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Temporal Illusion and "The Joker" James Holmes

Started by Oversoul, July 23, 2012, 06:50:00 AM


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on July 24, 2012, 10:43:51 AM
I am a visa holder, so I can't vote.  But if I could, it would be a tough decision for me. I think Obama has done a pretty mediocre job, when visionary change was promised.  But Romney seems like the type to use the office as a bully pulpit, which is not what the country needs now.

As for tax, yep, I am getting hammered, but a tiny bit better than in Canada.  Once I have a better handle on cost of living here - which so far seems quite a bit less - I will happily inform everyone on the relative quality of life here versus in Canada for a married, 3 kids, sole provider making 6 figures a year.
Glad to see you're a solid family man who is responsible with a loving wife and homemaker who is probably doing a fantastic job while you earn the bacon. Good to have a solid person like you and your fine family as the newest Americans !!!


I haven't been able to log on and am just catching up on this discussion..  totally off the direciton this discussion went.. but why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory? Can't this guy just be a crazy fuc# who lost his dam# mind and shot a bunch of people? (listening to the coast to coast show on this topic) he probably used his grants and student loans to buy the $20,000 worth of aresonal..

what are your thoughts?

Gay marriage - yes- who gives a shi# who gets married.. 50% of "hetro" marriage fail anyway.. family values are shot.
and as a woman 100% pro choice -

what were the other categories? you distracted me at "cum on tits and blow jobs"  ;)


Quote from: Zircon on July 24, 2012, 10:45:55 AM
I like your honesty Bob but "on her tits". WTF !!! Whats wrong with a good old blow job? You get off and she gets protein.

Don't worry, her twin sister... oh, never mind.


Bob, Oh SHIT !!! You're fucking around on your girlfriend - and with her sister !!! Mystery 43 - I think you indicated you're a female. Sorry for where this conversation went (at least for my part). Bob, being a Scot, can't help himself (he!he!) :)

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on July 24, 2012, 09:11:03 AM
Sure, there is room for improvement (seriously, more hockey rinks

Ice hockey is a racist sport!  I am outraged!  I know the sport is trying to become more diverse, but I think it may be inherently racist.  The majority of the world's population is very poor and do not have the money for ice hockey rinks.  The rinks are mostly in whiter areas -- where the weather is cold so the rinks by not even be needed in winter.  This is unfair!  Because of the distribution of the various ethnic groups in the world and the distribution of rinks, I do not think hockey will ever be truly diverse.  It should be banned!!!!!!  It is only a reminder of White Privilege!

Okay, that is the best I can do.  It is too early in the day for me to think clearly.



it is quite alright I'm not offended in the least .   ;D


This guy is nothing short of a demented piece of shit, and the best justice for him if found guilty is to be thrown into a maximum security prison in general population. There is a pecking order in prison, and dickheads like this are on the lowest level, and generally do not survive long.

He's faking the catatonic look in the courtroom, and I'm sure he done enough research so he knows just how to act to get an insanity defense to work. I give him a month or two before he starts writing with prison chalk on the walls.


I think you've officially overdosed on George Noory and Ancient Aliens, my friend.  I suggest a detox.

Quote from: Oversoul on July 24, 2012, 12:35:36 AM
And does your avatar make you any more credible than a pompous ass?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  Watch the finger point at you, General, sir!

You forget that a great mystic, Francis of Assisi, talked to many things other than squirrels.  But obviously, you are way steeped in too much of your false self system and the spiritual darkness and ignorance in which you are immersed, to know that.

El burro viejo general!

Frys Girl

Quote from: Oversoul on July 24, 2012, 03:34:58 AM

You are being evasive!  Would you apply double standards then? 

(Let's not be like Noory: Quick to shoot from the hip.  Life is not all black and white; there are shades of grey in between.  That's why the legal system requires the due process of law.)
God you're annoying. I would focus on murder whenever it takes place.

If you kill, you pay the price.

Frys Girl

Quote from: McPhallus on July 24, 2012, 06:29:09 PM
I think you've officially overdosed on George Noory and Ancient Aliens, my friend.  I suggest a detox.
That avatar too... Wth? I miss Eddie. At least his rants were entertaining.


Quote from: Frys Girl on July 24, 2012, 07:57:55 PM
That avatar too... Wth? I miss Eddie. At least his rants were entertaining.

The choice of avatar also suggests--given the timing--that he perhaps idolizes the killer at some level.  Sounds a bit obsessive and disturbing to me.

Eddie would, I think, smack Oversoul's ass into next week. :)


Quote from: McPhallus on July 24, 2012, 08:04:49 PM
The choice of avatar also suggests--given the timing--that he perhaps idolizes the killer at some level.  Sounds a bit obsessive and disturbing to me.

Eddie would, I think, smack Oversoul's ass into next week. :)

The scary clown avatar was chosen fully BEFORE the Aurora, CO movie house massacre, BEFORE the perpetrator James Holmes became a cause celebre in the media, BEFORE he hit the public radar outside his own circle, BEFORE most probably anyone even heard of him.  

I originally posted (http://coastgab.com/index.php/topic,3085.msg73099.html#msg73099) the avatar's image as a blog graphic in another thread ("Guests That QUACK!"), in connection with posts by Morgus that the C2C show/world had become a "madhouse" and that Noory hated clowns and was scared by them ("acute clown-phobia" as Morgus put it).  NOTE the actual date of the graphic's first appearance in this site: July 11, 2012.  That is more than a week before the Batman movie shooting in Aurora, CO.

Morgus (http://coastgab.com/index.php/topic,3085.msg73110.html#msg73110) commented on the graphic of the scary clown and said that the scary clown image would "scare Noory to death."  It was at that point that I CHANGED my original avatar, further to Morgus' remark and the notion that the scary clown image represents a George Noory shadowy nemesis.  James Holmes had absolutely nothing to do with my use of the scary clown image for an avatar: George Noory's clown-phobia did.

P.S.: I think you might have mental difficulties following and opening embedded active links in posts (as I hinted in a previous post here), so I spelled out the URLs for your exclusive sake.   And just for you and the other (you know who you are) judgmental sanctimonious morons in this site . . .

Yes, I am THE JOKER now!
   And you are my temporal illusion.    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



Quote from: ziznak on July 24, 2012, 06:01:33 AM
Oversoul had a long list of names in his "people to piss off" list today... lotsa coastgabbers apparently.  I'm counting what 3 people that have officially bailed out of this discussion due to maturity or immaturity. (As B. Wells might put it.) 

Obviously, I'm still reading along...
mostly for non-intellectual reasons... 100% activity bars don't come easy!

Hey, that's all right, ziznak.  ;)  I don't mind having to pound morons to the ground when they rear their moronic heads and spit their idiotic muck.  It flexes my neurons and muscles when I respond to their idiocy.* 

That's why I joined CoastGab: I couldn't stand moron George Noory's C2C hosting, and here was the perfect place to pound the moron Noory to the ground.  It was delightful to discover that there were a lot of others who thought and felt similarly about Noory's idiocy over the air waves. 

Sadly, though, the site may have become infiltrated with Noory's flavor of idiocy.  But, as Morgus said before, "it's a madhouse!"

Carry on, old chap, like a proud thinking Brit who understands "theatre." ;)   

BTW I like your avatar -- crisp like a Brit's accent.  (I just hope no moron here remarks that the look on the face looks "dazed" like the dazed and groggy look of James Holmes in his court appearance. LOL.  Nah, you don't get bashed here 'cause you don't talk to squirrels.  LOL.)  Cheers! :D

*It's also FUN... like knocking down bullies and smart-asses. ;D


Quote from: Oversoul on July 25, 2012, 12:28:03 AM

P.S.: I think you might have mental difficulties following and opening embedded active links in posts (as I hinted in a previous post here), so I spelled out the URLs for your exclusive sake.   And just for you and the other (you know who you are) judgmental sanctimonious morons in this site . . .   

Sure didn't take you long to resort to histrionics and name calling, did it, Sparky?

Might I remind you that YOU are the one who started this idiotic thread to begin with and became a screaming 3 year old when you got challenged.

analog kid

This thread now makes me feel a little bit better about my shitty posts on this forum.


Quote from: analog kid on July 25, 2012, 07:05:15 AM
This thread now makes me feel a little bit better about my shitty posts on this forum.

This thread makes the Fort Rock stuff look like high art.

analog kid

Quote from: McPhallus on July 25, 2012, 07:17:29 AM
This thread makes the Fort Rock stuff look like high art.

Ha ha, yeah, and that other guy that imploded. Can't remember his nick.


Quote from: analog kid on July 25, 2012, 07:05:15 AM
This thread now makes me feel a little bit better about my shitty posts on this forum.

Therapeutic, isn't it?  :)    Too bad I can't charge a fee for the therapy here.  I might be richer than Bill Gates by now!  ::)


McPhallus and Analog, you need to realize that Oversoul is a very accomplished individual who thinks a lot of himself. Many have the tendency that seems to have set you off (McPhallus more so than Analog). I will agree that at times his delivery is a bit overbearing. Oversoul, you have to stop and think about it for a bit. I'm not 'dissing you as I anticipate you're about to unload on me.

Now, "talking" to squirrels doesn't mean the two are engaged in discussing the Wall Street Journal or the theoretical concepts of the multiverse. The same can be applied to my "talking" with Mockingbirds. I think we both explained what we meant.

Analog, who was this "other guy" who "imploded". I do know I exploded on that Clint Eastwood twit in one thread or another but he is an "educator" so is most deserving of my contempt. Another one was that EvP or EvB whatever who postured as the "all knowing teacher" that one could ask a question of. Her response to me was a "fuck you". How intellectual. I guess that requires an EdD?

analog kid

Quote from: Zircon on July 25, 2012, 09:05:01 AM
Analog, who was this "other guy" who "imploded". I do know I exploded on that Clint Eastwood twit in one thread or another but he is an "educator" so is most deserving of my contempt. Another one was that EvP or EvB whatever who postured as the "all knowing teacher" that one could ask a question of. Her response to me was a "fuck you". How intellectual. I guess that requires an EdD?

It was some guy who tried to get all pretentious up in this bitch, with a thread on Bukowski, Coastgabbers were having none of it, and he exited in a fiery storm of caps locks (he returned under a different name, claiming to represent Anonymous, and threatened to take down the forum for a breach of copyright that doesn't exist).


I'm not dissing you, Zircon.  This is not about you.

But look at how deceitful and malicious people here are: They snip off a paragraph from a perfectly innocent sincere post I made at another thread, and they paste it here in this thread for the singular purpose of ridiculing me for opening this thread.

Then, derogatory insinuations and innuendos are made about either my mental state or my moral values (including my personal spirituality), just because and especially because of an avatar I adopted previously to ridicule George Noory (not to sympathize with James Holmes).  How quick they are to shoot me from the hip without even scrutinizing and comprehending my opening post for this thread as well as my subsequent posts.  They remind me of George Noory who doesn't listen to his guests speaking and is ever ready to interject his own personal beliefs, biases, and opinions summarily.

We criticize Noory for his dismissive tactics on C2C, but my "critics" here are just as dismissive as Mr. Noory.  Good Lord, they wear the same kind of sheep's clothing that Noory does.  Are we here to be little Junior Noories?  Are we to behave like the C2C host who is regularly ridiculed here at CoastGab?

I have to state that I hate -- too tame a verb -- I loathe, abhor, and despise bullies and oppressors in any situation, particularly when they think they are so smug and smart-ass.  Cyber-bullies are no exception, and bullying is an evil that needs to be nipped at the very bud.  I learned that at a very early age from bullies at school.  And I never forget that lesson because I also learned that this world is filled with bullies -- whether they be schoolmates, coworkers, or government, religious or social leaders.

I know how to fight back even with the pen, in this case the keyboard, the mouse and the computer.  Let them taste the kind of fecal matter they throw at me or others. 

Truly spiritual people are not goody-goody softy Pollyannas whom you can throw into the Coliseum for lions to kill or the slaughterhouse.  That is the false image that religions and their religious leaders teach and impress upon their followers and humanity, so that the sheeple followers can be cowed, intimidated and terrorized and then abused by their leaders' bullying dismissive tactics -- the very thing Noory does at C2C with his fear-mongering! 

True spiritual individuals know that there comes a time to forcibly and violently drive the money changers away from the temple, to speak harshly against the lawyers, the priests, the Scribes, and the hypocritical Pharisees -- to bring down the priesthood of intolerance, ignorance and abuse of people.  And when such a time does come, the true spiritual person acts decisively and effectively against the abuse of dismissive bullies.

Yes, there is so much more to a "spiritually enlightened guy" than just being a hapless and helpless target for bullies to shoot at.  And this target is NO smart-ass moron like the George Noory kind.


Quote from: Oversoul on July 25, 2012, 12:28:03 AM
You know what, moron, the scary clown avatar was chosen fully BEFORE the Aurora, CO movie house massacre
Ha I was thinking that when I read the comment... you've had the joker as yer avy for a few days before the incident.  I think the reason people are pissed is because your initial posts may have come off as though you were making the killer (fuck him he doesn't deserve a name... or air) out to be misunderstood or maybe somewhat justified due to whatever his genius/insanity.  I didn't see it quite that way and I don't think you intended it to be taken as such... but then instead of just clarifying things you kinda went pitbull a few posters who, although they said were outta here, have stuck around. Now things seem to be just getting nasty and I really wish you guys could just kiss and make up.  I must admit flame-wars can be entertaining but at this point I think we need to call a truce up in here...

Mars Attacks Why Can't We All Just Get Along.avi

Also, remember what happened to Jesus after the money changers incident... wasn't that the last straw?? I think he had it all planned... martyr myself and then become part 2 of the Torah and worshiped for thousands of years.


Oversoul, I believe you provided all of us who have bothered to read you latest with a full explanation of your position(s). I understand where you're coming from and wholeheartedly support what you've said. I know you didn't 'diss me by the way as you'd be specific if you did. The expansion on your opinion of Noory is accurate in my opinion. And I think people in this forum are tagged as the latest guy or gal to chide. I've experienced some of that myself. Probably deserved most of it as I tend to be argumentative and harsh when making a point. Anyway, your last was an excellent posting. All should read it ... but they won't.

Frys Girl

Quote from: Zircon on July 25, 2012, 11:40:51 AM
All should read it ... but they won't.
I hate it when people say things like this on the Internet. It's like telling people "you're not serious or intellectual enough to appreciate some squirt's rantings and ravings on the WWW. You're not "with it" enough to bother."

The only brilliant things I've read here are by themudking. Check him out.


Has it occurred to you that YOU are the bully here? You're the one telling people they're STUPID unless they buy into your ideology.

Really, this whole thing is about YOU and your need to be the center of attention.

Anyway, this shit is getting tiresome.

Quote from: Oversoul on July 25, 2012, 09:06:31 AM
Haven't you heard: the line between genius and insanity is exceedingly FINE.

If you have both brains and balls (or eggs), instead of making jabs at me, why don't you address and rebut my following post? http://coastgab.com/index.php/topic,3267.msg74164.html#msg74164

It's not way beyond your reasoning ability, is it?  ;D

Keep it coming... makes me laugh a lot this morning.


Quote from: ziznak on July 25, 2012, 11:21:47 AM
Also, remember what happened to Jesus after the money changers incident... wasn't that the last straw?? I think he had it all planned... martyr myself and then become part 2 of the Torah and worshiped for thousands of years.

I ain't planning on becoming a CoastGab martyr, ziznak.  That's why I fight back them bullies and oppressors.  This ain't no Pollyanna Jesus here who lets himself get slapped on the face and spat at.  No, sir.  I use the mind and courage the Lord God gave me.  You have them too. They're gifts to us from heaven. 

There are worse killers than mentally-ill killers, and worse oppressors than fascists and commies.  These are the killers of truth and freedom of expression and men's minds, 'cause they kill softly and wholesale, not just in retail.  Jesus was not killed because of throwing out the money changers at the temple.  The leaders of his time wanted him killed because he dared to make the people of his day THINK.  He knew that their thinking would set them free.  The leaders would not have any of that: They wanted to keep their sheeple.

But this is a sad day in CoastGab, ziznak.  There's favoritism and censorship brewing here now it seems -- just like in Coast To Coast AM, where they screen them callers and play the favorites game with their guests.  A sad, sad day for the Internet, too.

I think I may have been censored for a post in another thread where I threw down the gauntlet to deceitful cowards who ain't got the guts to fight like a man (or even scratch and slap like a woman ;D).   You will also note that HAL 9000's infamous "squirrel talk" post in this thread has mysteriously VANISHED.

This site used to be a haven FROM Noory's C2C.  It IS C2C now.  My, my, how pervasive Noory's influence and stigma are.  I must congratulate Mr. Noory for possessing such influence.

Thank you, ziznak, for the heart.  You too, Zircon.  God bless and multiply upright men like you 'cause the world needs you, humanity needs you.  :-*


Quote from: McPhallus on July 25, 2012, 12:27:19 PM
Has it occurred to you that YOU are the bully here? You're the one telling people they're STUPID unless they buy into your ideology.

Really, this whole thing is about YOU and your need to be the center of attention.

Anyway, this shit is getting tiresome.

Do tell me, sir, exactly what is this supposed ideology of mine that you claim I am selling to people in this particular thread?  I think you don't even know what you're talking about.  What ideology specifically?

I have no need to be the center of attention, sir.  You, sir, might be envious of my ability to express myself quite eloquently and smartly.  If eloquence and intelligence are my offenses, then I plead guilty to them.

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