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Time to consider "Worst Administration Ever"?

Started by Sardondi, May 14, 2013, 01:43:25 PM


This is Barack Obama's Week From Hell. http://theweek.com/bullpen/column/244122/a-flood-of-scandals-engulfs-obama

He has not one, not two, but three, count 'em, three major scandals blowing up on him. And here's the elephant in the living room:each one could be impeachable. And if evidence mounts, the sheer quantity of filth, corruption and abuse of power could be so offensive to Americans that impeachment is demanded. A lot more has to happen. But the thing is, it will. There's plenty of fire already found behind the smoke which is all over the city of Washington, D.C. It will be a very long Summer for Obama and company, and a lot of stuff will come out. But it's not too early to consider, is Obama's The Worst Administration Ever?

It could have vied for the title before now: governance by executive fiat; the invention of an entire new segment of cronyism in which corporate giants are extorted by executive orders and acts of administrative power to become massive contributors to the President in order to get executive waivers of devastating statutes and rules; shameful nepotism and revolving door politics in which journalists simply waltz into the White House and vice versa, plus we have three major news networks which (secretly) have had relatives working as paid advisors to the President. Then there's the systemic theft in the financial Stimuli programs, in which trillions of dollars have simply disappeared, making the looting of post-Saddam Baghdad look like it was nothing more than kids going through a Brooklyn candy store after a fire. All of which has been aided and abetted by a news media's open pro-Obama partisanship, in which Obama was at all times protected and his programs pushed, negative stories spiked, and true grassroots movements like the Tea Party mocked and derided in efforts coordinated and directed by and through the execrable Journolist. Obama didn't need any more than this to run Jimmy Carter a close race for worst President of the last 50 years, perhaps the worst going back to Harding.

But now Obama has had the worst week of a President since Nixon's resignation week. It's truly awful, and it portends a horrible Summer and Fall for him. Things are so bad that the Democrats nationally can only hope to hold on to a bare majority in the Senate, and that is all. Of course they've lost the House and will lose more seats there, but they had actually hoped to take it back. They've lost most states, as governorships and state legislatures are now majority Republican, with more to follow. The best Obama can hope for is hanging on by his fingernails to a bare majority in the Senate, and even that is now in play.

Because Obama failed to heed the wisdom of the (ancient) Greeks*- hubris is sure to bring on Nemesis. Barry O, the Golden Boy, the kid who never worked for a thing, the kid who literally had someone looking out for him and taking care of him since he reached pubescence, the guy who never in his life has had a real job, who was always the darling of the press, has finally seen them bare their teeth at him. He makes a good candidate as the most personally arrogant and narcissistic man we've ever had in the Oval Office - and that's a breathtaking statement. Hell, Bill Clinton's bodily fluids still stain the carpet. But Obama is a different class entirely. Which makes him unequipped to handle truly tough times. And he's got 'em now.

Because we're finding out the IRS - his IRS and his IRS Administrator - used the IRS to punish, harass and intimidate those who displeased the White House in a way which Nixon only dreamed he could have done. And it's getting worse every day as we find out how long the program went on and how long his people knew about it - at a minimum knew about it. That's just one problem which, let's face it, is impeachable if facts come in the wrong way for him

Next is the Benghazi mess. Hilary Clinton is looking like the bullesye for the moment, but there's plenty of exposure of Obama. These hearings won't even be the end. Besides, Hilary will claw Obama before she lets the White House paint her as the target. She's getting positioned to be the designated fall girl already.

And now we have the revelations that the DOJ spied on the AP. Now, the media will yawn all week if Tea party members were actually dragged into the street and burned at the stake, but if you even boot the car of a member of the media, well by God they will not stand for it! A media shitstorm will come down on this. Rest assured that Deval Patrcik already has a functionary fitted with the fall guy jacket. But the media may well start with Patrick's hide and still not be satisfied on this. Developing.

Like a say, a terrible three to 6 months are coming for Barry O. I of course will enjoy it as the fruits of hubris.

*There's an entirely new breed running things in Athens now, as the modern Greeks do us the favor of showing us what happens when you insist on ignoring warnings that a financial disaster is coming. What can't go on forever, won't. These Greeks have shown the world what happens when you treat government funds as if they were The Fountain of Eternal Money - you destroy your economy and have over 1/4 of your working force unemployed. Riots to follow. 


no way i could improve upon your post, so i won't try. 

i will say, however, that i've become incapable of believing this guy is touchable.  after six years of watching the mainstream news media carry water for him (and his associates), i've become psychologically conditioned to believe his bubble of protection impermeable.  i hope i'm wrong and he's politically destroyed. 

i could tolerate his policies if he just didn't seem to harbor such fundamental hatred and resentment toward the united states.  he became president not because he wanted to lead the greatest nation in the world.  rather, he became president for the purpose of implementing the left wing rabble rousing activist ideologies he's built his entire life upon.  he sees it as his charge to correct the multitude of injustices committed by this imperialist country full of "typical white people."   i see this president as someone who would fit right in as the leader of some banana republic third world shit hole, complete with the pistol and chest plate of generalissimo medals.  he is a corrupt, narcissistic, arrogant, contemptible elitist bureaucrat whore who is incapable of true empathy for what real people are going through in life, business, or elsewhere.  period.  a sociopath.

Worst Administration ever?  As with other things such as movies or sports, it's difficult to compare across eras.  Just taking the 20th and 21st Century adminitrations (earlier than that we truly had small, limited government), the most destructive were Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Bush II, and now Obama.  These were the administrations that intentionally took huge steps towards increasing the size of government, or were so bad - with massive negative consequences - in every aspect as to merit being on this list.  Each could considered 'the worst' depending on the criteria.  Even Nixon had his share of successes.

The things that set Obama apart include him just not being a leader, the people in DC that know him don't like him - for his arrogance, his vanity.  He came to the job with no accomplishments, his obsolete ideas are straight out of the 1960s.  More and more the rest of us learn he's lazy, corrupt, and dishonest.  The only thing he seems interested in is redistributing wealth and building his party - and taking a wrecking ball to everything else.

These 3 scandals aside, it won't be long now before the rest of the provisions of ObamaCare go into effect.  Already the stunning costs are being whispered about, soon even the Media won't be able to ignore them.  While we are being bled dry, at some point people will find out Obama's cronies and Democrat fundraisers and supporting organizations all got exemptions from it.  The Democrats are going to take the full fury of the voters on this one.  ObamaCare was designed to fail - then have the people clamor for a full European style government run health care system.  It was too successful - it will have failed to quickly.  It will be interesting to watch it's House and Senate supporters run from it and lead the charge to gut it.  That still won't save quite a few of them.

The good news for the country is that it's over for Obama - although with his decrees and willingness to ignore the law he's still dangerous.   Assuming a year and a half down the road he gets past these scandals, he will have been responsible for losing the Senate, a ton more House seats, governorships and state legislators, and will be the most toxic of lame ducks to members of his party.  He may end up stepping down on his own.  If Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Mrs Obama,, Mrs Clinton, or anyone else asociated with his administration think they are going to be the next nominee, they are wrong.

This isn't even touching on the rotten economy he's done nothing about, or the $1.5 Trillion annual deficit, or the $85 Billion in newly printed money each and every month.  Obama has exacerbated our debt obligations, including the amount of Medicare, Social Security, Federal pensions coming due down the road.  We are simply now past the point these obligations can be met.  The pain all this will cause down the road will be traced directly back to Obama and his Fed and the Democrat Party.  The Democrats ran against Hoover for decades.  The Rs will have their own Hoover to run against.


Quote from: MV on May 14, 2013, 02:36:26 PM
no way i could improve upon your post, so i won't try. 

i will say, however, that i've become incapable of believing this guy is touchable.  after six years of watching the mainstream news media carry water for him (and his associates), i've become psychologically conditioned to believe his bubble of protection impermeable.  i hope i'm wrong and he's politically destroyed. 

i could tolerate his policies if he just didn't seem to harbor such fundamental hatred and resentment toward the united states.  he became president not because he wanted to lead the greatest nation in the world.  rather, he became president for the purpose of implementing the left wing rabble rousing activist ideologies he's built his entire life upon.  he sees it as his charge to correct the multitude of injustices committed by this imperialist country full of "typical white people."   i see this president as someone who would fit right in as the leader of some banana republic third world shit hole, complete with the pistol and chest plate of generalissimo medals.  he is a corrupt, narcissistic, arrogant, contemptible elitist bureaucrat whore who is incapable of true empathy for what real people are going through in life, business, or elsewhere.  period.  a sociopath.

Oh, preach, brother. Yes indeed.


I predict a worse week sometime in October or November, when all the young people who voted for him find out they have to pay for Obamacare.  I'm stunned by the number of them I've talked to who think "healthcare" will now be free.

Eddie Coyle

         Jay Carney will be a MSNBC contributor/host by August. Eric Holder will be a Ivy League prof by then as well. The former will leave willingly, the latter not so much, but a featherbed will be prepared.


I'd disagree with CNN's headline that the email contradicts the Benghazi story.  I don't think the email says much of anything - only that there is inaccurate information in public and in Congress.  What does that mean?  Inaccurate in that the movie had nothing to do with Benghazi?  Inaccurate that the movie did have something to do with it?  Inaccurate that Hillary or top State Department officials told people to stand down?  The email - at least so far as what is published says - says nothing much.


First Jay Carney says the White House knew about how the IRS had targeted conservatives.
Carney: White House Heard Reports, But Didn't Ask About IRS Scandal

But later he wriggled a "no one at the White House would have been involved in anything illegal" non-statement statement.

Wow. Am I the only one to hear echoes of John Ehrlichman's proposal of a "modified limited hangout" in Carney's walk-back from his earlier outright admission that the White House was aware of the IRS punishment teams? This Friday is the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Watergate Hearings, and I'm struck at how history can so often repeat itself. "It's never the crime but the cover-up."

Those who do not learn from history...


Oh, this is rich: Media Matters, the George Soros-funded enterprise which has a dual mission of destroying all things conservative, and backing all things of the left to the absolute hilt, is now concerned - very concerned - that those AP reporters just may have compromised US security. http://mediamattersaction.org/message/onepagers/201305140001

Oh my. Any other day and these same little bastards would have been happy to compromise US intel ops in any way they could, but now, now, when to do so gives cover to Obama, they become quite gravely concerned that US security ops may have been compromised by the actions of the AP. And of course that is why the DOJ was tapping 20 public - and private - lines of AP reporters. Yep, Media Matters tells us that the AP deserved being wiretapped! Thank the spirit of Saul Alinsky that we've got such great Americans as Media Matters to look after our secrets, and make sure the press isn't giving away the game.

Arrrrrggghhh! My head! It's about to explode!

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on May 15, 2013, 08:26:32 AM
Oh, this is rich: Media Matters, the George Soros-funded enterprise which has a dual mission of destroying all things conservative, and backing all things of the left to the absolute hilt, is now concerned - very concerned - that those AP reporters just may have compromised US security. http://mediamattersaction.org/message/onepagers/201305140001

Oh my. Any other day and these same little bastards would have been happy to compromise US intel ops in any way they could, but now, now, when to do so gives cover to Obama, they become quite gravely concerned that US security ops may have been compromised by the actions of the AP. And of course that is why the DOJ was tapping 20 public - and private - lines of AP reporters. Yep, Media Matters tells us that the AP deserved being wiretapped! Thank the spirit of Saul Alinsky that we've got such great Americans as Media Matters to look after our secrets, and make sure the press isn't giving away the game.

Arrrrrggghhh! My head! It's about to explode!

         Media Matters is a parody of a parody. Sy Hersh could have handed out nuclear codes and Soros would have circulated them like currency. The same people who weeped endlessly at Valerie Plame's graveside(oh wait) aren't the slightest bit piqued by foreign officers being murdered in Libya.



I swear, there has never been an administration like this one for sheer arrogance. You remember Susan Rice? She whose nomination as US ambassador to the UN (are you kidding me?!) was derailed by her cock-up of Benghazi, her attempt to custom manage the Benghazi fallout with grossly false "talking points" and her testimony to House committees which is suspect to put it mildly. She's got a bullseye on her back, right? She's going down even if no one else falls, right? Wrong - she's being promoted.

The White House is going to make her the President's National Security Advisor. Link.

As a prim young lady lawyer said to me when we wondered to each other about how our new boss, whose fake Pattonesque style offended every person she ever met, got her job, "Somebody's dick is getting sucked."


Well, now - it seems the tapping of the AP reporters included tapping them while in the House of Representatives.  So, in addition to a First Amendment issue, we have a separation of powers issue.

I expect to hear "Touch Me in the Morning", "Frankenstein", "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia", and "You Are The Sunshine of my Life" playing on the radio.


Quote from: UFO Fill on May 15, 2013, 06:34:06 PM
Well, now - it seems the tapping of the AP reporters included tapping them while in the House of Representatives.  So, in addition to a First Amendment issue, we have a separation of powers issue.

I expect to hear "Touch Me in the Morning", "Frankenstein", "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia", and "You Are The Sunshine of my Life" playing on the radio.
You mean songs on the radio in 1973-74?

BTW, May 17 marks the 40th year anniversary of the beginning of the Watergate hearings before the special "Senate Watergate Committee". The members:

Chairman Sam Ervin, D-NC    Howard Baker, R-TN
Daniel Inouye, D-HI              Edward Gurney, R-FL
Joseph Montoya, D-NM          Lowell Weiker, R-CT
Herman Talmadge, D-GA

Wow. Talk about must-see tv. Everyone asked each other what had happened that day. "What did Sam Ervin say today?" "What did the President know...and when did he know it?" And just seven senators on the committee. I'm reminded of how the South used to have a disproportionately large impact on the Senate, even past these hearings into the 80's. That's pretty much over now.

Quote from: Sardondi on May 15, 2013, 06:06:23 PM
I swear, there has never been an administration like this one for sheer arrogance. You remember Susan Rice? She whose nomination as US ambassador to the UN (are you kidding me?!) was derailed by her cock-up of Benghazi, her attempt to custom manage the Benghazi fallout with grossly false "talking points" and her testimony to House committees which is suspect to put it mildly. She's got a bullseye on her back, right? She's going down even if no one else falls, right? Wrong - she's being promoted.

The White House is going to make her the President's National Security Advisor. Link.

As a prim young lady lawyer said to me when we wondered to each other about how our new boss, whose fake Pattonesque style offended every person she ever met, got her job, "Somebody's dick is getting sucked."

Well sure, but think what a great tele-prompter reader the President is.  That's apparently enough for the majority of voters.


Just because Tea Party groups are paranoid doesn't mean the government isn't out to get them.

Government bureaucracies are stuffed with leftist Alinskyite hacks from top to bottom. Obama doesn't NEED to give them directives, they've been taught what to do since kindergarten, and they'll still be there when barry is history. The whole place needs fumigation, McCarthy style.

One more thing. I hope these scandals make it 100% transparent to the American people that the Executive branch wields an irresponsible amount of power. An amount of power that is all too easily corrupted. It began in earnest with FDR, picked up the pace with Nixon, eased a bit with Carter, and went pedal to the metal with Bush II. Obama is a continuation of the dangerous amount of power America has invested in her top executive. We are very close to a system of "King for four years".

I predict this IRS scandal will be the death of the Tea Party when we find out that this wasn't Obama, but the result of an internal conservative fundraising civil war. The cause of this war is the need to control money coming into a central source. Decentralization would hurt the right, not help it. One hundred and eight tea party groups collecting donations that your already established group could be collecting is bad news. If you are a local conservative representative and you don't agree with national party on an issue(immigration) they can threaten to take away your funding and reelection staff.

If you look at who stands to gain the most by targeting these applications, it is the big lobbyists on the right, not the left or normal Americans that support the Tea Party.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 15, 2013, 10:17:11 PM
I predict this IRS scandal will be the death of the Tea Party when we find out that this wasn't Obama, but the result of an internal conservative fundraising civil war.

everything you said here is speculation, although it has the ring of truth to it.  however, i think in scandals of this nature, you have to start by examining the actions of the people running things (the obama administration, at whatever level) and go from there.  chips will fall where they may.

Quote from: UFO Fill on May 14, 2013, 03:38:08 PM
I predict a worse week sometime in October or November, when all the young people who voted for him find out they have to pay for Obamacare.  I'm stunned by the number of them I've talked to who think "healthcare" will now be free.
Oh yes, very much so. This was passed so they would to be the ones pulling the cart. Pinocchio should be required viewing in our schools.

Quote from: MV on May 15, 2013, 10:46:31 PM

everything you said here is speculation, although it has the ring of truth to it.  however, i think in scandals of this nature, you have to start by examining the actions of the people running things (the obama administration, at whatever level) and go from there.  chips will fall where they may.

It is speculation, but its something I do hear when listening to friends. Rove was the gateway for money (there was a fight about that a few years ago) and made an awful lot of promises in 2010 and 2012 and failed. People are pissed-they don't know what their donations are being used for. Plenty of money spent on fancy do-nothings in suits doing polls and going to parties and not enough knocking on doors.


Simply beyond parody. You can't write fiction this unbelievable. Eric Holder*, the Attorney General of the United States of America, appears before a Congressional hearing and acts like a gangster punk with attitude. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-eric-holders-abdication/2013/05/15/61a42d12-bdaf-11e2-97d4-a479289a31f9_story.html?hpid=z2 Here's his actual testimony, from C-Span: http://www.buzzfeed.com/dorsey/eric-holder-just-doesnt-know

He answered a variation of "I don't know" more than a dozen times to very basic questions which every prior attorney general in the history of the United States would have, just out of basic respect for the process, have anticipated the need for - especially since he and his lawyers were told in detail what the committee was going to ask about. It was a studied affront as well as a playing slowdown. It was indeed a shameful performance. Not even John Mitchell acted so cavalierly and insultingly.

Here's the worst thing for Holder: the article linked to above, which is about how Holder has shamefully abdicated his role as AG, was from the Washington Post. And was written by Dana Milbank. Mr. Milbank usually is a fan of Democrats who has been a pretty dependable supporter of all things Obama.

Oh, and on the DOJ efforts to check out who the AP reporters were talking to, it just gets better: the Administration actually got the phone records for the phones of the cloak room of the House of Representatives. So says Congressman Devin Nunes, R-CA who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee. http://hotair.com/greenroom/archives/2013/05/15/would-you-believe-the-administration-bugged-the-phones-in-the-house-of-representatives/ That's simply unheard of. That's the kind of thing that is so sensitive, and lends itself so readily to charges of partisan abuse, that it's just not done absent a legitimate investigation the seriousness of the Rosenbergs spying case, and with a hell of a lot of solid evidence before it's even done. But that's not what this was about.

These people seem to be completely out of control. 

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 15, 2013, 10:17:11 PM
I predict this IRS scandal will be the death of the Tea Party when we find out that this wasn't Obama, but the result of an internal conservative fundraising civil war. The cause of this war is the need to control money coming into a central source. Decentralization would hurt the right, not help it. One hundred and eight tea party groups collecting donations that your already established group could be collecting is bad news. If you are a local conservative representative and you don't agree with national party on an issue(immigration) they can threaten to take away your funding and reelection staff.

If you look at who stands to gain the most by targeting these applications, it is the big lobbyists on the right, not the left or normal Americans that support the Tea Party.
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 15, 2013, 11:00:29 PM
It is speculation, but its something I do hear when listening to friends. Rove was the gateway for money (there was a fight about that a few years ago) and made an awful lot of promises in 2010 and 2012 and failed. People are pissed-they don't know what their donations are being used for. Plenty of money spent on fancy do-nothings in suits doing polls and going to parties and not enough knocking on doors.

But see, two can play this game: "Who would it most benefit to put out the story about Tea-Party fund-raising irregularities and misuse of donations", etc. etc. Nice try.

*Whom I mistakenly called "Deval Patrick" in my original post. Crap, Patrick was an unsuccessful AG nominee of BILL CLINTON. IIRC he's now the governor of Massachusetts, but Good Lord my mind is going.

Quote from: Sardondi on May 15, 2013, 11:11:41 PM
But see, two can play this game: "Who would it most benefit to put out the story about Tea-Party fund-raising irregularities and misuse of donations", etc. etc. Nice try.

Look at what the agents were asking for...lists of donors, lists of volunteers...very little value to Obama, very high value to other conservative fundraisers.

So K-rove's boy in the IRS was given a secret code to put the kybosh on new TP groups? Is that what we're supposed to beleive? Dr. House would call that hearing Zebras.

When will people quit pretending rove is some mastermind and admit he's a bumbling, money wasting idiot who got lucky once (barely, during a war, against a horrendous candidate).

We knew about the IRS targeting in 2012.
In February 2013, the Tea Party Super Pac was formed with the goal of getting rid of the consulting class (Rove).
Now we have the IRS Scandal that we have really known about for the last year as front page news.
This is Rove getting revenge. I don't think this coming out so soon after the Tea Party Super Pac announcing they would go after 10 establishment Republicans is a coincidence.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jackpine Savage on May 16, 2013, 12:15:55 AM

When will people quit pretending rove is some mastermind and admit he's a bumbling, money wasting idiot who got lucky once (barely, during a war, against a horrendous candidate).
The Boogeyman status he's acquired is bemusing. I realize it largely began as a trope of some Texan political writers(Moore and Slater) trying make some extra bucks, but does anybody truly believe he's' anything other than the profilgate bumbler you described? He's a lesser Lee Atwater at best.

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 15, 2013, 10:17:11 PM
I predict this IRS scandal will be the death of the Tea Party when we find out that this wasn't Obama, but the result of an internal conservative fundraising civil war. The cause of this war is the need to control money coming into a central source. Decentralization would hurt the right, not help it. One hundred and eight tea party groups collecting donations that your already established group could be collecting is bad news. If you are a local conservative representative and you don't agree with national party on an issue(immigration) they can threaten to take away your funding and reelection staff.

If you look at who stands to gain the most by targeting these applications, it is the big lobbyists on the right, not the left or normal Americans that support the Tea Party.

Hmm, I don't know about this.  The TEA Party is so far from the Big Government Establishment Republicans as to not be competeing for the same funds.  A true grass roots movement, many/most of these people were never involved in politics before, other than voting, and likely gave very little as far as campaign contributions - maybe $20, $50, $100 here and there.  These are just not the fat cat corporate/PAC contributor insiders that fnd the party in order to gain access and influence. 

The TEA folks are a threat to the Establishment Rs politically, no doubt about that, but I'm not sure the slow stupid dinosaurs running the party even realize it yet.  Anyway, it's the Ds that are the Party of Government, that are the worker bees and management of the agencies.  The Rs have no influence at the IRS or any other bureaucracy.  Reagans 'Iron Triangle' of media, bureaucracy and special interests still run things in DC.

Siccing a government agency that most fear to bully the opposition sounds like something the Chicago Political Machine would resort to.  I have no trouble at all picturing Valerie Jarrett, David Axlerod and David Plouffe getting together with Holder and Obama to put this together.  Mrs Clinton was possibly quite the resource helping with these scandals and coverups as well.  I don't know why she would quit just as the Administration s entering a period where they could finally utilize her true fields of expertise.

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 15, 2013, 11:45:24 PM

Look at what the agents were asking for...lists of donors, lists of volunteers...very little value to Obama, very high value to other conservative fundraisers.



Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 15, 2013, 11:45:24 PM
Look at what the agents were asking for...lists of donors, lists of volunteers...very little value to Obama, very high value to other conservative fundraisers.
Oh come on. In what universe? Harassing and intimidating everyone connected with a target is classic "enemies list" behavior. What you suggest on the other hand is literally incredible: an operation carried out by a mole in the number one position of an agency, in the face of and surrounded by Administration loyalists. It blithely rolls off the tongue now, but somehow at the time it confused, confounded and befuddled all the Obama people who would have automatically highly suspicious of the man anyway? No way. This is just more Media Matters talking points fantasy.

Much more likely is this is a repeat of Fast and Furious, in which an acting agency head is hungry to stay on, and undertakes an outrageously illegal scheme as proof of his usefulness and trustworthiness to the Obama people.

Quote from: Jackpine Savage on May 16, 2013, 12:15:55 AM...When will people quit pretending rove is some mastermind and admit he's a bumbling, money wasting idiot who got lucky once (barely, during a war, against a horrendous candidate).

Didn't you know that Karl Rove is the most powerful political genius in the history of Western Civilization?

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 16, 2013, 01:18:29 AM
         The Boogeyman status he's acquired is bemusing. I realize it largely began as a trope of some Texan political writers(Moore and Slater) trying make some extra bucks, but does anybody truly believe he's' anything other than the profilgate bumbler you described? He's a lesser Lee Atwater at best.
Heh. And Rove couldn't hold G. Gordon Liddy's candle. (No, I didn't mean "couldn't hold a candle to"; I mean couldn't hold his candle.)

Tinfoil Hat

Anyone who considers this the "worst administration ever" has an incredibly short-sighted view of history. (Van Buren, Tyler, Grant, Harding, Hoover, Nixon anyone?)

Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on May 16, 2013, 02:54:03 AM
Anyone who considers this the "worst administration ever" has an incredibly short-sighted view of history. (Van Buren, Tyler, Grant, Harding, Hoover, Nixon anyone?)

The Admnistrations from the 1700s and 1800s back when the government was small and limited simply cannot be compared to the more modern administrations.  The case can be argued that the cronies of those Presidents were more corrupt than the cronies of more recent Presidents - although the sheer vastness of the corruption and waste at Solyndra alone dwarfs the corruption of any other administration - but the rest of it, including the ability to inflict damage and steal our liberty, is not comparable.

Nixon?  At least he had some positive successes.  He got us out of Viet Nam.  He started the EPA.  He opened the door to China.  He reduced tensions with Russia including a nuclear arms treaty.  He got Egypt and Syria to disengage militarily with Isreal.  He had a balanced budget.  His flaws hurt himself and his administration more than anything.

And Nixon at least had the best interests of the country in mind - economically and in foreign policy.  I see no evidence Obama does - just the opposite. 

We know some of Obama's failures and scandals, we know of his incompetence - what are his accomplishments again? 

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