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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


I had a Catholic Priest tell me a story once that was floating around amongst the clergyman.  It had to do with a priest that tried to use a Ouija board.  The people in the room were like, why isn't this thing working like usual.  They asked the question "Why isn't this working?"  A quiet whisp filled the room.  Then a unknown force spelled out the word priesthood. 


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 02:29:53 PM
Good try, never anywhere.


I'm disappointed that we don't get to hear it, but I respect your decision.  I'm sure you have good reason not to share it.  If it disturbs you enough to not want to share it, then it must be a real doozy! 


Quote from: MV on March 25, 2015, 02:52:05 PM
I'm sure Art stays up at night worrying about your opinion. /sarcasm
the comment triggered 2 pages of ufo/paranormal talk. one can't ask for more.


Art having you been following the Robert Durst story? Have you seen the HBO series about it called the Jinx?

He would make for one super creepy interview.

Skunk Ape

Quote from: SaucyRossy on March 25, 2015, 04:04:58 PM
Art having you been following the Robert Durst story? Have you seen the HBO series about it called the Jinx?

He would make for one super creepy interview.

I think the Galveston detective with the biker mustache would be great too.


Quote from: jazmunda on March 24, 2015, 08:45:34 PM
Stay tuned for little Jazmunda's "This is White Crow" impression.

One of you smart guys, should edit together the Gabcasters' different "This is White Crow" impressions and intersperse sections of my goofy calls. Got'a be a good 30 seconds of ROFLMAO material there.

Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 12:24:20 PM
I have no idea what it was, I do know what it was NOT, the Air Force said it was a C130 on a secret mission over our valley. LOL


Aside from my serious theories about what Art saw as being possibly a "smart skinned" carbon fiber rigid dirigible capable of transporting, deploying, and refueling VTOL aircraft (that is to say, truly an "aircraft carrier aircraft") ...

((Look! helicopters are coming out of that black triangle's center hole...))

My next best guess is that it is Paul from the future and he was/will be operating absolutely one hell of a time travel capable drone and was/will be messing with Art. Heh.

Pale Horse

Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 02:29:53 PM
Good try, never anywhere.


It's too late for that... someone leaked your story, and already made a movie based on it.

Ouija Official Trailer #1 (2014) HD

Art Bell's Ouija Board Express!


Today's fun radio facts:

QuoteOn March 5th, John “Tony Robbins” Dickey sold 100,000 shares of his beloved Cumulus stock at $3.02 and in spite of the concerted trade press cheerleading and considering he lost 99 cents in less than a month, John sold.

J.P. Hannan, the company’s SVP, Treasurer and CFO must have known when to hit the exit as well. He followed Mr. Warmth by selling 75,649 shares the next day for about $3 a share.

Then John Dickey sold another 25,000 shares on March 12th at $3 a share. I know, let’s see â€" he needs the money to build a house. Yeah, that’s it.

Keep in mind that the pitiful current share price over $2.73 a share is five years into a bull market proving once again that there is a big difference between a bull market and a bullshit market.


Art, back in the 90's, I think July of 96 actually, I witness a cluster of foo fighters or something, about 20 or so things scooting around almost like metal flakes in the wind, at 12 o'clock high, in Tucson at around 2 PM, and the same exact thing a day later.  The cluster were zipping around each other like they were milling about, and the entire cluster as a whole was drifting across the sky.  I was with someone else and he had served in the Air Force in WWII and he said he didn't think it could be anything we flew at the time, but who knows.

Then 2 years ago here in CT I witnessed a red ball floating across the twight sky an early late summer evening with my sister.  I told her I thought it might be a Chinese lantern, but if it wasn't, HMM...  All three incidents were totally silent.  The Arizona sightings were at some incredibly high elevation, maybe higher than 50,000 feet?

Quote from: VegasI15 on March 25, 2015, 03:00:06 PM
I had a Catholic Priest tell me a story once that was floating around amongst the clergyman.  It had to do with a priest that tried to use a Ouija board.  The people in the room were like, why isn't this thing working like usual.  They asked the question "Why isn't this working?"  A quiet whisp filled the room.  Then a unknown force spelled out the word priesthood.

When I was a kid around 14 or so, my friends and I used a Ouija board. After we sat down, pulled the curtains and the pointer started answering questions and spelling out the name of whoever we were supposed to be contacting, the family dog started running around in circles, looking at the ceiling and barking at nothing. I won't bore anyone with the details but we freaked out and after a lot of discussion, rang the doorbell of the nearest rectory, all of us being recent graduates of the attached Catholic school. The priest told us to throw that thing away and never use it again. I still can't decide if he was trying not to laugh at four silly teenage girls or was deeply concerned for our spiritual welfare, but that was the end of our experimentation.

Heather Wade

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on March 25, 2015, 01:08:14 AM

The return of Art Bell, The X-Files, and Twin Peaks.

Someone just kill me now so I can die while in a happy mood. Please.

Can't kill you until after the new Danzig album comes out, for maximum happy.

Art Bell

There is simply no question about it AM radio is in big trouble, FM will be next. Many times when a big change is under way the players involved just do not see it. It is now moving at a fast pace. Internet is already going into new cars. Why should anybody sit at home trying to listen to a Talk Show coming and going through crackles and fading when they can click a app on a phone put on headphones and listen to crystal clear audio in Stereo?

I have a very strong emotional attachment for Radio but I also can very clearly see where it is all going and fast. If I had shares in one of the big company's that had bought stations all over the country I would dump them quickly as people seem to be doing.

Think about it, I can potentially reach even more people on the Internet Worldwide then 600 radio stations can. I understand it will take some education before the change is complete but I hope to be the first to truly make the point, new stuff is sooo much fun!



Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 01:54:02 PM
Well I think I had a OBE that was wonderful, fast and scared the hell out of me. We ( Ramona and me) had two sightings, one far away and one REAL close. I did once have what I thought was precognition. For my life, that's it.


Art, here is an interesting precognition story of mine:

I had a dream one night in late 2008 in which a friend of mine' house was on fire.  In the dream, his father (whom I was rather close to) died in the fire.  The dream then continued in a local church where I was talking to his widow at a table filled with food.  I woke up feeling relief that it had only been a dream, with the idea that I should spend more time with the guy as I had been busy with other things lately.  I didnt really follow up on that. 

In February 2009 this man died in that very house, but the house did not catch fire.  He died of a heart attack quite suddenly.  At the wake I did talk to his widow and she was standing behind a table filled with baked goods for the mourners. 

To add to this, that day I was waiting in the car outside our local coffee shop and On the floor of the vacant seat next to me there started a noise.  I swear that it sounded just like a heart beat being tapped out under the floor of the car.  Never heard any car make this noise before or since.


Art, I couldn't agree more. I like to collect radios. when I go to a flea market I can never pass an old trans oceanic radio or a multi band radio without checking it out. My favorite is a General Electric 10 band radio from the 1970's. I had great time tuning in radio shows and listening to police calls. These radios are still out there on Ebay which is were I bought one. It's sad but yes AM radio is fading away. FM will be next. There's nothing good to listen to anymore, anyway.

NOW the Ipod is my new transistor radio. Listing to the Dark Matter Radio Network as I type this. I use Tunein to listen but I recently discovered Stitcher. This IS the new radio. Looking forward to 'Midnight in the Desert'!

Art Bell

In this change that is under way there are Billions and Billions of dollars (sounds like Carl huh?) at risk. Perhaps I should be concerned for my safety (lol) but if not me there will be many others coming quickly. Once the Talent moves, so will the listener's, and they will be able to do it without doing anything like buying some new product because they already have it.



Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 07:45:07 PM
In this change that is under way there are Billions and Billions of dollars (sounds like Carl huh?) at risk. Perhaps I should be concerned for my safety (lol) but if not me there will be many others coming quickly. Once the Talent moves, so will the listener's, and they will be able to do it without doing anything like buying some new product because they already have it.


Quote from: (Redacted) on March 25, 2015, 06:50:46 PM
Can't kill you until after the new Danzig album comes out, for maximum happy.

Reluctantly agree. I need maximum happy. But I want you immediately at the ready when Danzig 10 breaks into our brane.


Could have easily pulled a " thats what she said" outta there too


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 07:45:07 PM
In this change that is under way there are Billions and Billions of dollars (sounds like Carl huh?) at risk. Perhaps I should be concerned for my safety (lol) but if not me there will be many others coming quickly. Once the Talent moves, so will the listener's, and they will be able to do it without doing anything like buying some new product because they already have it.

Wink wink, nod nod


Yes Art I agree with you 100% My dad was a radioman in the Navy, And a Ham. The book "Today I am a Ham" was written by my aunt about my Dad and my Uncle Wayne's experience setting up their radio and getting their license. Listened to AM hosts my grandpa  used to pester when he called in. Also to CBS Mystery Theater in the 70's. I guess that put me in the mood to listen to your show in the mid 80's when your broadcast was local in Vegas. It was night patrol in the High Desert back when Durango was mainly a gravel road.
Had RS pocket radios, Monkey Ward Airline multiband radios, and even a Panasonic AM/FM clock radio with hands on a dial.
But I have switched over to satellite and internet radio in the car and at home. Between the endless political mudslinging ever 2 years, and the corporate take over of local stations, broadcast sucks! It's going the way of landline phones and cable TV.  Plus I have more than enough of your old shows on a thumbdrive which I can plug into the USB port in the truck. I keep having to clone it though, once the folks I work with hear your old shows they don't want to listen to the "St. Louis Sloth" anymore! ;D
So wherever you broadcast your show on I'll be listening! ;)

Heather Wade

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on March 25, 2015, 07:47:56 PM
Reluctantly agree. I need maximum happy. But I want you immediately at the ready when Danzig 10 breaks into our brane.

I'll have my people pencil you in.   ;D  You're a trip & don't ever change.


The thing is- way back when, FM was the New Thing. Go back further and it was AM.

Going to a live internet broadcast will simply be another "band" we think of in years to come.

I agree with you, Art. You're riding the next wave. And we're happy to join you.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 07:08:16 PM

Think about it, I can potentially reach even more people on the Internet Worldwide then 600 radio stations can. I understand it will take some education before the change is complete but I hope to be the first to truly make the point, new stuff is sooo much fun!


I just updated to the Real Player G2 in preparation for things.   ;D 8)

Art Bell

Quote from: dan7800 on March 25, 2015, 07:58:53 PM
I just updated to the Real Player G2 in preparation for things.   ;D 8)

You won't need it.



Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 02:29:53 PM
Good try, never anywhere.

Art's Ouija Board secret story is more secret than the 3rd secret of Fatima!  ;)

Art Bell

Funny you should mention the 3rd Secret, I know a bit about that as well and can not speak of it.



Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 08:05:57 PM
Funny you should mention the 3rd Secret, I know a bit about that as well and can not speak of it.



Ok I'm done. For now


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 08:05:57 PM
Funny you should mention the 3rd Secret, I know a bit about that as well and can not speak of it.


Father Malachai told you right???

Any other stories you can share about Malachai??

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