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Pretend you're gay. Which Coast host would you get nasty with?

Started by Gay, December 28, 2012, 04:59:53 PM

You Are Gay.  Which host is your dreamboat?

Ian Punnett
2 (8%)
George Noory
4 (16%)
George Knapp
7 (28%)
John B Wells
4 (16%)
Art Bell
8 (32%)

Total Members Voted: 25



Noory-  EWWWW not even with the P90X tank top

Knapp- Refined & dignified, but a little too square

Wells- Voice would make me melt. Plus 100% certain he'd be into freaky stuff. He gets my "golden" medal


And here I thought the thread about kissing styles by the various hosts was the gayest thing to ever hit CoastGab.


On looks alone I'd be forced to say Wells. Knapp being second. But Ian is by far the gayest host. I mean that in a good way.

Art? I'm fine with gay, but thai ladyboy style is just too much of a commitment.

Quote from: McPhallus on December 28, 2012, 05:28:40 PM
Gonna take a stab and say.... El Bee.

Ziznak was the first one that came to my mind, who might be trollin'. Lol, sorry bud.


No, this thread is not Ziznak's style. He's too heavy metal, and he loves meat and cheese.

Well, if I were a gay guy, I'd definitely go for Rob Simone...easier on the eyes, and besides, me thinks Simone plays for his own team...nothing wrong with that, but the man is NOT straight.

If I were a lesbian, I'd be Linda Moulton-Howe's bitch. She and I would create beautiful "crop circles" together at the Howard Johnson's hotel...all you can eat buffet breakfast

LOL! Oh God. I must be exhausted for responding to this question.

Mommy needs a nap.


Here!  Here!. . .I mean Bi! Hi!  .. equal time for all demands a subject of Pretend your're Bi.  Which one would you do the flip for?


HAL 9000

Quote from: Jasmine on December 28, 2012, 06:18:33 PM...and besides, me thinks Simone plays for his own team...nothing wrong with that, but the man is NOT straight.

I once did a little "research" on Ms. Mr. Simone a few years back when he first substituted as a c2c host. Something just seemed a bit different...

So I found one of his websites, and it was all about him and his career; but I found a fairly large section not normally found by viewing the mainpage, that was curiously devoted to homosexual issues - legislation, "health," events, etc. I thought it odd at the time, and had an idea he was still in the closet.

Here is a quote from the comments section of an article about Simone:
QuoteJoe 3 years ago

Rob Simone is not Psychic. I met him. He is a insecure, arrogant closeted gay man, that is seeking attention. Before he can read anyone else, he should first be open enough to read himself.

Source: http://tinyurl.com/cjszm6q

"Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Seinfeld " Not that there is anything wrong with that"


McPhallus! This is NOT ME! I draw the line at imagining I'm gay!


perm ban i would....


number 1... sup with this thread... totally gross
and number 2.. cmon FAM!! I'm no troll.  I take great pride in the fact that when I post here I'm the me thats pretty damn close to the me that I am... i think...


Quote from: ziznak on December 29, 2012, 06:23:21 PM
number 1... sup with this thread... totally gross
and number 2.. cmon FAM!! I'm no troll.  I take great pride in the fact that when I post here I'm the me thats pretty damn close to the me that I am... i think...
You are not a troll ziznak. I think its Thundertrurd is the troll who started this topic.


This whole thing is too confusing. Since I'm a woman I'd have to pretend I'm a Lesbian, so since most of the hosts are men, the answer would be none if them. But that would have been my answer in the first place.

But if I were a man pretending to be gay, the answer is Ian.

Gassy Man

Quote from: McPhallus on December 28, 2012, 05:02:09 PM
And here I thought the thread about kissing styles by the various hosts was the gayest thing to ever hit CoastGab.
Well, that's 'cause you bypassed humor and went straight to gay . . . which says something.


Quote from: MV on December 28, 2012, 11:15:53 PM
THE one and only correct answer.

If Jesse says The Body told him he was attracted to only women, then my mind is allowed to tell me it's not allowed to pretend that I am.


My inner lesbian trapped in a mans body says, "Lisa Garr."


Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on March 09, 2014, 10:48:46 AM
I'd have to go for Arthur "Babyback" Bell.
aaaahhahahahahaaaa! No you didn't!

And you people wonder why Art never posts.

Edit: Punctuation tip of the day - there's no apostrophe in posts, dingbat.


Quote from: MV on July 18, 2014, 01:58:36 PM
the one with the biggest hog.

Johnny B? Ewwwwwwwww!
Super macho voice, though. A real man's man, if you know what I mean.


What about Richard Syrett and his goddamn gorgeous hair, as Holden Caulfield would say?

One could take a nap in that dreamy mane of his.

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