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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Juan on November 04, 2015, 03:09:15 PM
Maybe she's practiced and gotten the contrivance down better.

Last nights show gave me the heeby jeebies. It was so scary. And when Art said a mouse was looking at him, well, I changed the channel because I didn't want a mouse to look at me too, just for listening. Seriously, it was frightening! Does anyone think Art fibbed about seeing a mouse?


I wonder if he did a past life regression, found someone in the past, then did a past life regression for another person, and the someone that person regressed to knew the first person's past life.


Quote from: Juan on November 05, 2015, 10:27:55 AM
I wonder if he did a past life regression, found someone in the past, then did a past life regression for another person, and the someone that person regressed to knew the first person's past life.
Head spinning.

Quote from: GravitySucks on November 05, 2015, 09:25:55 AM
... This guy must be really, really busy. Are there really that many people that go through past life regressions?  I mean 38 years, even if we works 200 days per year, that is almost two sessions per day, every day, for 38 years...

He's the Wilt Chamberlain of past life regressions


Quote from: PathoJen on November 05, 2015, 10:27:51 AM
Last nights show gave me the heeby jeebies. It was so scary. And when Art said a mouse was looking at him, well, I changed the channel because I didn't want a mouse to look at me too, just for listening. Seriously, it was frightening! Does anyone think Art fibbed about seeing a mouse?

Seeing a mouse is one thing. But did it have clogs on?

Oh yeah!



Quote from: GravitySucks on November 05, 2015, 09:25:55 AM
Past life regressions interest me, but scare me a bit to. I wouldn't trust a Dr. Jacobs who would probably want me to send him my undies.

This guy must be really, really busy. Are there really that many people that go through past life regressions?  I mean 38 years, even if we works 200 days per year, that is almost two sessions per day, every day, for 38 years.

Yes, I know there are 365 days per year, but most people work closer to 200 days per year due to weekends, holidays, vacations, sick time.

I've been around for a long time and have never met anyone that has had a past life regression. Any Bell Gabbers have an experience in this area?

Art's had 2 great guests on this subject in the past, Carol Bowman & Brian Weiss. Great listens & they'd be great to hear from again.

I've had a lot of interest in this subject as well.

I contacted Dr Bowman via her website but never heard back. She's in Philly which is driveable for me.

Brian Weiss has CDs about this. I got them, put them on my Ipod but usually during the relaxation section I relax too much & just fall asleep. Maybe I was sleep deprived in a past life...


Quote from: GravitySucks on November 05, 2015, 09:25:55 AM
Past life regressions interest me, but scare me a bit to. I wouldn't trust a Dr. Jacobs who would probably want me to send him my undies.

This guy must be really, really busy. Are there really that many people that go through past life regressions?  I mean 38 years, even if we works 200 days per year, that is almost two sessions per day, every day, for 38 years.

Yes, I know there are 365 days per year, but most people work closer to 200 days per year due to weekends, holidays, vacations, sick time.

I've been around for a long time and have never met anyone that has had a past life regression. Any Bell Gabbers have an experience in this area?
I've had spontaneous flashbacks into past lives, but never gone to anyone to regress me.  For some reason I feel anything I need to know I will and there is not a lot of curiosity to know about my past.  Wasn't there an author, Taylor Caldwell maybe, who wrote novels with input from her past lives?   


been a meh week for me interest wise ..so i have to look forward to open lines...eh...

Uncle Duke

Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 05, 2015, 10:46:57 AM
He's the Wilt Chamberlain of past life regressions

Good line, deserves upper right corner consideration.


This is for Art as a reminder of how helpful cats can be.  His cats might even help him find the mouse that frightened him so  ;)



Quote from: Lt.Uhura on November 06, 2015, 02:06:41 PM
This is for Art as a reminder of how helpful cats can be.  His cats might even help him find the mouse that frightened him so  ;)

Mouse?  What mouse?

Art Bell

Abbynormal did not scare me, she amazed me. What kind of mouse sits down 18 inches away from a Human and just looks at you? I thought it was cool and I left bread with peanut butter for her. I am sure I will have to capture her before she decides my cables are yummy.



Quote from: Art Bell on November 06, 2015, 03:49:19 PM
Abbynormal did not scare me, she amazed me. What kind of mouse sits down 18 inches away from a Human and just looks at you? I thought it was cool and I left bread with peanut butter for her. I am sure I will have to capture her before she decides my cables are yummy.


Plenty of catch and release types of traps out there...


Quote from: Art Bell on November 06, 2015, 03:49:19 PM
Abbynormal did not scare me, she amazed me. What kind of mouse sits down 18 inches away from a Human and just looks at you? I thought it was cool and I left bread with peanut butter for her. I am sure I will have to capture her before she decides my cables are yummy.



I have a mouse too. Someone in the live thread mentioned using peanut butter with tobasco sauce on it. I'm not sure if it was a joke or not, but I tried it and it didn't work. Tasted ok though..


Critters love peanut butter.  Best bait ever for all rodents.


Quote from: whoozit on November 06, 2015, 03:56:52 PM
Critters love peanut butter.  Best bait ever for all rodents.
Hmmmm.....I'll have to try it with zeebo.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 06, 2015, 03:49:19 PM
Abbynormal did not scare me, she amazed me. What kind of mouse sits down 18 inches away from a Human and just looks at you? I thought it was cool and I left bread with peanut butter for her. I am sure I will have to capture her before she decides my cables are yummy.

Considering the subject of the show last night, maybe Abbynormal was formerly one of your beloved cats doing a little karma clean up as a mouse but stopped by to say hi.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 06, 2015, 03:49:19 PM
Abbynormal did not scare me, she amazed me. What kind of mouse sits down 18 inches away from a Human and just looks at you? I thought it was cool and I left bread with peanut butter for her. I am sure I will have to capture her before she decides my cables are yummy.


Abby no doubt likes you Art, and now she'll invite her friends.

Years ago at a (likely haunted) radio station a bat flew in the window and did laps around the room while I was on-air, lol.  I had to crouch down with the mic to speak!

So glad to have you back brightening up nighttime radio again Art!  Good times!


May be old news. But JC has been posting on Facebook this afternoon. Lots of Nuclear War talk. Hahah. Even a clip from THE DAY AFTER.   Chilling!!! Perhaps he will make an appearance tonight. 


Quote from: TigerLily on November 06, 2015, 04:08:43 PM
Considering the subject of the show last night, maybe Abbynormal was formerly one of your beloved cats doing a little karma clean up as a mouse but stopped by to say hi.

That's kind of a comforting idea. Including the eye contact.


Quote from: Art Bell on November 06, 2015, 03:49:19 PM
Abbynormal did not scare me, she amazed me. What kind of mouse sits down 18 inches away from a Human and just looks at you? I thought it was cool and I left bread with peanut butter for her. I am sure I will have to capture her before she decides my cables are yummy.


Abbynormal is our new obsession here at BellGab. :D


Quote from: Art Bell on November 06, 2015, 03:49:19 PM
Abbynormal did not scare me, she amazed me. What kind of mouse sits down 18 inches away from a Human and just looks at you? I thought it was cool and I left bread with peanut butter for her. I am sure I will have to capture her before she decides my cables are yummy.


A year ago or so, I was sitting in a living room and a baby mouse crawled up my pants leg!
Now that was scary!  8)


Looks like Art read the bellgab suggestion last night for the open lines topic for tonight:

Fri Nov 6 â€" Past Lives Caller LIne


Quote from: Morgus on November 06, 2015, 04:30:08 PM
Looks like Art read the bellgab suggestion last night for the open lines topic for tonight:

Fri Nov 6 â€" Past Lives Caller LIne

That is a great suggestion!  :D


Quote from: Morgus on November 06, 2015, 04:30:08 PM
Looks like Art read the bellgab suggestion last night for the open lines topic for tonight:

Fri Nov 6 â€" Past Lives Caller LIne

Great!  I don't drink, but I think each time a caller claims they were someone famous...


Quote from: Morgus on November 06, 2015, 04:30:08 PM
Looks like Art read the bellgab suggestion last night for the open lines topic for tonight:

Fri Nov 6 â€" Past Lives Caller LIne
I don't believe in reincarnation. At least in this life.


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on November 06, 2015, 04:38:34 PM
Great!  I don't drink, but I think each time a caller claims they were someone famous...

I'm waiting for someone to say, "I worked on a farm." or, "I worked in a saw mill"...

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