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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


This affiliate PR campaign is so grassroots! Love it!


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 03, 2015, 05:38:47 PM
She is cute.  Who's the woman holding her?

If I'm not mistaken he... Tigger, is being held by Asia Carrera.


I don't call people nigger because they may well be able to beat me up, but fag... come on, I can win that one hands down.


Quote from: aldousburbank on June 03, 2015, 08:18:11 PM
As a pretentious dipshit, I feel denigrated. Hater.
And as a Hater, I feel, well,...hated.  Haterz!


I sent an email to the program director of a group of local stations (fm and am) WIOO here in South Central PA. I made it simple, just dropping Art's name, C2C, and Rowland's terrestrial affiliate info link.

Those stations seem to be the only independent ones in the area.

If they were smart, they'd check it out.


Quote from: zeebo on June 03, 2015, 07:44:37 PM
I won't name names but a few participants in last nite's gabcast chat were making similar inappropriate requests.  Guys, Redacted has a nice voice and an engaging personality.  Deal with it.

Thanks zeebo, this reminded me.
Since I can't request photos of (Redacted), because that would be uncool apparently.

Dear, Redacted please send me nude videos of yourself ASAP please.
No autographs necessary.
However feel free to tell me how despicable I am, as the cam roves over your nude torso.
Thanks in advance. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge!     8)


Quote from: jazmunda on May 08, 2015, 05:10:38 PM
Dave must be sitting bricks.

Life is wonderful again.

Balance is restored.

No virgins were sacrificed .... Yet.

We couldn't find any virgins to sacrifice amoungst this croud.


Quote from: Catsmile on June 03, 2015, 08:41:10 PM
Thanks zeebo, this reminded me.
Since I can't request photos of (Redacted), because that would be uncool apparently.

Dear, Redacted please send me nude videos of yourself ASAP please.
No autographs necessary.
However feel free to tell me how despicable I am, as the cam roves over your nude torso.
Thanks in advance. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge!     8)

The entire Internet just cringed.


Quote from: IcicleTrepan on June 03, 2015, 08:44:32 PM
The entire Internet just cringed.

Why? Do you think Redacted is that unattractive?
How judgmental...


Quote from: twiki on June 03, 2015, 07:24:22 PM
That's so creepy dude. Even for a troll like you.

You shouldn't be soliciting pictures of someone on a forum.

Oh god help me.. Ms Redacted is about to cross over from being a 'forum' private person to a public celebrity.. . I'm playing the part of a creepy fan, that's enamored by a soon to be public person.
She knows her life is about to change.
I hope she get a small laugh, now or someday in future when she thinks back to her first pretend creepy fan.

Hey Art, can you please send me your first signed publicity photo of you and Ms Redacted together.
Oh yeah, Art don't fall that crap and let MV mow your lawn. If your lawn needs mowing I'll send my crew out on private jet with all expensive paid to get the job done. And Art do think maybe I could sit in on a broadcast, someday? Picture of you and me together, pretending to mow your lawn, would be cool too.


the last 10 pages mostly infighting. noory won that round.


Quote from: wotr1 on June 03, 2015, 07:29:14 PM
Earlier on he was soliciting for people to send his pictures to... I declined knowing full well that they would involve full frontal nudity.

Yeah right... Get your facts right please. I was soliciting a picture of you to hang on my wall of dummies, special edition collection. Please forward, ASAP you got my numbers sweetheart.

Ok enough from me tonight, Nighty nite all, better tomorrows.


I've also sent a couple emails to some local stations, but no word yet. Will call tomorrow instead.


Quote from: IcicleTrepan on June 03, 2015, 08:44:32 PM
The entire Internet just cringed.
Oh, it has the makings to be amusing.  If I were redacted, he would either receive:

1. A picture of a well known porn star.
2. A picture of an old "hag." (hope that word is not offensive.)
3. Get coaster to photoshop gnoory's face on a porn stars body.
4. Get coast to photo shop Gnoory's face on a male porn stars body and claim the operation was not completed yet (ala Bruce Joinner.)

Worrying about a well know troll lightly trolling is not like this place... Has something changed?  (I'm sure Red can take care of herself.)


Quote from: onan on June 03, 2015, 08:28:04 PM
I don't call people nigger because they may well be able to beat me up, but fag... come on, I can win that one hands down.



Quote from: WhiteCrow on June 03, 2015, 08:58:32 PM
Yeah right... Get your facts right please. I was soliciting a picture of you to hang on my wall of dummies, special edition collection. Please forward, ASAP you got my numbers sweetheart.
Coaster?  You available for a little photo shop consultation?  Just make it a well known gay male porn star so that we keep the theme of the night going, O.K? ;)


Quote from: sydtron on June 03, 2015, 05:57:27 PM
Dude! If you are calling stations across the U.S.A.  get in touch with. WSAL AM 1230.
I tried there but got a. "I'll check it out"  and "ive heard of that show"
O RLY?? lol.  I want it in my hometown!  Might be a tough nut to crack, they play  40's ballroom music at night.....

wow that's a rare one!  i'll have to check that out


Quote from: Catsmile on June 03, 2015, 08:41:10 PM
Thanks zeebo, this reminded me.
Since I can't request photos of (Redacted), because that would be uncool apparently.

Dear, Redacted please send me nude videos of yourself ASAP please.
No autographs necessary.
However feel free to tell me how despicable I am, as the cam roves over your nude torso.
Thanks in advance. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge!     8)

Sorry but I'm done grading posts for the night, oh hell,  you managed to out-creep me out  :-* :-* :-* :-*


For gods sakes all the P.C. word bullshit.

What if I wanted to exterminate a group of people for their race, gender, religion, DNA?
What if I wanted to exterminate a plant, or group of plants?
What if I wanted to exterminate the Alexandria Library?
What if I wanted to exterminate books?
What if I wanted to exterminate... words?

Exterminate genocide in all it's forms instead.
Fuck the Dark Ages mindset.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on June 03, 2015, 04:13:00 PM
Sadly no. While David Brin might be considered the Art Bell of science fiction writers, I would be the George Noory.
For some reason, I thought you might be the Shecky Green of SciFi.

"Shecky, get the jet!"


Quote from: Khameleon808 on June 03, 2015, 04:19:15 PM
KMUD 90.3FM  confirmed.  Woman named Cynthia will be in touch. :)  Had to flirt a bit with that one :P

And just got off the phone with Mark at KCAA 1050 AM
He's interested to the point I didnt have to email him the links, he was on Art's page very quickly.  So I'd say he's on board.  :)

You beautiful son of a bitch.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on June 03, 2015, 04:44:03 PM
^^^^ IMHO...some members of  Bellgab are too into, group think consensus mentality.
What is amusing is that they truly believe they are enlightened thinkers, but have only replaced old prejudices with new and different ones.

Christianity bad, fags good, Dave bad, Art good, Falkie bad, paranormal good, common sense bad.
Trolling bad, party-speak dopes good. Etc. 

The way of the world, always entertaining :)

Double plus good anal-ysis.


Quote from: Catsmile on June 03, 2015, 09:10:10 PM
For gods sakes all the P.C. word bullshit.

What if I wanted to exterminate a group of people for their race, gender, religion, DNA?
What if I wanted to exterminate a plant, or group of plants?
What if I wanted to exterminate the Alexandria Library?
What if I wanted to exterminate books?
What if I wanted to exterminate... words?

Exterminate genocide in all it's forms instead.
Fuck the Dark Ages mindset.

lol Just a little concerned with you using the word 'exterminate' so much. Sounds like a direct quote from one of Hitler's speeches or something.

Funny how you went there.


Quote from: PathoJen on June 03, 2015, 04:43:46 PM
Does Jamundo sleep while we are having all of this fun?

heh heh


Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on June 03, 2015, 05:09:15 PM
Also just sent an e-mail to CKNW 980 Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned that I will become a listener again if MITD is brought on board ....

Fell all over themselves, did they?


Quote from: WhiteCrow on June 03, 2015, 04:51:02 PM
I don't what you were referring too. Has something to do with protecting your neck from an Arab slitting your throat???

That would be it.


Quote from: wotr1 on June 03, 2015, 09:03:00 PM
Oh, it has the makings to be amusing.  If I were redacted, he would either receive:

1. A picture of a well known porn star.
2. A picture of an old "hag." (hope that word is not offensive.)
3. Get coaster to photoshop gnoory's face on a porn stars body.
4. Get coast to photo shop Gnoory's face on a male porn stars body and claim the operation was not completed yet (ala Bruce Joinner.)

Worrying about a well know troll lightly trolling is not like this place... Has something changed?  (I'm sure Red can take care of herself.)

I agree lots of faggotry going on today... oh the butthurt.
Who salted all these folks lube?
Cause theyz lots of burning happeen.
TaintCo to the rescue!


Quote from: WhiteCrow on June 03, 2015, 05:17:51 PM
Because I'm now officially on Coaster's ignore list, maybe someone can quote this for him :)

Coaster you always come up with best 'timely' avatars.
Ask and you shall receive.


AM 740 CFZM should carry it, they have quite a good signal


Quote from: Art Bell on June 03, 2015, 05:20:11 PM
First I want to thank those of you who are calling stations, I do not think this has in the History of radio ever happened, to start adding like this even before the show is on the air!

Second, nobody pays anybody but of course with enough stations any commercials run become worth more. Again thank you.

I'm gathering the home addresses of the program directors off of my brothers KDT in his black and white. 

I'll be making a few visits.

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