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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 08, 2015, 05:29:18 AM
So the BRAAPS Pack is dead?!

Jesus wept, Richard, what the hell?

And - despite my never hearing a single episode of TOSOM - I went to all that goddamn trouble to make a special keyboard button for your groupies.

Damn it! Damn your hide! Damn your eyes!


The Braaps has died.  It's over, Johnny. :(

On the other happier hand, Art is better than ever! :)


Quote from: Art Bell on November 07, 2015, 04:41:22 PM
I guess I need to say something about the email and messages I have been getting about RCH. I did everything I could to help him in every way possible, including getting a loan of expensive gear from Telos to transmit his show to the Network. I found Rossy for him. I gave him the best advice I could muster up on how to proceed. I provided help in more ways then I will try to detail here.

I am sad that events have unfolded as they have. I am not going to discuss specifics but will say that we are currently not in communication nor have we been for some time now. Sometimes you think you know somebody and then find out you never really did, just sad. Please understand that I do not run the Network, I just do my show.


Thank You for posting this info Art.  I might be the ONLY one, but I thought that by supporting shows on the DMDN, that I was supporting YOU.  If this is not the case, I would like to know exactly who I am supporting when I subscribe to shows on the DMDN.  I realize, respect and accept that you don't HAVE to tell me, but I would like to know.  I'm a bit old and slow, and acknowledge that I might be the last to know.  :-[

Quote from: Darth Sandra on November 07, 2015, 06:44:53 PM
It all started when he didn't wish me a Happy Birthday....

Very short version is the Richard we all fell in love with, due to his show being really great fun for a few months thanks to Rossy, was an illusion. He's really a mean insane egomaniac that treats people like crap. Last night, for example, he accused his listeners of stealing his bandwidth. His show, which was once great, is now a horrible joke that is simply 2 hours of private phone conversations with his friends and family. His new producer does nothing except co-host and creep on  frequent Art Bell caller, Michelle.

Correct !
Then when it was put to him a second time, he still refused. Then he offered up a lame excuse. What he did was alienate the Sith Lords. This led to the formation of the Sith Confederation. Our members walk both the right and left hand path.  The Hoaxmeister has no place in our universe and will be utterly destroyed.

All joking aside, when the call was placed:

1. He used a condescending snort / chuckle when Barfly told him his username ("This is Barfly".) It wasn't an
    entertained/amused/surprised snort, it was a 'looking down my nose at you' type of noise. My guess -
    he knew Barfly from his posts here.
2. When he gave his reason for not wishing Darth Sandra a happy birthday, it was with an 'I'm better than you and don't  bother me with this nonsense' type of derision in his voice.
3. He could have just played it off or rolled with it, but he chose to talk to Barfly like Bf was the lowest form of  scum on the planet.
4.  That call right there confirmed what type of arrogance, conceit, and how big an ego the Hoaxmeister has.
5.  It's not so much what he said, it was the disdain he used when he said it.


Quote from: bateman on November 08, 2015, 12:56:12 AM
You could buy a bunch of Squatty Potties using Art's promo code.

Yeah, and send one of them to RCH because it's clear that whatever method he's using now is not working.

Quote from: brig on November 08, 2015, 06:48:32 AM
Thank You for posting this info Art.  I might be the ONLY one, but I thought that by supporting shows on the DMDN, that I was supporting YOU.  If this is not the case, I would like to know exactly who I am supporting when I subscribe to shows on the DMDN.  I realize, respect and accept that you don't HAVE to tell me, but I would like to know.  I'm a bit old and slow, and acknowledge that I might be the last to know.  :-[

Art, this might not be a bad idea. I see too much confusion about this.
Thank you and thanks for your post. :)

BTW - You're still the King

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 08, 2015, 05:29:18 AM
So the BRAAPS Pack is dead?!

Jesus wept, Richard, what the hell?

And - despite my never hearing a single episode of TOSOM - I went to all that goddamn trouble to make a special keyboard button for your groupies.

Damn it! Damn your hide! Damn your eyes!


Not dead by a long shot. Just reorganized. FYI, The Braaps are now Bruups /  Broops / Br...     whatever. ;)

Quote from: trostol on November 07, 2015, 07:27:55 PM
add into that...supposedly we were guinea pigs for his supposed experiment for the thursday show where it was a purposeful re-run without labeling as such ..he called us out specifically for being a hornets next nest of hate more or less and something along the lines of us being idiots 
Coming soon to a thread near you...
"The Peanut Gallery"

(My correction in the above quote)

Quote from: SaucyRossy on November 07, 2015, 10:21:31 PM
Thank you Art for this message, I am sure it helped clear up a lot of stuff for people that were unsure of what had happened.

So, everyone, please remember what Art said, he isn't the one in charge of the network and he isn't the one to be sending emails to if you're unhappy with what's been happening with Rch.


Quote from: lonevoice on November 08, 2015, 01:26:28 AM
Imagine this: you’re a guy who’s never in your life hosted a single radio show or podcast.  Suddenly, Art flipping Bell gives you your own nightly live 2-hour show, with his highly anticipated MITD as your lead in.  Art finds your producer for you, a guy with the experience, talent, and ability to book great guests.  Keith Rowland gives you 4 free months of bandwidth.  Art arranges a free loan of expensive, high quality hardware for you.  Art flipping Bell mentors you, giving you “the best advice I could muster up on how to proceed.”  You’re handed a built-in listener base who are more than willing to give your show a chance right out of the gate.   

What would you do next?  Treat your producer like crap and refuse to pay him, forcing him to resign.  Replace him with an old buddy who has no skill in choosing or booking guests, but wants to co-host your show and talk about the glory days of Willard Scott. Insult your listeners, call them names, and tell them to stop listening to your show.

This is a road map to success that only a genius like RCH could devise.

I'm a little late to this latest turn of events..  Well said Lone Voice, can't imagine any circumstance, how anyone could do that to Art, except having a complete lack of character.  MV was right, when said on the GabCast,  he'd punch Hoagie in the nose if ever met him for being an arrogant Jerk.

I feel so such much sadness for Art,  for being so betrayed. Things like this hurt a principled man to their core. Love you Art.

Not much I can do Art, to express my continued support for you and for all the joy you bring to us,  except to change my avatar and hope others do too.

Viva Art Bell


Hey, guys. I still read once in a while, but I don't post much.

Anyway, I'm popping back in for a favor, and I apologize if it derails this thread. Did anybody happen to record the "Psychic Treadmill Repairman" commercial from Friday night? I've been trying to explain it to my fiancé all weekend, but he thinks that I dreamed the whole thing or something.

Yes, I'm a Time Traveler; no, commercials aren't included with the podcasts. I wish this was the one exception.



Quote from: Bleefy on November 08, 2015, 08:01:17 AM
Hey, guys. I still read once in a while, but I don't post much.

Anyway, I'm popping back in for a favor, and I apologize if it derails this thread. Did anybody happen to record the "Psychic Treadmill Repairman" commercial from Friday night? I've been trying to explain it to my fiancé all weekend, but he thinks that I dreamed the whole thing or something.

Yes, I'm a Time Traveler; no, commercials aren't included with the podcasts. I wish this was the one exception.


I have no clue what you are talking about. I think your girlfriend is right.


Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on November 08, 2015, 07:24:36 AM
Art, this might not be a bad idea. I see too much confusion about this.
Thank you and thanks for your post. :)

BTW - You're still the King

Thank You for your serious consideration,  Sandman Logan-5, of my comment "I would like to know exactly who I am supporting when I subscribe to shows on the DMDN."  It's not often people post serious comments on bellgab, especially myself......but I was/AM serious about that question.


Quote from: Bleefy on November 08, 2015, 08:01:17 AM
Hey, guys. I still read once in a while, but I don't post much.

Anyway, I'm popping back in for a favor, and I apologize if it derails this thread. Did anybody happen to record the "Psychic Treadmill Repairman" commercial from Friday night? I've been trying to explain it to my fiancé all weekend, but he thinks that I dreamed the whole thing or something.

Yes, I'm a Time Traveler; no, commercials aren't included with the podcasts. I wish this was the one exception.

Ha!  I'm laughing just thinking about it.  I'm glad it wasn't the Screaming Psychic Treadmill Repairman, though.


Quote from: GravitySucks on November 08, 2015, 08:07:02 AM
I have no clue what you are talking about. I think your girlfriend is right.

There was a commercial during Open Lines on Friday.

Quote from: Weirdoradio on November 06, 2015, 11:14:36 PM
Is this treadmill ad a joke or what? I've been out the past few nights and don't even fucking know what's going on.


I didn't make this up. I wish I had.


Quote from: ItsOver on November 08, 2015, 08:17:51 AM
Ha!  I'm laughing just thinking about it.  I'm glad it wasn't the Screaming Psychic Treadmill Repairman, though.

Ha! Oh man, how right you are.

Maybe instead of screaming, he could have hummed the national anthem or something. Humming Psychic Treadmill Repairman.


Quote from: Bleefy on November 08, 2015, 08:18:36 AM
There was a commercial during Open Lines on Friday.

I didn't make this up. I wish I had.
Well if he is psychic, he will call you. Seriously dude, you are imagining stuff. Again.


Next week I wouldn't be surprised if we got the history of Lawrence Welk, or Polka music.
This man is fuked in the head, he just cant redeem himself at this point.

Ms. C

Quote from: GravitySucks on November 08, 2015, 08:24:44 AM
Well if he is psychic, he will call you. Seriously dude, you are imagining stuff. Again.

No, I heard it also.  I just happening to be able to listen live and without falling asleep too many times!  And that psychic treadmill guy was on, not only once but several spots throughout the night.  So, unless many of us are having a group imagination -- there really is a guy who is advertising his abilities as a friggin' psychic Treadmill repairman!


Quote from: Ms. C on November 08, 2015, 08:57:05 AM
No, I heard it also.  I just happening to be able to listen live and without falling asleep too many times!  And that psychic treadmill guy was on, not only once but several spots throughout the night.  So, unless many of us are having a group imagination -- there really is a guy who is advertising his abilities as a friggin' psychic Treadmill repairman!

Next you're gonna try and tell me the number was 1-888-GYM-REPAIR


Quote from: lonevoice on November 08, 2015, 01:26:28 AM
Imagine this: you’re a guy who’s never in your life hosted a single radio show or podcast.  Suddenly, Art flipping Bell gives you your own nightly live 2-hour show, with his highly anticipated MITD as your lead in.  Art finds your producer for you, a guy with the experience, talent, and ability to book great guests.  Keith Rowland gives you 4 free months of bandwidth.  Art arranges a free loan of expensive, high quality hardware for you.  Art flipping Bell mentors you, giving you “the best advice I could muster up on how to proceed.”  You’re handed a built-in listener base who are more than willing to give your show a chance right out of the gate.   

What would you do next?  Treat your producer like crap and refuse to pay him, forcing him to resign.  Replace him with an old buddy who has no skill in choosing or booking guests, but wants to co-host your show and talk about the glory days of Willard Scott. Insult your listeners, call them names, and tell them to stop listening to your show.

This is a road map to success that only a genius like RCH could devise.
Art once said that Hoagy was without many material resources.  Life has taught me that, sadly, some people who have little have gotten exactly what they deserved from life.  Good things seldom flow from bad choices.


Quote from: GravitySucks on November 08, 2015, 09:00:13 AM
Next you're gonna try and tell me the number was 1-888-GYM-REPAIR

Actually, thanks for posting the number. I googled it and wound up on a strange website. From the "about" section:

The founder of Expert Gym Service is a super geeky tech-head who watches Nikola Tesla documentaries for fun, and has worked on or serviced every kind of treadmill, from the humblest non-powered treadmill, to the treadmills of the rich and powerful, including Nancy Reagan, Christina Aguilera and many, many more.

It's probably the same weirdo. Unfortunately, I still can't find the audio for the commercial.


Quote from: Bleefy on November 08, 2015, 09:07:21 AM
Actually, thanks for posting the number. I googled it and wound up on a strange website. From the "about" section:

The founder of Expert Gym Service is a super geeky tech-head who watches Nikola Tesla documentaries for fun, and has worked on or serviced every kind of treadmill, from the humblest non-powered treadmill, to the treadmills of the rich and powerful, including Nancy Reagan, Christina Aguilera and many, many more.

It's probably the same weirdo. Unfortunately, I still can't find the audio for the commercial.
Just tune into MITD on Monday.  It'll probably run again.


Quote from: ItsOver on November 08, 2015, 09:09:23 AM
Just tune into MITD on Monday.  It'll probably run again.

Yeah, that's probably what I'll have to do. The trouble is getting the almost-spouse to stay up that late.

I foresee having to set up the recording equipment on Monday. Thanks for the extra work, Psychic Treadmill Repairman.

All the same, thanks for your help, Bellgab!


Quote from: Bleefy on November 08, 2015, 09:07:21 AM
Actually, thanks for posting the number. I googled it and wound up on a strange website. From the "about" section:

The founder of Expert Gym Service is a super geeky tech-head who watches Nikola Tesla documentaries for fun, and has worked on or serviced every kind of treadmill, from the humblest non-powered treadmill, to the treadmills of the rich and powerful, including Nancy Reagan, Christina Aguilera and many, many more.

It's probably the same weirdo. Unfortunately, I still can't find the audio for the commercial.

I must be psychic. If I had a recording I would have sent it. I just happened to channel the phone number out of my neural network somehow. Now my brain hurts.


Quote from: SaucyRossy on November 08, 2015, 03:16:45 AM
Yeah, it wasn't exactly a cake walk. Thanks for the kind word.

Isn't it intersting Saucy, that someone's true Character either good or bad ALWAYS prevails.. Best to you bud, you handled yourself in what must of been a very trying ordeal, with integrity.


Quote from: Barfly on November 08, 2015, 08:56:13 AM
Next week I wouldn't be surprised if we got the history of Lawrence Welk, or Polka music.
This man is fuked in the head, he just cant redeem himself at this point.

I have a feeling that, next week, he'll be pouring petrol all over the joint and tossing a lighted match, on his way out the door. He just strikes me as that kind of psychopath guy.

Quote from: WhiteCrow on November 08, 2015, 08:00:56 AM

I'm a little late to this latest turn of events..  Well said Lone Voice, can't imagine any circumstance, how anyone could do that to Art, except having a complete lack of character.  MV was right, when said on the GabCast,  he'd punch Hoagie in the nose if ever met him for being an arrogant Jerk.

I feel so such much sadness for Art,  for being so betrayed. Things like this hurt a principled man to their core. Love you Art.

Not much I can do Art, to express my continued support for you and for all the joy you bring to us,  except to change my avatar and hope others do too.

Viva Art Bell

That is not what MV said.  I'm not going to go back and listen for his exact wording, but if I recall correctly it was more along the lines of IF Hoagland spoke to him in person the way he speaks to hosts (other than Art Bell) and callers, THEN he'd slap him (not punch him).  I probably would too.

The larger point here is that a-holes like this almost always reveal themselves as such early on - whether it be on the air or in person - if one pays attention.  I'm surprised that after the way he's conducted himself in all those appearances over the yeas that anyone is surprised by any of this now.

From time to time over the years I've heard people say about some jerk some version of '"well, he's my friend and he's always been nice to me".  First off, why are you friends with someone who treat others badly, regardless of how they treat you?, and second, sooner or later it is highly likely they are going to screw you over or treat you that same way as well.  It pays to pay attention to people's words and actions, towards you and towards others.  Choose friends and associates wisely.


Quote from: lonevoice on November 08, 2015, 01:26:28 AM
Imagine this: you’re a guy who’s never in your life hosted a single radio show or podcast.  Suddenly, Art flipping Bell gives you your own nightly live 2-hour show, with his highly anticipated MITD as your lead in.  Art finds your producer for you, a guy with the experience, talent, and ability to book great guests.  Keith Rowland gives you 4 free months of bandwidth.  Art arranges a free loan of expensive, high quality hardware for you.  Art flipping Bell mentors you, giving you “the best advice I could muster up on how to proceed.”  You’re handed a built-in listener base who are more than willing to give your show a chance right out of the gate.   

What would you do next?  Treat your producer like crap and refuse to pay him, forcing him to resign.  Replace him with an old buddy who has no skill in choosing or booking guests, but wants to co-host your show and talk about the glory days of Willard Scott. Insult your listeners, call them names, and tell them to stop listening to your show.

This is a road map to success that only a genius like RCH could devise.

You lay out the case beautifully for this being a kind of talent suicide.  As you say, he was given a plum and destroyed it quickly.  At least Dave took a year or two.

Though many here would question Hoagie's talent, I found him comfortable on the air, urbane, undoubtedly intelligent and well-read, and surprisingly self-aware, and have a hard time reconciling this with his behavior.  Is it willful?  Did he just get bored?  Does overweening pride and general dickishness have a DSM code?


Hoagie was always wank tbh. Surprised people haven't always thought that.


Quote from: lonevoice on November 08, 2015, 01:26:28 AM
Imagine this: you’re a guy who’s never in your life hosted a single radio show or podcast.  Suddenly, Art flipping Bell gives you your own nightly live 2-hour show, with his highly anticipated MITD as your lead in.  Art finds your producer for you, a guy with the experience, talent, and ability to book great guests.  Keith Rowland gives you 4 free months of bandwidth.  Art arranges a free loan of expensive, high quality hardware for you.  Art flipping Bell mentors you, giving you “the best advice I could muster up on how to proceed.”  You’re handed a built-in listener base who are more than willing to give your show a chance right out of the gate.   

What would you do next?  Treat your producer like crap and refuse to pay him, forcing him to resign.  Replace him with an old buddy who has no skill in choosing or booking guests, but wants to co-host your show and talk about the glory days of Willard Scott. Insult your listeners, call them names, and tell them to stop listening to your show.

This is a road map to success that only a genius like RCH could devise.

Awesome analysis of the situation LV. RCH apparently must be having some early-senility issues. Either that or he's just batshit crazy.

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