them to be irritating with their riots, er, 'demonstrations', and smearing the good people somehow as 'Nazi's' and 'racists', but they were mostly ignored as kooks.  They were never more than 8-10% of he population.  They are still a tiny percentage, it's just that they've managed to capture a once great political party, and have thus become dangerous.

If you don't believe that - that these people don't truly represent any but a small percentage - keep an eye on Obama's approval rating, and see how the 2014 elections play out, now that ObamaCare and his other lies are on full view and people are paying attention.

In the decades before these destructive Leftists seized the Democrat Party apparatus, the Liberals held the Party and mostly debated the Republicans on topics like the rate of taxation, the size of the government safety net, the size of the military, and so on.

Before this "20 years ago" you mention, the possible destruction of the country at the hand of these 'Progressives' wasn't an issue.

You know what's curious, Paperboy, is that there are those who say the same essential thing about the Republican party; namely, that it was taken over by its far-right fringe element (a small percentage of the nation's population).  Both sides call the other side facsist, corrupt, incompetent, stupid, immoral; both sides regard themselves as enlightened, honest, competent, etc....  So what's the takeaway from that?

Yorkshire pud

I thought this interesting.

Witnesses said a group of protesters toppled the statue of Soviet leader Lenin at the top of Shevchenko's Boulevard using metal bars and ropes and then began smashing it up with hammers.

Others stood by chanting "glory to Ukraine".


Liberal commie bastards. How dare they try to stop their government getting all loved up again with their old ally.

The opposition party of jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has urged people to "chase" the president "until he falls".

"We are on a razor's edge between a final plunge into cruel dictatorship and a return home to the European community," Mrs Tymoshenko said in a message to the crowd read out by her daughter.

"Don't give in, not a step back, don't give up, the future of Ukraine is in your hands," the message read.

Another opposition leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, said: "It's not just a simple revolution. It's a revolution of dignity."

Where have we heard something similar to the above said about Obama? The difference being, the Ukrainians have the balls  to put their asses on the line; Obama isn't as resented as some say he is, because if he was, the ones who claim that he's a Marxist (but he isn't) would march on the Whitehouse and demand his impeachment...can I buy tickets to see that?

There is a lot of bluster, Yorkshire, when it comes to Obama.  I recall some people saying that they'd move to Canada if he was reelected.  (They're still here...)  Of course, I said the same thing about if Sarah Palin had been elected prez.  My concern has ever been that a lone whacko might attempt something very violent. 

So what became of a couple ex-PM's in your neck of the woods?  Do Gordon Brown and Tony Blair pop up from time to time to pontificate on matters political?  There is no escaping Sarah's babble here.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: West of the Rockies on December 08, 2013, 12:34:24 PM
There is a lot of bluster, Yorkshire, when it comes to Obama.  I recall some people saying that they'd move to Canada if he was reelected.  (They're still here...)  Of course, I said the same thing about if Sarah Palin had been elected prez.  My concern has ever been that a lone whacko might attempt something very violent. 

So what became of a couple ex-PM's in your neck of the woods?  Do Gordon Brown and Tony Blair pop up from time to time to pontificate on matters political?  There is no escaping Sarah's babble here.

I don't know if you know WotR but after Bliar orchestrated the passing of the poisoned chalice to Brown, he went off and became Middle east envoy, and was apparently going to change it all from a tinder box on the verge of ignition to all sweetness and light...As well as being invited all over the world as a guest speaker...current price? About $600 000 per free lunch.

Brown I think is some sort of ambassador for kids in the developing world, no idea who he works for, might be Unicef. Bliar seldom says much about domestic politics, although he had a soundbite or three over things recently, but I didn't take any notice. His lips move so there's no guarantee he's telling the truth.

It's curious how many ex-presidents (and other leaders) really end up doing very little upon retirement.  They usually write a memoir, endorse a fellow party-member here and there, but not much else.  Reagan was said to be already suffering from a form of dementia.  G.H.W. Bush has been pretty quiet (and looks ancient).  Carter looks decrepid at present, but did make some noise with Habitat for Humanity.  G.W. Bush has taken to painting; his self-portrait of his feet in the bathtub is especially stirring!  :P


Quote from: Juan on December 08, 2013, 07:04:34 AM
Sorry, I tried to make a joke on this thread.  Entirely my fault.
How do you know I'm a honky?
On balance, you are a smart poster with great insights.
Having said that, I would love it if you would actually bring jokes. 
I don't care if you call me a flaming bag of dogcrap (funny visual) but bring the damn funny.

Are there still kids in America setting bags of dog crap on fire on people's front porches?  I never had the guts to try that, but it actually is an amusing image (in a wildly juvenile sort of way). 

Ben Shockley

Quote from: Juan on December 08, 2013, 07:04:34 AM
...How do you know I'm a honky?
Not only do I take these righties at their word and hold them to it,  I also remember their words.   Some can attest.

And unless I totally mis-remember --  back when Juan was UFOFill, he claimed that his father had been a USAF / USAAF Public Information Officer.  As I recall it, Fill claimed this in support of trying to assert that "something really happened at Roswell in July 1947," and I'll let that part slide by for now.
I doubt if many non-Whites were the Air Force's Public Face in and before 1947.  The guy behind UFOFill / Juan might have been an adopted child, but otherwise, I'll stake a small amount of money that Juan is as "honky" as they get.

Quote from: Ben Shockley on December 11, 2013, 12:54:34 PM
Not only do I take these righties at their word and hold them to it,  I also remember their words.   Some can attest.

And unless I totally mis-remember --  back when Juan was UFOFill, he claimed that his father had been a USAF / USAAF Public Information Officer.  As I recall it, Fill claimed this in support of trying to assert that "something really happened at Roswell in July 1947," and I'll let that part slide by for now.
I doubt if many non-Whites were the Air Force's Public Face in and before 1947.  The guy behind UFOFill / Juan might have been an adopted child, but otherwise, I'll stake a small amount of money that Juan is as "honky" as they get.

Good to know Ben's out there, on duty, counting noses, tallying up, keeping track of who is to be placed in what category.

The Left is obsessed with race.  And try to project their shit onto the rest of us.

Ben Shockley

Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 11, 2013, 01:50:43 PM

Good to know Ben's out there,...
The Left is obsessed with race.  And try to project their shit onto the rest of us.
Good to know that *Boy is out there like a good pro-wrestling referee, always ignoring the context.
No doubt he saw "Juan"s post to which I was replying, but like all Republican propagandists, he hopes for that ONE un-hip person, who is too damn dumb to look back for what is being referenced, that he can sway.

Quick Karl

Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on December 12, 2013, 10:26:09 AM
Interesting item:


And those warm fuzzy socialist democrats have nothing whatsoever to do with the scam...

I always crack up when one of them complains about the "rich" while they ignore the wealth of Hollywood, Rap-feceians, George Soros and other parasites on Wall Street and cock-suckers in hedge funds, their own politicians like Pelosi, Boxer, any number of others who are sucking the life out of America, or anyone else that 'says' they support the left agenda. The complainers on the "left" do this to soothe their own seething envy of anyone they perceive as willing to work harder to improve their lot in life and/or that believes in an honest merit based distribution.

It all plays straight into the hands of the 1% in that video - just like they planned it.


Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on December 12, 2013, 10:26:09 AM
Interesting item:

Staggering.  This has to be the best presentation of this problem I have seen.  Great job sourcing it.  I'm a leftie and I thought the "ideal" was fair.  Reward the productive for their ingenuity and entreprenuership.  Giving someone 380x the pay of their average worker?  There's your "class warfare."
Great find, UA.


Quote from: Quick Karl on December 12, 2013, 11:02:30 AM
And those warm fuzzy socialist democrats have nothing whatsoever to do with the scam...

I always crack up when one of them complains about the "rich" while they ignore the wealth of Hollywood, Rap-feceians, their own politicians like Pelosi, Boxer, any number of others who are sucking the life out of America, or anyone else that 'says' they support the left agenda. The complainers on the "left" do this to soothe their own seething envy of anyone they perceive as willing to work harder to improve their lot in life and/or that believes in an honest merit based distribution.

It all plays straight into the hands of the 1% in that video - just like they planned it.
You honestly have no basis in reality.  The very notion that his is all a scheme of the American left is as absurd as anything I've ever seen in my 44 years on God's Green Earth.
Really, I'm at a loss for dealing with you.  Your twisted and warped world view is borderline sociopathic and your lack of comprehension for basic political ideologies and economic concepts is astounding.
Your ability to conflate issues shows no attempt acknowledge any fundamental information brought before you but an immediate attempt to parse one twistable piece of information into a full rebuke of otherwise truthful conclusions. Stunning alternative reality.
I used to hate you but, Heavens, now I just pity you and pray your caregiver medicates you properly.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 11, 2013, 01:50:43 PM

Good to know Ben's out there, on duty, counting noses, tallying up, keeping track of who is to be placed in what category.

The Left is obsessed with race.  And try to project their shit onto the rest of us.
The Right is obsessed with wealth and will do or say anything (even conflating basic truths) to hide their greed. And they try to project their false patriotism onto the rest of us.

Quick Karl

Quote from: NowhereInTime on December 12, 2013, 11:26:13 AM
The Right is obsessed with wealth and will do or say anything (even conflating basic truths) to hide their greed. And they try to project their false patriotism onto the rest of us.

Nitwit learned a new word: "conflating". Must be his mental-health professional used it in a diagnosis and now he is repeating it to make himself sound smart.

He thinks he is the only one allowed to use rhetoric to make a point.

Stupid pathetic cock sucker.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Quick Karl on December 12, 2013, 11:33:24 AM
Nitwit learned a new word: "conflating". Must be his mental-health professional used it in a diagnosis and now he is repeating it to make himself sound smart.

He thinks he is the only one allowed to use rhetoric to make a point.

Stupid pathetic cock sucker.

You really should keep back with trying to criticise other people's supposed vocabulary skills Karl; in another thread you kept coming back taking a different tack insinuating I agreed or indeed endorsed benefit fraud but not tax fraud, or that I was ignoring benefit fraud. I wasn't endorsing any fraud of course, but you ignored that little detail. Your final dig was to suggest I was "missing the point", but you didn't seem to know what that point was. I can only guess that the figures threw you somewhat, because your 'analysis' was that even though they're official government figures (and not disputed by anyone) they must be suspect because they're official figures. Again, I'm guessing, but you may think they're suspect because they're compiled for the incumbent Conservative government; and as I said, it must be uncomfortable for them, because traditionally their biggest source of funds is from the big money who have access to tax havens.

And really; signing off by calling someone a stupid pathetic cock sucker says far more about you, than it does anyone else.

Quick Karl

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 12, 2013, 12:37:26 PM
And really; signing off by calling someone a stupid pathetic cock sucker says far more about you, than it does anyone else.

Are you fucking kidding me? You criticize me for doing what your bummy-buddy nitwit has been doing here for the last 3-months.

And you suggest I have credibility issues?

Lastly, if I have to explain to you, every little nuance of what I post, then you are not worth typing to.

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