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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Art Bell on December 29, 2015, 03:51:55 PM
I think this turd still does not get it! He has already proven he is a Cyber Stalker. I have come to believe he just might be my Stalker. He wants more investigation and he will get it. Anybody this consumed with trying to hurt me because I left a Radio show is suspect.


It's certainly a pathological fascination, so I'd probably put him on the list too.  But the timing doesn't seem to track right by my thinking - if he was this fixated three months ago I think we'd have seem him getting into all this back then.

I'm just glad that you see the distinction between the weirdos who have been ragging on you lately, and the rest of us who never held your departure against you in the first place.  It was such a mob mentality around here for the first week or after you stepped away that it was hard to see that the losers posting smack weren't even fans (or in some cases even listeners) - they're just bottom feeders who saw some succulent bad energy to slurp up.  And they go berserk when several of them arrive at the same mound of poop to munch on.


Quote from: EarthAlien007 on December 29, 2015, 03:59:10 PM
This is the guy who was harassing you last time, back in November 2013.
He should certainly be investigated.

Take care Art.
Don't get mad, get even.  ;)
Thats what I keep telling him-

It starts with a real investigation into that real life stalker since he thinks its me... So, hes going to have to have the police involved and give statements that will be investigated by the police. Hope hes truthful with THEM.

Then the evil stalker can be captured. The one is really, real you guize.


Quote from: Freyja on December 29, 2015, 12:24:57 PM
I don't get it. Why is any silly ignore feature necessary?

As adorable as you may well be, there's nothing productive about being deliberately obtuse--pretending to be, even less so.

Allowing oneself to appear that way is simply crass.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 29, 2015, 04:03:08 PM

Libel. LIBEL!!

Love you Jackstar

Like a pimple on my butt.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on December 29, 2015, 10:45:11 AM
In other words, he is boorish and provocative for no reason other than to garner attention. He adds nothing.

Who made you The Arbiter of Reasons? Do you get to wear a special little hat? Perhaps a bejeweled scepter, that you get to wave around in fits of impotent rage?


Quote from: whoozit on December 29, 2015, 12:05:58 PM
The truth is none of us know exactly what is going on.

This assertion cannot be proven.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 29, 2015, 10:30:31 AM
Eddie banned himself, look it up.

One hiatus ends, and one begins. No, wait, two begin. Or something. It's the circle of life at any rate.

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on December 29, 2015, 04:01:43 PM
Yeah, I bought a radio and subscription but thats not what this is about. I was mad but got over it rather quickly and then just trolled Art until he threatened to beat my ass-

This was really just some debate and fun until Art decided to act like a badass and ask his minions to track me down. Now its honestly , personal.

So I want Art to keep on talking and talking so I can keep on pointing out every day that he hasnt done shit.

He needs to get those phone records and really get the Police involved in his "real life" stalker case since hes now eluded to the fact that he thinks its me- I could be in big trouble and the evil stalker caught. Lets see if that happens.

are you still living in Detroit  -whats that like these days ??


Quote from: Aussie Dave on December 29, 2015, 06:30:10 AM
Holy shit in a hand basket. This site is almost unrecognisable from the site it was just a few months ago. Where are all the regulars?

I'm not going to say it was a Gypsy curse. That'd be crass.


Quote from: scottydawg on December 29, 2015, 12:17:10 PM
Been on Vicodin the last few days due to pain.

Bummer, yo. Get well soon. Do you think all that acetaminophen is helping with that?


Quote from: GravitySucks on December 29, 2015, 12:19:44 PM
Glad your back.

Not glad enough to deign to publish in motherfucking English, it would seem.


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on December 29, 2015, 05:11:01 AM
Ive had many an online battle in past .

It is dark here. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on December 29, 2015, 04:01:43 PM
Yeah, I bought a radio and subscription but thats not what this is about. I was mad but got over it rather quickly and then just trolled Art until he threatened to beat my ass-

This was really just some debate and fun until Art decided to act like a badass and ask his minions to track me down. Now its honestly , personal.

So I want Art to keep on talking and talking so I can keep on pointing out every day that he hasnt done shit.

He needs to get those phone records and really get the Police involved in his "real life" stalker case since hes now eluded to the fact that he thinks its me- I could be in big trouble and the evil stalker caught. Lets see if that happens.

Hmmm, but you did provoke it. It was going to happen sooner or later. Now, we both know you're in Michigan, and AB is in Arizona, and that it's highly unlikely you'll be stalking him.

That being the case, take your ball back, and be a good lad. AB isn't going to hunt you down; he has it seems scared the shit out of you, and that was probably his intention.

Let sleeping dogs lie. okay?


Quote from: Meatie Pie on December 29, 2015, 11:00:40 AM
This thread has long been an unreadable dung heap. Let's not pretend it just suddenly got terrible.

Baby, it just suddenly got fabulous.


Quote from: MV on December 29, 2015, 02:27:51 PM
i would ask that you refrain from making my browser history a subject of discussion. thank you in advance.

Oh, Sugar. That'll be eighty-eight dollars, payable strictly in Kruggerrands.


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 29, 2015, 03:59:49 PM
anyone this consumed *period* because you left a radio show, is a nut.  :-X

lol that covers a lot of people who have posted here lol


Quote from: Showroom Dummy on December 29, 2015, 04:05:31 PM

are you still living in Detroit  -whats that like these days ??
Ha, no man.

760 is a massive station, I wasnt even living in detroit at the time. That station reaches across several states.

I do go to Detroit though from time to time. Downtown is awesome now that its been cleaned up around Cass. Amazing casinos and hotels but if you drive a few blocks away its really...really...scary.


Quote from: trostol on December 29, 2015, 04:07:59 PM
lol that covers a lot of people who have posted here lol

that is quite true!

Value Of Pi

Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 29, 2015, 03:54:16 PM
Did you buy a subscription to Sirius or something?  A radio and/or subscription just to hear Art? Is this what this is about? I'm quite serious.  I've seen some people posting the same thing. They're upset because they're out the price of a radio. Albeit an expensive radio, but a radio nonetheless.

I almost bought my husband a C Crane radio for Christmas. Then this happened.  I guess I lucked out, but even if I had gone through with the purchase, I'm sure the radio still would have been used quite regularly.

A good radio is a very nice gift. A satellite receiver might be a little iffy, but those can be had pretty cheap anyway. A Sirius subscription to keep using the receiver? Even iffier.


Quote from: pyewacket on December 29, 2015, 02:52:28 PM
Noory has been consistent all these years. He may not be up to everyone's expectations and has been criticised, spoofed, mocked, and parodied in unflattering ways- BUT- he still shows up every night. I think he deserves at least that level of recognition. So, once every 13 years he has to take time off for a molten pizza roll accident, and I'm sure we'll still hear about it for another 13 years, and there's no reason to think that there won't be another 13 years. Therein lies a critical difference that I see- not everyone may agree. After all, it has been said that just showing up is 80% of success.

You have a major point. We can certainly say that Dave is NOT a quitter, nor does he not retire  ;)


Quote from: pyewacket on December 29, 2015, 03:41:13 PM
True- but it does matter to the people who continue to listen to Coast, the station managers, the producers, the sponsors, and the business legal departments. Just saying that you can't have quality without attendance- you just have 'dead air'.

This is true.  But I think consumers eventually come around to reject lesser-quality products and move on to the next shiny new thing. Terrestrial radio is a great example of an industry who compromised the quality of their their product for increased profits.  The results of their greed coupled with rapid changes in media technology have nearly destroyed the medium.  'Dead air' makes an appropriate eulogy for what's happened to terrestrial radio.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 29, 2015, 04:03:36 PM
I remember spanking it to Freyja shortly after getting here.

That's just wrong on so many levels Jack.


Quote from: Chronaut on December 29, 2015, 04:03:39 PM
It's certainly a pathological fascination, so I'd probably put him on the list too.  But the timing doesn't seem to track right by my thinking - if he was this fixated three months ago I think we'd have seem him getting into all this back then.

I'm just glad that you see the distinction between the weirdos who have been ragging on you lately, and the rest of us who never held your departure against you in the first place.  It was such a mob mentality around here for the first week or after you stepped away that it was hard to see that the losers posting smack weren't even fans (or in some cases even listeners) - they're just bottom feeders who saw some succulent bad energy to slurp up.  And they go berserk when several of them arrive at the same mound of poop to munch on.

honestly..both sides have been awful..those attacking both Art and Heather and those who have been white knighting


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 29, 2015, 03:59:49 PM
anyone this consumed constipated *period* because you left a radio show, is a nut.  :-X



Quote from: SciFiAuthor on December 29, 2015, 04:10:46 PM
That's just wrong on so many levels Jack.

Quote from: Freyja on December 29, 2015, 04:09:56 PM
You have a major point. We can certainly say that

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on December 29, 2015, 04:10:09 PM
This is true.  But I think consumers eventually come around to reject lesser-quality products and move on to the next shiny new thing. Terrestrial radio is a great example of an industry who compromised the quality of their their product for increased profits.  The results of their greed coupled with rapid changes in media technology have nearly destroyed the medium.  'Dead air' makes an appropriate eulogy for what's happened to terrestrial radio.

Not the same in the UK; we have a fantastic terrestrial radio network on the BBC. Regularly drawing in 6-9 million listeners a day on some shows.

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on December 29, 2015, 04:08:11 PM
Ha, no man.

760 is a massive station, I wasnt even living in detroit at the time. That station reaches across several states.

I do go to Detroit though from time to time. Downtown is awesome now that its been cleaned up around Cass. Amazing casinos and hotels but if you drive a few blocks away its really...really...scary.

what would happen if you now decided to just apologize --you have an opportunity to do it right now  --   it seems to me you may just need a friend    --do you need a friend ?     someone to go to star wars with  maybe  ?

Ms. C

Quote from: gabrielle on December 29, 2015, 04:01:40 PM
I was eating bacon when I picked it.  Plus, I think the song is rather calming.  How can people be so hurtful?  I have never figured that out.  PEACE.

Love Art, adore Heather, thank MV.
+100. 👍 💜 👏 💗 👌


Quote from: trostol on December 29, 2015, 04:11:13 PM
honestly..both sides have been awful..those attacking both Art and Heather and those who have been white knighting

Give me a freakin' break.  The hateful howlers here have flooded 80% of most pages with vitriolic sputum for weeks.  And a handful of posters have reasonably objected to all the absurd allegations leveled at Art ("liar/sociopath/etc") and anyone who doesn't join in their little orgy of hate (as "dupes/white knights/worshipers/etc").

Don't even try to pretend that the latter is anywhere as near as bad as the former.

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