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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


This is it! Page 1000!
1000 pages of Art Bell talk and discussion. Sort of.  ::)

Simple things make me happy!  ;)

The new millenium is here y'all.

Pale Horse

Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 03:40:51 PM
I don't know about rights but I think I know about Souls (if they are real). When I look into my cat's eyes they look just as deep as a Humans, they have joy, happiness, sadness, jealousy, love and on and on. If we have Souls, so do they. That should start a good fight.

How very Egyptian of you to notice.

Art Bell

That picture was from one of the TV shows I did but I am not sure which one, now I said my Cats have Souls Dogs are without a Soul and just drool. (Just kidding).

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.



Quote from: Danger!UFO on March 27, 2015, 07:55:13 PM
This is it! Page 1000!
1000 pages of Art Bell talk and discussion. Sort of.  ::)

Simple things make me happy!  ;)

Jerk. I wanted the 1,000 post.

Art still likes me the best.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 08:01:22 PM
That picture was from one of the TV shows I did but I am not sure which one, now I said my Cats have Souls Dogs are without a Soul and just drool. (Just kidding).

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.


Great news.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 08:01:22 PM
That picture was from one of the TV shows I did but I am not sure which one, now I said my Cats have Souls Dogs are without a Soul and just drool. (Just kidding).

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.


Great news. I will be very happy when things are official and I can expect a show in July.

Pale Horse

Quote from: jazmunda on March 27, 2015, 03:47:31 PM
I'm not convinced that we have souls but agree with you that if we do then they must too.

I loved that show you did with the guy that claimed that plants have souls too.

Ask Aldous about that one.

Was it Peter Tompkins or Christopher Bird? They authored "The Secret Life of Plants."


Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 08:01:22 PM
That picture was from one of the TV shows I did but I am not sure which one, now I said my Cats have Souls Dogs are without a Soul and just drool. (Just kidding).

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.


Wow!!! We can't wait for the details!! That's great, Art! Please announce a date and time when you'll make the announcement...or just surprise us! It's happening....!!!!  :)


Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 08:01:22 PM
That picture was from one of the TV shows I did but I am not sure which one, now I said my Cats have Souls Dogs are without a Soul and just drool. (Just kidding).

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.


Do you have your studio gear picked out?  :)

Pale Horse

Quote from: SaucyRossy on March 27, 2015, 07:27:02 PM
1000 pages??

Art can you tell the story behind this picture?? It's always been my favorite.

See there it is right there. Solid Proof. Art Bell with his 322 Skull and Bones T-shirt on.



Summah summah summah time♪ ♫  8)


Perfect news for 1000 page thread Art. 


Quote from: popple on March 27, 2015, 08:14:11 PM

Summah summah summah time♪ ♫  8)

Dave's gonna have himself some summertime sadness when the ratings crash through the floor.



Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 08:01:22 PM
That picture was from one of the TV shows I did but I am not sure which one, now I said my Cats have Souls Dogs are without a Soul and just drool. (Just kidding).

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.


LOL.  That's funny. Our Dachsund is a chewer, but our drooler is, believe it or not, our Main Coon mix, Snickers.
When We brush him he drools all ever his fur out the sides of his mouth..In the summer we actually have him shaved, which helps for whatever reason.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 08:01:22 PM
That picture was from one of the TV shows I did but I am not sure which one, now I said my Cats have Souls Dogs are without a Soul and just drool. (Just kidding).

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.


Maybe it was the episode of Millenium you did, the Chris carter produced show with Lance Henriksen. X files spin off.

Thanks for the answer. Excited for the announcement


Art, what food do you feed your babies (the cats) and have you considered endorsements?


Quote from: Art Bell on March 27, 2015, 08:01:22 PM

Some news, the final contract provisions have been agreed on, now all we need is the final draft from the Lawyers and if they can just keep from trying to bill extra hours, then by the end of next Week we should have a contract to sign. I hate waiting.


Oh hell Art, just email me copy of your contract. I'll give it a quick once over and let you know if its a go or not.


Quote from: Danger!UFO on March 27, 2015, 07:55:13 PM
This is it! Page 1000!
1000 pages of Art Bell talk and discussion. Sort of.  ::)

Congratulations Art! ...another milestone for your life's scrapbook of accomplishments


Quote from: laserjock on March 27, 2015, 08:38:24 PM
Art, what food do you feed your babies (the cats) and have you considered endorsements?
(smiley face repeatedly smacking forehead with palm of hand)

Laserjock, you are my favorite poster, keep them coming!


Quote from: YNOT on March 27, 2015, 07:45:09 PM
I agree. Our cats and dogs are more expressive than many people I know..

Here's my big brown Weiner...
I had misread this as being "more expensive" than people know.  I have known animals that were certainly more expensive and made their owner a little more expressive upon receipt of the bill.  (To be fair, I had a damn good dog for a lot of years who was expressive, and only expensive when he decided to eat a porcupine...)


Quote from: bateman on March 27, 2015, 08:06:08 PM
Do you have your studio gear picked out?  :)

Kind'a slow here tonight Art. Lets talk gear if you have time and inclination.

Oh heck,  I'd be happy with a favorite cat food discussion  ::)


Ah, 1000 pages. We've breached Tom Clancy thickness.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: cweb on March 27, 2015, 09:14:02 PM
Ah, 1000 pages. We've breached Tom Clancy thickness.

   Like Clancy, roughly 9 pages of actual content housed within those 1000.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on March 27, 2015, 09:16:32 PM
   Like Clancy, roughly 9 pages of actual content housed within those 1000.
It's true.

Funny how my two favorite authors are Clancy and Vonnegut. Polar opposites in regards to brevity.

And now for something completely different. A special long-distance dedication for the Davebots...

Madeon - You're On ft. Kyan (Official Video)


Onward to next week!

Boz Scaggs - We're Waiting

Boz Scaggs - We're Waiting

Art Bell

Well the really good news here is that a 24ghz Microwave shot was made to my property today with really awesome high speed Internet so many things are now going to be possible besides high quality transfer of the show, for example we are going to use SIP service for phone lines which will allow toll free lines for International callers. It's a new World.



The news just keeps getting better! That's great, Art!

How about some ABBA to help celebrate! It IS Friday night!

Abba - Dancing Queen

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