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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: coaster on March 04, 2016, 12:58:06 PM
hoo boy did I get drunk last night. It's odd, but I think I drank last night because I got so fed up with people talking politics. Weird reason to drink, but this shit is just getting exhausting. Trump is just driving me nuts.

Look away.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on March 04, 2016, 10:51:08 PM
Indeed, in fact there are already ominous signs of a recession coming.

Been hearing about it for more than a year. At some point everything will happen.


Art posted the following on FB iust a bit ago:

Heather Wade is doing a incredible on air job with the show but needs help with somebody who knows a bit about Radio and is willing to call stations about taking the show. If that is you please email Heather at: producer@artbell.com


Listening to Noory and it's pretty hilarious.  Beats Heather with a stick though.  Thanks a bunch, Art, for driving me off DMDN.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on March 04, 2016, 10:51:08 PM
Indeed, in fact there are already ominous signs of a recession coming.

i really wonder if we ever recovered from the last


Quote from: Faustina on March 04, 2016, 10:57:02 PM
Art posted the following on FB iust a bit ago:

Heather Wade is doing a incredible on air job with the show but needs help with somebody who knows a bit about Radio and is willing to call stations about taking the show. If that is you please email Heather at: producer@artbell.com

would be surprised if any one stepped up to help..


Quote from: trostol on March 04, 2016, 11:10:09 PM
i really wonder if we ever recovered from the last

I don't think we fully ever did.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on March 04, 2016, 11:14:11 PM
I don't think we fully ever did.


that sentence looks weird lol


Quote from: trostol on March 04, 2016, 11:14:45 PM

that sentence looks weird lol

Know how to write, I do.


Art Bell
10 hrs · MITD

Heather Wade is doing a incredible on air job with the show but needs help with somebody who knows a bit about Radio and is willing to call stations about taking the show. If that is you please email Heather at: producer@artbell.com



Quote from: chefist on March 05, 2016, 09:25:46 AM
Art Bell
10 hrs · MITD

Heather Wade is doing a incredible on air job with the show but needs help with somebody who knows a bit about Radio and is willing to call stations about taking the show. If that is you please email Heather at: producer@artbell.com

JeeZus can he get anymore Wacko? He's the one who ran the ship onto the rocks, and now he wants someone to help the 3rd mate get the ship off the rocks and into to port again to bilk more paying customers(Station Managers) >:(
At least with Amway & Herbalife at least you get a box in the mail once a month! ;)
Someone needs to contact Kim Jong Nutty and ask him to test an EMP over Pahrump so Art loses all electronic forms of communication! ::)

Quote from: Faustina on March 04, 2016, 10:57:02 PM
Art posted the following on FB iust a bit ago:

Heather Wade is doing a incredible on air job with the show but needs help with somebody who knows a bit about Radio and is willing to call stations about taking the show. If that is you please email Heather at: producer@artbell.com

Why doesn't Art do that? Or did the stalker want Art to stay off his phone as well as stay off the air?

Quote from: BellBoy on March 04, 2016, 06:57:54 AM
Hey, Hey, Sweet thing
How do you do
Do you remember me babe
The way I remember you

:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

It's not the same when you're not around!


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on March 05, 2016, 09:51:56 AM
Why doesn't Art do that? Or did the stalker want Art to stay off his phone as well as stay off the air?

A. Ego
B. Wife won't let him near the phone
C. COPD may be worse
D. All of the above


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on March 05, 2016, 09:51:56 AM
Why doesn't Art do that? Or did the stalker want Art to stay off his phone as well as stay off the air?
Yea Art, if she's so fuckng great, call yourself. Tell stations how great you think she is.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on March 05, 2016, 09:51:56 AM
Why doesn't Art do that? Or did the stalker want Art to stay off his phone as well as stay off the air?

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. 

Maybe Art is just trying to see how much he can con and manipulate his last few gullible fans into doing more work for him?  I'm telling ya, he's been trolling his audience the whole time. 


Quote from: GravitySucks on March 05, 2016, 10:32:25 AM
A. Ego
B. Wife won't let him near the phone
C. COPD may be worse
D. All of the above
Art is now suffering from Sickle Cell Anemia.


I know a bit about radio. Some take DC batteries, some have AC plug.
Volume, treble, etc. Adjust the antenna for better reception. Am I qualified?


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on March 05, 2016, 09:51:56 AM
Why doesn't Art do that? Or did the stalker want Art to stay off his phone as well as stay off the air?

A little something called credibility perhaps? would you be convinced to carry a show that you used to carry, but the main 'star' quit, now it's a shadow of it's former self, and the guy who ran it is now asking you for another chance (for the x-th time), no real numbers to back things up, just 'take my word for it', would you? based on the past performance of said person??

I just assumed the second he saw the offer, Ciardelo replied to Art and took the job.

Quote from: RickySsan on March 05, 2016, 11:22:55 AM
A little something called credibility perhaps? would you be convinced to carry a show that you used to carry, but the main 'star' quit, now it's a shadow of it's former self, and the guy who ran it is now asking you for another chance (for the x-th time), no real numbers to back things up, just 'take my word for it', would you? based on the past performance of said person??
All excellent points, sir.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on March 05, 2016, 09:51:56 AM
Why doesn't Art do that? Or did the stalker want Art to stay off his phone as well as stay off the air?
Good question.  "...but needs help with somebody who knows a bit about Radio..."  Heh.  It's sad to think how far things have sunk in less than a year.


Heather is doing an incredible LOUSY job.
It is horrible.

If anyone else agrees with me, please encourage me to continue to call for her resignation.
I have been an original founding member of BellGab and have a tremendous amount of respect
with all members.  Note: Most of my communication is done via private email, with you the members of Bellgab.
I will consider becoming more vocal and pubic if i get a large enough response to put my friendship with Art in jeopardy.

You can help by replying  " I agree with you Bobo, Heather has got to go"

If i get enough response, i will take my influence to the powers that be and finally be rid of Heather and her lack of radio experience and put her back to her former career where i think she can do better as it has less to do with pronouncing words correctly and more to do with moaning the words the right way.

Remember to reply with " I agree with you Bobo, Heather has got to go"

Thanks everyone, I know this is difficult for me personally, but it is something that if i get enough support, i will take to the end



Quote from: bobo17 on March 05, 2016, 02:12:18 PM
Heather is doing an incredible LOUSY job.
It is horrible.

If anyone else agrees with me, please encourage me to continue to call for her resignation.
I have been an original founding member of BellGab and have a tremendous amount of respect
with all members.  Note: Most of my communication is done via private email, with you the members of Bellgab.
I will consider becoming more vocal and pubic if i get a large enough response to put my friendship with Art in jeopardy.

You can help by replying  " I agree with you Bobo, Heather has got to go"

If i get enough response, i will take my influence to the powers that be and finally be rid of Heather and her lack of radio experience and put her back to her former career where i think she can do better as it has less to do with pronouncing words correctly and more to do with moaning the words the right way.

Remember to reply with " I agree with you Bobo, Heather has got to go"

Thanks everyone, I know this is difficult for me personally, but it is something that if i get enough support, i will take to the end




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Quote from: norland2424 on March 05, 2016, 02:23:12 PM


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Date Registered:
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Last Active:
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Exactly. If people don't like the show, go listen to somebody else. If there is a host they would rather listen to, then go listen to them.

MITD will either make it or it won't.

The Snorchlax

Quote from: bobo17 on March 05, 2016, 02:12:18 PM
Heather is doing an incredible LOUSY job.
It is horrible.

If anyone else agrees with me, please encourage me to continue to call for her resignation.
I have been an original founding member of BellGab and have a tremendous amount of respect
with all members.  Note: Most of my communication is done via private email, with you the members of Bellgab.
I will consider becoming more vocal and pubic if i get a large enough response to put my friendship with Art in jeopardy.

You can help by replying  " I agree with you Bobo, Heather has got to go"

If i get enough response, i will take my influence to the powers that be and finally be rid of Heather and her lack of radio experience and put her back to her former career where i think she can do better as it has less to do with pronouncing words correctly and more to do with moaning the words the right way.

Remember to reply with " I agree with you Bobo, Heather has got to go"

Thanks everyone, I know this is difficult for me personally, but it is something that if i get enough support, i will take to the end


What will the new show be called?

Bobo in the Bog?


Quote from: GravitySucks on March 05, 2016, 02:26:27 PM
Exactly. If people don't like the show, go listen to somebody else. If there is a host they would rather listen to, then go listen to them.

MITD will either make it or it won't.

I agree, that's why I won't listen unless all of you make a fuss about something going down on her program, then I'll hop on to TuneIn.com real quick.  Otherwise BLAHH, the show is AWFUL, that's why most if not all of the stations carrying MITD have cancelled.   The same goes for George Noory, if ya don't like the show, don't listen. It's really that simple.


Quote from: littlechris on March 05, 2016, 02:32:11 PM
I agree, that's why I won't listen unless all of you make a fuss about something going down on her program, then I'll hop on to TuneIn.com real quick.  Otherwise BLAHH, the show is AWFUL, that's why most if not all of the stations carrying MITD have cancelled.   The same goes for George Noory, if ya don't like the show, don't listen. It's really that simple.
Well said Chris. When not at work, I tune in to see if the seat is still being warmed for Art's return.
If it is, I listen for a few mispronounced words.

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