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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


MV, pls pm me bout the re a son that your site is running so crappily today.  Oh wait.  I don't do pm's


Quote from: laserjock on March 30, 2015, 05:58:26 PM
MV, are you under a DNS attack?  Pages not loading or taking a very long time to load.
I wonder if a certain paralegal and large media company, that is hemorrhaging money, and going after relatively less-than-well-known internet streaming sites, has decided to focus their ire on Bellgab and is causing the slow-load times, the "SMP Server" issues, etc?


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on March 30, 2015, 05:26:59 PM
Someone is doing something huge on the internet. Some giant computation sucking up bandwidth.
where ever there is suck, there is dave.

Art Bell

MV, is the site under a ping attack? It sure is acting that way. You might have your provider take a look at where the hit are coming from. I say this because it seems to come and go a bit.


Seriously think Tommy sat on a server because Bellgab is slooooow


Davebots are everywhere!


Quote from: paladin1991 on March 30, 2015, 06:28:45 PM
MV, pls pm me bout the re a son that your site is running so crappily today.  Oh wait.  I don't do pm's

I am not sure if MV is using Hostgator but I think he is and if so, I can attest to the company's problems providing consistent service to some accounts. I had to leave Hostgator hosting due to constant failures of the server my website occupied. Here's hoping that you don't stress out and don't have to spend a lot of time and effort to resolve the bellgab service issues before Art's Big Announcement this week!


this site is slower than Tommy on a treadmill.


Quote from: coaster on March 30, 2015, 07:00:42 PM
this site is slower than Tommy on a treadmill.
So its not just me.....


Quote from: smithy on March 30, 2015, 06:48:40 PM
I am not sure if MV is using Hostgator but I think he is and if so, I can attest to the company's problems providing consistent service to some accounts. I had to leave Hostgator hosting due to constant failures of the server my website occupied. Here's hoping that you don't stress out and don't have to spend a lot of time and effort to resolve the bellgab service issues before Art's Big Announcement this week!

I can't see hostgator doing much more than shrugging. At least it's not as bad as how godaddy treats database customers, unless they pulled their shit together lately.


Quote from: rzr1911 on March 30, 2015, 04:52:59 PM
seriously? that's because you OWN this forum and people like to kiss your feet. I try to avoid talking politics and conspiracy here, I've seen how this always turns into a shitstorm of personal insults from people who are unable and unwilling  to change their perspective.

PS. Forum is super laggy again

i was joking. jesus. you're about as fun as ball cancer.

Quote from: inuk2600 on March 30, 2015, 07:07:17 PM
I can't see hostgator doing much more than shrugging. At least it's not as bad as how godaddy treats database customers, unless they pulled their shit together lately.

I was listening to Leo LaPorte (tech radio guy) today and he never recommends GoDaddy. Doesn't like them at all.


Quote from: MV on March 30, 2015, 07:13:39 PM
i was joking.

Of course you were joking. Even Jesus doesn't have an 88% conversion rate.



Quote from: Art Bell on March 30, 2015, 06:36:47 PM
MV, is the site under a ping attack? It sure is acting that way. You might have your provider take a look at where the hit are coming from. I say this because it seems to come and go a bit.


at this time, i'm not sure what the problem is.  i have a support ticket in with hostgator which was submitted yesterday.  however, they have not yet responded to the ticket because, well, they are an atrocious hosting company.  it wasn't always like this, though.  i used to recommend hostgator to my friends, customers... anybody who would listen.  unfortunately, they were bought out by a much larger company two or three years ago, and the concensus seems to be that they've imploded ever since.

these problems will soon be entirely forgotten, though.  i've purchased a VPS with dedicated hardware resources through a company called sparknode, and we'll be migrating the forum to that very soon.  things will be very snappy once that's completed.


I dont see any significant speed reductions on this site from East of the Rockies. I will say, however, the entire internet (that I see) is a bit slower than ususal. I log on often


Quote from: nika01 on March 30, 2015, 07:36:59 PM
I dont see any significant speed reductions on this site from East of the Rockies. I will say, however, the entire internet (that I see) is a bit slower than ususal. I log on often

you know, i will say i've been noticing a wide array of websites running poorly recently from both my home and office internet connections.  it seems like the network is taking a big dump somewhere and has been for at least 2 or 3 days.

i'm on the phone right now with hostgator support.  "we are experiencing higher than normal call volume."  what's that tell you?  bellgab is not alone.


So, about the earthquakes and the Phils, there were 3 4.8s on Mindanao, and a 5.1 in Bohol, which is fairly close to Cebu.  My gal's house is built up against the barangay firewall, a tall cement wall, and if that wall comes down, well.  Thats why I was troubled last night, sorry to bother everyone with it, but Art knows about earthquakes because he lived in Manila.  He probably also knows about the firewalls they have (houses there are mere feet apart, like 3 feet sometimes).

Anyways, all is good and now my focus is supporting MV so he can keep the site up!  Great news about the site move, sir!  It's sad how big corporations take over businesses and ruin them, it's one reason I changed my viewpoint politically.  I work for a corporation that sucks, I was out from work for a few months due to injury and surgery, and I still haven't been paid for time worked upon returning, and it's a month or so later.

Eddie Coyle

  I love the "Noory/PremRat being behind this" theories.

  So they fuck up every other endeavor, but succeed in this? Please, if they were playing games here, the site would be accessed with a heretofore unknown rate of celerity.


Quote from: MV on March 30, 2015, 07:13:39 PM
i was joking. jesus. you're about as fun as ball cancer.
thank you. I try to avoid being funny as much as possible. It's the same problem with politics and conspiracy - most people are captured in a small fun box, unable to enjoy jokes that don't fit inside.

Art Bell

Now suddenly it is better for the moment, that is what a DOS attack looks like. Usually if it is a server problem it stays slow till fixed. However anything is possible on the Internet. Our provider here has had attacks from China just because somebody got into a fight on a board and said something that provoked them.



Sometimes I think, why not just disconnect all of China and Russia from our web somehow, since they are experts in doing anti useful things these days...


Quote from: Art Bell on March 30, 2015, 07:58:52 PM
Now suddenly it is better for the moment, that is what a DOS attack looks like. Usually if it is a server problem it stays slow till fixed. However anything is possible on the Internet. Our provider here has had attacks from China just because somebody got into a fight on a board and said something that provoked them.


surely they must have systems in place to automatically detect and ban ip addresses that participate in a dos or ddos attack though.  i can't see anything suspicious in the error log...

Sorry. The data-lag is my fault. All the hot and heavy posting and reading activity going on in my All Things Meteorological thread is creating the resource drainage.

All Things Meteorological

Again. I'm sorry as blue ball lightning about it.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 30, 2015, 07:58:52 PM
Now suddenly it is better for the moment, that is what a DOS attack looks like. Usually if it is a server problem it stays slow till fixed. However anything is possible on the Internet. Our provider here has had attacks from China just because somebody got into a fight on a board and said something that provoked them.


That would never happen on BellGab.  We're all civil here.

Heather Wade

Quote from: MV on March 30, 2015, 08:07:16 PM
i can't see anything suspicious in the error log...

That's good news.  Knew you were on this.  Hope your junk is hanging comfortably.  Yeah, I said that to make us both uncomfortable.   8)


Quote from: (Redacted) on March 30, 2015, 08:29:20 PM
Yeah, I said that to make us both uncomfortable.   8)

made me feel right at home.  smooch!

Quote from: (Redacted) on March 30, 2015, 08:29:20 PM
That's good news.  Knew you were on this.  Hope your junk is hanging comfortably.  Yeah, I said that to make us both uncomfortable.   8)

Quote from: MV on March 30, 2015, 08:45:07 PM
made me feel right at home.  smooch!

Christ on a dedicated server. Get a room, you two!


Maybe we should post something positive about Russia and China. Chinese food is great. I need help on Russia--I can't think of anything off hand.


Quote from: Zenman on March 30, 2015, 08:48:19 PM
Maybe we should post something positive about Russia and China. Chinese food is great. I need help on Russia--I can't think of anything off hand.


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