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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Some people on here say that 30 is a sign off for ham users.  I was just wondering if anyone on here knows if Art might be done with Ham? Has anyone herd him on Ham?


Quote from: NIN on January 03, 2011, 09:07:05 PM
Some people on here say that 30 is a sign off for ham users.  I was just wondering if anyone on here knows if Art might be done with Ham? Has anyone herd him on Ham?

Art is not done as a ham radio operator.

He and his wife have passed the required exams to receive their Philippine ham radio licenses.

Art's Philippine call sign is 4F1AB.

Art is active on 40-10 Meters, as well as 144.600 MHz simplex in Manila


Art has retired before and come back. Radio is in his blood. If he wants to do a show, he'll find a way. If he doesn't want to do it anymore, then he doesn't. I'll respect his decision.

But at this point, I'm not going to speculate any further about the whys and wherefores. I'll just keep listening to classic episodes wherever I can find them and hope for the best for all involved. I'll be disappointed if it's the end of Art Bell radio, but whatever will be will be. Nothing lasts forever. I'm grateful for all the hours of engaging, thoughtful, and compelling radio Art has already given me. If it's a voluntary rest by Art, then it's well earned. If it's not voluntary, then I'd be surprised if we've truly heard the last of Art Bell. Fingers crossed, folks. :)


Quote from: marklancedance on January 03, 2011, 07:08:24 PM
Hi I just registered to say I will really miss Art A LOT. This is sad and unfortunate.
well, hell!  don't stop with just one post, brother.


I'm trying to put togather some breadcrumbs togather which may indicate something about the Art Bell that exists in 2011. I've gotten back an email from a contact of mine, paranormal researcher Brad Steiger who co-wrote the book "The Source" with Art Bell in the 1990's. He's had no contact from Art at all for a while, yet Art called Brad a great friend on the air! I also recieved an email from Whitley Strieber, back from vacation, who said he now rarely speaks to Art, yet we all know they were great friends at one time! Then I recieve an email from Karen Jackson following up on our phone conversation of last week. Karen told me she has not spoken with Art in a full year and a half, yet she hosted Art and Aeryn's welcome home to Pahrump party. All these breadcrumbs on my table! What are they saying? The same thing that Art said to me philosophically as a male role model in my life. I've really never had a relationship partner in my life, dating is really tough when you want a young and vital wife, and family. I heard Art's story of retuning home from Pahrump Albertson's with groceries all alone dropping the groceries on the front porch and crying after the death of Ramona. I'm all alone in the world, I know Art's feelings about family, my family abandoned me after I discussed my father's abuse of me. Then Art faced the worst America can hand out over his marraige to Aeryn, and a government that treated him like a criminal for trying to bring Aeryn and Asia to Pahrump to live. He like I who seek mail order bride marraige have become embittered against the American Culture, and Govenment over the issue. Mr. Hannaman I totally agree that Art needs to stay in Manila for his mental health, just like I need to in the near future! America has abandoned and betrayed men without families just like me!!!


Quote from: Fort Rock on January 04, 2011, 01:59:03 AM
I'm trying to put togather some breadcrumbs togather which may indicate something about the Art Bell that exists in 2011. I've gotten back an email from a contact of mine, paranormal researcher Brad Steiger who co-wrote the book "The Source" with Art Bell in the 1990's. He's had no contact from Art at all for a while, yet Art called Brad a great friend on the air! I also recieved an email from Whitley Strieber, back from vacation, who said he now rarely speaks to Art, yet we all know they were great friends at one time! Then I recieve an email from Karen Jackson following up on our phone conversation of last week. Karen told me she has not spoken with Art in a full year and a half, yet she hosted Art and Aeryn's welcome home to Pahrump party. All these breadcrumbs on my table! What are they saying? The same thing that Art said to me philosophically as a male role model in my life. I've really never had a relationship partner in my life, dating is really tough when you want a young and vital wife, and family. I heard Art's story of retuning home from Pahrump Albertson's with groceries all alone dropping the groceries on the front porch and crying after the death of Ramona. I'm all alone in the world, I know Art's feelings about family, my family abandoned me after I discussed my father's abuse of me. Then Art faced the worst America can hand out over his marraige to Aeryn, and a government that treated him like a criminal for trying to bring Aeryn and Asia to Pahrump to live. He like I who seek mail order bride marraige have become embittered against the American Culture, and Govenment over the issue. Mr. Hannaman I totally agree that Art needs to stay in Manila for his mental health, just like I need to in the near future! America has abandoned and betrayed men without families just like me!!!

In terms of Steiger, Streiber, et. al., that is definitely interesting and thanks very much for investigating and sharing the results of that investigation. Though, I've always been under the perception that Art is a loan wolf type character who roars into people's lives for a a day or year, and then roars out just as quickly, only to materialize again later.

If Art were planning a comeback with aide of these cohorts it would seem they wouldn't say they hadn't talked to him in a year-plus. I can understand them not volunteering information but disavowing contact seems odd. Of course, I suppose, Art doesn't necessarily need their help to plan a comeback? Just out of curiosity, does Art still have any legal stake in the Dreamland trademark?

I'll reserve comment on the second part.

Am I the only one having some WTF moments in this thread?


Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on January 04, 2011, 11:30:14 AM
Am I the only one having some WTF moments in this thread?

Nope. Everytime I wake up , this thread gets better and better.

This thread has been viewed over 5,000 times? Art Bell is quite popular it seems...


I've followed this thread closely since it was first posted to CoastGab.  It has been entertaining to read the posts as we all speculate about Art Bell, what happened to his relationship with C2C AM and Premiere Radio, and what the future holds. 

As a loyal listener to C2C since 1997, I like to think I've learned just a bit about Mr. Bell.  The following is pure speculation, like everything written in this thread.  However, having had experience with personal loss, I suspect I may be closer to the truth than not.  If I am wrong, so be it.  I do hope the future proves me wrong.

Art Bell will not return to any form of broadcasting. 

It is my personal belief that any desire Art Bell possessed to broadcast using any form of radio communication exclusive of the HAM bands, slowly left him after the death of his wife, Ramona Bell.  This desire decreased to the point that, at the end of 2010, Art used the excuse of being fed up with stupid callers and hate emails to make his final exit from broadcasting.  The loss of desire to broadcast was a slow train coming, but it finally arrived during the past couple of months. 

My personal experience is that when one undergoes great personal tragedy such as the sudden, unexpected death of a spouse or a parent, the grieving process sometimes results in the loss of interest in a facet of one's life that existed while the lost loved one was alive.  For Art, this loss was broadcasting and his creation, Coast-to-Coast AM.

Art and Alan Corbeth built Chancellor Broadcasting.  Art and Ramona built C2C and Dreamland.  If one looks back on the history of the program, one will discover that Ramona Bell, though she worked behind-the-scenes, was a driving force propelling C2C into the place it forever occupies in the history of radio in the United States.  Ramona was a lively, vivacious and fiery personality, as fiercely competitive and questing as her husband was.  She knew Art like no other, and nurtured his talent and his need to reach people via radio.

The real change in Art occurred with Ramona's death, not after his second retirement in 2003.  A great light went out of his life, a light that in many ways guided him in his career.  After Ramona's passing and his subsequent marriage to Airyn and the birth of Asia, it is my speculation that Art's focus and desire began to change.  Art stated publically on the air in 2006, after Ramona's death, that he had no desire to ever do a five-night a week radio show again.  I attribute the loss of that desire in great part to Ramona's previously mentioned death, and the fact that Art passed the age of 60 in 2005. 

The death of Ramona and advancing age, along with a brand new life, brought about the end of Art's broadcasting career.  It is my opinion that, if Ramona was still with us, Art would still be on the air in some way, even if it was only a weekend show, like one done by a radio personality such as Kim Komando.    Also remember that, not long after Ramona died, Art sold KNYE.  Too much of Ramona was tied up in that venture and holding on to it was holding on to the past.  It was an anchor preventing Art from fully moving into his new life.  I also believe Art moved back to the Philippines because there were too many memories in the Pahrump house, memories that hindered Art moving past grieving for Ramona.  It would not surprise me in the least to find Art's house in Pahrump up for sale, or already sold.

Another key indicator of this sea change in Art's perspective, mentioned previously in this thread, is the responses to inquiries made of Brad Steiger, Karen Jackson and Whitley Strieber.  Art has, by his choice, had virtually no contact with any of these people for a very long time.  Why?  Because they represent what WAS, not what IS.  They are a part of the history of C2C AM, and a part of that history was and is Ramona Bell.  Often, when one suffers such a traumatic loss, separating yourself from the friends made during the time of life when your loved one was beside you is critical in the grieving process.  Many times these relationships don't survive the grieving.

Why has Art decided to move on?  My wife put is very succinctly the other day - Art is done grieving Ramona.  He has a completely new life situation.  C2C and radio in general didn't survive the grieving. 

Terrestrial radio simply doesn't fit in Art's new life.  Also, Art will be 66 in June with no desire to return to the extremely grueling schedule of a five-night per week radio show.  He is a multimillionaire who has a new family.  He has a chance to, in his eyes, make up for all the stupid mistakes made in previous marriages that produced children.  He has a desire to protect Airyn and Asia from all the garbage he and Ramona and Art Bell IV (his son) went through for many years because of the high personal cost of doing C2C AM.  Art doesn't need to work, so he spends his time doting on his wife and baby daughter, traveling around the Pacific Basin at will and pursuing his HAM Radio hobby to his heart's content.  That's all he wants now. 

I say 'good for him.'  He has earned the rewards of a life of hard work, and is now content with simply enjoying those rewards.   

It is also my personal belief that Art will not return to the United States at any time in the future.  His life is in the Philippines now, with Airyn and Asia and Airyn's family.  He will remain an American expatriate living on an immigrant visa.  America, especially Pahrump and the High Desert of the American Southwest hold too much of his former life, which he cannot return to and has no desire to do so.

As I said before, I hope I am wrong, but I think not. 

All good things come to an end.  It wasn't the ending we wanted or even envisioned for Art's broadcasting career, but it's the end.  There's nothing we can do but accept it and move on in our own way as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.




Thank you so much WestBorder for your eloquent post, I am in agreement with your assessment.  I hope you're wrong also in Art not returning  in some venue in the future but my personal feeling is that he won't.

I have often thought about Art's reason for leaving Pharump and think you are correct in that as long as he stayed there he couldn't move on, just living in the home Romona and Art shared had to be very difficult plus bringing someone else into that dynamic.  Art's first love has always been ham radio and he still has that, I imagine he is on ham daily doing what he has always done,  Art used to mention that as soon as the show was over he when on Ham as he was all wound up and couldn't sleep.

I am grateful I have so many of Art's interviews and can listen to him anytime I want , sadly I think that is all we will have.

Also say good for Art if this is what he wants to do, we all move on in our lives one way or another, why not let Art do the same.

HAL 9000

Quote from: WestBorder on January 04, 2011, 02:22:35 PMAnother key indicator of this sea change in Art's perspective, mentioned previously in this thread, is the responses to inquiries made of Brad Steiger, Karen Jackson and Whitley Strieber.  Art has, by his choice, had virtually no contact with any of these people for a very long time.

Where in God's name are you coming up with this nonsensical bullshit? On what factual basis can you possibly say that, "Art has, by his choice, had virtually no contact with any of these people for a very long time." (Brad Steiger, Karen Jackson and Whitley Strieber}

There is no factual basis for your statement(s) because you are wrong. I verified that almost 2 weeks ago now, when I phoned Karen Jackson and emailed her, and received a quick response the following day. She HAS been in contact with Mr. Bell - RECENTLY. I did not name her as the source, for precisely all the reasons this thread has exemplified - that 87,000 assholes would immediately start phoning and emailing her after I made my post, to verify what I announced.

As it turns out, rather than accepting my accounting of events, 87,000 assholes have indeed tried to contact Karen, and she now is quiet on the matter. Do you suppose it's because she has a business to run and a life to live? I'll let your (plural) collective genius figure out why she stopped answering questions.

The original message from Mr. Bell, in the form of a webcam screenshot, did NOT appear first on hamcams.com. When I first saw the picture I was suspicious, as 320x240 pixels is an unusually small size. Upon further research, I dug through the source code, and found the original link was being "hidden" and hamcams.com was not the source. The file was being hosted on KNYE.com's website, where I found the original picture sent by Art in 640x480 resolution. The day after I posted that I received an email confirming Art would no longer be doing c2c, the picture Art sent was taken down from the KNYE website. I left Ms. Jackson's name out of my post precisely to protect her from morons calling/emailing and bothering her.

I encourage you (plural) to invest as much time as humanly possible into endless speculation, intellectual pablum, and infantile drivel. Focus as best you are able, into studying a retired radio host, down to the molecular level if you can. Scan every electromagnetic spectrum you can looking for signs that a retired radio host might be conspiring to start a new show. By focusing your efforts as tight as a laser beam, you might then win a Darwin Award, thereby allowing the rest of us to preserve our freedoms and liberties by being involved in real life.

Consider: haloperidol 5mg TID and therapy.


Hugs and kisses to you, HAL 9000.  I appreciate your warm welcome.  Even though I don't know you at all, I proudly wear your derision and insults as a badge of honor.  ;)


Quote from: HAL 9000 on January 04, 2011, 04:11:55 PM

I encourage you (plural) to invest as much time as humanly possible into endless speculation, intellectual pablum, and infantile drivel. Focus as best you are able, into studying a retired radio host, down to the molecular level if you can. Scan every electromagnetic spectrum you can looking for signs that a retired radio host might be conspiring to start a new show. By focusing your efforts as tight as a laser beam, you might then win a Darwin Award, thereby allowing the rest of us to preserve our freedoms and liberties by being involved in real life.

Consider: haloperidol 5mg TID and therapy.

As long as we're being childish now... it takes one to know one.

Or how about.... "I know you are, what am I?"


I have been reading this thread with much enjoyment and entertainment.  I have gained five pounds and pushed my HBSC creditcard over the limit buying snacks.

I see two possible outcomes to this both based on the Hamcam, that is very symbolic.

1.  Fade out, there is a ship adrift at sea.  The wind no longer blows.  An Arkansas starling circles the crow's nest and then falls into the sea.  The End.

2.  Fade out, the webcam shot of Art and his family along with the seal.  The seal is now clapping.  Noory voice over:  He is winding down. . he is winding down, follks.  The End.   

In my opinion, these scenario's seem as likely as anything based upon the speculation.


i can see why you young'uns like Ian, he has two teenaged boys, and he's playful with the young, he makes me think of my 30-something daughter.  As far as art or george n. leaving for good, they damn well better not, us "boomers" will be booming all over Preimeir. I've called in twice and got right in first try both tyimes, i'm gonna call in tonite, and if i can't find out what i want that way, i got a son, a daughter, an ex-husband and an ex-boyfriend who are HAMS, i'll be all over them like white on rice till i get to the bottom.  my kids don't wanna make mamma mad! >:(


Quote from: HAL 9000 on January 04, 2011, 04:11:55 PM
Where in God's name are you coming up with this nonsensical bullshit? On what factual basis can you possibly say that, "Art has, by his choice, had virtually no contact with any of these people for a very long time." (Brad Steiger, Karen Jackson and Whitley Strieber}

There is no factual basis for your statement(s) because you are wrong. I verified that almost 2 weeks ago now, when I phoned Karen Jackson and emailed her, and received a quick response the following day. She HAS been in contact with Mr. Bell - RECENTLY. I did not name her as the source, for precisely all the reasons this thread has exemplified - that 87,000 assholes would immediately start phoning and emailing her after I made my post, to verify what I announced.

As it turns out, rather than accepting my accounting of events, 87,000 assholes have indeed tried to contact Karen, and she now is quiet on the matter. Do you suppose it's because she has a business to run and a life to live? I'll let your (plural) collective genius figure out why she stopped answering questions.

The original message from Mr. Bell, in the form of a webcam screenshot, did NOT appear first on hamcams.com. When I first saw the picture I was suspicious, as 320x240 pixels is an unusually small size. Upon further research, I dug through the source code, and found the original link was being "hidden" and hamcams.com was not the source. The file was being hosted on KNYE.com's website, where I found the original picture sent by Art in 640x480 resolution. The day after I posted that I received an email confirming Art would no longer be doing c2c, the picture Art sent was taken down from the KNYE website. I left Ms. Jackson's name out of my post precisely to protect her from morons calling/emailing and bothering her.

I encourage you (plural) to invest as much time as humanly possible into endless speculation, intellectual pablum, and infantile drivel. Focus as best you are able, into studying a retired radio host, down to the molecular level if you can. Scan every electromagnetic spectrum you can looking for signs that a retired radio host might be conspiring to start a new show. By focusing your efforts as tight as a laser beam, you might then win a Darwin Award, thereby allowing the rest of us to preserve our freedoms and liberties by being involved in real life.

Consider: haloperidol 5mg TID and therapy.

Atomic Bomb Explosion


Quote from: MV on January 04, 2011, 08:00:05 PM

You're not really rolling on the floor. How do I know?


That is all. Resume thread.


To WestBorder & Others:
WestBorder I find myself in total agreement with your statement. Sadly that does not bring Art Bell into our radios at night as we all would wish! Perhaps I'm being selfish for asking for a voice in the night that agrees with my moral philosophy of life as much as Art did. George Noory squandered in my eyes his moral authority to broadcast the way he handled the Michael Jackson death! He spent 2 hours eulogizing him, on a show that did not allow equal time by authority of George's orders to the Call Screener to those who wished to speak about Jackson's crimes against children! Simply said George has never allowed the Survivor Community to respond to his actions. I spoke to Lisa Lyon at the time by phone at the Grants Pass, Oregon HQ of Premire. Lisa told me that George threatened to cancel that night's show had he not been allowed to do the tribute in the way he did! Late night host Jim Bohannon criticized George for the way he did that show. I am a member of a media monitor organization working to provide approprite information about the Adult Survivors Of Child Abuse be carried in the media, including talk radio. There is a huge black hole left without a kind, caring voice on the radio late night for the sleepless nights we sometimes face. Since then I've only listened to those Coast shows with the Star Guests from the Art Bell era; Whitley Strieber, Richard C. Hoagland, Graham Hancock, Linda Moulton Howe, and that catagory of guest. Art Bell filled a gap from the departure of my last Late-Night Saint, a man by the name of Herb Jepko, you see beginning with my teens I was a Nitecap and proud of it! Herb was a Child Abuse Survivor like me, and in the way Art refered to his parent, possibly was one himself. Perhaps I need to understand that I'm in another interegnumn of no voice for me on late night radio like it was from 1982 until 1990 or so! I need to be healthy about it, and allow Art the freedom he has never enjoyed, and with it finding my romantic freedom in the process!


Got a question! Is HAL-9000 caller J.C.? "How dare you Mr. Bell, how dare you Mr. Noory"

Quote from: HAL 9000 on January 04, 2011, 04:11:55 PM
Where in God's name are you coming up with this nonsensical bullshit? On what factual basis can you possibly say that, "Art has, by his choice, had virtually no contact with any of these people for a very long time." (Brad Steiger, Karen Jackson and Whitley Strieber}

There is no factual basis for your statement(s) because you are wrong. I verified that almost 2 weeks ago now, when I phoned Karen Jackson and emailed her, and received a quick response the following day. She HAS been in contact with Mr. Bell - RECENTLY. I did not name her as the source, for precisely all the reasons this thread has exemplified - that 87,000 assholes would immediately start phoning and emailing her after I made my post, to verify what I announced.

As it turns out, rather than accepting my accounting of events, 87,000 assholes have indeed tried to contact Karen, and she now is quiet on the matter. Do you suppose it's because she has a business to run and a life to live? I'll let your (plural) collective genius figure out why she stopped answering questions.

The original message from Mr. Bell, in the form of a webcam screenshot, did NOT appear first on hamcams.com. When I first saw the picture I was suspicious, as 320x240 pixels is an unusually small size. Upon further research, I dug through the source code, and found the original link was being "hidden" and hamcams.com was not the source. The file was being hosted on KNYE.com's website, where I found the original picture sent by Art in 640x480 resolution. The day after I posted that I received an email confirming Art would no longer be doing c2c, the picture Art sent was taken down from the KNYE website. I left Ms. Jackson's name out of my post precisely to protect her from morons calling/emailing and bothering her.

I encourage you (plural) to invest as much time as humanly possible into endless speculation, intellectual pablum, and infantile drivel. Focus as best you are able, into studying a retired radio host, down to the molecular level if you can. Scan every electromagnetic spectrum you can looking for signs that a retired radio host might be conspiring to start a new show. By focusing your efforts as tight as a laser beam, you might then win a Darwin Award, thereby allowing the rest of us to preserve our freedoms and liberties by being involved in real life.

Consider: haloperidol 5mg TID and therapy.

How profound?! An example of an articulate intellect or the inverse of the 87K so affectionately cast into one ASSuming bucket?  You make the call CG nation.


Almost 3 weeks since this all started and still no offical word from ART.  makes you wonder if its all been worth it.


Quote from: NIN on January 04, 2011, 09:21:22 PM
Almost 3 weeks since this all started and still no offical word from ART.  makes you wonder if its all been worth it.

No news is good news :fingerscrossed:




Quote from: Fort Rock on January 05, 2011, 12:17:57 AM



Wouldn't it be great if the Coast shows were as interesting as this thread? (Pass the popcorn, I'm turning down the radio....)

I've been trying to get to bottom of my anger. Peeling back many layers, I was startled to find that I'm angry that George Noory forces me to hear only his opinion.  THAT's what really bothers me--the non sequitors, the circular comments, those are annoying, but barring alternative viewpoints is blasphemy to the whole mission of C2C.  As I mentioned earlier, in some cosmic irony, the show that hammered the establishment for transparency has itself become tight-lipped and opaque, moving silently and without explanation to change things without notification or remark. 

This taks place within cult religions (Mormons, Jehovah Witness, Scientology, etc.) and corrupt governments because they have no respect for those they control.  It is disheartening to find that your light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel, your one true voice in the night, has become the enemy. 

I am angry because I thought Coast-2-Coast valued the listeners.  I guess right along with accepting the gropes of TSA and cameras on every street corner, we will accept the right of station management to screen the callers down to the point at which I turned it off a few nights ago: "I just called to say how much I love my grandchildren.  You have grandchildren too, don't you Mr. Noory?" 

(hands raised, running) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Yeah, we already saw this when our hero, Donald Sutherland, did the pod-scream at the end of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."


HAL 9000

Quote from: anagrammy on January 05, 2011, 02:50:02 AM ...at which I turned it (radio) off a few nights ago...
Sounds like you entered a temporary state of Noorvana[/b]. The goal, of course, is to make it a permanent condition.

*passes titanic tub of popcorn to Anagrammy*

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