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Explosions at Boston Marathon

Started by Eddie Coyle, April 15, 2013, 02:14:42 PM


Glad you're not a marathon enthusiast Eddie.  I had a family member in the race who finished and left before everything went down.   I can't imagine what that would be like knowing that if you had maybe fallen back a bit you might have lost a limb or possibly died. 

As far as terror attacks go this one is a bit amateur isn't it? like compared to other bombings... not trying to take anything away from it...  It's still messed up and all but it seems like it wasn't exactly done well. 

analog kid

Various pics of possible suspects via 4chan and anonymous.

Some of the pics are compelling. A couple of pics with injured people but they're blurred out thankfully.


I just watched a disturbing vid of people looting some shirt stand after the bombing.... holy poop.  I would link but the site also contains the real bloody stuff... dude with his leg blown off.... jesus fucking christ these guys gotta hang.  The bombers that is... the looters should just be kicked in the balls or something for being so fucking heartless.

The General

Quote from: ziznak on April 17, 2013, 02:08:29 PM
I just watched a disturbing vid of people looting some shirt stand after the bombing.... holy poop.  I would link but the site also contains the real bloody stuff... dude with his leg blown off.... jesus fucking christ these guys gotta hang.  The bombers that is... the looters should just be kicked in the balls or something for being so fucking heartless.
That 'looting video' has been debunked, it was the marathon people giving away free jackets and windbreakers after the bomb went off to console the victims or whatever.  It wasn't looting.


ah... i guess i feel a little better now.
Quote from: The General on April 17, 2013, 02:25:00 PM
That 'looting video' has been debunked, it was the marathon people giving away free jackets and windbreakers after the bomb went off to console the victims or whatever.  It wasn't looting.

eddie dean

probably could be fashioned into  emergency tourniquets or bandaides for people

The General

Quote from: eddie dean on April 17, 2013, 02:32:44 PM
probably could be fashioned into  emergency tourniquets or bandaides for people
Or emergency, uh, windbreakers.


I just had a fleeting fart joke but I'm still too disturbed at the pictures...

eddie dean

Quote from: The General on April 17, 2013, 02:34:37 PM
Or emergency, uh, windbreakers.

could happen.   :) if you really, really don't like a windy day.

Eddie Coyle

             The is the worst reporting since the murders of the DA in Texas...just atrocious in it's inaccuracy and just plain dreadful "get it first before getting it right".
            I've turned off the TV and put on the police radio.


The General

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 17, 2013, 03:01:43 PM

             The is the worst reporting since the murders of the DA in Texas...just atrocious in it's inaccuracy and just plain dreadful "get it first before getting it right".
            I've turned off the TV and put on the police radio.

In other news, they've already called the 2016 election.
Apparently Obama won.


this threads "general discussion" categorization has it's posts numbered...

Quote from: UFO Fill on April 17, 2013, 11:33:30 AM
... I fell out with Alex Jones many years ago when he and his followers surrounded and screamed at Michelle Maulkin during a political event in, I believe, Denver.  Regardless of what you think of Maulkin's politics and opinions, she is a tiny woman and doesn't deserve being terrified by Jones and his idiots.

That's when he lost me as well.  I never liked him - he was always too much of a loudmouth for me, but I didn't mind that he was out there looking into the Bilderburgs and challenging government intentions.

Since I never followed him and mostly only noticed what he was doing through Coast, I can't say for sure, but with these recent atrocities he seems to be worse, it's his claims that - before the smoke is even cleared - his investigations are done and he has proof they were false flags - when he can't and doesn't have any evidence at all, that's what really bothers me.

I agree, PB, that it's good to have someone checking into government abuses (because they exist and have for as long as someone has been in power of someone else); Alex Jones is not the lad to do it though.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 17, 2013, 03:01:43 PM...The is the worst reporting since the murders of the DA in Texas...just atrocious in it's inaccuracy and just plain dreadful "get it first before getting it right".         
            I've turned off the TV and put on the police radio.

Bingo. It happens every major such event. And each time we say we will demand that the news media develop some restraint and professionalism. Excuse me, I should say "return to restraint and professionalism", because it wasn't nearly like this 30 years ago. Yes, the internet means all bets are off, but still, they hardly try anymore to verify, and that's because there's no downside for being wrong.

But we never really demand the news media grow up. Which of course they don't, because there's scoops in them thar kills. Brand this on your heart: in each such event there will be one or more supposedly "responsible" members of the news media (read "major network", "paper of record", etc.) which will knowingly report unverified information which later is determined to be grossly erroneous, sometimes on multiple occasions and different issues, because everyone in its decision chain, from reporter to top management involved, is convinced it has a "scoop". And so they prove, time and time again, that scooping their competition is much more important to them than accuracy. Viz. CNN and their false report about a non-existent "arrest" today.

In events like this we see that all that pious, self-righteous talk that news media types make about "responsible journalism" and "getting it right" is merely masturbatory auto-congratulatory happy talk designed to keep the rubes satisfied so they can get on with job one of beating the other guys to the punch. They don't even get anything for scooping other news arms - just the inner satisfaction of being first, sometimes by as little as 15 seconds.

And we will keep getting such lies and bogus reports as long as we tolerate them. Which is why I rarely do anything but catch basic headlines stories from very trusted outlets until the smoke settles some.


Quote from: Sardondi on April 17, 2013, 03:45:08 PM
Bingo. It happens every major such event. And each time we say we will demand that the news media develop some restraint and professionalism. Excuse me, I should say "return to restraint and professionalism", because it wasn't nearly like this 30 years ago. Yes, the internet means all bets are off, but still, they hardly try anymore to verify, and that's because there's no downside for being wrong.

But we never really demand the news media grow up. Which of course they don't, because there's scoops in them thar kills. Brand this on your heart: in each such event there will be one or more supposedly "responsible" members of the news media (read "major network", "paper of record", etc.) which will knowingly report unverified information which later is determined to be grossly erroneous, sometimes on multiple occasions and different issues, because everyone in its decision chain, from reporter to top management involved, is convinced it has a "scoop". And so they prove, time and time again, that scooping their competition is much more important to them than accuracy. Viz. CNN and their false report about a non-existent "arrest" today.

In events like this we see that all that pious, self-righteous talk that news media types make about "responsible journalism" and "getting it right" is merely masturbatory auto-congratulatory happy talk designed to keep the rubes satisfied so they can get on with job one of beating the other guys to the punch. They don't even get anything for scooping other news arms - just the inner satisfaction of being first, sometimes by as little as 15 seconds.

And we will keep getting such lies and bogus reports as long as we tolerate them. Which is why I rarely do anything but catch basic headlines stories from very trusted outlets until the smoke settles some.

As much as I agree with you, it ain't gonna happen. First off, even though we often disagree, I wish the general population was half as smart as you, hell 25% would be a double godsend. How people are more concerned with dancing with the wannabe/has been stars and the latest iteration of the kardashians instead of actual news makes me want to vomit. On top of that profit being the driving reason for news, getting it right just costs too much.


I have to defend John Roberts of CNN, at least a little.  He reported what police sources told him (unless he's completely lying, which I doubt).  That's all a reporter can do.

eddie dean

Quote from: Sardondi on April 17, 2013, 03:45:08 PM

Viz. CNN and their false report about a non-existent "arrest" today.

don't forget fox and msnbc.
Brian Williams at nbc even broke into programing to report the "arrest"

I think once cnn started the ball rolling all the others panicted and followed suit, perpetuating false information.... doesn't anybody check for multiple reliable sources anymore


Quote from: UFO Fill on April 17, 2013, 04:17:15 PM
I have to defend John Roberts of CNN, at least a little.  He reported what police sources told him (unless he's completely lying, which I doubt).  That's all a reporter can do.
Of course "law enforcement sources" told Roberts that: there are no bigger gossips in the world than cops. Their favorite subject is who of their colleagues is bonking who, then it's crime. The problem is they're wrong about as much as regular folks. Roberts' (really CNN's) problem was in not absolutely confirming. But then it was one of those scoops that was "too good to confirm". And CNN also knew if they started calling around for confirmation, other cops would get wind of it and call their favorite reporters with other media outfits, and the scoop would be gone. And of course they went with the scoop: most of these are people who would sacrifice their first-born if the story were big enough.

So my money is on that CNN bosses put it all on a reporter's statement that he really, really trusted his source, cross his heart (which they shouldn't do - it's ultimately their responsibility to confirm, not Roberts'). So I can't cry for CNN. But of course the bosses, being the experienced corporate weasels they are, will cover their asses well and leave Roberts flapping in the wind.

Roberts problem is also having the same name as a Supreme Court Chief Justice. Inexcusable.

analog kid

Quote from: eddie dean on April 17, 2013, 04:21:54 PM
don't forget fox and msnbc.
Brian Williams at nbc even broke into programing to report the "arrest"

Supposedly that isn't true.

eddie dean

Quote from: analog kid on April 17, 2013, 04:47:17 PM
Supposedly that isn't true.

thanks for finding and posting this!
I was flipping between cnn fox and msnbc during this event, in that order. I got to msncb to catch the last few seconds of Williams breaking into msnbc programming and assumed he was confirming the "arrest" story.Then I tuned  back to cnn.
My bad,  for this incorrect assumption.
as you have pointed out I am a horrible reporter, and didn't check and verify what my lying eyes saw. I should take my own advice from my above post.
my apologies. I feel stupid now
but hell I got some of it right :o!


Quote from: eddie dean on April 17, 2013, 04:21:54 PM
don't forget fox and msnbc.
Brian Williams at nbc even broke into programing to report the "arrest"

I think once cnn started the ball rolling all the others panicted and followed suit, perpetuating false information.... doesn't anybody check for multiple reliable sources anymore
I had thought CNN got the ball rolling: See handy chart: http://pjmedia.com/eddriscoll/files/2013/04/boston_arrest_clusterfark_4-17-13.jpg

Seriously, I thought CNN called it, and they all followed suit, except Reuters, NBC and MSNBC, who said, "Wait just a minute..."

analog kid

Quote from: eddie dean on April 17, 2013, 05:05:53 PM
thanks for finding and posting this!
I was flipping between cnn fox and msnbc during this event, in that order. I got to msncb to catch the last few seconds of Williams breaking into msnbc programming and assumed he was confirming the "arrest" story.Then I tuned  back to cnn.
My bad,  for this incorrect assumption.
as you have pointed out I am a horrible reporter, and didn't check and verify what my lying eyes saw. I should take my own advice from my above post.
my apologies. I feel stupid now
but hell I got some of it right :o !

Can't tell where the sarcasm begins and ends there, but watching too much CNN will mess a brother up. It's like a root canal for the mind. It's probably good if you have one day left to live, and want to make that day stretch for an eternity.

eddie dean

Quote from: analog kid on April 17, 2013, 06:21:13 PM
Can't tell where the sarcasm begins and ends there, but watching too much CNN will mess a brother up. It's like a root canal for the mind. It's probably good if you have one day left to live, and want to make that day stretch for an eternity.

no sarcasm at all. I'm being totally serious and  genuine.
when  someone points out a misstake I made, in a polite and non judgemental way, I welcome and appreciate corrections, and am not above owning up to stupid shit I might say.

BTW I don't usually watch CNN, but this week I've been surfing all the 24 hour news networks because of the Boston bombings and because I'm at home this week, heavily, heavily medicated due to medical issues.
So I'm seeing shit that isn't there apparently..

analog kid

Quote from: eddie dean on April 17, 2013, 07:05:48 PM
no sarcasm at all. I'm being totally serious and  genuine.
when  someone points out a misstake I made, in a polite and non judgemental way, I welcome and appreciate corrections, and am not above owning up to stupid shit I might say.

BTW I don't usually watch CNN, but this week I've been surfing all the 24 hour news networks because of the Boston bombings and because I'm at home this week, heavily, heavily medicated due to medical issues.
So I'm seeing shit that isn't there apparently..

Oh, sorry. I've got medical issues in spades. I'm not taking anything anymore, which is my problem. And some prozac for the OCD would be nice.

Eddie Coyle

           Drudge Report now links to Alex Jones Infowars foolishness.

          My fault for even browsing the fetid carcass the Drudge Report is.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 17, 2013, 08:55:53 PMDrudge Report now links to Alex Jones Infowars foolishness. My fault for even browsing the fetid carcass the Drudge Report is.

At 1:30 EDT I find where Drudge has a regular link to the Alex Jones site, as he also does with Mother Jones and Dow Jones, but I don't see a marathon bombing-specific link to anything which looks like Alex Jones's insanity. I'm familiar with how Drudge often juxtaposes, in prominent fashion, various articles with entertaining headlines which are often in conflict, and usually about issues/stories which would tend to embarrass Obama...were that possible. I don't see anything like that at the present. Maybe it was there earlier and is now gone, or maybe I simply missed it.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on April 17, 2013, 11:35:21 PM
At 1:30 EDT I find where Drudge has a regular link to the Alex Jones site, as he also does with Mother Jones and Dow Jones, but I don't see a marathon bombing-specific link to anything which looks like Alex Jones's insanity. I'm familiar with how Drudge often juxtaposes, in prominent fashion, various articles with entertaining headlines which are often in conflict, and usually about issues/stories which would tend to embarrass Obama...were that possible. I don't see anything like that at the present. Maybe it was there earlier and is now gone, or maybe I simply missed it.

         Still there. Headline ten below the ad, the link..."Mystery Photos Rock the Internet", which sends people to Infowars. Yuck.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 18, 2013, 12:20:51 AM
         Still there. Headline ten below the ad, the link..."Mystery Photos Rock the Internet", which sends people to Infowars. Yuck.
ah. those are the kinds of things i'm not reading.


From what I've seen on the explosions, looks very much like a false flag. (MV, yes I "should go and die!" - but its my opinion based on what i've seen.

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