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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 16, 2016, 03:08:28 AM
Constructive vs. negative. I can spend X amount of energy towards something I enjoy, or X amount of energy towards destroying what I enjoyed and making sure it never comes back. I'd like to listen to shit I enjoy, you are out to enjoy fucking with people while you can before it's all dead. You tell me which approach makes more sense.

You've been owned TunaBoy  ;D
Maybe best to cut your losses and give everyone a rest .......
Step down from your pulpit ........ the crowd has gone.

The Penguin's last few posts aren't trolling ....


Quote from: DeltaBravo on January 15, 2016, 10:50:56 PM
I'd like to sue Art for up selling me that fucking C Crane wi-fi piece of shite radio!
I never liked CCrane products.  They are cheaply made for the quality.  I guess that's ok to say now.


Quote from: Ciardelo on January 16, 2016, 11:23:15 AM
Art doesn't owe anybody anything...

I am so fucking tired of this line.


Quote from: MV on January 16, 2016, 01:22:29 PM
I am so fucking tired of this line.

Yeah. There are a few people he owes.


Make It Stop

Ok...ok...  its been a few weeks time to all band together and DEMAND THAT IT STOP?
What you ask  "stop what"??

The fantasy that Heather dumb dumb  no talent, no connection with audience, no natural curiosity STOP hosting a radio program.
She is absolutely the worst radio host i have ever listened too.  Yes i did listen for about a week in order to give the benefit of the doubt.  But after that week, it became obvious she had absolutely NO TALENT.  She should do us all a favor and quit A.S.A.P.
But here's the thing, unless we the people of bell gab unite with this message and repeat and repeat it will not happen, because the cabal is living in a wonderland.

Please repeat after me  Heather go away, go away now.
If we can have this mantra repeated over and over it will happen
thanks for all your support and private emails asking me to take up this cause. 

I have finally scummed to the the overwhelming demand by you, my fellow bell gabbers, to "go public" and make this happen.  Its only when a well respected, senior member has the guts to come out and makes the charge (that we all agree with), will it finally happen and FINALLY STOP!


Quote from: bobo17 on January 16, 2016, 01:27:23 PM

Heather isn't all that bad.  The first couple weeks I couldn't listen to her, but now she's passed that "Noory Threshold" and I usually listen to a show all the way through.  She's still rough in some areas, but it's apparent to me that she's learning.  She's already WAY more listenable than Richie "Name-Dropper" Hucksterland.


Quote from: Emergency Bacon on January 16, 2016, 02:38:45 AM

There's a ton of alt networks out there now, and most of them have at least one or two interesting shows on them.  It's pretty hard to keep track actually.  A place to talk about all the networks and share the good finds seems to be a void that needs filling.

+more than one. A really good idea. Viva las gab.


Wow this place is a mess!  Like when the party is over but a few drunken guests remain to fight and trash the place.

Meanwhile, I've noticed a few people posting swan songs, lol.  I thought I'd leave this one here.  I suspect writers Hal David and David Bacharach wrote this breakup song as tongue in cheek, but the lyrics become downright farcical in the serious, melodramatic delivery by the lovely Miss McCoo.

One less Bell to answer
One less egg to fry
One less man to pick up after
I should be happy
But all I do is cry
Oh, I should be happy
(Oh, why did he go)
I only know that since he left
My life's so empty
Though I try to forget
It just can't be done
Each time the doorbell rings Chase plays
I still run
I don't know how in the world
To stop thinking of him
'Cause I still love him so
I end each day the way I start out
Crying my heart out
Oh, one less man to pick up after
No more laughter
No more love
Since he went, oh he went away (he went away)...


Quote from: Showroom Dummy on January 16, 2016, 10:08:06 AM
hey hoagie said on last nites opening about problems with the DM network    days of him staying may be numbered

So you're saying that I may be saving $10 a month instead of 5?

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on January 16, 2016, 02:25:45 PM
So you're saying that I may be saving $10 a month instead of 5?

yep lol

Quote from: Showroom Dummy on January 16, 2016, 10:08:06 AM
hey hoagie said on last nites opening about problems with the DM network    days of him staying may be numbered

Who says there is never any good news.  I strongly support Hoagland on this and encourage him to set off on his own as soon as possible.

And PS Hoagie, don't write

Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on January 16, 2016, 01:15:19 PM
You've been owned TunaBoy  ;D
Maybe best to cut your losses and give everyone a rest .......
Step down from your pulpit ........ the crowd has gone.

The Penguin's last few posts aren't trolling ....



Thanks for the kind words albrecht, Gruntled, and Gravity Sucks, I wrote a nice reply... but hit the back button on my phone... lost it... and now my phone is about out of juice.


Quote from: MV on January 16, 2016, 12:20:21 AM
It's depressing on so many levels. At least I came across the likes of you and others. It's been cool, buddy. Some day, a drink.

Count me in, I'll start a tab.

So much love and admiration we have had for Art.
Who could of predicted this level of drama and fevid replies from the Jilted Lovers of Art?

This thread still reads as a Testimonial to Art. It's 'there' in all the negativity too.

Quote from: Ciardelo on January 16, 2016, 11:23:15 AM
This is the point--bottom line.

Art doesn't owe anybody anything and all these trolls keep showing up saying "that fucker owes me."

I don't even pretend to understand it.

I haven't really seen the posts of people saying Art owes them something, so I'm not sure what you mean.  Maybe I have those posts on ignore, or skipped past them.  There has been mention that some folks spent time and effort putting out word of his return, but nothing about him 'owing' them because of it. 

I will say he 'owes' anyone who bought a satellite radio or a long term subscription to Sirius before he quit that show, but nothing this time around.

One thing sure, no one owes him anything either - respect, the benefit of the doubt, sensitivity, any of it.

I think what the people who continue putting out the 'Art doesn't owe anybody anything' line really mean is that the rest of us are supposed to shut up. 


Quote from: nbirnes on January 16, 2016, 02:00:15 PM
+more than one. A really good idea. Viva las gab.
This is a good idea.
I for one, could use a "T.V. Guide" type of forum to sort out the available podcasts and internet radio shows dedicated to the paranormal or like genre
that are out there.
I was unaware of Phil Henrie before I came here. I'm sure there are many more interesting personalities that a lot of folks are unaware of too.
Maybe this is an opportunity for MV to turn Art's dark cloud of departure into a $$$ silver lining.
Praise MV


Quote from: littlechris on January 16, 2016, 02:27:13 AM
^^THIS ^^

At the end of the day, it's all about being entertained and enthralled. Art Bell knows this. Of course it's not over.

The final month or so of shows were pretty low on the 'Entertained and Enthralled Meter," imho.  It sounded to me, listening to Art's voice, that he was beginning to lose his enthusiasm for doing the show. 


Quote from: flimflam384 on January 16, 2016, 01:29:55 PM
Heather isn't all that bad.  The first couple weeks I couldn't listen to her, but now she's passed that "Noory Threshold" and I usually listen to a show all the way through.  She's still rough in some areas, but it's apparent to me that she's learning.  She's already WAY more listenable than Richie "Name-Dropper" Hucksterland.
She proved last show that she had not learned a thing. The few decent shows was mostly because of the guests doing most of the talking.
She even made it clear that she does not understand which callers to drop. What made Art so much better than Noory is that he had a sense when it came to which callers to keep on the line and which callers to drop quickly. Heather made it clear that she has no such skill and wants to give every caller the chance no matter how boring and drawn out the call is.
Noory at least tries, but since he lacks the skill he often ends up dropping the interesting callers and let the boring ones drone on for ages.


Quote from: Faustina on January 16, 2016, 03:22:05 PM
The final month or so of shows were pretty low on the 'Entertained and Enthralled Meter," imho.  It sounded to me, listening to Art's voice, that he was beginning to lose his enthusiasm for doing the show.
I could already hear this after a few weeks and other people here on this forum noticed the same as well.
He seemed to gain some enthusiasm again though whenever he had some large affiliates signing up but it never really took long before he seemed bored and cranky again.
So seems to me like that Art enjoys building up the show but not actually doing it and it apparently did not grow quickly enough for him to keep interest.

The General

Quote from: flimflam384 on January 16, 2016, 01:29:55 PM
Heather isn't all that bad.  The first couple weeks I couldn't listen to her, but now she's passed that "Noory Threshold" and I usually listen to a show all the way through.  She's still rough in some areas, but it's apparent to me that she's learning.  She's already WAY more listenable than Richie "Name-Dropper" Hucksterland.
Heather's doing a great job, I think.  I don't really always have time to listen, but she's good.  She's actually the one that I feel bad for in this whole mess.  She's just doing the best she can with the circumstances she's been handed.

Can't believe how this has turned out. Didn't have to be this way. So damn disappointed. I just sit here and shake my head. Even thinking back to the glory days seems tainted to me now. :'(

The General

Quote from: Segundus on January 16, 2016, 01:16:36 PM
I never liked CCrane products.  They are cheaply made for the quality.  I guess that's ok to say now.

I love my CCrane WiFi repeater. 
Can't really tell you what I'm doing with it.
But let's just say that it works well.

Quote from: The General on January 16, 2016, 04:09:15 PM
Heather's doing a great job, I think.  I don't really always have time to listen, but she's good.  She's actually the one that I feel bad for in this whole mess.  She's just doing the best she can with the circumstances she's been handed.

No shit.   I hope she doesn't end up with a bleeding ulcer.

Quote from: The General on January 16, 2016, 04:09:15 PM
She's actually the one that I feel bad for in this whole mess.

I don't feel bad for her anymore with the network going down, given that she canned Everhart before the holidays in a vindictive move. Art, Keith, and Heather all deserve each other.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 16, 2016, 11:20:49 AM
Pathological attention whore. You broadcast it. Along with the aspergers.


Quote from: Emergency Bacon on January 16, 2016, 02:38:45 AM

There's a ton of alt networks out there now, and most of them have at least one or two interesting shows on them.  It's pretty hard to keep track actually.  A place to talk about all the networks and share the good finds seems to be a void that needs filling.

I so agree with this.  Lately, another online broadcasting network is springing up seemingly every time I turn around.  I don't have time to listen to all the shows that air on these networks, and would love for this forum to be a place where I, and others, could get a heads-up as to which ones are worth taking the time to check out.  I think that would be a good move for this forum:   to serve as a "go to" place for hearing about the latest on independent internet radio shows and to get word out about it (I could help with this:  I run a number of FB groups).  I realize that, to an extent, Bellgab has already served this purpose in the "other podcasts" thread(s), but I think that aspect of the forum would do well to become its main focus.  I think it would help the forum to grow and evolve, since internet broadcasting networks and their shows is a burgeoning media field, it seems to me.  There is a growing market for these shows, as more and more people look for an alternative to the increasingly mediocre shows on terrestrial radio. And not just 'paranormal' talk, but all internet talk radio that's relevant and compelling, whether it be sports, politics, pop culture or film.  In addition, having the forum focus on this ("other" talk radio shows) could help out a lot of us here who prefer to get off the Art Bell Train and are looking for alternatives.


Quote from: MV on January 16, 2016, 12:20:21 AM
It's depressing on so many levels. At least I came across the likes of you and others. It's been cool, buddy. Some day, a drink.
Hmmm... so many "Goodbyes, Farewells and Amens" posted here recently.  I am beginning to feel as though I am participating in the final M*A*S*H episode. As the Lt. pointed out a few posts back, it may just be the drunkards left trashing the place. 

I have always said that what made the place interesting was the posters that were either attracted to Bell or repulsed by Noory sharing only that one attribute.  Left leaning, right leaning, atheist and woo woo con attendees all in one place made it interesting to me... And the light moderation made people more apt to be open and honest, I believe (thanks Lt. colonel Blake.) ;)

If this really is the swan song, I suppose I will eventually stumble out the door and into the night... Or MV will officially end the party, call in the cops and toss those of us left.  I kind of hope that this is not the case- but we will see.  I suppose I was still thinking that there would be some wish from people to participate in the other topics and challenge themselves to interact with those who they do not always agree with.

It really leaves me wondering if the only thing keeping people here for the last half decade was some hope that Art would return one day.  Kind of fucked up if that was the case...

If you will excuse me- I think I saw some copper wiring in the basement that has not been stripped out yet.

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