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Explosions at Boston Marathon

Started by Eddie Coyle, April 15, 2013, 02:14:42 PM


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 23, 2015, 11:51:50 AM
    How the daughter of Bonesman ends up marrying an unemployed Chechen boxer/jihadist can only be answered by one thing: Reptilians playing with their global chess board.

     There's a local boxer whose claim to fame is that he flattened Tamerlan in less than 40 seconds during one of the Chechen Speed Bump's "semi-pro" matches circa 2009.

I hear the false flags flapping in the breeze.

Eddie Coyle

    These three codgers are paid, professional protesters. That can be found all over Boston supporting every last Leftist cause. For decades. So, the three Tsarnaev "should be spared" supporters at the Fed Courthouse are getting remuneration for this. How organic.

     Last guy to the right is the funniest. That twisted old fruit was holding Trayvon Martin signs on Saturday in Harvard Square. He'$ $o $incere about the$e cau$e$.


Eddie Coyle

   The decaying dyke, cunt, nun Helen Prejean just reared her ugly head trying to save an Islamic Fundamentalist. Which is Christ-insanity in a nutshell, trying to save those who live to kill you. She and her Pete Rose haircut had no business being in this trial.


The sentence verdict is in for the bomber. Life or death? I am betting the libs in Mass vote life. Which I also support.

Holy sh*t!! I think I see Eddie out on the street..he looks pissed! Waving something at the news choppers....

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: FightTheFuture on May 15, 2015, 01:08:23 PM
The sentence verdict is in for the bomber. Life or death? I am betting the libs in Mass vote life. Which I also support.

Holy sh*t!! I think I see Eddie out on the street..he looks pissed! Waving something at the news choppers....

   I'm guessing life. And yes, helicopters(at least 6 in sky right now) are circling my house right now(I'm about 8 blocks from the courthouse). Since 2:15. Fucking endless motorcade of cops/Feds going by as well. Quiet day got very loud an hour ago.

The way I see it, Tsarneav wants the State to whack him, so he can go join his psycho brother in Muslim fantasy-land.

The heck with that. Lock him in a 6 X 8 concrete box, far beneath the ground, at Pelican Bay.

Eddie Coyle

   Death it is.

   But we know it isn't.


I don't generally support the death penalty, but in this asshole's case, I think he should be locked in a concrete-walled dungeon and chained to his bed.  Just outside his reach should sit a pressure cooker.  Let him wonder when it will go off.


♫ Seventy-two vestal virgins at the big pa-rade . . . ♫

Eddie Coyle

   Almost every "legal expert" on Boston local news predicted life. They are pissed right now. It's amusing to watch.


I've been reading that the idea of "virgins" may be mistranslated.  The word may actually be raisins.

I`m actually a bit surprised the uber-liberal Boston gals on the jury could bring themselves to condemn such a dreamy, cover-boy hunk.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: FightTheFuture on May 15, 2015, 01:46:46 PM
I`m actually a bit surprised the uber-liberal Boston gals on the jury could bring themselves to condemn such a dreamy, cover-boy hunk.

   I think seeing autopsy photos of women their age torn apart by shrapnel possibly adjusted their attitude. Speculation is that the autopsy photos were a tipping point.

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 15, 2015, 01:59:34 PM
   I think seeing autopsy photos of women their age torn apart by shrapnel possibly adjusted their attitude. Speculation is that the autopsy photos were a tipping point.

That'll do it every time.


Quote from: Juan on May 15, 2015, 01:42:26 PM
I've been reading that the idea of "virgins" may be mistranslated.  The word may actually be raisins.

That idea has been rattling around for some years now, I think. It's like the idea of the 'Virgin Birth' which many people say is a mistranslation from the Bible of a passage in Isaiah, which should just mean 'young woman'. Not surprising, really, when you consider it had to be translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin. It's like paintings and sculptures from the Renaissance that depict Moses with horns, which is based on another mistranslation.

Here's a joke I heard recently: a suicide bomber gets up to heaven and St Peter says, 'welcome, let's get started; first of all I would like you to meet Patrick Henry (they shake hands), now I would like to present to you George Washington (shake hands again)'. Just as he sees Thomas Jefferson waiting in the wings to press the flesh, the suicide bomber asks what this is all about.

'Well, you did say you wanted 72 Virginians.' 


Quote from: FightTheFuture on May 15, 2015, 01:29:37 PM
The way I see it, Tsarneav wants the State to whack him, so he can go join his psycho brother in Muslim fantasy-land.

The heck with that. Lock him in a 6 X 8 concrete box, far beneath the ground, at Pelican Bay.
BLT's once a day

Eddie Coyle

   Keep Jann Wenner in your thoughts tonight. It's been a tough day.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 15, 2015, 01:39:17 PM
   Almost every "legal expert" on Boston local news predicted life. They are pissed right now. It's amusing to watch.
The BBC kept spinning the idea that giving him the death penalty actually doesn't provide "closure" to the victims and city because more even appeals. Not to be out done the official spokesman takes great pains to say it is nothing about Islam. The next story on the BBC is a heart-wrenching propaganda peace about the fate of illegal immigrants to the EU coming (mainly now) into Italy etc; subtext being they need more Muslims and force other EU countries to take them. Hopefully he will have an accident in prison (by other prisoners or workers) and end the drama and appeals and taxpayers some money. And more prosecutions of their family and girl friends who seemed to have known, or at least sympathized, with the bombing.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: albrecht on May 15, 2015, 06:12:29 PM
The BBC kept spinning the idea that giving him the death penalty actually doesn't provide "closure" to the victims and city because more even appeals. Not to be out done the official spokesman takes great pains to say it is nothing about Islam. The next story on the BBC is a heart-wrenching propaganda peace about the fate of illegal immigrants to the EU coming (mainly now) into Italy etc; subtext being they need more Muslims and force other EU countries to take them. Hopefully he will have an accident in prison (by other prisoners or workers) and end the drama and appeals and taxpayers some money. And more prosecutions of their family and girl friends who seemed to have known, or at least sympathized, with the bombing.

   As long as Mrs. Tamerlan has a grandfather/father who are Yalie Bonesmen, she'll avoid prosecution...despite her computer revealing searches prior to April 2013 for what happens to widows of Shahids.

    Considering the nature of our Corrections Centers and it's burgeoning faith based population aka "Prislam", Tsarnaev has little to worry about by way of some Christian Soldier acting as Avenging Angel. I'm sure he'll have a sizable support center. He(brother, really) killed a honky pig.

     He should just hope that digging isn't too deep about Tamerlan's belief system. Which included  complaining to his imam about "niggers" and "niggers aren't real Muslims".


The defense even trotted out that Joker cried when he saw"The Lion King".

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 15, 2015, 06:35:22 PM
The defense even trotted out that Joker cried when he saw"The Lion King".

  And his 3rd grade teacher who hadn't seen him since roughly the same period. Very illuminating. None of his UMass-Dartmouth profs were called. Which says a ton. That place would kick Chomsky out for being rightist.



Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 15, 2015, 06:27:08 PM
   As long as Mrs. Tamerlan has a grandfather/father who are Yalie Bonesmen, she'll avoid prosecution...despite her computer revealing searches prior to April 2013 for what happens to widows of Shahids.

    Considering the nature of our Corrections Centers and it's burgeoning faith based population aka "Prislam", Tsarnaev has little to worry about by way of some Christian Soldier acting as Avenging Angel. I'm sure he'll have a sizable support center. He(brother, really) killed a honky pig.

     He should just hope that digging isn't too deep about Tamerlan's belief system. Which included  complaining to his imam about "niggers" and "niggers aren't real Muslims".
Yes, a long history of Islamists, mainly of the Arabic sort, dealing with black Africans and how they view them (even the ones who are now Muslim.) What is amazing is that the press etc still goes on about the evils of South Africa (how some whites used the term "kaffirs") but won't even recognize that the term came from the Arabs with their slave trade and view of blacks! And they still use it with impunity as they kill, enslave, etc. We can hope that besides the intercine Sunni/Shite conflicts the black Muslim groups and types will fight with the Arabic types. And, hopefully, the non-Muslim blacks will get their act together, or better funding, to help find the Islamist expansion. I would much rather these Muslims fight each and Africans fight back themselves against the militant Islamists. Of course, importing, or allowing, both to our Western countries has caused nothing but problems. No more refugees and control the borders.

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