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Explosions at Boston Marathon

Started by Eddie Coyle, April 15, 2013, 02:14:42 PM


Add me to the chorus of glad-you're-OK, my condolences to your city and my best wishes to the victims and all who knew/know them. Just take care of yourself, sir, please.


I thought I started this thread. At one point I saw 35 views with no responses. How come Coyle is listed as the author? Not complaining but curious as to how that happened?

eddie dean

Quote from: azdjoe on April 15, 2013, 08:17:12 PM
This might have been predicted by one of the callers during the 1st night of the annual New Years' prediction show.  Check it out: Boston explosion predicted on annual Coast to Coast AM Prediction show?

that is a ding ding ding...
the closest prediction I've ever heard on the annual show, and this guy is not even a so called "professional" I'm just glad it was not a dirty bomb like the guy said.
I wonder if there will be a knock on this guys door tomorrow from the ATFE.

some conspiracy douche at the 9pm press conference of Boston authorities and FBI was asking false flag type questions. The PD chief didn't answer him and totally  ignored him. One question was something about the BPD telling people to calm down and disperse BEFORE the first bomb blast..I can't find the Video to link to but if someone has it, please post it.
Probably some Alex Jones reporter... Totally inappropriate

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: eddie dean on April 15, 2013, 09:50:55 PM

that is a ding ding ding...
the closest prediction I've ever heard on the annual show, and this guy is not even a so called "professional" I'm just glad it was not a dirty bomb like the guy said.
I wonder if there will be a knock on this guys door tomorrow from the ATFE.

some conspiracy douche at the 9pm press conference of Boston authorities and FBI was asking false flag type questions. The PD chief didn't answer him and totally  ignored him. One question was something about the BPD telling people to calm down and disperse BEFORE the first bomb blast..I can't find the Video to link to but if someone has it, please post it.
Probably some Alex Jones reporter... Totally inappropriate
Certainly close enough. Not a dirty bomb, but close enough. And that jackass at the press conference had to be one of Jonesy's minions. Sick fucks.(late edit) * It was Dan Bidondi of InfoWars.

Quote from: morphiaflow on April 15, 2013, 09:31:57 PM
Add me to the chorus of glad-you're-OK, my condolences to your city and my best wishes to the victims and all who knew/know them. Just take care of yourself, sir, please.

     Thanks, it's appreciated. Hopefully this terror is over...but psychically, we're only beginning to grasp it. The Boston Police has said that random bag checks are to be expected for awhile and there is a palpable under siege feeling. Erroneous reports via Twitter not helping.




Alex Jones claims this was a false flag operation in order to give the TSA more authority.

He is scheduled to be on tomorrow night.  I encourage everyone to write in to everyone at C2C and protest them having on such a despicable human being.

The General

Quote from: Zircon on April 15, 2013, 09:49:14 PM
I thought I started this thread. At one point I saw 35 views with no responses. How come Coyle is listed as the author? Not complaining but curious as to how that happened?
threads were merged
Quote from: azdjoe on April 15, 2013, 08:17:12 PM
This might have been predicted by one of the callers during the 1st night of the annual New Years' prediction show.  Check it out: Boston explosion predicted on annual Coast to Coast AM Prediction show?
that's frighteningly accurate.  and there was a sinkhole that opened up too, just like he said, but it was in florida, not new orleans.
Quote from: astroguy on April 15, 2013, 10:35:10 PM
Alex Jones claims this was a false flag operation in order to give the TSA more authority.

He is scheduled to be on tomorrow night.  I encourage everyone to write in to everyone at C2C and protest them having on such a despicable human being.
what an insufferable douche

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: astroguy on April 15, 2013, 10:35:10 PM
Alex Jones claims this was a false flag operation in order to give the TSA more authority.

He is scheduled to be on tomorrow night.  I encourage everyone to write in to everyone at C2C and protest them having on such a despicable human being.

        I agree...but I almost I feel impelled to call and attempt to harangue that piece of shit. Open lines won't be so open tomorrow...just a feeling.

          Update: the FBI/ATF have descended upon an apartment complex in Revere,MA, a city just north of Boston.

eddie dean

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 15, 2013, 09:57:02 PM
                Certainly close enough. Not a dirty bomb, but close enough. And that jackass at the press conference had to be one of Jonesy's minions. Sick fucks.(late edit) * It was Dan Bidondi of InfoWars.

     Thanks, it's appreciated. Hopefully this terror is over...but psychically, we're only beginning to grasp it. The Boston Police has said that random bag checks are to be expected for awhile and there is a palpable under siege feeling. Erroneous reports via Twitter not helping

I'm not surprised.  I recognized that signature scumbag behavior from jones...
Get a social and moral filter Jones.. IDK maybe wait a few days before you start "connecting the dots". Not everything is an evil secret govt plan
I like to believe that Karma is real and will someday get back to people such as AJ.
I also wonder what Karma might look like to these bomb makers, maybe one day they will find themselves in the ER with no arms and legs after a suprise static shock upsets their creation.

Stay safe and strong out there EC


This blog entry at Esquire has been called, not without cause, "gross politicization": http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/boston-marathon-bombing-041513. Some half hour after the event, reliably leftward derangist Charles P. Pierce breaks the basic news, gives some casualty toll suspected at the time, and adds these bits, so full of rich, hypocritical goodness:

       "Obviously, nobody knows anything yet, 1) but I would caution folks jumping to conclusions about foreign terrorism 2) to remember that this is the official Patriots Day holiday in Massachusetts, celebrating the Battles at Lexington and Concord, and that the actual date (April 19) was of some significance to, among other people, Tim McVeigh, because he fancied himself a waterer of the tree of liberty and the like."*

So Mr. Pierce pontificates that we make sure to restrain ourselves from Jumping To Conclusions...well, about foreign religious zealots sworn to murder us. All well and good. First reports are always incomplete, and even flat wrong. Good advice.

But then Mr. Pierce goes on to do a Bob Beamon Mexico City-style record-break of jumping to conclusions....in the direction he prefers we all jump. And he blows the hell out of the Tim McVeigh dog whistle as he wink-winks and nod-nods until everyone gets it that what he really means is that the Tea Party did it.

Thirty minutes after the bombing. The smoke and the smell is still in the air. And this contemptible fascist of the left is already framing The Narrative. Of course it means little to him that his attempts to start a stampede against extreme right-wingers and by gross association middle American Tea Party conservatives were for naught as word came a Saudi national was in custody, and there apparently was some video camera evidence.

But no matter. Pierce will have plenty of other opportunities to carve, twist and shape the story the way he and the other ideologues who compose American mainstream news media want it. Meanwhile he and they can get back to pumping out less relevant noise to drown out the miniscule coverage of the ongoing Pennsylvania trial of the man charged with being the greatest mass murderer in American history. Yep, have to keep on spiking anything about "Dr." Gosnell because he's the "wrong" defendant: wrong race (black); wrong politics (Democrat); wrong crime (torture and infanticide associated with running an abortion mill). Quick, call Mark Potok at Southern Poverty Law and get a quote on how reports about Islamic terrorist groups are just a red herring to throw us off the path of the real terrorist groups in America - the white, racist, homophobic, gun-lover Christianist movement known as the Boy Scouts of America!

And if God is good, or at least a little bit mean, he'll lock Potok and Alex Jones in the same room in Purgatory. Or maybe they'd have to be separated, because perhaps it would be Gehenna for Potok. Or as an atheist, would Potok be made to sit in a Southern Baptist church service for 10,000 years; and likewise Alex Jones in a GALA banquet for a million or so? 

* Enumeration and emphasis added.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 15, 2013, 02:14:42 PM

              It is extremely surrealistic to be watching TV and seeing the remnants of a bomb blast at the bus stop you're at 3 times a week. Boylston Street in Copley Square. Holy shit.

             Patriot's Day bombs? My money is on sovereign nation kooks. Honoring their patron saint McVeigh.

Eddie, I thought of you as soon as I heard of the Boston bombing this afternoon, and looked forward to hearing your thoughts on it.  It took me a while to find this thread (some of us are slower than others), but I see your initial thoughts match my own.

Obviously everything keeps changing as reports keep coming in, but to me this seems to reek of McVeighism.  We shall see.

Btw, I'm glad you weren't at that bus stop today. I'd miss your posts.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Scully on April 16, 2013, 12:47:42 AM

Eddie, I thought of you as soon as I heard of the Boston bombing this afternoon, and looked forward to hearing your thoughts on it.  It took me a while to find this thread (some of us are slower than others), and I see your initial thoughts match my own.

Obviously everything keeps changing as reports keep coming in, but to me this seems to reek of McVeighism.  We shall see.

Btw, I'm glad you weren't at that bus stop today. I'd miss your posts.
Thanks, Scully...my agoraphobia and a rather dubious Massachusetts holiday/huge marathon kept me from that bus stop today. And probably for the rest of the week the way it looks right now. It's right in front of the massive Boston Public Library. The area is a crime scene now and that area is off limits to pretty much everyone. It's exactly 12 hours to the minute and I'm still in a rather shocked state. I doubt I'll even sleep today.

        The Patriot's Day symbolism made me think of the far right/sovereign nation being responsible and I make no apologies for that, the events of the 1990's are not to be overlooked...however, I'm hearing that the international angle is increasingly likely. FBI/ATF are swarming the cities of Revere(that's horribly ironic) and Cambridge, both areas have significant "international student" populations. Again, nothing is definite, but that hubbub about a "Saudi national" could be accurate. But perhaps not part of an organized network like Al Qaeda, but of a lone wolf/wannabes variety.

Yeah, probably a white guy with a crewcut. Obvious, isn`t it? Maybe the local TEA party chapter. You know how freakin` violent those old ladies in walkers can get.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: onan on April 15, 2013, 04:21:52 PM

I don't think it is an international terrorist plot. If it is an international plot... good they are devolving and soon our biggest worries will be slashed tires.
That's the conundrum, if it's international, then clearly their goals and sights have been lowered...but that's kinda scary, because it opens the door to lone wolf/soft target attempts. Which, from what I'm hearing, could have been the case today. My neighbor who is active in the military said that marathons have long been viewed as a target, because they're international events. His belief(based on his gut primarily) is that our next wave of international terrorism will emerge from the Horn of Africa, Somalia in particular, because Al Qaeda acolytes are emboldened and our proxy war there is underreported but something to be aware of.

Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on April 15, 2013, 09:25:57 PM

You're right, Mr Coyle. This is depressing as hell. I keep shaking my head wondering what kind of person does something so terrible.

             It really is depressing. I've been talking to someone since it happened, whether it's my girlfriend,family, neighbors...but here in the silence of the past half-hour, and alone with my thoughts for the first time, I'm bummed and pissed. I'm so thrown off my routines that I didn't drink at all or go for my "crazy person's walk" at 3:30 am. I really don't anticipate sleeping soon.

If I were to flat out guess I'd say this is likely something similar to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombings - a single deranged person that decided to one-up the Sandy Hook school shoot up.

It seems to me the established Moslem terrorist groups would want to do something that would rival 9/11.  The animal rights and environmental terrorists and anti-technology nuts like ALF, ELF, or Ted Kazinsky have been quiet lately, and I don't see them targeting Boston or the Marathon, then not taking credit.  The Obama Administration has lately tried to make returning veterans, Evangelical Christians, anti-abortion demonstrators, and gun owners out to be deranged and capable of anything, but that's a bunch of crap.

Maybe 2 or 3 raised in America, disaffected radicalized Moslem kids...

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 16, 2013, 02:34:52 AM
If I were to flat out guess I'd say this is likely something similar to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombings - a single deranged person that decided to one-up the Sandy Hook school shoot up.

It seems to me the established Moslem terrorist groups would want to do something that would rival 9/11.  The animal rights and environmental terrorists and anti-technology nuts like ALF, ELF, or Ted Kazinsky have been quiet lately, and I don't see them targeting Boston or the Marathon, then not taking credit.  The Obama Administration has lately tried to make returning veterans, Evangelical Christians, anti-abortion demonstrators, and gun owners out to be deranged and capable of anything, but that's a bunch of crap.

Maybe 2 or 3 raised in America, disaffected radicalized Moslem kids...
A radicalized Islamic version of Eric Rudolph could be the amalgamation from hell who did this. In the past few years, there have been convictions of American-born citizens in their early 20's of Islamic backgrounds in the Boston-area for trying to put plots together, and as usual, an informer gave them up(or set them up). But they may have finally succeeded for a change.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 16, 2013, 02:34:52 AM
If I were to flat out guess I'd say this is likely something similar to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombings - a single deranged person that decided to one-up the Sandy Hook school shoot up.

It seems to me the established Moslem terrorist groups would want to do something that would rival 9/11.  The animal rights and environmental terrorists and anti-technology nuts like ALF, ELF, or Ted Kazinsky have been quiet lately, and I don't see them targeting Boston or the Marathon, then not taking credit.  The Obama Administration has lately tried to make returning veterans, Evangelical Christians, anti-abortion demonstrators, and gun owners out to be deranged and capable of anything, but that's a bunch of crap.

Maybe 2 or 3 raised in America, disaffected radicalized Moslem kids...

This attack has Al-Qaeda written all over it. The sophistication of the charge; coordinated detonation; the hallmark ball bearing-packed, shaped charge; and most likely C-4.

Patriot`s Day in the city of Boston, with thousands of cameras present for the marathon. Perfect backdrop for an attack.

Probably some foreign nationals -  maybe exchange students - from somewhere in Middle East, or possibly Pakistan.


Doctors at the hospitals say they found no ball bearings in the wounds of the victims.  They say they found street debris.

That sounds like a rather unsophisticated bomb.  However, if you find the video with the audio, you can heard the explosion is very loud.

Scott Pelley on CBS was very quick to make the Tim McVeigh connection, too. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on April 15, 2013, 09:25:57 PM
Glad to hear you two Eddies are ok. Keeping my fingers crossed no other Bostonians we know were hurt.

You're right, Mr Coyle. This is depressing as hell. I keep shaking my head wondering what kind of person does something so terrible.

Yeah Eddie..best wishes..

We had the same feelings when the IRA blew up shopping centres back in the 70's and 80's. What sort of person does such a thing?

As for an earlier question about speculating on a bomber injuring themselves; That too was common with the IRA. They frequently used very unstable explosives, less than perfect detonators and timing devices and consequently when planting the thing went off killing or seriously injuring themselves..the only saving grace.

Whoever has done this, has no regard for life. The same thing happens in middle eastern countries each and every day. The disgusting and vile Alex Asshole has already done his 'investigation' (He's claiming it's a 'false flag') ..quite why such an eminent brain isn't the top cop in the USA is anyones guess; But as he isn't, I suggest the second option and he be weighted down and dropped in the sea

We have the London marathon this coming sunday; but not surprisingly the organisers have said it's going ahead regardless. It's just been on the news, that the injury toll in Boston is over 140, with some losing limbs, as well as the three dead..If it's any comfort, they will be pooling international resources to find who did it. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 16, 2013, 02:44:54 AM

This attack has Al-Qaeda written all over it. The sophistication of the charge; coordinated detonation; the hallmark ball bearing-packed, shaped charge; and most likely C-4.

Patriot`s Day in the city of Boston, with thousands of cameras present for the marathon. Perfect backdrop for an attack.

Probably some foreign nationals -  maybe exchange students - from somewhere in Middle East, or possibly Pakistan.

Well you got it wrapped up; Get onto Boston Police and lend your expertise.  ::)

So glad you're OK, Eddie. 

I hope the cowardly assholes(or asshole) responsible are caught quickly.


I know it is too early but I can't resist... It was Saddam Hussein.


Tonight's guest is Alex Jones.  Predictably, Alex thinks the Boston bombing was perpetrated by the government.  This is from Jone's website:

Although it’s still a bit early to know for certain, this looks more and more like a planned event that was deployed by the Boston bomb squad, called a “drill,” then used as a pretext for the President to call for TSA agents to be on the streets at all future sporting events. And that, in turn, is the run-up to the TSA occupation of America, which has always been the goal of Obama. Remember that back on the campaign trail, he announced he wanted to build a “civilian national security force.”

This is the TRUTH we get from Coast to Coast AM.  Bill Clinton perpetrated the Oklahoma City Bombing, George Bush was behind the 9-11 attacks and Barack Obama was behind the Sandy Hook massacre and the Boston Marathon bombings.
When will the idiots at Premiere do the responsible thing and cancel this piece of crap they call a radio show?


Popular Mechanic's magazine has a bit of a story with a bomb expert.  He says the white smoke in Boston is indicative of a commercial explosive.  He says military and industrial explosives emit black smoke.  I don't know that that is particularly surprising.

Tinfoil Hat

Quote from: onan on April 16, 2013, 05:25:57 AM
I know it is too early but I can't resist... It was Saddam Hussein.

I was thinking either Gaddafi or Arafat.


One of the people killed yesterday was an 8 year-old boy.  His 6 year-old sister lost a leg.  Their mother suffered a brain injury.   Within 24 hours Alex Jones is predictably suggesting this is a "false flag" operation.  He is exploiting this horrific tragedy to attract conspiracy mongers to his advertiser-supported websites and radio show.  This is how Jones makes his living - by exploiting the death and suffering of innocent people.

And, as usual, one of his enablers, George "Alex doesn't make this stuff up" Noory is giving him a national platform of 500 radio stations to spew his poison.  There are no words in the English language to describe this shameful behavior.


Quote from: azdjoe on April 15, 2013, 08:17:12 PM
This might have been predicted by one of the callers during the 1st night of the annual New Years' prediction show.  Check it out: Boston explosion predicted on annual Coast to Coast AM Prediction show?

Anyone think this would draw investigators' attention; as in no stone left unturned?

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sleepwalker on April 16, 2013, 10:15:51 AM
One of the people killed yesterday was an 8 year-old boy.  His 6 year-old sister lost a leg.  Their mother suffered a brain injury.   Within 24 hours Alex Jones is predictably suggesting this is a "false flag" operation.  He is exploiting this horrific tragedy to attract conspiracy mongers to his advertiser-supported websites and radio show.  This is how Jones makes his living - by exploiting the death and suffering of innocent people.

               You're giving him and his minions too much credit. Their false flag bullshit began on their site with in 2 hours and one of his reporters crashed the 9pm presser last night.

Quote from: Pragmier on April 16, 2013, 10:17:31 AM
Anyone think this would draw investigators' attention; as in no stone left unturned?

The caller predicts a terrorist dirty bomb on 4/16 - no location given. And a sinkhole in New Orleans on Mardi Gras.

Interesting. Don`t forget, there was a big story about a sinkhole in Florida (not far from New Orleans) swallowing a man only 2 weeks after Mardi Gras.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 16, 2013, 10:18:34 AM
               You're giving him and his minions too much credit. Their false flag bullshit began on their site with in 2 hours and one of his reporters crashed the 9pm presser last night.

As a matter of interest; Does anyone think that Asshole's 'false flag' assertion will reduce, enhance or make any difference to how his disciples view him? I'm sure there are those that hang onto his every word and think he believes what he thinks: they in turn believe him. It's scary to me that he's actually given credibility by far too many. I suppose our (near) equivalent is David Icke, but even he usually leaves it a couple of weeks before issuing more bollox. If you want your eyes opening into the world of his disciples, it's worthwhile registering on his web site forum just to see exactly how a collective of paranoid schizophrenics interact..Comparatively, a troop of lobotomied baboons is an example of sanity.

Quote from: Sleepwalker on April 16, 2013, 10:15:51 AM
One of the people killed yesterday was an 8 year-old boy.  His 6 year-old sister lost a leg.  Their mother suffered a brain injury.   Within 24 hours Alex Jones is predictably suggesting this is a "false flag" operation.  He is exploiting this horrific tragedy to attract conspiracy mongers to his advertiser-supported websites and radio show.  This is how Jones makes his living - by exploiting the death and suffering of innocent people.

And, as usual, one of his enablers, George "Alex doesn't make this stuff up" Noory is giving him a national platform of 500 radio stations to spew his poison.  There are no words in the English language to describe this shameful behavior.

Anyone using this or any tragedy for personal gain or to score political points is a scumball lowlife.  Speculation is one thing, but no one should be making charges against any group - in this case flat out stating it's a False Flag - with no proof, no evidence, no proven history of such a thing.  It is way out of bounds.

There are plenty of areas where the Federal government has grown too big and has overstepped it's bounds.  There are people whose agenda is to continue that.  This jerk is making those resisting real government encroachments sound like the boy who cried wolf. 

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