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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Night Train on December 27, 2015, 12:41:50 PM

I needed to use grammar school humor so you'd get it. 


Plot twist...
Night Train is Jazmunda's troll account.

Night Train

Quote from: whoozit on December 27, 2015, 12:45:42 PM
I needed to use grammar school humor so you'd get it.

It was kind of over the line, pal.  Pretty effin' rude.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: HumanBeing on December 27, 2015, 12:49:07 PM
Plot twist...
Night Train is Jazmunda's troll account.

Do me a favour. Jaz would type upside down.


Quote from: Night Train on December 27, 2015, 12:25:54 PM
Somehow, I didn't envision my last full day on Bellgab for a while descending into a cesspit of sodomitical depravity.

What was I thinking?

Probably something involving your mommy's titties

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: GravitySucks on December 27, 2015, 12:59:55 PM
Probably something involving your mommy's titties

Hey, I won't have his mother's fulsome breasts besmirched....

Erm, just saying, okay.

Night Train

Quote from: GravitySucks on December 27, 2015, 12:59:55 PM
Probably something involving your mommy's titties

Time to get off the computer.  Your daddies don't like it when you play on the computer, remember?  If you got caught, one of them would give you a spanking.  But I guess they're too busy spanking each other.


Quote from: BellBoy on December 27, 2015, 12:27:15 PM
She stated on MITD that she is of half-Asian ancestry.

Asia is a big frikkin continent. Maybe her ancestors are from Siberia.


Quote from: paladin1991 on December 27, 2015, 12:07:17 PM
Then don't sound racist.  Just say the words.  This PC shit is killing America.  There is nothing in the Constitution that says or guarantees that your feelings won't be hurt or that your sensibilities will not be offended.  If it requires discussion, then we will do it as rational adults.  Although with the ocean of PC Beta males that We must swim in, I just don't know if that's possible.

If you mean to be racist.  Well, then, Fuck You.

As far as Heather goes, I don't have to say 'Fuck You' to the tidal flow of diarrhea that are the 4chan foreskinners, davebots, trolls and syphilitic rectal scabs that have shown up here to fuck with both ART and Heather.  ART has done so in his manner.  And Heather, perhaps she will to, or like a a Lady of Real Fucking Class, will just ignore the whiny baby Beta male jealous harpy bitch bullshit that has been spewed routinely around here of late.

They both should ignore it... and there's a lot to ignore.

As for the part in bold, I hate the whole "PC" thing, myself.  That said, I wouldn't care if Heather was a gorilla.  ;D  (I come from a mixed background, though not Asian. I tend not to worry about stuff like that.  I just think it's ridiculous that it's somehow an issue for people. Not you, but some).


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 27, 2015, 01:07:41 PM
They both should ignore it... and there's a lot to ignore.

As for the part in bold, I hate the whole "PC" thing, myself.  That said, I wouldn't care if Heather was a gorilla.  ;D  (I come from a mixed background, though not Asian. I tend not to worry about stuff like that.  I just think it's ridiculous that it's somehow an issue for people. Not you, but some).

Yeah nobody holds that against you either.  We're all friends here despite all the stuff that's wrong with bellnwhistle


Quote from: GravitySucks on December 27, 2015, 01:04:47 PM
Asia is a big frikkin continent. Maybe her ancestors are from Siberia.

She specifically said Chinese ancestry.


Quote from: Auslandia on December 27, 2015, 01:12:26 PM
Yeah nobody holds that against you either.  We're all friends here despite all the stuff that's wrong with bellnwhistle

what's wrong with me? Aside from the fact  that I like to listen to Art Bell on the radio?  :'(



Quote from: GravitySucks on December 27, 2015, 01:04:47 PM
Asia is a big frikkin continent. Maybe her ancestors are from Siberia.

Agreed.  DNA results or it didn't happen.  ;)


Quote from: norland2424 on December 27, 2015, 01:13:22 PM
She specifically said Chinese ancestry.
/reported to Bellboy for confirmation


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 27, 2015, 01:14:14 PM
what's wrong with me? Aside from the fact  that I like to listen to Art Bell on the radio?  :'(


Don't forget that you post on Bellgab.  That's nearly enough to justify no-fly status


I think now would be an excellent time to resurrect the Bell Gab convention idea.  Perhaps we could arrange it so the timing is aligned with a major gun show in the Veags area to lend the festivities a real spark.

Night Train

Quote from: MikeJ on December 27, 2015, 01:18:10 PM
I think now would be an excellent time to resurrect the Bell Gab convention idea.  Perhaps we could arrange it so the timing is aligned with a major gun show in the Veags area to lend the festivities a real spark.

Sounds good in theory. But how do we keep out the trolls?


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 27, 2015, 01:15:07 PM
Agreed.  DNA results or it didn't happen.  ;)

She's passed multiple lie detectors and her dna has been tested for possible star child ribosome matches.  We've also obtained her fourth grade mid term report card which stated that her math scores were moderately above average.


Urgent Announcement:  Pizza Rolls are buy one, get one at Kroger currently.
Thought I should let the forum know.


Quote from: Auslandia on December 27, 2015, 01:17:17 PM

Don't forget that you post on Bellgab.  That's nearly enough to justify no-fly status
i has a sad.


Quote from: Night Train on December 27, 2015, 01:18:57 PM
Sounds good in theory. But how do we keep out the trolls?

I hear they are repelled by the smell of fox urine but have never tried it personally.

Night Train

Quote from: ge30542 on December 27, 2015, 01:20:05 PM
Urgent Announcement:  Pizza Rolls are buy one, get one at Kroger currently.
Thought I should let the forum know.

Got six 40 ct bags for $1.50 each yesterday.


Quote from: ge30542 on December 27, 2015, 01:20:05 PM
Urgent Announcement:  Pizza Rolls are buy one, get one at Kroger currently.
Thought I should let the forum know.

Noted & reported


SV, I think you should forever entomb The Night Train troll in the next installmanent of A Falkie Christmas Carol - Ghost of Christmas Present. Now that we know he has a fixation with his mummies mammary glands. From my latest remote viewing session, they appear to be very similiar to Ratty Patty's. I wonder if his mummy is a rapist as well. This may well be what started him down his path of having to troll for dollars. Maybe Night Train is really an alias account for Falkie. You never see the two of them online at the same time.


Quote from: Auslandia on December 27, 2015, 01:19:31 PM

She's passed multiple lie detectors and her dna has been tested for possible star child ribosome matches.  We've also obtained her fourth grade mid term report card which stated that her math scores were moderately above average.

Well why didn't y'all say so??

I'm definitely not Asian then.. well, I'm actually 3% south Asian, but that means Indian.  Are they bad at math? Cuz I am. :-\


Quote from: MikeJ on December 27, 2015, 01:18:10 PM
I think now would be an excellent time to resurrect the Bell Gab convention idea.  Perhaps we could arrange it so the timing is aligned with a major gun show in the Veags area to lend the festivities a real spark.
What could go wrong? Sounds like a great idea.


Quote from: Night Train on December 27, 2015, 01:21:29 PM
Got six 40 ct bags for $1.50 each yesterday.
Pepperoni or Triple Meat?


Quote from: ge30542 on December 27, 2015, 01:20:05 PM
Urgent Announcement:  Pizza Rolls are buy one, get one at Kroger currently.
Thought I should let the forum know.

Quote from: Night Train on December 26, 2015, 06:14:07 PM
Not bragging or nuthin', but I just got back from Kroger.

They had 40 count Totino's Pizza Rolls on sale for 75% off.

$1.50 a bag.  Normally $6 a bag.

No lie.  I got six bags.

Didn't see any hookers, though.  But if any show up, we're gonna have a real good time.


Night Train

Quote from: ge30542 on December 27, 2015, 01:23:23 PM
Pepperoni or Triple Meat?

2 Pepperoni, 2 Combo, and 2 Supreme

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