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Dave Schrader

Started by NowhereInTime, March 16, 2013, 06:20:57 PM


Quote from: nooryisawesome on January 20, 2015, 04:26:01 AM
Josh P. Warren called in again tonight to toot his own horn and advertise his stupid wishing machine.

I have to say, I generally like Dave, but he really turned me off last night by being such a shill for that stupid wishing machine.  Maybe he would make a great replacement for Noory.

Quote from: MikeJ on January 20, 2015, 08:10:31 PM

I have to say, I generally like Dave, but he really turned me off last night by being such a shill for that stupid wishing machine.  Maybe he would make a great replacement for Noory.

I hear you man. That wishing machine is the biggest pile of shit fraud possibly ever marketed.

All this for only $295.

What a fucking joke.


Don't we have laws against bullshit like this?


The weekend looks good.......Friday/Schrader.......Saturday/Schrader........Sunday/Knapp!!!!!     ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Quote from: Nebraska888 on January 23, 2015, 12:55:16 AM
The weekend looks good.......Friday/Schrader.......Saturday/Schrader........Sunday/Knapp!!!!!     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yeah, baby, yeah!


Quote from: HorrorReporter on January 15, 2015, 01:02:42 PM
I am going to be doing some night traveling on Saturday January 24. I am praying for Good Dave to be the host..

I got my wish..
Dave on Saturday while I drive.

And a creepy topic that will scare me.
I love it.

In the first half, [/font][/size]Dave Schrader[/font][/size] ([/font][/size]email[/font][/size]) welcomes paranormal researcher, [/font][/size]Stephen Young[/font][/size], who'll discuss a strange and highly unusual predator that is living in the woods and forests all across the world and is able to overpower someone in an instant. Followed by writer [/font][/size]Roy Bainton[/font][/size] who shares a round-up of unexplained phenomena, including maritime mysteries involving inexplicably missing crews, cryptozoological creatures, and episodes of mass panic.[/font][/size]


"Teeming with Cryptids".  I think that's gonna be my new band name.  Better than "Sammiches with Noory".


I live close to a bunch of trees.  I think I'll see how much I can scam by claiming it's a forest inhabited by flying monkeys.

Quote from: ItsOver on January 24, 2015, 12:51:14 AM
I live close to a bunch of trees.  I think I'll see how much I can scam by claiming it's a forest inhabited with flying monkeys.

We have weresquirrels in ours.



Absurd that bigfoots try to sound like coyotes?  Why?  ... Humans try to sound like bigfoot (just watch the show "Finding Bigfoot").


At least he his challenging her. Listening.  Cant wait for open lines. Hooefully some whackadoods call in.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on January 24, 2015, 01:02:37 AM
We have weresquirrels in ours....

That's only during the full moon.  Most of the time they're harmless.  Except for a little bit of low-key spying.


Quote from: sydtron on January 24, 2015, 01:24:30 AM
... Cant wait for open lines. Hooefully some whackadoods call in.

Fri. OL's are basically guaranteed jacked-up mack-daddy whack-a-doods.

Quote from: zeebo on January 24, 2015, 01:26:32 AM
That's only during the full moon.  Most of the time they're harmless.  Except for a little bit of low-key spying.

That's a relief.  I was scared to go out.  :-[

I'm sorry, but Big Foot needs an intellectually bigger-footed public relations person than this dumb, giggling, lying hausfrau who can't even reveal what state she's in so as to protect her neighbors.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 24, 2015, 01:45:24 AM
I'm sorry, but Big Foot needs an intellectually bigger-footed public relations person than this dumb, giggling, lying hausfrau who can't even reveal what state she's in so as to protect her neighbors.

When it comes to the Bigfoots, leave it to the professionals.

It's really too bad George isn't on tonight to interview this wreck.

His lights grow hilariously dim when he's got a fellow non-Brainiac with whom to chew the fat.

We truly missed out on some funny Noory shit.


So ... anyone that wants proof, just dig through this lady's pool filter for bigfoot hair?

Her muffly audio, however, would have George off his rocker with despair.

He's probably on the phone right now, trying to do something about it.

Quote from: zeebo on January 24, 2015, 01:55:39 AM
So ... anyone that wants proof, just dig through this lady's pool filter for bigfoot hair?

Not me, Coach.

She sounds like she doesn't shave her Sasquatch, and that's probably what's in the filter.

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on January 24, 2015, 01:56:20 AM
Her muffly audio, however, would have George off his rocker with despair.

He's probably on the phone right now, trying to do something about it.

That would presume George is interested enough in this stuff to listen on weekends, which I believe he has confirmed he doesn't.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on January 24, 2015, 02:03:12 AM
That would presume George is interested enough in this stuff to listen on weekends, which I believe he has confirmed he doesn't.

That's true.

The butcher will eat none of his own rancid meat.

I can't wait for the first trucker to threaten to run over this lamentable Big Foot mouthpiece for her poor testimony regarding the monster.

If this lady wants nothing to do with these creatures and feels no need to prove they exist why does she have a professional website about her book discussing her experiences with them?


Here is a frequent c2c caller on again right now - Annie in Alabama.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on January 24, 2015, 02:25:48 AM
If this lady wants nothing to do with these creatures and feels no need to prove they exist why does she have a professional website about her book discussing her experiences with them?

Hmmm . . . she's upside-down on her dump's mortgage?


At least we got an Art Bell mention from the crazy Jesus guy. So there is that. Haha

Quote from: Morgus on January 24, 2015, 02:26:47 AM
Here is a frequent c2c caller on again right now - Annie in Alabama.

Annie in Alabama strikes just the right amount of Southern disdain.

All of her questions could have ended with the phrase, "you dumbass."

Quote from: sydtron on January 24, 2015, 02:33:20 AM
At least we got an Art Bell mention from the crazy Jesus guy. So there is that. Haha

That guy had enough Jesus in his system to fill several other nut-cases.


I think Dave Schrader is doing a masterful job of being nice and challenging the guest at the same time.  If Jorch were doing the interview, we'd just get his usual stumbling, mumbling incompetence.  We get that all the time, so for one night I'm enjoying the suspense of wondering if this poor thick-headed woman is telling some part of the truth.  If not, it's still a good horror movie plot.

I love that Schrader is actually planning to go out and investigate for himself.  Can you even imagine Jorch considering any such thing.  Not in a million years.

Dave Schrader definitely does NOT suck.  :)

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