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The worst radio show on the airwaves

Started by elbee, March 16, 2013, 11:52:37 AM


this video of bullshit sums up what coast and many other paranormal podcasts have become

fuck it all



Quote from: El Bee on March 16, 2013, 11:52:37 AM
this video of bullshit sums up what coast and many other paranormal podcasts have become

fuck it all

Dear God, why???

I quit looking. I listen to old Art,MV, Rollye, and Binnall.

Thank God Art is back.


He has a Doctorate in Metaphysics, which basicly means "Physics in all", but really means Psudo Science Degree from a Sham Online University.


It seems there is at least one fairy in that video.


Well... If he's right and were wrong, then all us bellsters will be spending eternity in blue fairy hell being raped by dragons!


And more than likely, these guys are registered to vote.

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