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Explosions at Boston Marathon

Started by Eddie Coyle, April 15, 2013, 02:14:42 PM

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on April 23, 2013, 01:02:35 AM
I'm, surprised the keyboarders and chatterers haven't transubstantiated the pothead slacker into an "honor student" à la Bonfire Of The Vanities.

BTW Tom Wolfe's book about New York in the 80's is a brilliantly incisive and wickedly funny book. Wolfe knows and exposes the cynical, vain and self-serving foibles of the human heart, and captures his age every bit as perfectly as Dickens and Trollope did.
Excellent book, notoriously sub-standard film adaption sunk by it's casting for starters. Ironically, Salon.com got their "Great White Defendant", but with an truly wicked caveat...he's a member of the religion of peace. Gift horses, anyone? 

Quote from: eddie dean on April 23, 2013, 12:57:23 AM
Ha ha.
I wonder how far these interviews from his past, are going to go. are we going to see his 3rd grade teacher telling us how sweet and shy he was. That she never imagined he could "do something like this. But there was this one time......"
And then give us some meaningless tid-bit about a weird picture he drew when he was in art class

           I wish he'd drawn a dirty picture of Muhammed, then we'd been spared the events of last week. I expect his attourneys to keep the infant pics of him coming. Just a kid, ya know.


Quote from: Sardondi on April 23, 2013, 01:02:35 AM
BTW Tom Wolfe's book about New York in the 80's is a brilliantly incisive and wickedly funny book. Wolfe knows and exposes the cynical, vain and self-serving foibles of the human heart, and captures his age every bit as perfectly as Dickens and Trollope did.
It was Wolfe's position that novelists had abandoned inspection of current culture, leaving it to the New Journalists to investigate.  For all of Hunter Thompson's bombast, I think Wolfe and Joan Didion captured the last half of the 20th century best.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 23, 2013, 01:35:43 AM
I expect his attourneys to keep the infant pics of him coming. Just a kid, ya know.

and there are people dumb enough to be affected by that.

here's hitler as a baby:

cutest little thing ever, that hitler.  i just wanna pinch his cute little baby cheeks.

here's bin laden:

oooh, arab babies are just the cutest.  with a face like that, no way he could hurt a fly.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: MV on April 23, 2013, 12:07:04 PM

and there are people dumb enough to be affected by that.

here's hitler as a baby:

cutest little thing ever, that hitler.  i just wanna pinch his cute little baby cheeks.

here's bin laden:

oooh, arab babies are just the cutest.  with a face like that, no way he could hurt a fly.

          Those little darlings! Precious!! Those various infidels and Jews had it coming for screwing with these tykes. Tussle their hair!

          In the pre-Internet days(1990 or so) I remember a local "alternative press" store selling a book of serial killer's baby pictures, and it was funny to look at because some of them really looked like future murderers. You could tell their mothers were still hitting it hard during the third trimester.

The General

Quote from: MV on April 23, 2013, 12:07:04 PM

and there are people dumb enough to be affected by that.

here's hitler as a baby:

Man, Hitler really zeroed in on that hair style early.


Quote from: The General on April 23, 2013, 02:48:04 PM
Man, Hitler really zeroed in on that hair style early.

But not before Moe Howard.


Read an article earlier about these two idiots, and I saw this. - "Many Twitter users have been expressing support for Dzhokhar using the hashtag #freejahar." Must be Alex Jones fans.  ::)


Quote from: coaster on April 23, 2013, 04:06:23 PM
Read an article earlier about these two idiots, and I saw this. - "Many Twitter users have been expressing support for Dzhokhar using the hashtag #freejahar." Must be Alex Jones fans.  ::)

Man. I wish we had concentration camps built specifically for anyone who uses that hashtag.

eddie dean

Is Ann Coulter doing anything productive or positive in her life?
Do her comments help anyone in a discernible way?
She just seems to pop up during difficult times and stir the pot of hatred and intolerance.
She wants to jail people for wearing clothing that she believes is questionable.


BTW sorry for the link to the blaze, it was the best one I could find on my mobile...


Just saw this, if it's already been posted my bad...apparently Tamerlane was an Alex Jones fan...and Jones is saying it's all a plot against HIM, of course....


eddie dean

Quote from: morphiaflow on April 23, 2013, 06:21:15 PM
Just saw this, if it's already been posted my bad...apparently Tamerlane was an Alex Jones fan...and Jones is saying it's all a plot against HIM, of course....


Thanks for posting this. I wondered last week, how AJ might react if the bombers  were shown to be visiting and possibly influenced, by his web sites. I will need more info to confirm if this was indeed true. But  as the days pass, and more comes out, it will be interesting to see how Jones will spin and ultimately dismiss this. He will probably  call it a  coincidence,  wrapped in multiple conspiracy theories, as his early statement indicates.


Some of us were observant psychic enough to anticipate the likely Alex Jones involvement.  See the beginning pages of this thread for confirmation.  8)

(I think Eddie Dean was first to voice it.)

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Scully on April 24, 2013, 12:51:12 AM
Some of us were observant psychic enough to anticipate the likely Alex Jones involvement.  See the beginning pages of this thread for confirmation.  8)

(I think Eddie Dean was first to voice it.)
As much as I loathe Jones and hope these connections damage him beyond repair and erase him from the public, I hope people don't lose sight that radical Islam is the primary issue here(and in the foiled train bombing plot in Canada). The younger Tsarnaev has reportedly confessed that "religious fervor" angle to investigators. Jones was probably a symptom, but religious insanity was the source of infection.

         And Salon.com was as nearly as erroneous as CNN last week. Alex Jones is an easier scapegoat for them than Al Qaeda,so I'm suspicious of this Tsarnaev story and it's timing. The vile David Sirota and Joan Walsh are as sick an ideologue as Ann Coulter. They represent the worst of the left and hurt their cause with their words and wishes.



Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 22, 2013, 10:34:24 PM
                 ... Mood lightening is needed and appreciated.

Today Alex Jones.  Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, Al Qaeda, Eddie.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

It should come as no surprise that a Muslim Jihadist, hell-bent upon unraveling the very fabric of Western society, find some common ground with an anti-government, conspiracy kook. They both view Western government entities as "the enemy".

I would, however, be very cautious about trying to draw a correlation between Jones and terrorism.


With regard to the Alex Jones article - the article spends a lot of time on Jones, but the linked source of the article, an AP story, spends about one line on Jones.  Actually, it only says that Tamerlan "took an interest in Infowars."  The main thrust of the article is that Tamerlan had, for a couple of years, been heavily influenced by a man the Tsarnaev family knew only as "Misha."  It was Misha who convinced Tamerlan to drop boxing and music as anti-Islamic.  It was Misha who convinced Tamerlan the Jews are tryng to take over the world. 

Once again, this seems to be a Salon (could be any site) taking a very small part of a story to confirm the author's prejudices (to quote Gore Vidal).  We should avoid this, too.

Quote from: UFO Fill on April 24, 2013, 03:43:23 AM
With regard to the Alex Jones article - the article spends a lot of time on Jones, but the linked source of the article, an AP story, spends about one line on Jones.  Actually, it only says that Tamerlan "took an interest in Infowars."  The main thrust of the article is that Tamerlan had, for a couple of years, been heavily influenced by a man the Tsarnaev family knew only as "Misha."  It was Misha who convinced Tamerlan to drop boxing and music as anti-Islamic.  It was Misha who convinced Tamerlan the Jews are tryng to take over the world. 

Once again, this seems to be a Salon (could be any site) taking a very small part of a story to confirm the author's prejudices (to quote Gore Vidal).  We should avoid this, too.

It doesn't make sense - isn't Alex Jones warning about False Flags and such and our government killing us?  How does that translate into AJ fans blowing up a sporting event?

The Jihadis come already motavated, they don't need Alex Jones for that.  Assuming they ever even listen to the show, if anything they would be delighted if he were right about our governments intentions towards us. 

If it were to ever happen at all, some crazy fan of AJ would be more of a McVeigh type, attacking what they saw as a military target - something like some government building somewhere - not a sporting event with what even they would see as just fellow citizens.  It seems with every explosion or mass shooting some in the Media want it to be - and speculate - it's 'right-wingers' though, and always seem so surprised and disappointed when it's just a nut (shootings) or some Muslim (bombing).


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 24, 2013, 01:36:07 AM
       As much as I loathe Jones and hope these connections damage him beyond repair and erase him from the public, I hope people don't lose sight that radical Islam is the primary issue here(and in the foiled train bombing plot in Canada). The younger Tsarnaev has reportedly confessed that "religious fervor" angle to investigators. Jones was probably a symptom, but religious insanity was the source of infection.

         And Salon.com was as nearly as erroneous as CNN last week. Alex Jones is an easier scapegoat for them than Al Qaeda,so I'm suspicious of this Tsarnaev story and it's timing. The vile David Sirota and Joan Walsh are as sick an ideologue as Ann Coulter. They represent the worst of the left and hurt their cause with their words and wishes.
Not only that, but this just doesn't make sense. Alex Jones? Muslim mass murderers found something to like in Alex Jones? Bullshit. I would go slow here. I smell journalistic payback. Someone has decided they'd fix Ol' Acid Throat and put this ludicrous story out there as a version of Fantasy Moral Justice. And it feels so good to everyone else they're running with it because it fits that huge journalistic category of "Too Good To Check".

Frys Girl

Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 24, 2013, 06:44:38 AM
And to add insult to injury, we now learn this!


That makes sense to me. Why wouldn't he exploit such programs?
His parents really screwed up. When you're a parent, you're responsible for your kids. I don't care if they are older than 18. You never give up on your kids and let them scatter around to become losers. This is so sad and it's an example of what happens when parents don't parent!


Quote from: Frys Girl on April 24, 2013, 06:56:19 AM
That makes sense to me. Why wouldn't he exploit such programs?
His parents really screwed up. When you're a parent, you're responsible for your kids. I don't care if they are older than 18. You never give up on your kids and let them scatter around to become losers. This is so sad and it's an example of what happens when parents don't parent!
But it's looking like the parents did do a good bit of parenting. The pieces start to fit into place, and we learn that not only were Mom and Dad wards of the state, but Mom also had this to say to CNN in a phone interview last night. (Well, as if everyone in the universe didn't understand from the git where the Brothers Tsarnaev were coming from except the AP, Chris Matthews and 50 more of the Usual Suspects who pretended bewilderment at "good kids gone bad"):
“If they are going to kill him. I don’t care. My oldest son is killed, so I don’t care. I don’t care is my youngest son is going to be killed today. I want the world to hear this. And, I don’t care if I am going to get killed too. And I will say Allahu Akbar!“


Eddie Coyle

         The Tsarnaev matron also had a "legal issue" at a mall just outside Boston( Natick) a few years back. Shoplifting, destruction of property among the charges. Her handsome mugshot was featured on the local news this weekend.



Quote from: Sleepwalker on April 22, 2013, 11:58:36 AM
... a certain percentage of the population is paranoid and delusional. It would not be unreasonable to assume that a significant number of Alex Jones' listeners fit into this category. How wise is it to bombard these people with ludicrous, anti-government conspiracy theories day after day, week after week, year after year?

Sleepwalker has said it better than I have.  I would also argue that that paranoid and delusional group includes most or all potential terrorists in this country who may listen to the radio while building their bombs.

Maybe my fears mean I'm also paranoid and delusional.  I'm sure someone will tell me if they think so.

Quote from: Scully on April 24, 2013, 04:27:50 PM
Sleepwalker has said it better than I have.  I would also argue that that paranoid and delusional group includes most or all potential terrorists in this country who may listen to the radio while building their bombs.

Maybe my fears mean I'm also paranoid and delusional.  I'm sure someone will tell me if they think so.

I'm thinking of the earth lib terrorists, animal rights terroroists, Ted Kaczynski - and the modern day heirs to Obama's BFFs Bernadette Doehrn and Bill Ayres like Occupy and the rest of the groups that enjoy periodic 'domonstrations' where they loot, burn, tear things up, fight with police - these are the people actually tearing things up and setting off bombs.  All Leftists, none of them strike me as Alex Jones fans.

As much as the media would love to have it be NRA members or the slightly nutty militia groups, it just isn't happening.  I'd say resources should mostly be used paying atention to jihadi Moslem groups and the other groups that have actually set bombs off in the past.


And then there's Timothy McVeigh and his buddy, Terry Nichols.  The most successful domestic terrorists of all.

I live in the deep South where the KKK is alive and well, and lets us all know it from time to time with their parades and some really ugly carnage at times, although they usually trip over their own hind legs in whatever they attempt.

In 2008, my own hometown experienced a local guy with a burning hatred of  liberals who took a sawed-off shotgun into a Unitarian church one Sunday morning and killed 2 and injured several more before he was tackled. His confession letter explains why. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2009/feb/10/church-shooter-pleads-guilty-letter-released/

I've just spent some time looking up domestic terrorism in this country and it seems that the Muslims (way out in the lead) and the liberals do better at wreaking havoc, but not for the lack of trying by the local yokel right-wingers when you count the plots foiled.

Turn on a radio in Knoxville, TN and you'll hear nothing but the radical hatemongers who blame everything from measles to murder on President Obama. Someone's listening, and as you point out, Paper*Boy, it's not the liberals.

Quote from: Scully on April 25, 2013, 01:14:05 AM
And then there's Timothy McVeigh and his buddy, Terry Nichols.  The most successful domestic terrorists of all.

I live in the deep South where the KKK is alive and well, and lets us all know it from time to time with their parades and some really ugly carnage at times, although they usually trip over their own hind legs in whatever they attempt.

In 2008, my own hometown experienced a local guy with a burning hatred of  liberals who took a sawed-off shotgun into a Unitarian church one Sunday morning and killed 2 and injured several more before he was tackled. His confession letter explains why. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2009/feb/10/church-shooter-pleads-guilty-letter-released/

I've just spent some time looking up domestic terrorism in this country and it seems that the Muslims (way out in the lead) and the liberals do better at wreaking havoc, but not for the lack of trying by the local yokel right-wingers when you count the plots foiled.

Turn on a radio in Knoxville, TN and you'll hear nothing but the radical hatemongers who blame everything from measles to murder on President Obama. Someone's listening, and as you point out, Paper*Boy, it's not the liberals.

There are enough idiots out there to shame all of us. 

Just today the FBI released a video of the guy that bombed the Family Research Council's headquarters and shot a guard in DC last August, saying he did it because the Southern Poverty Law Center identified them as a hate group becaue they opposed gay marriage.  He said he found them and their list on-line.

Thankfully hardly anyone actually listens to George Noory or Alex Jones, or takes them seriously if they do.


Quote from: Scully on April 25, 2013, 01:14:05 AM
And then there's Timothy McVeigh and his buddy, Terry Nichols.  The most successful domestic terrorists of all.

There's actually more evidence that McVeigh and Nichols worked with Islamic terrorists and Saddam Hussein than that they're conservative nut bags.  Jayna Davis wrote an excellent book about the connection.  She was a reporter at KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City at the time of the bombing.  Also, Nichols wife was from the part of the Philippines where the Islamists are revolting.  Nichols and McVeigh were never able to get their test bombs to work until after Nichols made a trip home with his wife.

So the father of the bombers says he is coming to the US 'to bury his son', and the mother is thinking about it.   They both are now US citizens but have returned to Dagistan to live.

They claimed refugee status when they came here, got all sorts of benefits, then returned home.   Apparently 'home' wasn't really all that dangerous.  The mother fled this country after being arrested for shoplifting $1600 in clothes, but is now being told her outstanding warrant won't be an issue if she returns.

Why should we let either of them into the US?  Why haven't they been stripped of their US citizenship?

The dead one visited Russia for 6 months, his father says he was visiting famil for 4 months but doesn't know what he was doing the rest of the time there.

These two dirtbags need to stay home, and not come here, critize us on our own soil, and become a center of a media frenzy.  They should be extremely happy the CIA isn't hunting them down.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 25, 2013, 08:05:44 AM
So the father of the bombers says he is coming to the US 'to bury his son', and the mother is thinking about it.   They both are now US citizens but have returned to Dagistan to live.

They claimed refugee status when they came here, got all sorts of benefits, then returned home.   Apparently 'home' wasn't really all that dangerous.  The mother fled this country after being arrested for shoplifting $1600 in clothes, but is now being told her outstanding warrant won't be an issue if she returns.

Why should we let either of them into the US?  Why haven't they been stripped of their US citizenship?

The dead one visited Russia for 6 months, his father says he was visiting famil for 4 months but doesn't know what he was doing the rest of the time there.

These two dirtbags need to stay home, and not come here, critize us on our own soil, and become a center of a media frenzy.  They should be extremely happy the CIA isn't hunting them down.

Thank fuck: You're back on a roll. Your blood pressure was in danger of getting way too low.

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