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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: mv on April 15, 2018, 04:31:34 AM
I wish everyone would send similar messages to Noory and others at the network.  Via Twitter/FB/BG... doesn't matter.  Put the pressure on.  They should open up that archive. 

I'm tired of douche bag cunts who brag about the shows they "own" while gleefully informing everyone they won't be sharing (as if they'd "lose" something in doing so).
As I’ve said before, I worked in broadcasting. Tape back then cost a good bit of money to buy and required a lot of space to store. Television, in which I worked, is more expensive than radio, but at the stations where I worked, shows were kept for a week at most. File video was stored for a longer time, but that amounted to any a few minutes per broadcast week. Point being, how many of the old Art shows actually exist? When iHeart claims ownership, does it actually have physical copies, or is it only talking about copyright?

Second, releasing the old shows would cost iHeart money, too, as they would have to be digitized. That means finding a working, appropriate tape player and having at least one employee dub the tape over. That has to occur in real time. If it’s a four hour show, it would take about four hours to digitize. That’s a lot of expense, though it might be monitized by broadcasting the shows. Paying to digitize Art’s shows would be less expensive than creating new content. And iHeart needs content for all those stations.

Anyway, I’m all in favor of bombarding iHeart with emails. I’ll channel Keith and send one from each of my accounts.

Lord Grantham

Quote from: Juan on April 15, 2018, 05:43:41 AM
Anyway, I’m all in favor of bombarding iHeart with emails. I’ll channel Keith and send one from each of my accounts.

You should also start bombarding their Facebook pages with paragraph long posts, over and over again. Just to stay in character.

Quote from: aldousburbank on April 14, 2018, 09:23:23 AM
It's nice to see long lost posters checking in.

Yes indeed, me included - not logged in a while.

Sad news, indeed.

Big Art lived it large (as they say in England's Cockney (or is it Kent-ish?) district), but all those smokes he smoked and all them wives he married surely took their collective toll.


Quote from: SnapT on April 15, 2018, 12:59:30 AM
Heather is giving Noory shit on Facebook for announcing Art's death on C2C before the family did.  Yowsa.

Okay, I gotta say..I don't like Noory.  I'm not a fan of Heather's, either. Okay, I get being pissed, upset, protective of the family.. but Keith and Heather are being a bit stupid right now. First off, Keith was spamming the Nye County page over and over, under multiple FB accounts. (Then some idiots decided to follow suit). Then, Heather goes off on Noory? For what, exactly? Waiting until AFTER the sheriff posted a video confirming it? At that point, the family already knew. So as far as I'm concerned, this only lends to the idea that Keith and Heather wanted the market on the announcement of death.  (I read over at GLP- I know some of you know what that is. Someone posted the link of Noory's show night before last, so it was hours after the immediate family would have known).


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 15, 2018, 02:41:47 AM
We'll probably start to get more of an idea what has really been going on over the next few weeks once the dust has settled a bit. I'm sure people kept quiet out of respect to Art, but grievances have a habit of getting loose after the funeral and I think we might get a better idea of what went on. The whole last act of Art's career was the oddest one of all and it would be good to learn what actually happened. I want Sci-Fi to get an interview with the 'stalker', as he was a prominent fundamentalist and true believer on that burning issue.

I will say that one of my immediate thoughts was that maybe Art had something to do with the timing of all of this. Friday the 13th? sudden death? "Unattended"? He was very ill, and had he chosen to put himself out of his misery, I can only imagine he would have done so with his loving family out of the house.  (It's not uncommon for elderly men to resort to this).

Also, was it Whitley Strieber (sp) who said in his post that Art was found dead in bed? How does he know? Why does nobody else have that info except for him? Or at least nobody else has made that kind of statement.

As for the autopsy..  had Art been bad enough to be in hospice (which it sounds like he wasn't, or at least had not chosen to go that route at this point), he would not have had an autopsy.  They would have said he likely died from complications of his illness, which was already well established.  Even if his death was unattended.  (Many people die unattended and do not require autopsies. So did the family ask for one?)


Quote from: Juan on April 15, 2018, 05:43:41 AM
As I’ve said before, I worked in broadcasting. Tape back then cost a good bit of money to buy and required a lot of space to store. Television, in which I worked, is more expensive than radio, but at the stations where I worked, shows were kept for a week at most. File video was stored for a longer time, but that amounted to any a few minutes per broadcast week. Point being, how many of the old Art shows actually exist? When iHeart claims ownership, does it actually have physical copies, or is it only talking about copyright?

Second, releasing the old shows would cost iHeart money, too, as they would have to be digitized. That means finding a working, appropriate tape player and having at least one employee dub the tape over. That has to occur in real time. If it’s a four hour show, it would take about four hours to digitize. That’s a lot of expense, though it might be monitized by broadcasting the shows. Paying to digitize Art’s shows would be less expensive than creating new content. And iHeart needs content for all those stations.

Anyway, I’m all in favor of bombarding iHeart with emails. I’ll channel Keith and send one from each of my accounts.

I was pretty young when Bell was in his prime, I'm talking elementary school here. I didn't really get to start listening to him regularly until he was on his way out and Noory took over.  I would pay good money to get the shows. But I suppose that impressive torrent (which I downloaded ages ago but yet to listen)  is the best out there for now.

Long form talk radio is on it's way out I'm afraid. Practically all the hosts are 70+ years old and there does not seem to be any young blood to replace them. I can't imagine who would replace even Noory.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 15, 2018, 02:41:47 AM
We'll probably start to get more of an idea what has really been going on over the next few weeks once the dust has settled a bit. I'm sure people kept quiet out of respect to Art, but grievances have a habit of getting loose after the funeral and I think we might get a better idea of what went on. The whole last act of Art's career was the oddest one of all and it would be good to learn what actually happened. I want Sci-Fi to get an interview with the 'stalker', as he was a prominent fundamentalist and true believer on that burning issue.

What we have here folks is a real life Cohen Brothers movie in the vein of the Big lebowski or Burn after Reading or Fargo unfolding in front of us.......

Bellgab presses art out of retirement

Bellgab allows Art to meets new Chippewa princess to supplement his child bride

chippewa princess smothers Art with a pillow in his sleep in the RV.  (Reminiscent of A flashback scene to Art giving Ramona an asthma attack)

Art abandons Two more children [you are here]

Bellgab continues to prompt and change the behavior and public statements of others along the way.

All of the actors in this meet untimely demises themselves as they bend their version of the truth and seek art’s Parts and art’s Money


Quote from: Sean92008 on April 14, 2018, 10:42:33 PM

What motivated you to put the Gene Scott photo in one of your posts? I was about to make a reference to him, because of the situation around his death and his network not announcing it, I ended up deleting it because I didn't think too many people would know about the guy.  It was maybe an hour or two before you posted the photo.

The meaning is about his new (at the time) porn star wife in the picture and how she took over the “ministry” and is sitting on all of Gene’s best videos while downing her best to be a reclusive knock off.

The sharp people here will pick up on it


Quote from: DanTSX on April 15, 2018, 06:46:32 AM

What we have here folks is a real life Cohen Brothers movie in the vein of the Big lebowski or Burn after Reading or Fargo unfolding in front of us.......

Bellgab presses art out of retirement

Bellgab allows Art to meets new Chippewa princess to supplement his child bride

chippewa princess smothers Art with a pillow in his sleep in the RV.  (Reminiscent of A flashback scene to Art giving Ramona an asthma attack)

Art abandons Two more children [you are here]

Bellgab continues to prompt and change the behavior and public statements of others along the way.

All of the actors in this meet untimely demises themselves as they bend their version of the truth and seek art’s Parts and art’s Money

NYE prediction line.....

Art’s RV was really the “guest house”


Quote from: Juan on April 15, 2018, 05:43:41 AM
As I’ve said before, I worked in broadcasting. Tape back then cost a good bit of money to buy and required a lot of space to store. Television, in which I worked, is more expensive than radio, but at the stations where I worked, shows were kept for a week at most. File video was stored for a longer time, but that amounted to any a few minutes per broadcast week. Point being, how many of the old Art shows actually exist? When iHeart claims ownership, does it actually have physical copies, or is it only talking about copyright?

Second, releasing the old shows would cost iHeart money, too, as they would have to be digitized. That means finding a working, appropriate tape player and having at least one employee dub the tape over. That has to occur in real time. If it’s a four hour show, it would take about four hours to digitize. That’s a lot of expense, though it might be monitized by broadcasting the shows. Paying to digitize Art’s shows would be less expensive than creating new content. And iHeart needs content for all those stations.

Anyway, I’m all in favor of bombarding iHeart with emails. I’ll channel Keith and send one from each of my accounts.

From fairly early on, Art had a little sideline going where you could order copies of the show on tape. I don't know whether that applied to all of them or not but it must mean that they have a decent archive. Also, Art was a tech guy with an ego, who knew he was doing something different, so it would be hard to believe that he didn't have back-ups.


Over the past seven years I've had a lot of fun here. Thanks everyone, MV, Art.


Quote from: aldousburbank on April 15, 2018, 08:23:33 AM
Over the past seven years I've had a lot of fun here. Thanks everyone, MV, Art.
Agreed. For me its been 5 years at bellgab.  Thanks you everyone, MV and Art.

Lord Grantham

Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 15, 2018, 07:56:41 AM
From fairly early on, Art had a little sideline going where you could order copies of the show on tape. I don't know whether that applied to all of them or not but it must mean that they have a decent archive. Also, Art was a tech guy with an ego, who knew he was doing something different, so it would be hard to believe that he didn't have back-ups.

This, if he didn't maintain his own archive than Keith did.


Quote from: aldousburbank on April 15, 2018, 08:23:33 AM
Over the past seven years I've had a lot of fun here. Thanks everyone, MV, Art.

Element 115

Quote from: SergeantMajor on April 14, 2018, 08:16:57 PM
How does one link to this?

I have the magnet link if you want it.  I can send it to you in a message.


Quote from: Up All Night on April 15, 2018, 05:15:58 AM
Anyone know if Art had previously stated what his preference was to be after dying, ie to be buried, or to be cremated with instructions of where to scatter the ashes...

Thrown down Mel's hole?

On a serious note I found out about his death the day after while listen to U7 and they cut in to say he had died. Very sad in one sense and not so sad in another, I think we all really feel that way and with time and distance we can all have a more objective view of who Art was and who he wasn't. Great entertainer and talkshow host, in real life though was he that great of a guy, not really. But you can take him as you want, now especially because he's gone.

We all had fun with Art over the years, but let's try not to deify him.


Quote from: HumanBeing on April 15, 2018, 12:24:26 AM

They had a weird relationship.  Really makes me wonder what went on between she and Art...


Quote from: AppealPlay on April 15, 2018, 08:44:53 AM
They had a weird relationship.  Really makes me wonder what went on between she and Art...

It's really strange to think that she would even say that. Shouldn't his wife and family be involved in those sorts of things? Not some low-rent late night talkshow host with a few hundred people listening.

Just goes to show you the strange people who were in orbit around Art, and still are...


Quote from: Claudius on April 15, 2018, 08:47:32 AM

It's really strange to think that she would even say that. Shouldn't his wife and family be involved in those sorts of things? Not some low-rent late night talkshow host with a few hundred people listening.

Just goes to show you the strange people who were in orbit around Art, and still are...

It is quite obvious that she became a close friend of the family. Aryin has two young children and is grieving over the loss of her husband. It is reasonable to expect that cannot deal with funeral planning. I don't find anything strange about this.


Quote from: dan7800 on April 15, 2018, 08:52:41 AM
It is quite obvious that she became a close friend of the family. Aryin has two young children and is grieving over the loss of her husband. It is reasonable to expect that cannot deal with funeral planning. I don't find anything strange about this.

She was a close friend of one member of the family anyway. If you think the wife was happy about another woman spending so much time with her husband - and, what's more, moving in to the house - then I don't think much of your grasp of female psychology.


Quote from: AppealPlay on April 15, 2018, 08:44:53 AM
They had a weird relationship.  Really makes me wonder what went on between she and Art...

/x/ is speculating that she is a long lost daughter....

I find that to be the least probable of the possible explanations.


Quote from: DanTSX on April 15, 2018, 09:07:33 AM
/x/ is speculating that she is a long lost daughter....

I find that to be the least probable of the possible explanations.

It's quite silly but at the same time really humorous.

The main fact discounting this theory is that he's never appeared to be helpful or communicative to any of those he's left behind.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 15, 2018, 09:05:46 AM
She was a close friend of one member of the family anyway. If you think the wife was happy about another woman spending so much time with her husband - and, what's more, moving in to the house - then I don't think much of your grasp of female psychology.

Airyn is young, and so is Heather. I'm not saying anything was going on, but it would hardly be surprising for Airyn not to wonder why the hell her husband was taking this "girl" in, letting her play with his equipment, moving onto their property... 


Quote from: Juan on April 15, 2018, 05:43:41 AM
As I’ve said before, I worked in broadcasting. Tape back then cost a good bit of money to buy and required a lot of space to store. Television, in which I worked, is more expensive than radio, but at the stations where I worked, shows were kept for a week at most. File video was stored for a longer time, but that amounted to any a few minutes per broadcast week. Point being, how many of the old Art shows actually exist? When iHeart claims ownership, does it actually have physical copies, or is it only talking about copyright?

Second, releasing the old shows would cost iHeart money, too, as they would have to be digitized. That means finding a working, appropriate tape player and having at least one employee dub the tape over. That has to occur in real time. If it’s a four hour show, it would take about four hours to digitize. That’s a lot of expense, though it might be monitized by broadcasting the shows. Paying to digitize Art’s shows would be less expensive than creating new content. And iHeart needs content for all those stations.

Anyway, I’m all in favor of bombarding iHeart with emails. I’ll channel Keith and send one from each of my accounts.

Considering the fact that even back in the day they would play "Best of" shows and would sell shows I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of DAT tapes of the show. I say this because you'll sometimes hear a "Best of " show somewhere that is remarkably clear and static free, and that leads me to believe they were saved in some way.

Quote from: Juan on April 15, 2018, 05:43:41 AM
As I’ve said before, I worked in broadcasting. Tape back then cost a good bit of money to buy and required a lot of space to store. Television, in which I worked, is more expensive than radio, but at the stations where I worked, shows were kept for a week at most. File video was stored for a longer time, but that amounted to any a few minutes per broadcast week. Point being, how many of the old Art shows actually exist? When iHeart claims ownership, does it actually have physical copies, or is it only talking about copyright?

Second, releasing the old shows would cost iHeart money, too, as they would have to be digitized. That means finding a working, appropriate tape player and having at least one employee dub the tape over. That has to occur in real time. If it’s a four hour show, it would take about four hours to digitize. That’s a lot of expense, though it might be monitized by broadcasting the shows. Paying to digitize Art’s shows would be less expensive than creating new content. And iHeart needs content for all those stations.

Anyway, I’m all in favor of bombarding iHeart with emails. I’ll channel Keith and send one from each of my accounts.

Not to mention this: why do the work when the tape traders already have?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 15, 2018, 02:41:47 AM
We'll probably start to get more of an idea what has really been going on over the next few weeks once the dust has settled a bit. I'm sure people kept quiet out of respect to Art, but grievances have a habit of getting loose after the funeral and I think we might get a better idea of what went on. The whole last act of Art's career was the oddest one of all and it would be good to learn what actually happened. I want Sci-Fi to get an interview with the 'stalker', as he was a prominent fundamentalist and true believer on that burning issue.

More that I didn't feel the need to concoct conspiracy theories at every possible opportunity. It seemed reasonable to me that someone in Art's position might just have a whackjob come after him having spent decades talking about fringe topics to an audience that was, in part, made up of whackjobs. The alternatives to that just seemed like contrived woo in comparison. I'd do the interview of course, if pressed, but in the end I suspect the only lesson to be learned from it would be that there are some batshit crazy people in this world.


Quote from: mv on April 15, 2018, 04:31:34 AM
I wish everyone would send similar messages to Noory and others at the network.  Via Twitter/FB/BG... doesn't matter.  Put the pressure on.  They should open up that archive. 

I'm tired of douche bag cunts who brag about the shows they "own" while gleefully informing everyone they won't be sharing (as if they'd "lose" something in doing so).

Especially in the modern internet age. They should load all that shit on YouTube and collect the adsense bucks. In addition, set up a Patreon to "Free the Art Bell Archive" and clean up and release the old material. Build buzz around it, and release two each week on a scheduled basis. 

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